Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Childhood"

The meaning of "Childhood" in various phrases and sentences

Synonyms of "Childhood" and their differences

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Q: ‎I translated from Japanese to English.please correct it more nuurally.


Since I was a childhood,I liked not only watching proffesional baseball but also checking each player's accomplishmented records.such as the total of home run,butting average and how many times each pitcher has gottenはto win.The number such these came to mind soomthly,and their memories didn't passed, away from my head.These experiences has fascinatea to, me how the brain works in order to put memoriesっintoたit.What I realized is how much we try to recall foggeten things refleats how much memories stay in the brain .when it comes to me interesting one,we tend to recall it 。In case of not interesting one ,we are no longer to recall it.This is a big difference among interesting one and no--nteresting one

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