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Pattern recognition generally requires that objects be described in terms of a set of measurable features. The selection and quality of the features representing each pattern have a considerable bearing on the success of subsequent... more
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      Information SystemsImage ProcessingData MiningGenetic Algorithms
The Caldeira-Leggett Hamiltonian describes the interaction of a discrete harmonic oscillator with a continuous bath of harmonic oscillators. This system is a standard model of dissipation in macroscopic low temperature physics, and has... more
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      Applied MathematicsQuantum ComputingPlasmaSuperconductors
Many desirable properties make fractals a powerful mathematic model applyied in several image processing and pattern recognition tasks: image coding, segmentation, feature extraction and indexing, just to cite some of them. Unfortunately,... more
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      Image ProcessingSignal ProcessingPattern RecognitionImage Quality
In this paper,w ec onsider the problem of learning to predict the correct pose of a 3D object, assuming orthographic projection and 3D linear transformations. A neural network is trained to learn the desired mapping.F irst, we consider... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsPrincipal Component Analysis
We show in this work that the heat flow signal as acquired applying DSC to systems in an excess of epoxy must be proportional to the rate of consumption of the excess component but not to the rate of reaction.
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      Analytical ChemistryKineticsModelsDifferential scanning calorimetry
We derive closed form expressions and limiting formulae for a variety of functions of a permutation resulting from repeated riffle shuffles. The results allow new formulae and approximations for the number of permutations inS n with given... more
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      Mathematical SciencesCayley graphEigenvaluesAdjacency Matrix
An extension of the concept of least absolute deviation regression for problems with multivariate response is considered. The approach is based on a transformation and retransformation technique that chooses a data-driven coordinate... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsLinear ModelBootstrap
We introduce a new potential-theoretic definition of the dimension spectrum D q of a probability measure for q > 1 and explain its relation to prior definitions. We apply this definition to prove that if 1 < q 2 and µ is a Borel... more
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      Applied MathematicsSpectrumNonlinearityLinear Transformation
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      Biomedical EngineeringVoice DisordersFundamental FrequencyMedical Biotechnology
This is a second handwritten note on the business of changing from a basis to another basis and what that does to the coordinates of a vector. The example given here is that of spaces of polynomials whose degree not exceeding some bounds.
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      Linear Algebra (Vector Space)Linear AlgebraLinear Transformation
We prove some results about nilpotent linear transformations. As an application we solve some cases of Albert's problem on the solvability of nilalgebras. More precisely, we prove the following results: commutative power-associative... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesLinear Transformation
The most widely used signal in clinical practice is the ECG. ECG conveys information regarding the electrical function of the heart, by altering the shape of its constituent waves, namely the P, QRS, and T waves. Thus, the required tasks... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsMedical InformaticsPrincipal Component Analysis
The aim of this study is to present a way of visualization to teaching and learning linear algebra at a level suitable for freshman and sophomore students. In this study, it has been shown how to use visualization approach through vector... more
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      Teaching and LearningLinear AlgebraLinear IndependenceLinear Transformation
Metric and kernel learning are important in several machine learning applications. However, most existing metric learning algorithms are limited to learning metrics over low-dimensional data, while existing kernel learning algorithms are... more
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      Information RetrievalMachine LearningPattern RecognitionText Mining
This paper aims to highlight the observations made on surge performance of a power transformer. The impulse test on power transformers simulates the conditions that exist in service when a transformer is subjected to an incoming high... more
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      High VoltageTransmission LinePower TransformerLinear Transformation
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      StatisticsMultivariate AnalysisCharacteristic FunctionNormal Distribution
A computer aided neural network classification of regions of suspicion (ROS) on digitized mammograms is presented in this paper which employs features extracted by a new technique based on independent component analysis. Our approach is... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMedical ImagingBreast CancerIndependent Component Analysis
The purpose of this paper is to analyze climate change and ecological destruction through the prism of the core general principles of political economy. The paper starts with the principle of historical specificity, and the various waves... more
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      Political EconomyClimate ChangeEcological EconomicsApplied Economics
In the age of digital information, audio data has become an important part in many modern computer applications. Audio classification has been becoming a focus in the research of audio processing and pattern recognition. Automatic audio... more
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      Pattern RecognitionNeural NetworkMathematical SciencesComputer Application
This paper studies and classifies linear transformations that connect Hamming distances of codes. These include irreducible linear transformations and their concatenations. Their effect on the Hamming weights of codewords is investigated.... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsLinear Code
The most widely used signal in clinical practice is the ECG. ECG conveys information regarding the electrical function of the heart, by altering the shape of its constituent waves, namely the P, QRS, and T waves. Thus, the required tasks... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithmsMedical Informatics
With the rapid development of network and multimedia technologies, the digital information has been applied to many areas in real-world applications. Communication has become a very important aspect in today's life. So, security plays an... more
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      Mathematics of CryptographyCryptographyMatricesLinear Transformation
This paper presents synthetically the most recent models for description of the anisotropic plastic behavior. The first section gives an overview of the classical models. Further, the discussion is focused on the anisotropic formulations... more
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      MaterialExperimental MethodTensile TestForming Limit Diagram
A new dynamic harmonic estimator is presented as an extension of the fast Fourier transform (FFT), which assumes a fluctuating complex envelope at each harmonic. This estimator is able to estimate harmonics that are time varying inside... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisInterpolationThin Film TransistorFrequency Estimation
Four calibration methods have been evaluated for the linear transformation-based anisotropic yield function YLD2004-18p (Barlat, F., Aretz, H., Yoon, J.W., Karabin, M.E., Brem, J.C., Dick, R.E., 2005. Linear transformation-based... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringSystem Identification
A look into Fractional Calculus and their applications from the Signal Processing point of view is done in this paper. A coherent approach to the fractional derivative is presented leading to notions that are, not only compatible with the... more
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      EngineeringTechnologySignal ProcessingTime-Frequency Analysis
The derivation of anisotropic yield functions based on the approach of linear transformations of a stress tensor is investigated for general and plane stress states. The number of coefficients available for the description of plastic... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringPlasticity
This paper presents synthetically the most recent models for description of the anisotropic plastic behavior. The first section gives an overview of the classical models. Further, the discussion is focused on the anisotropic formulations... more
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      ModelingAnisotropyStrain RateForming
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      EconometricsStatisticsInterval CensoringRegression Analysis
A novel color image histogram equalization approach is proposed that exploits the correlation between color components and it is enhanced by a multi-level smoothing technique borrowed from statistical language engineering. Multi-level... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionStatistical AnalysisImage Quality
A new technique for passive doubly terminated ladder filters transformation has been proposed. The proposed technique depends on current mode realization of doubly terminated LC ladder filters instead of voltage mode realizations... more
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      Operational Transconductance AmplifierActive FiltersActive FilterElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Projective geometry provides the preferred framework for most implementations of Euclidean space in graphics applications. Translations and rotations are both linear transformations in projective geometry, which helps when it comes to... more
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      Computational GeometryGeometric AlgebraGraphicsStereographic Projection
The notion of n-best approximations can be used for error correction in coding theory. The notion of n-eigen values can be used in deterministic modal superposition principle for undamped structures, which can find its applications in... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsCoding TheoryAlgebra
A fundamental problem in neural network research, as well as in many other disciplines, is finding a suitable representation of multivariate data, i.e. random vectors. For reasons of computational and conceptual simplicity, the... more
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      AlgorithmsSignal ProcessingData AnalysisPrincipal Component Analysis
This is a handwritten note on the business of changing from a basis to another basis and what that does to the coordinates of a vector. The example given here is that of Cartesian spaces.
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      Linear Algebra (Vector Space)Linear AlgebraLinear Transformation
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsSpatial VariabilityOrdinary Differential Equation
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsComputer GraphicsImage Processing
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      MaterialExperimental MethodTensile TestForming Limit Diagram
Representing digital ink traces as points in a function space has proven useful for online recognition. Ink trace coordinates or their integral invariants are written as parametric functions and approximated by truncated orthogonal... more
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      Handwriting RecognitionInkHigh performanceFunction approximation
The paper analyses the problem of ranking accuracy in multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. The methodology for measuring the accuracy of determining the relative significance of alternatives as a function of the criteria... more
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      Decision MakingConstruction ManagementInformaticaMultiple Criteria Decision Making
We consider the linear transformation T(X) = AX -CXB where A, C E M,, B E M,. We show a new approach to obtaining conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the solution X of the matrix equation T(X) = R. As a consequence of our... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesLinear Transformation
In this paper, we investigate the impact of several portfolio selection models based on different tracking error measures, performance measures, and risk measures. In particular, mimicking the theory of ideal probability metrics, we... more
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      Optimization ProblemRisk AversionPortfolio ChoiceFinancial Risk
A ring R is said to be clean if every element of R is a sum of an idempotent and a unit. The class of clean rings is quite large and includes, for instance, semiperfect rings (and thus finite rings), and rings of linear transformations of... more
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      AlgebraPure MathematicsVector SpaceLinear Transformation
A starting point of this paper is a classification of quadratic polynomial transformations of the monodromy manifold for the 2 × 2 isomonodromic Fuchsian systems associated to the Painlevé VI equation. Up to birational automorphisms of... more
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      Pure MathematicsPainleve equationLinear Transformation
Novel bond-level molecular descriptors are proposed, based on linear maps similar to the ones defined in algebra theory. The kth edge-adjacency matrix (E k ) denotes the matrix of bond linear indices (non-stochastic) with regard to... more
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      AlgorithmsOrganic ChemistryComputational BiologyDrug Discovery
A coupled theory of continuum damage mechanics and finite strain plasticity (with small elastic strains) is formulated in the Eulerian reference system. The yield function used is of the von Mises type and incorporates both isotropic and... more
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      Civil EngineeringApplied MathematicsContinuum MechanicsStrain Rate
Metric and kernel learning are important in several machine learning applications. However, most existing metric learning algorithms are limited to learning metrics over low-dimensional data, while existing kernel learning algorithms are... more
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      Information RetrievalMachine LearningPattern RecognitionText Mining
In this paper a method for measuring the scattering-matrix of an acoustical two-port is presented and tested. All earlier works on experimental characterisation of acoustical two-ports have focused on the measurement of the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringTransfer FunctionInterdisciplinary Engineering