Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Wash"
The meaning of "Wash" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy white washed?
When a person forget their own language, culture and tries to act like a white person to gain acceptance
Co znaczy wash off?
Clean, get dirt or sauce or whatever cleaned off.
Wash off those dirty dishes (dishes that still have sauce or bits of food on them)
Wash the dirt off your face.
It is not interchangeable with clean or wash. Adding the word “off” restricts its usage.
Wash off those dirty dishes (dishes that still have sauce or bits of food on them)
Wash the dirt off your face.
It is not interchangeable with clean or wash. Adding the word “off” restricts its usage.
Co znaczy wash post?
I may be wrong but I think they're reffering to The Washington Post, the following text would be a quote
Co znaczy wash away?
A sentence example would be, 'I have to wash away all this dirt from my face.' It practically means to get rid of.
Co znaczy "wash out" in 158?
It is a military term meaning "fail out." And "fail out" means to get kicked out due to failure.
Example sentences using "Wash"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z wash (n): A situation in which losses and gains or advantages and disadvantages are equivalent; a situation in which there is no net change. (Wiktionary).
The school has lost some student enrollment due to graduation, but has also gained new students who have moved to the area; for student enrollment, all-in-all, it's a wash.
—It is not uncommon terminology, perhaps more common in the business world.
—It is not uncommon terminology, perhaps more common in the business world.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z “ wash her hands”.
The restaurant requires that she wash her hands before returning to work.
She makes sure to wash her hands several times throughout the day.
She makes sure to wash her hands several times throughout the day.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z wash.
We need to wash the car.
I need to wash my hands.
He/she needs to wash himself/herself off.
I need to wash my hands.
He/she needs to wash himself/herself off.
Napisz przykładowe zdania z wash out.
色んな意味有りますよ。1。After painting please wash out the brushes. (絵を塗た後に筆をちゃんと濯いでください。) 何かをちゃんと洗うの意味
Napisz przykładowe zdania z wash.
I washed my hands. I washed my clothes. I wash my hands before every meal. I like to wash the dishes.
Synonyms of "Wash" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między wash face i wash my/the face ?
on a schedule, ‘wash face’ is the same as ‘wash my/the face’— it is only quicker.
On the other hand, you would not say “wash face” or “wash the face” in a conversation.
you would say “I wash my face” “you wash your face” “He/she washes his/her face”, etc..
On the other hand, you would not say “wash face” or “wash the face” in a conversation.
you would say “I wash my face” “you wash your face” “He/she washes his/her face”, etc..
Jaka jest różnica między wash i washing ?
Examples: "You will wash the clothes" verbe in future tense
"I am washing my clothes" verbe in the present continous tense meaning i am doing it (the washing) as we speak
"I am washing my clothes" verbe in the present continous tense meaning i am doing it (the washing) as we speak
Jaka jest różnica między wash in i wash down ?
wash in can mean two things
1. I wash my clothes in soapy water.
the clothes actually are submerged/under soapy water
2. The stone just washed in/up from the storm.
something from a water source (ocean, sea, river, etc.) settled on land.
wash down can also be used two ways.
1. My keys washed down the river.
they went downstream. this is tied to the direction 'down'
2. I need to wash down the boat.
basically, just washing something but is not necessarily a full cleaning.
1. I wash my clothes in soapy water.
the clothes actually are submerged/under soapy water
2. The stone just washed in/up from the storm.
something from a water source (ocean, sea, river, etc.) settled on land.
wash down can also be used two ways.
1. My keys washed down the river.
they went downstream. this is tied to the direction 'down'
2. I need to wash down the boat.
basically, just washing something but is not necessarily a full cleaning.
Jaka jest różnica między wash my hand i clean my hand ?
wash는 물로 싰는거고 clean은 티슈나 냅킨 따위로 손을 딲는 거에요
Jaka jest różnica między i washed myself i i got washed ?
After i ate dinner , I washed myself.
I got washed by my mother.
I got washed by my mother.
Translations of "Wash"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? I'll go wash my face.
@nayaski 'I'll go wash my face' is correct!
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? утренний туалет (wash my face, clean my teeth, brush my hair - all together)
How about my morning ritual, or routine?
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? wash watch 讀音相同嗎?
wash ㄨㄚ+ㄕ
watch ㄨㄚ+ㄔ
wash → 哇使 → wa + sh
watch → 哇尺 → wa + ch
wash ㄨㄚ+ㄕ
watch ㄨㄚ+ㄔ
wash → 哇使 → wa + sh
watch → 哇尺 → wa + ch
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? i have just finish wash dishes
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Other questions about "Wash"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? wash a bowl and reverse the bowl on the table
It does sound natural. But I would probably say: “Reverse the bowl on the table after washing it.”
Or: “After washing the bowl, reverse it on the table.” (-:
Or: “After washing the bowl, reverse it on the table.” (-:
Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć wash (y) watch ?
watch 'woch' wo-ch
wash 'wosh' wo-sh
wash 'wosh' wo-sh
I need to go wash, it is time to go wash already. What is the correct form to say about it?
- showering: I need to go take a shower. It's already time.
- washing something else: I need to go (do the laundry, wash the dishes).
- washing something else: I need to go (do the laundry, wash the dishes).
Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć wash and watch ?
Wash and watch.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I need wash my shirt?
I need buy a new jeans?
I need buy a new jeans?
i need TO
i need to wash my shirt
i need to buy new jeans
i need to buy a new pair of jeans
i need to wash my shirt
i need to buy new jeans
i need to buy a new pair of jeans
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