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O jornalismo alternativo está presente desde os primórdios do que se entende como jornalismo, observando mais atentamente o contexto brasileiro. Atualmente, há um crescimento significativo de iniciativas de jornalismo alternativo. Com o... more
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      ComunicaçãoComunicacion SocialPeriodismoAlternative journalism
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      Social MovementsJournalismMediaAlternative Media
Neste artigo buscamos responder o que é, afinal, Jornalismo de Guerrilha. Empreendemos uma revisão de literatura evidenciando definições e dimensões ao mesmo tempo complementares e contraditórias para tal noção. Colocamos à prova nossa... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismCitizen JournalismMedia Activism
Gazetecilere “gökyüzündeki gözlerden” biri olma olanağı sunan drone’lar, büyük medya kuruluşlarının habercilik faaliyetlerinden yurttaş gazeteciliğine dek uzanan gazetecilik alan ve uygulamaları için yeni olanaklar ve açılımlar... more
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      Citizen JournalismNews Media EthicsAlternative journalismAerial Photography
This paper examines the normative role of constructive journalism—also called “solutions journalism”—by analyzing metajournalistic discourse about solutions-focused journalism. The findings show that constructive and solutions journalism... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismOnline JournalismAlternative journalism
Positionality - people’s “location within the larger social formation” (Taylor, 2000, p. 509) - is a core point of difference between mainstream and alternative media. While the former are defined by a top-down - hegemonic - positionality... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismClimate ChangeSocial Justice
La presente ponencia tiene por objeto presentar un amplio marco conceptual sobre los aspectos que puede precisar un estudio de prácticas periodísticas desde lo alternativo y lo comunitario. En primer lugar se presenta una introducción del... more
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      PeriodismoAlternative journalismCommunity Journalism
Much African journalism scholarship has had a critical stand towards ‘Western’ journalism models. The criticism has resulted in the submission of alternative African journalism models such as ujamaa journalism, ubuntu journalism and oral... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismAfricaMedia Theory
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesCommunicationDigital Media
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      Online JournalismAlternative journalismOnline MediaNew media ( citizen journalism)
The last two decades witnessed the phenomenal migratory flows of Africans, especially Nigerians, to the West, including the United States, at a proportion outpaced only by the Transatlantic Slave Trade. While the political and economic... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesCommunicationHumanities
Journalism Studies and the Global South: Rethinking Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy Over the years, the study of journalism has crystallized into a well-de ned sub-discipline in the eld of media and communication studies. As a... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeGlobal SouthDecolonial ThoughtJournalism Studies
अंबेडकर की वैकल्पिक चेतना आधारित पत्रकारिता को सामाजिक परिवर्तन को आधार बना कर लिखा गया है।
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      Alternative journalismRole of Dr B Rao Ambedkar in the Formation of Indian Constitution
This essay examines a neglected aspect of graphic design in socialist Yugoslavia, namely, newspaper design and does so by looking outside of the framework of the mainstream media. More specifically, it analyses remarkable graphic... more
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      HistoryMedia StudiesYouth StudiesCold War and Culture
Journalistische Medienorganisationen erleben seit der Jahrtausendwende ein Wechselbad der Gefühle. Auf die New Economy-Krise folgte Wachstum und Prosperität, bis schließlich die globale Finanzkrise ab 2008 die etablierten Geschäftsmodelle... more
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      Alternative journalismEmergent funding models for journalism
RESUMO-Neste artigo, buscamos compreender o ativismo digital materno a partir da análise de um blog que passou a operar como uma plataforma de mídia independente: o Cientista Que Virou Mãe (CQVM). Gostaríamos de apresentar os indícios que... more
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      Alternative MediaNetnographyFeminismoAlternative journalism
During the Vietnam War, American planes dropped more bombs on Cambodia than had fallen in all of Europe during World War II. The event marks a key moment in the secretive expansion of U.S. military power, and this article looks at how... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesJournalism
Fuelled by a distrust of big media and the development of mobile technologies, the resulting convergence of journalism praxis (professional to alternative), workflows (analogue to multipoint digital) and platforms (PC to mobile), result... more
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      Alternative journalismUser Generated ContentCitizen mobile journalismMobile Journalism
This paper presents a case study in satirical news – Harry Shearer’s long-running, weekly radio program, Le Show – to examine the increasingly intertwined and interdependent relationship between alternative journalism and mainstream... more
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      Alternative MediaAlternative journalismRadio StudiesSatirical News
This paper examines the interventionist role of independent short film producers and alternative film foundations in film policy developments of Anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa. The work is broadly located within the framework of the... more
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      Film StudiesMedia and public policyAlternative journalismBroadcast Journalism
Los big data representan nuevos retos y nuevas oportunidades para la ciudadanía. Las prácticas del “activismo de datos” surgen de la intersección de las dimensiones social y tecnológica de la acción humana, por la cual la ciudadanía... more
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      Information TechnologyJournalismParticipatory DesignPolitical Science
Over 1,500 cable access channels operate across the U.S. In contrast to the cliché-version of cable access TV popularized by Between Two Ferns or Wayne’s World, the staff and volunteers at many of these community media centers labor... more
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      Community MediaAlternative MediaRadical MediaAlternative journalism
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      Alternative MediaRadical MediaAlternative journalism
Citizen journalism is more accessible than ever, through a range of both independent and commercial online platforms. But is it just an echo of traditional news? This content analysis investigated whether such news fits alternative... more
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      Citizen JournalismAlternative MediaAlternative journalismMainstream Media
This article seeks to obtain a deepened understanding of the phenomenon of maternal rights digital activism, drawing from an analysis of Cientista Que Virou Mãe (CQVM or Scientist who became a mother, in Portuguese), a blog which became... more
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      Political ScienceFeminismAlternative MediaIntersectionality
Atatürk Üniversitesi ‹letiflim Fakültesi 33 kültür ve iletiflim • culture & communication © 2008 • 11(1) • k›fl/winter: 33-52
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      EthicsAlternative journalismVisibility
Bu kitapta, yerleşik ve kurumsallaşmış siyaseti reddeden veya ona meydan okuyan bir iletişim biçimi olarak “alternatif gazetecilik” kavramı inceleniyor. Kitap, ana akım medyanın ayrımcı, dışlayıcı ve eşitsiz yayın politikasına karşı... more
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En un discurso escrito para el festival de jazz de Berlín (1964), el elocuente líder afroamericano Martin Luther King Jr. explicó que "los blues cuentan la historia de las dificultades de la vida y, si lo piensas un momento, te darás... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesIntercultural CommunicationJournalismGlobalization
A new type of media professional, with entrepreneurial skills, has emerged in the contemporary media environment in Australia – a professional that is informing the public but stretching the boundaries of journalism. These professionals... more
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      JournalismSocial MediaAlternative journalismMedia Entrepreneurship
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      HistoryMusicCommunicationMedia Studies
Grupos sociais marginalizados no Brasil são muitas vezes estigmatizados pelos media noticiosos do mainstream, o que contribui para aprofundar as desigualdades sociais. Por outro lado, iniciativas de media alternativos potencialmente têm... more
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      Alternative MediaAlternative journalismMultimodalidade
This article seeks to obtain a deepened understanding of the phenomenon of maternal rights digital activism, drawing from an analysis of Cientista Que Virou Mãe (CQVM or Scientist who became a mother, in Portuguese), a blog which became... more
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      FeminismAlternative MediaIntersectionalityCyberactivism
This article discusses how the blues music scene in Madrid (Spain) produces its own media and communication networks, based on the genre’s traditional and current development, in contrast to the lack of attention from mainstream media.... more
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Alternative-Independent Media: The Answer to Democratic Decay Or Just Some More Voices In The Crowd Author: Fareed Khan Date: February 12, 2013... more
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      Alternative journalismAlternate MediaMedia ConcentrationCorporate Media
online) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that seeks theoretical and empirical manuscripts and book reviews that examine the way in which similarities and differences articulate mass communication relations on a global scale. It also... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesCommunicationHumanities
Mobilizing information (MI), defined as ‘information that allows the public to act,’ is often omitted in news stories because it is considered partisan. Without relevant MI in media, participation in public discourse is restricted to the... more
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      JournalismTelevision StudiesTalk showsAffordances
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      Social MovementsMedia StudiesMoroccoMedia
A cobertura jornalística de manifestações e protestos populares tende a enfatizar aspetos negativos do evento, como demonstram estudos relacionados ao paradigma do protesto. Por sua vez, a fragmentação do ecossistema mediático... more
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      JournalismMultimodal Discourse AnalysisAlternative journalism
Big data presents citizens with new challenges and opportunities. ‘Data activism’ practices emerge at the intersection of the social and techsnological dimension of human action, whereby citizens take a critical approach to big data, and... more
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      Information TechnologyJournalismParticipatory DesignAlternative Media
Tara explores both how academics write journalism but also the genre of 'academic journalism.'  What are the strengths and challenges of academics engaging in new modes and modalities of writing?
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      JournalismAlternative journalismJournalism TheoryMass Communication and Journalism
Nowadays, social media are amongst the most frequently used entertainment and information sources, offering the most recent news. National, international and global issues of social media journalism involve a wide spectrum of complex... more
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      Citizen JournalismSocial MediaOnline JournalismMultimedia Communication
This thesis is a creative and critical exploration of how transmedia storytelling meshes with political documentary’s nature of representing social realities and goals to educate and promote social change. I explore this notion through... more
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      AestheticsMedia StudiesLabor MigrationPhilippines
O estudo procurou elementos que confirmassem ou refutassem a hipótese de que os sites analisados podem ser considerados como veículos jornalísticos e alternativos. Objetivamos, então, a verificação da capacidade produtiva destes sites,... more
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    • Alternative journalism
This article examines the appropriation of social media as platforms of alternative journalism by the protestors of the 2010 G20 summit in Toronto, Canada. The Toronto Community Mobilization Network, the network that coordinated the... more
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      Social MediaProtestTwitterYoutube