
zicwic Patron

Favorite films

  • Elephant
  • Grizzly Man
  • The War Game
  • Paris Is Burning

Recent activity

  • As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty


  • Smashing

  • The Cremator


  • Paris Is Burning

Pinned reviews

  • As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty

    As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty


    I watched this thinking it was everything, all-encompassing, yet Mekas and his subject matter kept conveying this entire project was about nothing. From the thirty years of home movies and everyday photography, this is all locality and fleeting, transcendence in the recognizable. The filmmer (as he would not call himself a 'filmmaker') perfectly portrays what the title promises : As I Was Moving Ahead, Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty. The contents may be microscopic, but the final product…

  • The Act of Killing

    The Act of Killing


    English & French included. / Anglais et Français inclus.

    Initially interested in field workers who wanted to unionize in dictatorial Indonesia, documentarian Joshua Oppenheimer found something seething inside the people he met. Trauma, fear, hatred for the greedy powers that be, which seized power in 1965-1966 with mass killings of everyone 'agreed upon' to be of Chinese descent, communist, revolutionary, or fun to eviscerate. Militia, gangsters, and policemen took people in their homes, took what/who they wanted, killed fathers, husbands, and…

Recent reviews

  • Suicide Club

    Suicide Club


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • Smashing


    You know, sometimes... you just wanna see someone smashing stuff and sign paperwork for it.

    It's just one of those days
    When you don't wanna wake up
    Everything is fucked
    Everybody sucks
    You don't really know why
    But you wanna justify
    Rippin' someone's head off
    No human contact
    And if you interact
    Your life is on contract
    Your best bet is to stay away, motherfucker
    It's just one of those days

    - Limp Bizkit

Popular reviews

  • Paris Is Burning

    Paris Is Burning

    Such an incredible little world people have for each other, challenging and celebrating themselves in great garments. I had only been exposed to Drag through reality TV my partner enjoys, so delving into the relationships and experiences of everyday people was eye-opening. Elevated to gods for a night, these performers take hold of power only they can give, reminders that they are wonderful too. Abolish the mainstream and heteronormative, this is hot!

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    This movie fucks.

    The Substance made waves at its premiere and I get that it isn't for everybody. When we exited the theater, Nathan commented that the tone fell completely flat for him (funny in the wrong parts, oppressive in the worst bits). The film is not subtle about its themes and doesn’t conclude narrative threads properly, but I am not bothered by these facts. Rather, I am extremely happy to have been so incredibly entertained by this powerhouse of…