Secularism in Turkey
Recent papers in Secularism in Turkey
This paper sheds light on the role of evolutionary ideas in the making of Turkish nationalism during the Kemalist era (1923–1938). By so doing, it aims to challenge some of the dominant historiographical viewpoints as to the nature of... more
Over the past two decades in France, much public attention has been given to French-Muslim’s supposed inability to assimilate to French standards. The issue of Muslim females veiling in France has ‘unveiled’ much about the issues of... more
ABSTRACT This dissertation undertakes a critical scrutiny of Orhan Pamuk’s Snow (2004) and Other Colours (2007), texts that majorly grapple with contemporary Turkey’s... more
Turkey has witnessed a proliferation of Islamic television channels since the liberalization of broadcasting in the 1990s. The programming of these TV channels was initially distinctly theological in character, with shows focusing on the... more
This study discusses the position of Alevi identity and Alevi community with regard to the Turkish national identity-building project. There was a partial compatibility between the Kemalist objective of laicization and nation building and... more
This paper argues that international human rights law is inadequate in understanding the complexities of Muslim women’s headcoverings and that it has failed to protect Muslim women from prohibitive and punitive measures of the liberal... more
How did a prehistoric artifact discovered in 1935 become the symbol for secularism in Modern Turkey? This story traces the meanings embedded in the rise and fall of the so-called Hittite Sun across the twentieth and into the twenty-first... more
Religion has played an important if under-studied role in the series of protests that have swept the globe over the last several years. During the Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring and Euromaidan protests, religious actors played a... more
This paper analyzes the political incentives of Kulturkampf and the implementation of secularization in imperial Prussia and republican Turkey. A game-theoretic model defining Kulturkampf as a static game between priests and the executive... more
En 1996-7997, poar la premièrefois, un parti <isbmiste > est au pouuoir en Turquie, er cette période a înltnu ttne gueffe sanr nerci entre /et < /aiListet > kéna/ittet et /a t réaclion nligieuse >, qui tbst conclae par une inîerention de... more
Reference to my narrations about my connections with the Turkish secular-military establishment in the mid 90s, to my rejection of all Greek analysts and 'specialists' on Turkey and the Middle East, and to my interpretations of the... more
Secularism, in the most general sense, is the separation of religion and state affairs. This phenomenon emerges as an important concept regarding the reflection of beliefs on state governance forms. Hence to understand the place of... more
This study discusses the position of Alevi identity and the Alevi community with regard to the Kemalist national identity-building project. This well recognized project aimed to create an ethnically homogenous Turkish nation and... more
Siyasal gündemi oldukça meşgul eden bir gündem olmasına rağmen Türkiye’de sekülerizm literatürünün gelişkin olduğunu söylemek oldukça zordur. Alanda mevcut çalışmaların da daha ziyade devlet-din ilişkileri meselesi olarak sekülerizme... more
Laiklik,Turkish secularism, as it has been constructed, upheld and sustained by the Turkish state, and especially the Court, has become the mechanism through which all those who would like to see a shift in its definition and boundaries... more
The paper informs about the history of secularism in Turkey.