Papers by Jeanne Francoise
Jurnal PACIS/Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional, May 31, 2024
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary, Feb 10, 2023
The research is a derivative program of the Defense Heritage Dissertation by Dr. Jeanne Francoise... more The research is a derivative program of the Defense Heritage Dissertation by Dr. Jeanne Francoise, with a novelty idea, namely the establishment of the Indonesian Defense Museum. The establishment of the Indonesian Defense Museum aims to narrate the history of Indonesia's national defense in a complete, unified, and comprehensive manner with exhibitions of historical artifacts or objects, sequences of events, involvement of actors, and narratives based on the period of the defense heritage of the Indonesian nation, from 1511 to 1949. This study uses qualitative research methods with analysis obtained from the enrichment of defense heritage theory, cultural diplomacy, defense science, humanities, and museum science, as well as the Focus Group Discussion in Republic of Indonesia's National Defence Council (WANTANNAS RI) in July 2022. It is hoped that this research can become the main blueprint for the establishment of the Indonesian Defense Museum one day, especially in terms of presenting historical stories in a more interesting and contemporary way, as well as preparing digital literacy to store their collections so that they can continue to be accessed by the public and provide benefits in the academic field.
AEGIS : Journal of International Relations
This academic paper is aimed to analyze how far is ASEAN member countries, as well as Indonesia t... more This academic paper is aimed to analyze how far is ASEAN member countries, as well as Indonesia to implement the ideas of space defence programmes. For analyzing the factor of current geopolitics, this paper is using the theory of neorealism, for analyzing the readiness of space defence, this paper is using Republic of Indonesia’s national defense strategy, which includes inward looking and outward looking, then to analyze the implementation of the programmes of space defence, this paper is using dual use of civil defense. This paper will be the first eye opener about the importance and urgency of space defence as part of people’s nationalism, identity, modernism, and economy.Keywords: space defence, neorealism, ASEAN, Indonesia, nationalism,geopolitics
21st Century Innovation in Music Education, 2019
The 2nd International Conference on Culinary, Fashion, Beauty and Tourism (ICCFBT) 2019, Oct 19, 2020
The Journal of Individual Psychology, 2019
Abstract:Adlerian parenting study groups, a prevalent format in many Western countries, aim to im... more Abstract:Adlerian parenting study groups, a prevalent format in many Western countries, aim to impart democratic practices to parents. As part of the learning process in these groups, instructors try to model how to conduct democratic-deliberative discourse in the family. As a case study for a global format for parenting study groups, the present study examines an Adlerian parenting group in Israel. Specifically, it examines how discussions in these groups meet the objective of conducting democratic discourse. The study reveals that many principles of deliberative exchange were only partially implemented, indicating a clear gap between the group's objective and actual implementation of that objective. Overall, the study elucidates the need to teach parent educators deliberative principles.
KnE Social Sciences, Mar 10, 2022
This research investigated the meaning of the revitalization process of colonial forts in Indones... more This research investigated the meaning of the revitalization process of colonial forts in Indonesia as defense heritage assets. This was a case study of the revitalization of Kuto Besak Fort in Palembang, South Sumatera. The researchers also analyzed the importance of studying defense heritage in defense diplomacy courses. The aim of this paper was to raise awareness about the defense heritage concept in Indonesia, as well as to create a framework that stakeholders could use to carry out the revitalization process. Qualitative methods were used through a literature review and examining references about the Kuto Besak revitalization process and Palembang history. Three theories were employed: the concept of defense heritage from Dr. Jeanne Francoise, defense diplomacy theory, and the revitalization definition from the Regional Revitalization Guidelines of the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works No.18/PRT/M/2010. It is hoped that this analysis can be used as an academic reference for the South Sumatera government to revitalize Kuto Besak fort, as well as to promote the idea of defense heritage in young people in Palembang, to increase their interest in the defense heritage values behind historical objects or buildings around them.
This paper gives a new perspective about pesantren (Islamic boarding school) as the source of pea... more This paper gives a new perspective about pesantren (Islamic boarding school) as the source of peace education in Indonesia using three concepts; First is a collective opinion that reflected in the UN Declaration of Culture of Peace, second is the definition of peace education based on peace and conflict resolution studies, and third is the historical side of Islam in Indon esia. To explain the main idea about pesantren as the source of peace education, this paper uses the qualitative method in analyzing the data from interviews in some pesantren in Madura Island in 2014. This paper constructs a hypothesis that pesantren is the unique source and very potential for creating Indonesian peace leaders in the future. This idea is simply coming from a common sense that Muslims majority in Indonesia send their children to the pesantren to have a good education and good manner as well. But on the other side, some pesantren precisely create some radicals, so I would like to uphold this issue ...
This paper, that will be presented in the First International Conference of Capacity and Impact o... more This paper, that will be presented in the First International Conference of Capacity and Impact of Cyberspace in Promoting Religious Education, October 19-20, 2017 in AlMustafa Open University, Iran, has an hypotesis that Islam is the great religion that could give the solid foundation for human being among modernism ideas and to describe the local wisdom that is always giving a good benefit to the moslem life and their surroundings in the digital or Internet time. This view had been analyzed on the ideas of Syeikh Muhammad Abduh, a great muslim scholar, revolutionary fatwa maker and also a great ulama in Egypt. To analyze his ideas and local wisdom, this paper use qualitative method with the combination of sources from academic journals, books and news about how moslem people nowadays can absorb the highlight ideas of Islam and local wisdom based on Abduh’s thougts. On the analysis part, this paper will write the short biography and the ideas of Abduh, especially his concept of “on...
This paper, that would be presented in Los Angeles International Business Education Social Scienc... more This paper, that would be presented in Los Angeles International Business Education Social Sciences Tourism and Technology, 12-13 December 2019, has proposed Surabaya city as the centre of Indonesian defence heritage tourism. To analyse the importance of Surabaya city for Indonesian history, this paper is using the theory of Historiography by March Bloch and to analyse the future of Surabaya city, this paper is using the theory of Defence Heritage and Modernism.This paper is aimed to give the new perspective on tourism aspect, that is defence heritage aspect. As the colonized nation, Indonesia has several historical buildings as the proof of people’s struggling and has a potency to be developed as defence heritage destination or business sector in tourism industry.This paper is choosing Surabaya city because historical proof that Surabaya was the centre of fortress of colonization and also its local government has a lot of concern of preserving old buildings more intensive, than oth...
Artificial intelligence is not far method from our everyday lives. In Indonesia, artificial intel... more Artificial intelligence is not far method from our everyday lives. In Indonesia, artificial intelligence is still used from complex until simple command and for this paper we would like to give analytical review for Miposaur robot product in Indonesia. To analyze its artificial intelligence, this paper is using the basic definition of artificial intelligence from Leon [7], Banerjee, and Allen [2]. In Indonesia, we have Sistem Pertahanan Republik Indonesia (Sishanneg/ Indonesian National Defense System) that clearly puts artificial intelligence as one of tools to gain fully Indonesian purpose, mandated in 1945 Indonesian Constutional Law. Hereby the government has budget and satuan kerja/ work unit to support the using of artificial intelligence, both in military or non-military and we are still ongoing to gain the perfect regulation to manage the existence ofAI.
Penelitian ini, yang akan dipresentasikan di dalam Seminar Nasional: Transformasi Pendidikan Abad... more Penelitian ini, yang akan dipresentasikan di dalam Seminar Nasional: Transformasi Pendidikan Abad 21 untuk Mengembangkan Pendidikan Dasar Bermutu dan Berkarakter”, Sabtu, 6 Mei 2017, di Universitas Negeri Marang, mengambil topik: “Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Siswa Antara Model Numbered Head Together (NHT) Dengan Model Make a Match Pada Tema Indahnya Kebersamaan Subtema Keberagaman Budaya Bangsaku Di Kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Banda Aceh”. Sebagai latar belakang, penelitian ini akan melihat dinamika dan problematika dunia pendidikan SD di Banda Aceh, serta melihat kebijakan-kebijakan preventif dan partisipatif dalam memajukan sistem pendidikan SD di Banda Aceh yang sesuai dengan kebijakan nasional, kondisi kebangsaan, dan nilai-nilai Syariat Islam. Secara khusus, penelitian ini akan menganalisis perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model Numbered Head Together (NHT) dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model Make a Match pada Subtema Keberagaman Budaya Bangsaku di kelas IV SD ...
International Journal of Cultural and Art Studies
This research focused on the Nyangahatn ritual in Dayak Kanayatn indigenous people in West Kalima... more This research focused on the Nyangahatn ritual in Dayak Kanayatn indigenous people in West Kalimantan. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach with an emphasis on literature study. This paper uses the cultural theory, human ecology, and Disaster Mitigation and shows that there is a connection between those theories in Nyangahatn people’s rituals. Nyangahatn ritual related to the cultivation practices carried out based on the rice planting cycle. The results showed that the Nyangahatn ritual is a pearl of local wisdom, which is an effort in mitigating and adapting to disasters, especially regarding the planting and harvesting seasons. Forests or land cleared for cultivation are very calculated to avoid degradation and air sources. The Kanayatn Dayak indigenous people are very understanding about natural signs. In the process of land clearing for agriculture, it is essential to consider the land area is to be planted so that it do...
Paper ilmiah ini ditulis untuk diikutsertakan di dalam salah satu pemaparan panel UHAMKA 1st Inte... more Paper ilmiah ini ditulis untuk diikutsertakan di dalam salah satu pemaparan panel UHAMKA 1st International Conference on Islamic Humanities and Social Sciences, 23-24 Maret 2017. Paper ini bertitiktolak dari pemikiran dan nilai-nilai keteladanan Ulama Nusantara tentang perdamaian, modernisme, toleransi, dan prinsip kebangsaan sebagai inspirasi peradaban muslim dunia yang berada di dalam kerangka pemikiran politik Islam modern, sejak dunia Islam mengkaji fatwa revolusioner dari Syeikh Muhammad Abduh. Paper ini dimulai dari penjelasan sejarah tentang definisi ulama, legitimasi ulama di dalam teks Al-Qur'an, kedudukan ulama di dalam agama Islam, kewenangan dan peran ulama di masa lampau, serta problematika umum yang dihadapi para ulama. Paper ini kemudian menjelaskan secara ringkas peran para ulama Nusantara, terutama para ulama di Aceh dan Betawi dan sejarah terbentuknya Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) sebagai sebuah wujud kebersatuan para ulama Indonesia pada masa pra-kemerdekaan. Paper ini berusaha mengkaji MUI secara ilmiah yang dimulai dengan pemberitaan MUI yang identik dengan lembaga fatwa. Setelah ditelusuri lebih lanjut, MUI memiliki modal yang besar dan cukup untuk menjadi lebih dari sekedar lembaga fatwa, tetapi sebagai sebuah organisasi Islam modern milik Indonesia yang khas dengan membawa nilai-nilai Islam Nusantara di dalam lima gagasan besar yang penulis temukan dan rangkum dari data sekunder berupa buku, artikel, jurnal, dan link Internet. Paper ini memiliki kesimpulan bahwa MUI telah memiliki kader-kader ulama Nusantara yang berusaha mewujudkan nilai-nilai Islam Nusantara ke dalam setiap pergerakan MUI baik lokal maupun internasional, walaupun program-program MUI tersebut harus lebih dioptimalkan dan lebih kreatif lagi, terutama terkait dengan warna politik NKRI yang senantiasa dinamis dan menghadapi tantangan global.
Full Proceeding:
3rd Winner of National Essay Competition by Hungarian Embassy in Jakarta
General Topic : Hungaria... more 3rd Winner of National Essay Competition by Hungarian Embassy in Jakarta
General Topic : Hungarian-Indonesian Relations in the 20th Century
Perspective : International Politic
Focus : Indonesian View on Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1956
“Political Details of Hungarian Revolt 1956”
Written by: Jeanne Francoise, B.Hum., M.Sc.Def.
Researcher on European Studies, University of Indonesia
“Only stretch as far as your blanket reaches”
- Hungarian proverb
This essay is proudly written, not just to participate on the Essay Competition “The Role of Students in Political Transitions: Hungary in 1956 and Indonesia in 1998” for the 60th Anniversay of 1956 Hungarian Revolution conducted by the Embassy of Hungary in Jakarta, but also to commemorate 2.652 violent deaths, 20.000 wounded people , 35.000 prosecutions, 200 executions , and 200.000 emigrations on Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1956. This asymmetrical conflict was also considered as brutal as Apartheid South Africa . It is obviously needed to write an essay about 1956 Revolt in chronological detail with many academic references.
Juara 1 National Essay Competition Kampung Komunikasi 2016 (
Tema Essay... more Juara 1 National Essay Competition Kampung Komunikasi 2016 (
Tema Essay: Radikalisme dan Agama
“Persatuan Islam”
Jeanne Francoise
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Esai ini ditulis dalam rangka mengikuti National Essay Competition Kampung Komunikasi 2016 yang mengangkat tema Radikalisme dan Agama. Esai ini dimulai dengan pemahaman akan Radikalisme itu sendiri yang dikaitkan dengan sejarah Islam, sejarah Hak Asasi Manusia, dan isu aktual yang terjadi di Timur Tengah yang membentuk gagasan inti esai ini, yakni Persatuan Islam (Unity of Islam). Sebagai kesimpulan nanti, penulis akan coba memetakan peluang-peluang yang mungkin untuk menerapkan konsep itu di Indonesia.
Papers by Jeanne Francoise
Full Proceeding:
General Topic : Hungarian-Indonesian Relations in the 20th Century
Perspective : International Politic
Focus : Indonesian View on Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1956
“Political Details of Hungarian Revolt 1956”
Written by: Jeanne Francoise, B.Hum., M.Sc.Def.
Researcher on European Studies, University of Indonesia
“Only stretch as far as your blanket reaches”
- Hungarian proverb
This essay is proudly written, not just to participate on the Essay Competition “The Role of Students in Political Transitions: Hungary in 1956 and Indonesia in 1998” for the 60th Anniversay of 1956 Hungarian Revolution conducted by the Embassy of Hungary in Jakarta, but also to commemorate 2.652 violent deaths, 20.000 wounded people , 35.000 prosecutions, 200 executions , and 200.000 emigrations on Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1956. This asymmetrical conflict was also considered as brutal as Apartheid South Africa . It is obviously needed to write an essay about 1956 Revolt in chronological detail with many academic references.
Tema Essay: Radikalisme dan Agama
“Persatuan Islam”
Jeanne Francoise
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Esai ini ditulis dalam rangka mengikuti National Essay Competition Kampung Komunikasi 2016 yang mengangkat tema Radikalisme dan Agama. Esai ini dimulai dengan pemahaman akan Radikalisme itu sendiri yang dikaitkan dengan sejarah Islam, sejarah Hak Asasi Manusia, dan isu aktual yang terjadi di Timur Tengah yang membentuk gagasan inti esai ini, yakni Persatuan Islam (Unity of Islam). Sebagai kesimpulan nanti, penulis akan coba memetakan peluang-peluang yang mungkin untuk menerapkan konsep itu di Indonesia.
Full Proceeding:
General Topic : Hungarian-Indonesian Relations in the 20th Century
Perspective : International Politic
Focus : Indonesian View on Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1956
“Political Details of Hungarian Revolt 1956”
Written by: Jeanne Francoise, B.Hum., M.Sc.Def.
Researcher on European Studies, University of Indonesia
“Only stretch as far as your blanket reaches”
- Hungarian proverb
This essay is proudly written, not just to participate on the Essay Competition “The Role of Students in Political Transitions: Hungary in 1956 and Indonesia in 1998” for the 60th Anniversay of 1956 Hungarian Revolution conducted by the Embassy of Hungary in Jakarta, but also to commemorate 2.652 violent deaths, 20.000 wounded people , 35.000 prosecutions, 200 executions , and 200.000 emigrations on Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1956. This asymmetrical conflict was also considered as brutal as Apartheid South Africa . It is obviously needed to write an essay about 1956 Revolt in chronological detail with many academic references.
Tema Essay: Radikalisme dan Agama
“Persatuan Islam”
Jeanne Francoise
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Esai ini ditulis dalam rangka mengikuti National Essay Competition Kampung Komunikasi 2016 yang mengangkat tema Radikalisme dan Agama. Esai ini dimulai dengan pemahaman akan Radikalisme itu sendiri yang dikaitkan dengan sejarah Islam, sejarah Hak Asasi Manusia, dan isu aktual yang terjadi di Timur Tengah yang membentuk gagasan inti esai ini, yakni Persatuan Islam (Unity of Islam). Sebagai kesimpulan nanti, penulis akan coba memetakan peluang-peluang yang mungkin untuk menerapkan konsep itu di Indonesia.
Identitas perjuangan dan perlawanan Kota Surabaya seolah dihancurkan dengan adanya isu terorisme yang melandadi 3 (tiga) tempat peribadatan, Malporesta, dan Rusunawa pada 13-14 Mei 2018. Isu terorisme yang terjadi ini menarik untuk diteliti, sebab pelakunya adalah keluarga yang terkenal ramah dengan tetangga sekitar. Bahkan istri dan anak-anak pun menjadi pelaku pengeboman.
Berangkat dari kebanggaan akan Kota Surabaya yang khas dengan semangat perjuangan dan perlawanan, Mahasiswa Prodi Doktoral Unhan, khususnya konsentrasi Keamanan Nasional, akan melakukan observasi dan penelitian Kota Surabaya dari sudut pandang Ilmu Pertahanan, dengan berfokus pada ilmu defence heritage, yakni teori yang mempelajari tentang warisan situs pertahanan di Kota Surabaya, seperti misalnya Tugu Pahlawan, Museum TNI AL, dan Jembatan Merah.
Dalam kaitannya dengan IImu Pertahanan, Kota Surabaya adalah Komando Armada Timur Angkatan Laut (Koarmatim). Di kota ini terdapat kantor Koarmatim yang selalu siap sedia menjaga harkat dan martabat Bangsa Indonesia dalam menghadapi dinamika lingkungan strategis yang kerap berubah. Pasca-aksi terorisme Mei 2018, Pemerintah Kota Surabaya kemudian melakukan koordinasi secara lebih intensif dengan Kepolisian, TNI, dan Kementrian Pertahanan untuk kembali menghidupkan nilai-nilai bela negara, terutama bagi generasi milenial.
Dalam kaitannya dengan fungsi defence heritage, Pemerintah Kota Surabaya dengan giat mengedukasi masyarakat untuk menghargai nilai-nilai sejarah Kota Surabaya dengan cara kunjungan sekolah ke museum. Untuk mendukung latar belakang permasalahan yang diuraikan di atas, maka akan dilaksanakan penelitian dengan judul:
“Fungsi Defence Heritage Dalam Penguatan Karakter Bangsa di Kota Surabaya 2018”
اللغة العربية في العلاقة مع أندونيسيا الدولة الدفاع
Jeanne Francoise
Mahasiswi Program Studi Doktoral Ilmu Pertahanan, Universitas Pertahanan, Sentul
This paper, that would be presented in National Conference of Arabic Studies, University of Padjajaran, Bandung, 24-25 November 2018, has a thought of novelty that Arabic language is part of Indonesian tool of knowledge on how Indonesian identity has been created. This paper is using qualitative method with the observations on the field, especially the experience of the Author as Arabic learner in Mustaqilli Arabic Center, Mosque of Al-Azhar, Jakarta since 2015.
This paper is using the theory of Indonesian National Defense System using the Indonesian White Defense Paper and Book of Indonesian’s Doctrine of Defense to analyze about the connection between Indonesian identity to Arabic as language in this modern world. This paper is using the theory of Historiography of March Bloch to know that Arabic language is part of Indonesian identity as noted in Indonesian history. Then this paper is using the theory of cultural identity to analyze why Arabic language is part of Indonesian identity.
This research is aimed as the tool of knowledge to know more deeper about Arabic language being used by majority of Indonesian moslems, not just for praying, but for studying and interaction with foreigners in this global world. Besides, this paper is hoped to be part of National Conference of Arabic Studies in Bandung, whereas Bandung is also an important city of globalization.
Keywords: Indonesia, national defense system, Arabic language, Indonesian identity, historiography
هذه الورقة ، التي سيتم عرضها في المؤتمر الوطني للدراسات العربية ، جامعة بادجاجاران ، باندونج ، 24-25 نوفمبر 2018 ، اللغة العربية هي جزء من أداة المعرفة الإندونيسية حول كيفية إنشاء الهوية الإندونيسية. تستخدم هذه الورقة طريقة الملاحظة ، لا سيما تجربة المؤلف كمتعلمة باللغة العربية في مركز مستقلي العربي ، جامع الأزهر ، جاكرتا منذ عام 2015.
هذه الورقة هي نظرية نظام الدفاع الوطني الإندونيسي باستخدام ورقة الدفاع الأبيض وكتاب المذهب الإندونيسي للدفاع لتحليل العلاقة بين اللغة الإندونيسية واللغة العربية كلغة في هذا العالم الحديث. هذه الورقة مبنية على نظرية التأريخ لشهر مارس ، اللغة العربية جزء من الهوية الإندونيسية كما هو مذكور في التاريخ الإندونيسي. ثم تستخدم هذه الورقة نظرية اللغة العربية الثقافية جزءًا من الهوية الإندونيسية.
يعتبر هذا البحث أداة للمعرفة لمعرفة المزيد عن اللغة العربية التي تستخدمها المساجد الإندونيسية ، وليس فقط للصلاة ، ولكن للدراسة والتعلم عن العالم العالمي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، هذه الورقة جزء من المؤتمر الوطني للدراسات العربية في باندونغ ، في حين أن باندونغ هي أيضًا مدينة مهمة للعولمة.
الكلمات المفتاحية: إندونيسيا ، نظام الدفاع الوطني ، اللغة العربية ، الهوية الإندونيسية ، التأريخ
This paper, that would be presented in 25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane (Australia), 21-25 July 2018, has an hypothesis that United Nations is the world’s best political organization to solve world problems and bring peace and security issue in the most elegant diplomacy between official representatives. In the changing politic environment, United Nations is demanded to be more responsive and faster to do level of actions, from preventive diplomacy, peace building, peace keeping, peace enforcement, and security sector reform or DDR (demobilization, demilitarization, and reintegration) process.
In this modern era of technology, United Nations decision could be found one minute after the meeting and the action on the war zone, could be implemented in less than five minutes, so that it is important that each decision could measure the risk management within it, especially for officials and local people, children, women, elders, and other environment.
To analyze the process of United Nations, this paper is using the theory of Polemology by Gaston Bouthol, Modernism by Alain Tourraine, Democracy by Plato, and international management by Pearson. In this paper, those theories are not best theories to seek deeper about United Nations; as communal organization including people from around the world from various backgrounds; but those theories are chosen as they are being used regularly if we speak about United Nations.
This paper has some highlight on international management, because if we see United Nations as international management, it is not just about politics, but about a big company with many employers and employees of various backgrounds, nationalities, cultures, ideologies, and languages. The UN Resolution is also a product of modern international management, because it has legal-binding position above other management and how this resolution could be effectively implemented if the UN management is well-run.
Besides of that, this paper is hoped to give awareness on the changing environment of world politic; Trump president, Korean nuclear crisis, Syrian war, South China Sea, and other related issues. As we believe also in the concept of Neorealism; that each country prioritize their own interest first before thinking about world peace; we can assume that this paper would criticize many times P-5 members of UNSC.
Keywords: international management, polemology, modernism, democracy, UN
Cet article, qui sera présenté au 25ème Congrès Mondial IPSA des Sciences Politiques, Brisbane (Australie), 21-25 juillet 2018, a une hypothèse selon laquelle les Nations Unies sont la meilleure organisation politique au monde pour résoudre les problèmes mondiaux et apporter la paix et la sécurité. la diplomatie la plus élégante entre les représentants officiels. Dans un environnement politique changeant, les Nations Unies sont appelées à être plus réactives et à agir plus rapidement: diplomatie préventive, consolidation de la paix, maintien de la paix, maintien de la paix et réforme du secteur de la sécurité ou démobilisation, démilitarisation et réintégration.
En cette ère moderne de la technologie, la décision des Nations Unies pourrait être trouvée une minute après la réunion et l'action sur la zone de guerre pourrait être mise en œuvre en moins de cinq minutes, de sorte qu'il est important que chaque décision puisse mesurer la gestion des risques, en particulier pour les fonctionnaires et les populations locales, les enfants, les femmes, les aînés et les autres milieux.
Ce papier académique met en lumière la gestion internationale, car si nous considérons les Nations Unies comme une gestion internationale, il ne s'agit pas seulement de politique, mais d'une grande entreprise avec de nombreux employeurs et employés de divers horizons, nationalités, cultures, idéologies et langues. La résolution de l'ONU est également un produit de la gestion internationale moderne, car elle a une position juridique contraignante au-dessus de la gestion d'autres et comment cette résolution pourrait être effectivement mise en œuvre si la gestion de l'ONU est bien gérée.
En plus, ce document est censé donner une conscience sur l'environnement changeant de la politique mondiale; Le président Trump, la crise nucléaire coréenne, la guerre syrienne, la mer de Chine méridionale et d'autres questions connexes. Comme nous croyons aussi dans le concept de néoréalisme; que chaque pays donne la priorité à son propre intérêt avant de penser à la paix mondiale; nous pouvons supposer que ce document critiquerait plusieurs fois les membres du P-5 du CS de l'ONU.
Mots-clés: management internationale, polémologie, modernisme, démocratie, ONU
Here the full video of the presentation:
“Defense Heritage Protection in Indonesia”
Jeanne Francoise, I Wayan Midhio, Triyoga Budi Prasetyo
(Email: ; Indonesia Defense University)
This paper, that would be presented in Annual Multidisciplinary Conference in University of Malta, February 11-15, 2018, would speak about the lesson learned of defense heritage protection around the world, and what government of Indonesia is doing to preserve and co-exist the materials or defense heritage sites around Indonesia.
To preserve, manage, and nominate some sites to be noted in UNESCO’s World Heritage is not an easy process, because UNESCO has its own priority and programme to check and investigate all sites around the world, that are merit to have UNESCO’s World Heritage logo. Regarding to this issue, somehow Indonesia is applying World Heritage Convention and send some sites to be nominated in UNESCO World Heritage Committee, as well as maintain the tourism business aspect of that sites.
To analyze the problem and the needs, this paper is using the theory of Modernity by Alain Tourraine and theory of historiography of mentality (Histoire de la mentalité) by March Bloch. The theory of Modernity is to explain the modernism system, mechanism, procedures under United Nations (attention to UNESCO) to preserve and maintain cultural sites and theory of historiography is to define which site is just containing cultural aspect and which site is containing both cultural and defense values, based on Indonesian national defense system concept (Sistem Pertahanan Negara/ Sishanneg).
This paper is aimed to gain knowledge about defense heritage in the perspective of Indonesia and how far and how serious is the government of Indonesia to identify, observe, analyze, and apply some cultural sites to be nominated as UNESCO’s World Heritage. This paper also will act as recommendation for public policy makers, for example Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Defence, and provincial governments where defence heritage is located.
Keywords: defense heritage, Indonesia, national defense system, UNESCO, world heritage
This paper that would be presented in International Conference on Anti Human Trafficking Initiatives: Theory to Practice, Kolkata, India, 25th-26th November 2017, proposes a multi-track diplomacy to prevent and anticipate the misuse of Indonesian migrant workers (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia/ TKI) that have been working in Middle East and Asian countries since Indonesia applies Law No.39 Year 2004 about the TKI management, Law of Anti-Human-Trafficking No.21 Year 2007, and also Law No.5 Year 1999 (supplemented with Presidential Regulation No.88 Year 2002) to ratify UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime.
Those laws show that das sollen, Indonesia has rule of law to protect TKI, but das sein, TKI nowadays are being regarded as real slave, not a humanbeing. They are being raped, trafficked, beaten, not paid, and other worse cases in Middle East and Asian countries that absorb many TKI as domestic workers or nurses.
Based on the truth spoken in the news and researcher of Migrant Care, at least there are 13.318 TKI being raped or being trapped to be prostitutes in the year of 2010. In the year of 2013, United Nations said that Indonesia is the second largest country with the large numbers of human trafficking issues. TKI cases is the one who gives largest contribution for human trafficking system in Indonesia.
Realizing with that condition, I as scholar want this paper to be an eye opener to all international stakeholders to prevent and anticipate the devil circle of TKI false system. To analyze the problem, this paper use qualitative method based on academic, journal, research, legal reports concerning issues of TKI in Middle East and Asian countries and to propose multi-track diplomacy, this paper uses the theory of Joseph Stiglitz about modern economy, includes the analysis of poverty of Indonesia that maybe one of highest factor the existence of TKI.
Keywords: Indonesia, TKI, poverty, modern economy, human trafficking, migrant workers
Frederick Putra Wijaya together double delegate with Jeanne Francoise, they are really appreciated by Markus Schwaiger from MUN Russia Far East.
This paper that would be presented on International Conference on Peace and Conflict Management, 25th August 2017 at Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka, has an academic hypothesis that in the United Nations new leadership under Secretary General Antonio Guterres and United States new presidency under Donald John Trump, South and North Korea are still in the negative peace, while they have proven a cold war since Korean War 1953. Besides of the modernisation and higher mobility among their citizens to inbound or outbound, both North and South Korean government remains unpredictable of their politics, including their nuclear programs.
Thus, this paper is aimed to give some objectives of analysis about nuclear program in South Korea, based on field research in South Korea in June 2014, as part of obligatory course under full scholarship of Indonesia Defense University, as well as to show an academic hyphotesis about the future of unificaton or remaining-disintegration of South and North Korea.
To analyze the problems, this paper uses the theory of historiography by March Bloch and concept of peace and conflict resolution by Johan Galtung. This paper is highly assumed to be an eye opener for UN Security Council to do some real actions to prevent such conflict and in the more wider scope, this paper is hoped to be a blueprint for Indonesian government to facilitate the power of diplomacy among indonesians who love Koran culture, music, and culinary, so that they understand at what stake level is the Korean defense system.
Keywords: Korea, Nuclear, United Nations
"Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Siswa Model Numbered Head Together (NHT) dengan Model Make a Match Pada Tema Indahnya Kebersamaan Subtema Keberagaman Budaya Bangsaku di Kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Banda Aceh"
Penulis: Jeanne Francoise, S.Hum., M.Si.(Han.) & Reh Ulina Br.Pinem, S.Pd.
Penelitian ini, yang akan dipresentasikan di dalam Seminar Nasional: Transformasi Pendidikan Abad 21 untuk Mengembangkan Pendidikan Dasar Bermutu dan Berkarakter”, Sabtu, 6 Mei 2017, di Universitas Negeri Marang, mengambil topik: “Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Siswa Antara Model Numbered Head Together (NHT) Dengan Model Make a Match Pada Tema Indahnya Kebersamaan Subtema Keberagaman Budaya Bangsaku Di Kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Banda Aceh”.
Sebagai latar belakang, penelitian ini akan melihat dinamika dan problematika dunia pendidikan SD di Banda Aceh, serta melihat kebijakan-kebijakan preventif dan partisipatif dalam memajukan sistem pendidikan SD di Banda Aceh yang sesuai dengan kebijakan nasional, kondisi kebangsaan, dan nilai-nilai Syariat Islam. Secara khusus, penelitian ini akan menganalisis perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model Numbered Head Together (NHT) dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan model Make a Match pada Subtema Keberagaman Budaya Bangsaku di kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Banda Aceh. Sedangkan tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa melalui perbedaan Hasil Belajar Siswa Model Numbered Head Together (NHT) dengan Model Make a Match pada Subtema Keberagaman Budaya bangsaku di Kelas IV SD Negeri Negeri 2 Banda Aceh.
Untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif eksperimental. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas I hingga kelas VI di SD Negeri 2 Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 536 orang tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Sedangkan yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas IV-a yang menjadi kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran Numbered Head Together (NHT) terdiri dari 33 orang siswa dan kelas IV-b yang menjadi kelas kontrol dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran Make a Match terdiri dari 33 orang siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode pembelajaran Numbered Head Together (NHT) dan Model Make a Match dapat digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar, khususnya dalam mengajarkan Tema Indahnya Kebersamaan Subtema Keberagaman Budaya Bangsaku. Hasil analisis data yang dilakukan oleh penulis, nilai t lebih besar dari pada nilai t_((1-α)) nilai t = -0,22 sedangkan nilai t_((1-α)) = 2,00, hal ini menunjukan bahwa nila t - hitung < t-tabel, sehingga dapat di disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan prestasi belajar siswa melalui model Numbered Head Together dan Make a match pada tema indahnya kebersamaan Sub Tema keberagaman budaya bangsaku Kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Banda Aceh, disebabkan karena kedua model pembelajaran tersebut dapat diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran.
Kata Kunci: Numbered Head Together (NHT), Make a Match, Hasil Belajar Siswa
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Jeanne Francoise is a female Indonesian researcher. Her research specializations are:
- La politique dans la pensee moderne
- United Nations
- Civil-Military Defense Cooperation
- Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren)
Complete collection for her academic papers can be found at:
This scientific paper is written to be inserted in a panel presentation in UHAMKA 1st International Conference on Islamic Humanities and Social Sciences, March 23-24, 2017. This paper has upcoming thegreat thinking and good values of Ulama Nusantara on peace, modernism, tolerance, and the principle of nationality as an inspiration for Muslims worldwide civilization within the framework of Modern Islamic Political Thought, since the Islamic world examines the revolutionary fatwa from Sheikh Muhammad Abduh.
This paper starts from a historical explanation of the definition of Ulama, Ulama’s legitimacy in the text of the Qur'an, the position of the Ulama in Islam, the authority and role of the Ulama in the past, as well as the problems commonly encountered the Ulamas. This paper then briefly describes the role of the Ulama Nusantara, especially the Ulamas in Aceh and Batavia and the formation history of the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) as a manifestation of unity of the Indonesian Ulamas in pre-independence time.
This paper tries to study MUI scientifically, that began with the common sense that is: MUI is identical to a fatwa institution. Upon further exploration, MUI has substantial and enough capital to be more than just a fatwa institution, but as a modern Islamic organization belonging to the Republic of Indonesia, that is carrying typical values of Islam Nusantara in five great ideas that I have found and summarized from secondary data in the form of books, articles, journals, and Internet links. This paper has concluded that MUI has had a cadre of Ulama Nusantara who are trying to realize the values of Islam Nusantara into every movement of MUI, both locally and internationally, although the programs of MUI must be optimized and more creative, mainly related to the political color of our Indonesia, that is always dynamic and facing the global challenges.
Keywords: Islam, Political Islam, Modernism, Modern, MUI, Majelis Ulama Indonesia
Sub-Theme Panel 1: Islamic Education, Democracy, and Civil Society
“Pesantren as the Source of Peace Education”
Written by: Jeanne Francoise, S.Hum., M.Si.(Han.)
Professional Researcher of Islamic boarding school (Pesantren)
This academic paper is dedicated to INTAN OLIVIA MARBUN (2 years old),
radical islamists victim in Samarinda, Indonesia, November 14, 2016
فاي الدين-Al Baqarah 256
This paper, that would be presented in 3rd Joint International Seminar of Religious Education in a Diverse Society: Promoting Civil Religion and Deliberative Society, November 18-20, 2016 at Santika Premier Hotel Semarang, is aimed to give a new perspective about Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) as the source of peace education in Indonesia using three concepts; First is collective opinion that reflected in the UN Declaration of Culture of Peace, second is the definition of Peace Education based on Peace and Conflict Resolution studies, and third is the historical side of Islam in Indonesia.
This paper constructs an hypotesis that Pesantren is the unique and most potential source to have indonesian peace leaders in the future. This idea is simply coming from the common sense that majority believers in Indonesia are moslems and by time to time, many moslem parents send their children to the Pesantren to have a good education and good faith as well, but on the other side, with less-State control, some Pesantren also create some radicalists, so that I would like to uphold this issue in this international conference by telling also some Union European historical experience to handle radicalists through peace education by harmonising State-Religion relationship.
Solutions on this paper could be changed after the conference, but at least it covers some basic technical recommendations by praising existing good programs and criticizing the lack one.
Keywords: Pesantren, Pondok Pesantren, Islamic boarding school, peace education, Union European
14-15 Desember 2016 di Universitas Paramadina Jakarta
“Dimana Ada Kemiskinan Disitu Ada Korupsi”
Ditulis oleh Jeanne Francoise, S.Hum., M.Si.(Han.)
(Penulis adalah Peneliti Profesional dan pemegang sertifikat Brevet Pajak A&B No.12543/PPL/Pajak/2013)
Makalah ini dituliskan untuk dipresentasikan di dalam Seminar Korupsi di Universitas Paramadina yang mengangkat tema tentang “Membangun Integritas Tata Kelola Pemerintahan” 14-15 Desember 2016. Makalah ini mengangkat isu Korupsi yang direfleksikan ke dalam sebuah problematika kemiskinan masyarakat urban Jakarta. Untuk mengupas Korupsi itu sendiri menggunakan standarisasi dari PBB yang diejawantahkan ke dalam program-program KPK. Kemudian untuk mengupas Kemiskinan itu diajukan sebuah pemikiran modern yang terkait kepada religiusitas bangsa Indonesia.
Penemuan keterkaitan antara Korupsi dan Kemiskinan bukanlah sebuah dugaan asimetris tidak berdasar, tetapi merupakan kajian lanjutan daripada penelitian yang dilakukan sepanjang tahun 2011 di daerah-daerah kumuh di Jakarta, terutama di Pantai Marunda dan Pantai Ancol. Pola-pola yang ditemukan daripada Kemiskinan itu adalah merujuk kepada satu struktur permasalahan umum, yakni adanya indikasi tidak tergunakannya APBN dengan benar. Disinilah hipotesis akademis di dalam makalah ini dibangun bahwa Kemiskinan ditimbulkan oleh Korupsi sebagai faktor disintegritas tata kelola pemerintahan yang paling dominan.
Teori-teori yang digunakan di dalam makalah ini adalah konsep historiografi dari Marc Bloch yang digunakan dalam makalah ini untuk menggambarkan sejarah korupsi di dunia yang paling terkenal dan pembelajaran yang diambil daripadanya. Kemudian makalah ini menggunakan teori Polemologi dari Gaston Bouthol yang menitikberatkan peran PBB sebagai patokan utama pergerakan dunia melawan Korupsi dan menghilangkan Kemiskinan. Teori terakhir yang digunakan adalah teori Modernitas dari Alain Touraine yang memberi arti pada modernitas sebagai sebuah jalan kehidupan religius sebuah bangsa, bahwa sebuah bangsa yang semakin modern, artinya bangsa tersebut menjadi semakin religius, sehingga apabila dikaitkan dengan tema makalah ini, kereligiusan bangsa Indonesia perlu dikemukakan di dalam World Corruption Index yang lebih kecil, serta penegakan hukum yang lebih keras untuk para korupor.
Sebagai kesimpulan dan rekomendasi, makalah ini memberikan 3 (tiga) tahapan utama dalam melawan korupsi sistemik. Akhir kata, makalah ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pembuka mata bagi para akademisi untuk mengenal Korupsi secara menyeluruh dan mengetahui peran universitas dalam membina kader bangsa, yaitu mahasiswa, untuk tidak pernah korupsi satu rupiah pun dan menularkan mentalitas ini kepada civil society.
Kata kunci: Korupsi, Indonesia, PBB, Jakarta, Integritas, Tata Kelola Pemerintahan