

Favorite films

  • The Death King
  • Mysterious Skin
  • Gummo
  • Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Recent activity

  • Tumbling Doll of Flesh

  • Labyrinth of Dreams


  • Angel Dust


  • The Blackcoat's Daughter


Recent reviews

  • Angel Dust

    Angel Dust


    Ishii's films of this period (namely mid 90's) are similar to a nightmare that somehow feels like home.

  • The Angels’ Melancholia

    The Angels’ Melancholia

    Un senso di sopraffazione è la prima cosa che ho provato quando è finito il film; un sovraccarico di pensieri e stati d’animo contraddittori rispetto a ciò che ho visto. Alcune scene sono bellissime, altre sono di una noia mortale. Arthouse e monnezza semiamatoriale trovano un inspiegabile equilibrio. C'è una violenza e una depravazione che hanno qualcosa di poetico – quasi un ribaltamento del verso rilkiano, per cui il tremendo oltre una certa soglia diventa principio della bellezza; eppure c'è…

Popular reviews

  • August in the Water

    August in the Water


    Ishii creates magical atmospheres just using visuals taken by everyday post-industrial environments, water and the moon as powerful symbols. Something so moody that somehow help me to cope with solitude and strange cosmic feelings that overwhelm me in my daydreaming moments.

  • I Saw the TV Glow

    I Saw the TV Glow


    “Time wasn’t right. It was moving too fast. I was 19, and then I was 20. I felt like one of those dolls asleep in the supermarket. Stuffed. And then I was 21. Like chapters skipped over in a dvd. I told myself this isn’t normal. This isn’t normal. This isn’t how life is supposed to feel”.

    Oh, how terrifying it can be to deal with one's identity, with that sense of permanent glitch that haunts the memories of adolescence,…
