Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Suit"
The meaning of "Suit" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy You know she doesn't like a suit raggedy ?
Raggedy means low quality. It's an adjective. Thus statement means someone doesn't like a low quality suit.
Co znaczy The suit is so dirty,it will stand up by itself?
"standS up by itself", yes! But this is just an expression, so the suit doesn't literally stand up by itself.
Co znaczy I wanted to come in his suit, and leave the evidence for him to find there.?
I think this is supposed to be really dirty.... 😳
Co znaczy to follow suit ?
to do the same thing as someone before you/right in front of you
Co znaczy "suit up" in 795?
Suiting up for = getting ready for
Example sentences using "Suit"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z suit (verb).
“This lifestyle suits me” “I am well suited to my work schedule” “I don’t think I am well suited for this activity” “that lipstick color suits you”...does this help?
Napisz przykładowe zdania z It suits you.
“You look nice in pink. It suits you.”
“This home is so cozy. It suits you.”
“That new haircut compliments your jawline. It suits you.”
“You are really good at your new job! It suits you.”
It means that “this thing is perfect for you.”
“This home is so cozy. It suits you.”
“That new haircut compliments your jawline. It suits you.”
“You are really good at your new job! It suits you.”
It means that “this thing is perfect for you.”
Napisz przykładowe zdania z suit yourself .
Are you coming with me?
No I can’t.
Suit yourself then!
It is an expression. It means the same as “please yourself”. Do what you want.
No I can’t.
Suit yourself then!
It is an expression. It means the same as “please yourself”. Do what you want.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z to follow suit.
• Britain decided to leave the EU but no other EU member state has followed suit.
• If the boss pulls back then his company follows suit, no question.
• If the boss pulls back then his company follows suit, no question.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z suit yourself.
"Do you want me to come grocery shopping with you?"
"Suit yourself"
"Suit yourself"
Synonyms of "Suit" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między suit i fit i match ?
I presume you are talking about flothing.
Fit means the clothing is the correct size
Suit means it looks good given the person's appearance, style etc and could depend on skin, eye and hair colour, height and width of the person etc.
Match just means two things are similar or go together well.
Fit means the clothing is the correct size
Suit means it looks good given the person's appearance, style etc and could depend on skin, eye and hair colour, height and width of the person etc.
Match just means two things are similar or go together well.
Jaka jest różnica między to suit i to fit ?
Suit is about clothes and fit is like .... this job does not fit me , cause I am a cool specialist with a 10 years experience
Jaka jest różnica między suit i match ?
"Suit" has two different meanings. It can be a synonym of "match" but a "suit" can also be a piece of clothing.
"Match" means that people or things are the same as each other, or they are similar and look good together. It can also be a tool used to light fire. For example:
"You two suit each other."
"That is a handsome suit."
"You two make a great match."
"Use the match to light the candles."
"Match" means that people or things are the same as each other, or they are similar and look good together. It can also be a tool used to light fire. For example:
"You two suit each other."
"That is a handsome suit."
"You two make a great match."
"Use the match to light the candles."
Jaka jest różnica między suit i sweet ?
Suit- [sut]
Sweet- [suit]
Sweet- [suit]
Jaka jest różnica między it suits me i it goes with me ?
"This shirt suits me" "this shirt goes with my shoes" "suits me" is also another way to agree to something, for example: "how about we go Sunday?" "Suits me"
Translations of "Suit"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? 我认为我是个做这份工作。
I think I suit this job.
I think I suit this job.
I think I'm a good fit for this job.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? suit for women
Check the question to view the answer
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? It suits you.
It suits on you.
It's suitable for you.
which one is correct?
It suits on you.
It's suitable for you.
which one is correct?
it suits you seems more correct
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? "That suits you best, for even without any makeup you look like a werewolf." is natural? And do I need to add a comma between 'makeup' and 'you'?
If i knew the context it would be easier to say if it's natural or not. You don't need to add a comma. "For" is correct but it sounds more formal/poetic, "because" is more natural in a casual discussion.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? suit
Check the question to view the answer
Other questions about "Suit"
Can 'suit up' and 'man up' be used in the same way?
No, ‘suit up’ and ‘man up’ have different meanings.
Suit up means to get ready for something, usually a fight or to do a job, when someone needs to wear a ‘suit of armor’ or other gear that correlates to the job being done.
Soldiers ‘suit up’ before going into battle. Electricians also ‘suit up’ with their tool belts, safety glasses, and other electrical equipment.
Man up means that someone has not been doing what they should/are supposed to, and someone is telling them to do it.
“I haven’t told my girlfriend that I lost my job.” “You need to man up and tell her the truth!”
Suit up means to get ready for something, usually a fight or to do a job, when someone needs to wear a ‘suit of armor’ or other gear that correlates to the job being done.
Soldiers ‘suit up’ before going into battle. Electricians also ‘suit up’ with their tool belts, safety glasses, and other electrical equipment.
Man up means that someone has not been doing what they should/are supposed to, and someone is telling them to do it.
“I haven’t told my girlfriend that I lost my job.” “You need to man up and tell her the truth!”
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? this suit has silver buttons at its center! wow, so fancy!
‘At its centre’ sounds strange here and should probably be ‘down the centre’ or ‘down the middle’ (because the buttons go from top to bottom in a line down the shirt). Using the preposition ‘at’ with ‘the centre’ (e.g. at the centre) for location would mean ‘inside something, exactly at its centre’. For example ‘the earth’s core is at its centre’.
Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
What I meant was that it doesn’t suit you.
In this sentence, why don’t I need to match that-clause’s tense to the independent clause?
My first thought was like “What I meant was that it didn’t suit you.” for tense consistency.
In this sentence, why don’t I need to match that-clause’s tense to the independent clause?
My first thought was like “What I meant was that it didn’t suit you.” for tense consistency.
It depends on what the people involved are talking about. The sentence is referring to another comment that the speaker made sometime in the past, and if the topic they're talking about is still relevant, then it makes sense to use the present tense.
For example, Tom dyed his hair blonde. When his friend, Michael, sees his new hair color, he tells him that his hair looks weird. A month later, they meet up again and Tom (who still has blonde hair) is still upset about the comment that Michael made.
Tom: "You know, that was pretty rude what you said about my hair."
Michael: "What I meant was that it doesn't suit you."
He can say "it doesn't suit you" because Tom still has the blonde hair. If he had dyed it a different color, then Michael would've have referred to the blonde hair in past tense, "it didn't suit you."
For example, Tom dyed his hair blonde. When his friend, Michael, sees his new hair color, he tells him that his hair looks weird. A month later, they meet up again and Tom (who still has blonde hair) is still upset about the comment that Michael made.
Tom: "You know, that was pretty rude what you said about my hair."
Michael: "What I meant was that it doesn't suit you."
He can say "it doesn't suit you" because Tom still has the blonde hair. If he had dyed it a different color, then Michael would've have referred to the blonde hair in past tense, "it didn't suit you."
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I had been looking forward to the suit that I ordered receive.
I had been looking forward to receiving the suit that I ordered.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? 1. Speaking English is my strong suit.
2. English is my strong suit.
2. English is my strong suit.
× 1. Speaking English is my strong suit.
✓ 1. Speaking English is my strong side.
× 2. English is my strong suit.
✓ 2. English is one of my strengths
✓ 1. Speaking English is my strong side.
× 2. English is my strong suit.
✓ 2. English is one of my strengths
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