Ozyegin University
Politics and International Relations
Turkey often presents itself, and is often hailed by its allies, as being a positive example of secular democracy for Muslim countries to emulate. 1 Scholars analyze the country as a relatively successful case of secular modernization and... more
This article presents a systematic content analysis of three religious‐conservative and two pro‐secular newspapers in 1996–2004 in Turkey, and discusses some findings and their implications regarding elite values and democratization:... more
Do political-Islamic elites need to be democrats for participation in democracy, how do their values compare to secular elites', and how do their values change through participation and affect democratization itself? A... more
This article analyzes the case of Turkey and theorizes about the causal mechanisms that can explain discursive transformations through which dominant perceptions of ethnic identities are suppressed, revived, and remade. Systematic content... more
Based on a within-case comparative analysis of Turkish democratization since the 1920s and data on elite values, this article develops a general theoretical framework to better explain the moderation of religious and secular politics and... more
By modelling and analysing Turkey's Kurdish question in light of democratic transition theories, the Scottish Case and recent developments, this article explains the lack of cooperation between the 'moderate' Turkish majority and Kurdish... more
Case studies of Turkey are typically read and cited as narratives of the Turkish case itself, suppliers of case-specific data, or at best, applications of more general theories. They are not perceived as theory-testing, producing, or even... more