

I had a flu and decided to keep this app updated

Favorite films

  • Twin Peaks: The Return
  • Fanny and Alexander
  • Breakfast
  • Pinhole Film (The Man Without a Movie Camera)

Recent activity

  • In Chris Marker's Studio


  • The Wonder Ring


  • Atman


  • Junkopia


Recent reviews

  • Anna



    Anna è uno dei film più devastanti che abbia mai visto.
    Ci sarebbe tanto di cui discutere sui rapporti di genere rappresentati – che sono figli del loro tempo e di cui comunque le inquadrature e il montaggio di Grifi mi sembrano un minimo attenti a lasciarne percepire la problematicità –, ma ci sarebbe ancora di più da dire sul ritratto a un tempo tenero e impietoso di una generazione che incarna il pensiero più ingenuo, utopistico e puro realizzabile…

  • Heretic



    But what is that ending

Popular reviews

  • Breakfast



    If I was able to convince my partner to watch with me the Bokanowski shorts I hadn't seen yet, it's only thanks to the music of his wife, musique concrète composer Michèle Bokanowski, who studied with Puig, Schaeffer, and Radigue. It was a lovely evening.

    Déjeuner du matin is about the eternal cycles of human rituals, the abysses they open in our unconscious, their overlapping over the centuries with those of other human beings we will never know, all connected…

  • A Night on Bald Mountain

    A Night on Bald Mountain


    Yesterday I found out what pinscreen animation is and my jaw dropped.

    Always wondered where the inspiration for Fantasia came from...
