Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Federal"
The meaning of "Federal" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa Federal review ?
It is being reviewed by the federal government or agency at the national level. As opposed to a State / local government or agency.
It's about the different tiers/levels of government, local or national.
It's about the different tiers/levels of government, local or national.
O que significa Federal program?
Yes, it would be. However, in America, we call those types of programs “welfare programs” or sometimes “government assistance.”
O que significa Federal taxes ?
Taxes you have to pay to the national government.
Synonyms of "Federal" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre Federal department e Federal agency ?
federal department is one of the key organizations in the federal government and has a secretary who leads it.
Federal agency is an independent organization or an organization that is part of a larger department.
Federal agency is an independent organization or an organization that is part of a larger department.
Other questions about "Federal"
Federal Indian reservations are generally exempt from state jurisdiction, except when Congress specifically authorizes such jurisdiction.
It means that a native american reservation is managed by a federally recognized Indian tribe under the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs rather than the state governments of the United States. soa natural?
It means that a native american reservation is managed by a federally recognized Indian tribe under the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs rather than the state governments of the United States. soa natural?
Only 3 corrections:
authorises (British spelling)
It means that a native American reservation ... (capitalisation)
federally-recognised (hyphenation + British spelling)
authorises (British spelling)
It means that a native American reservation ... (capitalisation)
federally-recognised (hyphenation + British spelling)
That would force the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates, and push up government-borrowing costs. So far, though, there is little sign of that. Inflation is oddly soggy; the Fed cut rates three times last year.
Q. What does it mean by "oddly soggy?" Considering the sentence that follows that phrase, I think inflation hasn't gone up to hit the country badly yet. soggy...basically inflation isn't formed or hardened yet with the support of the Fed?
Q. What does it mean by "oddly soggy?" Considering the sentence that follows that phrase, I think inflation hasn't gone up to hit the country badly yet. soggy...basically inflation isn't formed or hardened yet with the support of the Fed?
Soggy as corn flakes...flat, in the bottom (of the bowl), not showing signs of life.
A top U.S. Federal Reserve official said on Monday the economy is doing well.
What does the "on Monday" means here? And give me some sentences, thank you!
What does the "on Monday" means here? And give me some sentences, thank you!
Monday is when he said it
I'm going to her house on Monday
we had a chat on Monday
I have to go to work on monday
I'm going to her house on Monday
we had a chat on Monday
I have to go to work on monday
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said, " the case to increase interest rates is getting strong."
Q: What does the exact meaning of "case" here?
Q: What does the exact meaning of "case" here?
it means the arguments or reasons why they want to increase interest rates
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