
tobe_whooper Pro

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  • Escape from New York


  • The Lost World


  • Of Unknown Origin


  • Mulberry Street


Recent reviews

  • Escape from New York

    Escape from New York


    My wife Emma recently discovered Kurt Russell so now we're doing a filmography thirst tour I guess. She couldn't believe this was as old as it is, & there's a reason. With this film, Carpenter did for '80s dark-future SF action movies what he did for slashers with Halloween--created something so imitated that it feels tropey even though it made the tropes, and consequently plays as both ahead of its time & old hat.

    Cf. Soylent Green

  • The Lost World

    The Lost World


    How do you approach a movie from the Calvin Coolidge administration? Many people say, as a critic, my job is to assess everything in its proper historical context. I should avoid imposing the values, standards, or politics of the present on art from the past. To do that, they say, would be to commit a fallacy called “presentism.”

    If they’re right, I guess I’ll have to own being a bad critic, because (a) I don’t know how to see through…

Popular reviews

  • Toolbox Murders

    Toolbox Murders


    The film that opened my eyes to Tobe Hooper's brilliance was neither The Texas Chain Saw Massacre nor Poltergeist (though I had previously seen both) but rather Toolbox Murders. I was 18 years old, living with my parents and unemployed, having withdrawn from college after a disastrous first semester. It was the beginning of a four-year spiral of depression, isolation and substance abuse: the darkest period of my life thus far.

    I rented Toolbox Murders from my local Hollywood Video…

  • The First Purge

    The First Purge


    #52FilmsByPOC 2018 pt. 20.

    Attention filmmakers: I don't give a fuck. I'll take all the bad dialogue, bad acting, hackneyed storytelling and lopsided editing you can throw at me, as long as you give me something I can feel. This movie is ANGRY--at white supremacy and out-of-control capitalism, at the institutions that support them, at the lengths those institutions will go to uphold it while simultaneously denying it exists. It's a primal scream of a film, and I felt every…
