Watch this straight through, very cool concept of filming and story, how we follow everything the way that we do is just great.
Very good acting from the dad and the kid.
Watch this straight through, very cool concept of filming and story, how we follow everything the way that we do is just great.
Very good acting from the dad and the kid.
Crap, writing is shit, Ice Cube’s kid can’t act for shit… not all nepo babies are actually good, so give young actors a change!
Cinematography fantastic
Acting fantastic
Yes there are few similarities here and there from other films but don’t all movies have a bit of past movies?
Loved how de-saturated this film was, and cage acting!! Probably on his top 3 performances.
Is a good watch!
Very impressed by all the performances especially that kid from high school musical…. Which here looks like a gigantic fucking monster.
Even if you don’t really follow WWE(like me) this is really a must, very interesting story truly!!