

aspiring Jeannie Gold, Wedding Planner Extraordinaire intern

Favorite films

  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  • Beau Travail
  • Tongues Untied
  • Chicago

Recent activity

  • Kokomo City


  • Smile


  • Party Girl


  • Sugarcane

Recent reviews

  • Kokomo City

    Kokomo City


    Endlessly invigorating, stylish, in your face portrait of 4 beautiful black trans women standing fully in who they are and their power. So steeped in inner security and conviction that I can’t help but be totally in awe of them. Magnificently shot, big fan of the music cues and the editorial flair as well.

  • Smile



    Hmm if I knew Kal Penn’s fine ass was in this I would have watched it back in 2022 that’s for sure. 

    Anywho I liked this! I think the Smile movies are really bolstered by such dedicated and intricate work in terms of sound design and the discordant score. The screenplay is essentially that meme of Jamie Lee Curtis repeating the word trauma so the effectiveness does eventually wear off but the tension building and jump scares do bring it across the finish line for me.

Popular reviews

  • Memoir of a Snail

    Memoir of a Snail


    Sorry but I fucking hated this. 

    A tonally bizarre 90 minute exercise of a director BEGGING and PLEADING to make you cry by pulling the most obvious cliches and plot twists that everyone has seen since the dawn of fiction. Just nonstop hammering you over the head with misery, sadness, death and an endless deluge of narration to make sure that you know you are SUPPOSED TO BE SAD! I’m sorry but this is dogshit, basic af boring af predictable af shallow af CRAP.

  • Flow



    Totally kicking myself for not seeing on this big screen when I had a chance because some (a lot actually) of the shots in this are truly awe-inspiring and majestic. The emotional beats all surprisingly worked on me as well, a film that doesn’t ask for much from the viewer but is such a rewarding experience nonetheless. 

    I do gotta say though: multiple animals being able to navigate a boat did genuinely make me laugh. “I am the captain now” from Captain Phillips did roll into my brain at least once haha
