

Favorite films

  • Dear Ex
  • The Legend of Hei

Recent activity

  • The Dark Crystal


  • Blade Runner 2049


  • Blade Runner


  • The Transformers: The Movie


Recent reviews

  • The Dark Crystal

    The Dark Crystal


    Well this sure is a 1990s fantasy movie <3 LOVED the puppets and art direction though my god... the world and costumes are gorgeous. Everytime there was a delightful critter or beast I was violently shaking my friend to look at them.

    Anyway Kira should've been the chosen one I would've lost my shit working together with Jan why'd the mystics set him up to be stupid as shit and unaware of everything ever </3 Fizzgig and Kira my MVPs

  • Blade Runner 2049

    Blade Runner 2049


    I literally only watched this for "you look lonely, I could fix that." I did NOT know what was going on half the time.

Popular reviews

  • The Transformers: The Movie

    The Transformers: The Movie


    I got flashbanged by the funniest damn coloring errors, this movie was such an experience to watch. I dream of the animation industry in America to go back to its 80s roots of doing whatever the hell they want bcs they're not paid enough for the crunch time they experienced (I'm lying.)

    Also genuinely for a transformer fan, its a fun exp some very cool visuals with Galvatron ofc the iconic megatron to galvatron transformation <3 Also watched this instead of star wars, like ok close enough died 19?? luke skywalker born hot rod 1986 welcome back luke skywalker.

  • Marry My Dead Body

    Marry My Dead Body


    funny as hell but mostly because I was watching w/ my friend who joins me on my "watch every gay taiwanese movie possible" journey.
