Since the first atom interferometry experiments in 1991, measurements of rotation through the Sagnac e ffect in open-area atom interferometers has been studied. These studies have demonstrated very high sensitivity which can compete with... more
The MIGA project aims at demonstrating precision measurements of gravity with cold atom sensors in a large scale instrument and at studying the associated powerful applications in geosciences and fundamental physics. The firt stage of the... more
Наверное, сейчас очень многих пугает то, что знания быстро теряют свою ценность.
A four-volume collection of Leibniz’s selected works and letters was published in Russian in 1982–1989 and still remains the most authoritative and representative Russian-language edition of Leibniz, even though it lacks some of his... more
In 1612 Galileo Galilei wrote his three famous letters wich were edited in 1613 together under common title Istoria e dimonstrzioni intorno alle macchie solari e lore accidenti. The letters were addressed to Augsburg duumvir Marcus Welser... more
L'original français de l'article publié en tchèque.
In Russia the theme of science and religion found its strongest resonance at the levels of humanistic scholarship and Christianity in general, where visions of harmony dominated and doctrinal and confessional particularity was largely... more
The Institute for the History of Science and Technology (in transliterated Russian Institut Istorii Estestavoznaniya I Tekhniki, or IIET in abbreviation) in Moscow, along with its branch in St. Petersburg, is the largest research centre... more
Беседовал С. Е. Эрлих С. э. Сегодня мы будем говорить об институте научных репутаций, о проблемах, которые существуют в этой связи в научной среде, в первую очередь в гуманитарной. я бы хотел, чтобы вы как историк науки рассказали, как... more
In the pandemonium of the "window to Europe," the Russia of Peter the Great's time made an unprecedentedly mighty advance to the east. Steps to the west were taken with difficulty, a little at a time, at the cost of hundreds of thousands... more
По окончании Второй мировой войны, в которой СССР и страны Западной Европы и США были союзниками, в этих странах на какое-то время возникла иллюзия возможности на-учной коммуникации. Благодаря этому некоторые из работавших на Западе... more