

@megi_vulpesvulpes on instagram
Would lay down my life for The Handmaiden (not being dramatic)
Will block mean people

Favorite films

  • The Handmaiden
  • Vertigo
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Eraserhead

Recent activity

  • Jigsaw


  • Caveat


  • Mulholland Drive


  • Scream


Recent reviews

  • Jigsaw



    This had no right to be this much fun. Plus Eleanor mothered so hard my jaw almost exploded by itself. Step on me, Queen

  • Caveat



    Very flawed, but I'd rather see a horror film that takes creative risks (read up sbout the making of this film) that tries to be too perfect and feels dull and formulaic *cough* The Conjuring *cough*

Popular reviews

  • Better Watch Out

    Better Watch Out


    I am uncomfortable. Not in a good way.
    The twist of this movie is what made me like it the first time round, but now it just makes me cringe

  • Oppenheimer


    Made it through an hour. If babygirl cutiepie Cillian Murphy wasn't cast in the lead role I wouldn't have bothered at all. Three hour films only work if they're a) batshit crazy b) funny or c) a musical. Oppenheimer is none of these. If there's an entertaining musical number later on then I might give it another chance. If not, then I'm never watching another Nolan film again.