Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Caroline"
The meaning of "Caroline" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy ‘Emily Caroline Brent, that upon the 5th of November, 1931, you were responsible for the death of Beatrice Taylor.
Christie, Agatha. And Then There Were None (Agatha Christie Collection) (p.39). HarperCollins Publishers. Kindle 版. ?
Christie, Agatha. And Then There Were None (Agatha Christie Collection) (p.39). HarperCollins Publishers. Kindle 版. ?
“that upon” is an old fashion way of saying “Emily, on the 5th of November, you were...
Co znaczy Caroline and I tried to sneak cigarettes
in 5th grade and nearly choked ourselves.En español?
in 5th grade and nearly choked ourselves.En español?
It means: the speaker and her friend Caroline managed to get cigarettes without their parents, or some other adult finding out when they were in the 5th grade (around 10 years old). However when they tried to smoke the cigarettes, the smoke made them choke so much they probably felt like they were going to die.
Co znaczy Caroline and I tried to sneak cigarettes
in 5th grade and nearly choked ourselves.?
in 5th grade and nearly choked ourselves.?
sneak = hacer algo sin la atención del jefe, padre, maestro
I tried to sneak out of class early
I tried to sneak a dog into my English class
I tried to sneak out of class early
I tried to sneak a dog into my English class
Co znaczy Caroline is no longer suffering from personhood ?
Esa frase suena muy raro en inglés. Podria significar que Caroline ha hecho algo horible y por eso, no pensamos que es humano ya. Pero estoy adivinado.
Translations of "Caroline"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? Caroline
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Other questions about "Caroline"
Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć Hello, I'm Caroline. I'm from Poland. I play computer games and I read books. And you? ?
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Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Caroline and Chris are someone who are friends with Paola
It sounds good overall, although I would personally change 'someone' to 'people'. So it would be "Caroline and Chris are people who are friends with Paola." You could use 'someone' when referring to one person, for example "Chris is someone who is friends with Paola."
I hope this helps n.n
I hope this helps n.n
Hi Caroline,
What did you Morgan told you about my missing box 📦 Besides, the iron I algo had some winter coats in it:(
Please let me know if you find something does this sound natural?
What did you Morgan told you about my missing box 📦 Besides, the iron I algo had some winter coats in it:(
Please let me know if you find something does this sound natural?
What did Morgan
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Caroline is her granddaughter
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Caroline said "Can I come down and talk?" and Max said like this. What does she mean by thatn
I'm assuming Max is the person in bed alone. Max is making an excuse to keep Caroline from coming over so Max can continue to sleep in.
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