Mersin University
Journalism Department
Media literacy is generally defined as the ability of obtaining, analizing, evaluating, and communicating messages through the practice of critical reading of media texts. The individual’s application of such a way of reading to everyday... more
The concept of emotional intelligence includes the use in social life of abilities towards the shared feelings of people and their communication skills. Today media is one of the major factors that shape both our personal development and... more
The issue of computer use for children revolves around the discourse that children should be protected. The internet is considered to be useful on the one hand, insofar as it is educational, informative and entertaining for children, and... more
This research focuses on “alternative media” concept as a form of mass communication to be utilised for challenging corporate and institutionalised politics. It elaborates possibilities for establishing alternative media against the... more
This research outlines the capitalist reconstruction and dependency process in context of new accumulation order, refers to Turkish dimension of this process in frame of “desktop colonialism” concept and then analyzes case study of F and... more
Bu kitapta, yerleşik ve kurumsallaşmış siyaseti reddeden veya ona meydan okuyan bir iletişim biçimi olarak “alternatif gazetecilik” kavramı inceleniyor. Kitap, ana akım medyanın ayrımcı, dışlayıcı ve eşitsiz yayın politikasına karşı... more
Today capitalist culture serves not to public needs but to capital-owning class. In this context, products end texts which produced and spread by media, function for imposing mass culture of global capitalism to new generations instead of... more
Nowadays journalism is rapidly changing in terms of both professional practices and production and distribution ways of media texts. Especially peak use of new media and information technologies creates this transformation process. Thus... more
Bu bölümde, bireylerin medya okuryazarlığı donanımlarını gündelik yaşam pratiklerine yansıtabilmelerini ve uygulama becerilerini ortaya koymayı hedefleyen ve Terkan, Yılmaz ve Taylan tarafından 2007 yılında yapılan bir araştırma ile... more
In this section, the relationship between alternative media and activism is described in general terms, with reference to the main theoretical models used to describe search for a collective, horizontal and decentralized communication... more
Günümüzde endüstriyel bir yapı sergileyen ana akım medya kuruluşları gerek habercilik pratikleri, gerekse de ekonomi politik yapılanması bağlamında evrensel habercilik değerlerine uymak konusunda sıkıntı yaşamakta. Buna karşılık toplumun... more
New communication technologies express a development rather than a specific technology or group of technologies. The convergence of the broadcasting, telecommunications and information-processing sectors, which developed as separate... more
Yegen, C., & Güz, N. (Eds.). (n.d. ). Media with Its News, Approaches and Fractions in the New Media Age. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang D. 2018.
Post-endüstriyel toplumdan ağ toplumuna geçiş bağlamında küresel çapta hızlı dönüşümlere tanık oluyoruz. Enformasyon aktarımının geleneksel kitle iletişim araçlarının editöryal ve teknik kapasitesiyle sınırlı olduğu bir dönemden... more