Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Fact"

The meaning of "Fact" in various phrases and sentences

Example sentences using "Fact"

Translations of "Fact"

Other questions about "Fact"

Q: Despite the fact that my English is still far from my ideal, I’m very curious about leaning third language by using second language. I used to believe that it is killing two birds with one stone because I thought I could learn as many as two unfamiliar languages at one time, but it was partly wrong. According to the articles I looked over on google, it can be counterproductive if your second language isn’t at a native speaker level or you relay on your first language even just a little bit. Besides, one of the authors mentioned that it depends on the compatibility of the languages. Honestly, I’m not sure of reaching the level in two years. Perhaps, in my case It’s better to learn the two languages through Japanese than to be greedy. soa natural?

Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases


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