Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Politely"
The meaning of "Politely" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa politely ?
To do something in a polite way. Kind, respectful, humble.
I asked for cake politely. I said "please" and "thank you."
She left the room quietly and politely while the teacher was talking.
I asked for cake politely. I said "please" and "thank you."
She left the room quietly and politely while the teacher was talking.
O que significa politely ?
Example sentences using "Politely"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com politely .
I asked for water politely.
He said hello politely.
My son behaved politely.
He said hello politely.
My son behaved politely.
Synonyms of "Politely" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre politely e courteously ?
They are mostly the same.
Courteously has more nuance of care and good will.
Politely means just following rules of good manners.
Courteously has more nuance of care and good will.
Politely means just following rules of good manners.
Qual é a diferença entre politely e graciously e courteously ?
These character traits are similar however, I This is my opinion about their differences.
Politeness: this is the act of “manners in motion “. We can be taught manners but never use them. So politeness is displaying manners. Being polite is the lowest rank of the three traits you mentioned because manners differ from country to country and culture to culture. While “XYZ” might be polite in Mexico, it might be considered rude in Japan.
Courteousness, in my opinion, is middle rank for similar reasons to politeness. When we talk about “ common courtesy (or courtesies) we again get into the grey area of cultures and countries ideas of “what is acceptable courtesies”. Having lived in different parts of the world and in the USA, I am shocked that everyone expects others to be courteous when they, themselves, seem blind to extending courtesies. Bottom line, for me, is that courtesy is the ability to politely make others comfortable.
Grace: I think this is the highest ranking trait of the three. Simply because it requires your entire being to exude grace and be graceful. Grace requires politeness and extending courtesies but it also requires being compassionate and kind.
...but this is my opinion.
Politeness: this is the act of “manners in motion “. We can be taught manners but never use them. So politeness is displaying manners. Being polite is the lowest rank of the three traits you mentioned because manners differ from country to country and culture to culture. While “XYZ” might be polite in Mexico, it might be considered rude in Japan.
Courteousness, in my opinion, is middle rank for similar reasons to politeness. When we talk about “ common courtesy (or courtesies) we again get into the grey area of cultures and countries ideas of “what is acceptable courtesies”. Having lived in different parts of the world and in the USA, I am shocked that everyone expects others to be courteous when they, themselves, seem blind to extending courtesies. Bottom line, for me, is that courtesy is the ability to politely make others comfortable.
Grace: I think this is the highest ranking trait of the three. Simply because it requires your entire being to exude grace and be graceful. Grace requires politeness and extending courtesies but it also requires being compassionate and kind.
...but this is my opinion.
Translations of "Politely"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 分かりましたか?(politely)
I see! Thank you so much:)
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 입방정 떨지마 (politely)
"Please stop talking (so much)."
"Could you please stop talking (for a moment)?"
"Could you please stop talking (for a moment)?"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 何時頃来られますか?(politely)
About what time will you be arriving?
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 당신은 몇살입니까 (politely)
how old are you?
Other questions about "Politely"
i politely suggest that you missed what's the focus of today's topic. soa natural?
Yes and no. Yes it can be polite pending you're tone of voice and body language and of course if the person is not easily offended. (but that's rare nowadays.)
If you're just bluntly saying it or "snidely" (saying it with an attitude like you're better than them.) Than yes you will be stepping on their toes.
So it really depends on how you say it and how well you know the person.
If you're just bluntly saying it or "snidely" (saying it with an attitude like you're better than them.) Than yes you will be stepping on their toes.
So it really depends on how you say it and how well you know the person.
i politely suggest that you have to make the report like more factual and concrete/specific(which one is correct?). leave out ball-park figures and flesh out all diagrams with precise figures. otherwise it's not gonna cut it. soa natural?
I suggest making this excerpt more concrete and professional before you send it off. Cut out "like", choose either specific or concrete, as they're both correct for the meaning you're aiming for, and change "gonna" to "going to."
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