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Despite the huge literature on the methodology of the social sciences, relatively little interest has been shown in sociological description of social science research methods in practice, i.e., in the application of sociology to... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyComputer NetworksPhilosophy of Social Science
Smoking remains a major problem among young people in Europe. However, within the research community examining the issue, debate continues about the best way of assessing the extent of that problem. Questions have been raised about the... more
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This report outlines findings from a series of pilot studies that aimed to assess the effectiveness of an innovative patient information delivery system called ‘mihealth’. It was conducted over a two-year period with breast cancer... more
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In recent years, tobacco research, as a field of investigative practices, has come to be seen as a major contributor to broader tobacco control efforts and a ‘significant component of the global health agenda’ (World Health Organization... more
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This article examines some general issues around the use of data in social research by taking an extended look at how drawings and text have been used in ‘draw and write’ research. With reference to a split between positivist and... more
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In this article, I examine a defining feature of the ‘new public health’: the (re)construction of health-related phenomena in behavioural terms. While the ‘behavioural turn’ within epidemiology has had far-reaching implications for the... more
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In this article we argue that research into information for patients has to extend beyond an evaluation of particular information resources to studies of how those resources are engaged with, made sense of and used in practice. We draw on... more
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In this paper we analyse a ‘friendly fire’ incident from the second Gulf War and the controversy which came to envelop it during a coroner's inquest in 2007. Focusing on the cockpit video of the incident that was leaked to the media... more
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Despite the huge literature on the methodology of the social sciences, relatively little interest has been shown in sociological description of social science research methods in practice, i.e., in the application of sociology to... more
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This panel explores the ways actors conceive of, address and so topicalize the issue of knowledge – the known and the knowable/what is or can be known and how – as part of the work of practical inquiry. In what ways can knowledge be... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeEthnomethodology
In this article, we examine a controversial friendly fire incident that took place during the early stages of the Iraq war. Our focus is on how a cockpit video of the incident was used post facto in a military inquiry to arrive at an... more
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The social sciences are currently going through a reflexive phase, one marked by the appearance of a wave of studies which approach their disciplines’ own methods and research practices as their empirical subject matter. Driven partly by... more
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      AnthropologyResearch MethodologyConversation AnalysisMixed Methods
Liverpool), Wes Sharrock (Manchester)
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      Research MethodologyConversation AnalysisQualitative MethodsComputer Networks
As a contribution to current debates on the ‘social life of methods’, in this article we present an ethnomethodological study of the role of understanding within statistical practice. After reviewing the empirical turn in the methods... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeQualitative methodologyEthnomethodologyQuantitative Methods
As a contribution to current debates on the ‘social life of methods’, in this article we present an ethnomethodological study of the role of understanding within statistical practice. After reviewing the empirical turn in the methods... more
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      StatisticsResearch MethodologyEthnomethodologyscience and technology studies (STS)
In this chapter we trace some of the ways in which the United Kingdom’s private finance initiative (PFI) – a species of ‘public private partnership’ (PPP) whose operations and effects we explore in what follows – can be treated as an... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical EconomyPolitical Theory
Across the disciplinary frontiers of the social sciences, studies by social scientists treating their own investigative practices as sites of empirical inquiry have proliferated. Most of these studies have been retrospective, historical,... more
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      Quantitative ResearchQualitative ResearchEthnomethodologyScience and Technology Studies
The social sciences have been gripped by many ‘turns’ over the last 30 years: the interpretive turn, the linguistic turn, the practice turn, the ontological turn, the epistemic turn, and many more. The ‘turn’ to matter, materiality and... more
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      Conversation AnalysisEthnomethodologySTS (Anthropology)science and technology studies (STS)
In this chapter we discuss what ethnomethodology and conversation analysis can contribute to studies of the military, specifically understandings of ‘action-in-interaction’ in military settings. The chapter is methodologically focused and... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologySociology of the MilitaryConversation AnalysisEthnomethodology
In this chapter we examine supermarket growth in the UK. This phenomenon provides a particularly useful case, we argue, because developing an understanding of what has given it shape and direction underscores the point made in different... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical EconomyPolitical Theory