is it as good as the first: no
is my spirit animal an evil coconut: yes
This was good.
Great acting.
Excellent set that was in of itself agential.
Superb Vape than in of itself deserves an Oscar.
Visceral costuming that really matches the affect of the scenes.
Also how tf did the mic peeps get that thing up Fiennes nose. Incredible nasal audio throughout!
Fun political thriller that examines political ambition and it's consequences on the male psyche!
Some issues that do not detract from the overall enjoyment and entertainment quality of the movie. 🍒
"Code violation audible obscenity"
- me everytime pat and art didn't kiss but should've
Excellent soundtrack
Probably need more slo-mo in films
Challengers 2 pitch:
Art and Patrick live in a tuscan villa raising their throuple child together while playing extremely sweaty tennis on clay courts and having some good schivtz sessions
Zendaya also welcome