Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Kinda"
The meaning of "Kinda" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa kinda?
It's a contraction of "kind of," and has two meanings, either "that sort/type" or "a little bit."
He's kinda weird = He's a little weird
I like that kinda stuff = I like that type of stuff
It can also be used to express hesitation
I kinda want to go = I want to go (but I'm not sure about it for a specific reason)
He's kinda weird = He's a little weird
I like that kinda stuff = I like that type of stuff
It can also be used to express hesitation
I kinda want to go = I want to go (but I'm not sure about it for a specific reason)
O que significa kinda cute?
“Kinda” is slang/a short way of writing “kind of”. This is because when English speakers say “kind of” quickly, they do not usually pronounce a hard “f” at the end. “Kind of” means a little bit, or sort of.
“Kinda cute” would mean
“She is cute.”
“She is pretty cute.”
“She is really cute.”
“Kinda cute” would mean
“She is cute.”
“She is pretty cute.”
“She is really cute.”
O que significa kinda?
that's kinda wrong..
「kind of」はもっと中立言い方んです。
that's kinda wrong..
「kind of」はもっと中立言い方んです。
O que significa I kinda figured ?
It means the person has a pretty good idea or answer for something, although it might not be complete or 100% accurate yet. More time or info will tell in the end.
For example, if I tell you I can give you a ride to the movies on Friday as long as my boss doesn't call me in to work and 75% chance he will not.
You can then say you kind of figured out a ride to the movies on Friday.
For example, if I tell you I can give you a ride to the movies on Friday as long as my boss doesn't call me in to work and 75% chance he will not.
You can then say you kind of figured out a ride to the movies on Friday.
O que significa kinda?
It's a contraction of "kind of." Example.
A. "Are you hungry?"
B. "Kinda, I could eat a little bit."
A. "Are you hungry?"
B. "Kinda, I could eat a little bit."
Example sentences using "Kinda"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com kinda.
kinda is like a slang for kind of so...
That's kinda awesome.
That's kinda your problem.
That's kinda the reason why I told you not to come here.
That's kinda awesome.
That's kinda your problem.
That's kinda the reason why I told you not to come here.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com kinda.
"It's kinda cold outside"
"I kinda like it, I don't know why"
"I kinda want to just go dancing"
You can also use 'kinda' as a casual answer for example:
Question: "Do you like running?" Answer: "Kinda..."
to show that you do, but you're not too sure.
I hope this helps :)
"It's kinda cold outside"
"I kinda like it, I don't know why"
"I kinda want to just go dancing"
You can also use 'kinda' as a casual answer for example:
Question: "Do you like running?" Answer: "Kinda..."
to show that you do, but you're not too sure.
I hope this helps :)
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com kinda.
The joke is kinda funny.
"Kinda" a short version of "kind of", and is used to say that you're not completely satisfied with something. That's what I think.
"Kinda" a short version of "kind of", and is used to say that you're not completely satisfied with something. That's what I think.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com 'kinda'.
It’s kinda cool.
He's kinda cute.
He's kinda cute.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com kinda.
Kinda is slang for "kind of" and it means "a little bit"
It's kinda hot today.
That boy is kinda cute.
The episode last night was kinda interesting.
The interview went kinda well.
It's kinda hot today.
That boy is kinda cute.
The episode last night was kinda interesting.
The interview went kinda well.
Synonyms of "Kinda" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre I'm kinda busy. e I'm a little busy. ?
They both mean the same thing, but "I'm kinda busy" is a little bit more casual than "I'm a little busy."
Qual é a diferença entre kinda e a little ?
"Kinda" is a contraction of "kind of" which expresses uncertainty and/or vagueness about something. "A little" expresses an amount of something.
"Do you like her?"
"I kinda like her"
"How much do you like her?"
"I like her a little"
"Do you like her?"
"I kinda like her"
"How much do you like her?"
"I like her a little"
Qual é a diferença entre kinda e kind of ?
kinda is the informal way of kind of. it's more proper to use the latter.
I'm kinda hungry. (informal/slang)
I'm kind of hungry.
I'm kinda hungry. (informal/slang)
I'm kind of hungry.
Qual é a diferença entre kinda e kind of? Is there even a difference? ?
they mean the same thing but kinda is just a shortened version of kind of
Qual é a diferença entre kinda e a little bit ?
Kinda is colloquial of 'kind of'. I would say meaning is the same but kinda is less formal than a little bit
Translations of "Kinda"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I sometimes hear “you made my day”or that kinda thing.Is that means “this is the best thing happened to me today” ? (please answer the question and correct the sentence if I made mistake. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
It means pretty much that. If you do something nice or something the person likes they might say this as a way of showing appreciation also
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 갑자기 조금 뜬금 없는 질문이긴 한데, 만약 초능력이 생긴다면 어떤 능력을 가지고 싶으신가요? it's virtually kinda ridiculous question tho, have you ever though about having superpower? if it's possible what superpower would you like to have?
Although this is a bit of a ridiculous question to ask all of a sudden, if you could have any superpower you wanted, which superpower would you like to have?
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I kinda like it
I think it appeals me or I think I like it. Kinda' is slang word. Kind of is formal.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? kinda
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? なんか めんどくさい
Kinda troublesome or kinda tiresome?
Is this correct?
Kinda troublesome or kinda tiresome?
Is this correct?
"Kinda troublesome" sounds better to me. Also, more informally, I would say "kind of a pain in the ass."
Other questions about "Kinda"
I kinda disagree with the statement. I think that in some countries there might exist a significant breach but here it depends. For example, if we are talking about tertiary education, there are some public universities and institutes that are adknowledge for their high education level. It depends on each instituition. What is true is that private education usually counts with much more sophisticated infraestructure and tools for teaching.
soa natural?
soa natural?
× For example, if we are talking about tertiary education, there are some public universities and institutes that are adknowledge for their high education level.
✓ For example, if we are talking about tertiary education, there are some public universities and institutes that are known for their high education level.
× What is true is that private education usually counts with much more sophisticated infraestructure and tools for teaching.
✓ What is true is that private schools usually have much more sophisticated infrastructure and tools for teaching.
✓ For example, if we are talking about tertiary education, there are some public universities and institutes that are known for their high education level.
× What is true is that private education usually counts with much more sophisticated infraestructure and tools for teaching.
✓ What is true is that private schools usually have much more sophisticated infrastructure and tools for teaching.
In what kinda situation would you use the word “loiter”?
"Don't loiter near the store at night, when it's closed. People might think you're going to break in and rob the place."
It means to stand around somewhere that it's suspicious you would be, or that you've been asked not to be.
It means to stand around somewhere that it's suspicious you would be, or that you've been asked not to be.
In what kinda situation would you say “that sounds fishy”?
Usually people use it when you sense that someone is lying, but if someone said something perverted you can just say "ew" or "that's gross." Guilty I think you can use it, but if something is creepy it can depend. I hope this helped!
Honestly I’m kinda jealous of Madison stans.. If Selena does what Madison did, I mean, if she follow me back, i’m literally gonna black out for like a week.
(There’s a mistake on my question, so I re-upload it. Sorry..) soa natural?
(There’s a mistake on my question, so I re-upload it. Sorry..) soa natural?
× . If Selena does what Madison did, I mean, if she follow me back, i’m literally gonna black out for like a week.
✓ If Selena does what Madison did, I mean, if she follows* me back, i’m literally gonna black out for like a week.
Or...if she followed me back, I would literally black out for like a week.
✓ If Selena does what Madison did, I mean, if she follows* me back, i’m literally gonna black out for like a week.
Or...if she followed me back, I would literally black out for like a week.
Honestly I’m kinda jealous of Madison stans.. If Selena does what Taylor did, I mean, if she follow me back, i’m literally gonna black out for like a week.
(informal) soa natural?
(informal) soa natural?
× Honestly I’m kinda jealous of Madison stans.
✓ Honestly, I’m kinda jealous of Madison stans.
× . If Selena do what Taylor did, I mean, if she follow me back, i’m literally gonna black out for like a week.
✓ If Selena had done what Taylor did and followed me back, I would literally black out for (like) a week.
✓ Honestly, I’m kinda jealous of Madison stans.
× . If Selena do what Taylor did, I mean, if she follow me back, i’m literally gonna black out for like a week.
✓ If Selena had done what Taylor did and followed me back, I would literally black out for (like) a week.
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