

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • Your Name.
  • Oldboy
  • Mary and Max

Recent activity

  • Charlie's Angels


  • Sleeping Beauty


  • Skyfall


  • Quantum of Solace


Recent reviews

  • Charlie's Angels

    Charlie's Angels


    This movie combines cultural stereotyping and feminism in a way that is kind of questionable but I think there is no other criticism that can ever be levelled at it.

    The music, styling, acting, action and plot are glorious and I just love it every time when women are friends.

    Great depiction of healthy relationships, both friendship and romantic, win.

  • Sleeping Beauty

    Sleeping Beauty


    The tagline for a movie has never been truer: "Wondrous to see, glorious to hear"

    The animation in this movie is nothing short of breath-taking, I am in love with Philip AND his dad, Maleficient is one of the best Disney villains to ever grace the screen (fight me), and Aurora is the cutest thing.

    No image shaped my 6 year old brain on what love looks like more than Aurora and Philip dancing in the clouds as her dress changes colour.

Popular reviews

  • My Fault

    My Fault


    “This is wrong, you’re my sister and you’re 17”
    “Then kiss me until I am 18”


  • The Graduate

    The Graduate


    The writing, performances and soundtrack of this movie are insanely good. 
    It is so incredibly clever and funny, a really wild ride but just so much fun. I get why it’s a classic.