Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Infect"
Example sentences using "Infect"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com infect.
You could get an infection from swimming in the sewer water.
(Infection = noun)
Mosquitos infect many people with malaria.
(infect = verb)
(Infection = noun)
Mosquitos infect many people with malaria.
(infect = verb)
Synonyms of "Infect" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre infect e affect ?
Infect is to spread something such as disease to others. For example: I don't want to infect my classmates with my cold.
Affect is similar to impact where you are spreading something but it is more likely feelings or moods rather than a sickness. Example: I don't want my friends to be affected by my sad mood.
Affect is similar to impact where you are spreading something but it is more likely feelings or moods rather than a sickness. Example: I don't want my friends to be affected by my sad mood.
Qual é a diferença entre infect e affect ?
Infect is used for infections.
Example: Malaria could infect people from 10 meters away
Affect means to influence or have an impact on something
Example: Malaria could infect people from 10 meters away
Affect means to influence or have an impact on something
Qual é a diferença entre infect e contract ?
Infect: the action of giving some thing a disease or illness
Contract: is the action of receiving or getting a disease or illness.
After work, the doctor washed his hands so he did not infect anyone else.
The girl had contracted an illness from her sick friend.
Contract: is the action of receiving or getting a disease or illness.
After work, the doctor washed his hands so he did not infect anyone else.
The girl had contracted an illness from her sick friend.
Other questions about "Infect"
I want to ask you about how to use infect.
what does infect takes as subject?
Virus can infect people. However, can people infect people with virus?(this is correct?)
what does infect takes as subject?
Virus can infect people. However, can people infect people with virus?(this is correct?)
People with a virus can infect people without the virus.
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar infect and what is the differences in pronouncing infect and in fact.
infect, in fact.
I afraid i will infect my sick to you soa natural?
"I'm afraid I'll get you sick."
I might infect my cold to you does this sound natural? soa natural?
-I might infect you with my cold
-I might give you my cold
-I might give you my cold
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