
zenhen Pro

It’s people who complicate life. 
Life itself is surprisingly simple. 

Favorite films

  • Late Spring
  • Eyes Wide Shut
  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Recent activity

  • Bo Burnham: Inside

  • The Happiness of the Katakuris


  • Mary Queen of Scots


  • The Favourite


Recent reviews

  • The People's Joker

    The People's Joker


    what if the lady from Invisible Monsters produced the Tim and Eric movie

  • Lost Highway

    Lost Highway


    David Lynch is dead

Popular reviews

  • The Holy Mountain

    The Holy Mountain


    For the first time, look at the flowers!

    Jodorowsky takes no time at all to demonstrate how easily we are destroyed and rebuilt and stolen through our own personal symbology and how this theft of selfhood leads to a society of despair. In this world, theft and death is the merchant’s language. Jodorowsky’s cruel, intrusive, dialectical rage in the first act is, to my mind, a painful lesson our globalized, contemporary society has yet to teach itself. 

    And then: the heavens…

  • Beyond the Black Rainbow

    Beyond the Black Rainbow


    frequently I caught myself just basking in the mise en scene, coloration, juxtapositions and reflections of this film
    horrifying in both direct and indirect implications

    Probably not as flawless as Mandy but there are many parallel devices and themes between the two

    some may call it slow-paced, I’d call it acerbic: neither of us would be wrong really, either