
Zaq Pro

Favorite films

  • Burning
  • Inside Llewyn Davis
  • The Passion of Joan of Arc
  • Begotten

Recent activity

  • Süss, the Jew


  • Forbidden Films


  • The Florida Project


  • Trolls


Recent reviews

  • Süss, the Jew

    Süss, the Jew


    Banned in Germany. One of forty from this period that are such. It is only shown in highly controlled public screenings where historical context and educational background are given.

    It goes without saying, or should, that this is a disgusting piece of film. So disgusting, that the director was the only one of his circle of propagandist colleagues to face trial during the Nuremberg Trials.

    When such a beautiful and technologically miraculous medium such as film exists, there is no other rating appropriate than that of the lowest when considering a movie that uses it for such vile and nefarious purposes.

  • Forbidden Films

    Forbidden Films


    The Third Reich's shape did not form immediately, as many like to forget. One scholar's perspective toward the end of the film really struck me. The German people of this era were not fed propaganda of gruesome violence but rather the subtle soothing of a certain moral conscience. As this scholar states, "The soothing was done by looking away, somewhere between not needing to know and not wanting to know."

    Haunting parallels--all I will say.

Popular reviews

  • Angels in the Snow

    Angels in the Snow


    Oh my god.

  • 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days

    4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days


    There’s a blanket of mutual discomfort over every conversation that takes place in this film. The silences, sometimes minutes on end, aren’t devoid of thematic richness. It is this astonishing effort by the filmmaker to place us in the heads of these characters, reflected on the faces of these terrific actors.

    Humanity is also a driving part of the film. There isn’t anything calculated, flawless, or sterile when it comes to the actions these characters commit. And it is this…