In a just and fair world, the 2015 Best Supporting Actor showdown would have been between John Cena in Sisters and Jason Statham in Spy.
This movie still rocks.
I feel like this is one of the more overlooked movies of the past few years. It borders on critical malpractice how this was pilloried when it’s an appealing, accessible satirical comedy that pivots into a sincere mother-daughter drama (that’s still pretty funny). I love how deftly it switches gears and Connelly’s performance is maybe my favorite of this entire half decade.
If the critics awards and Oscars weren’t so bound by which films can afford to send their stars…
Jeannie Berlin is like “What if Jill Clayburgh could conceivably take Roy Scheider in a fight?” I wish she had starred in fifty movies.
My pick for Edward Norton’s best performance. Would have absolutely given him the Oscar for this one. Also, the final dance number is a tearjerker now that Robin Williams is gone.