Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Religion"
The meaning of "Religion" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa "religion arise because humans need personification and to see agency and causality when facing the unknown"
Je comprends mais ne sais comme le traduire... surtout la fin: "to see agency (saisir l'entremise de la religion) and causality"
Je comprends mais ne sais comme le traduire... surtout la fin: "to see agency (saisir l'entremise de la religion) and causality"
agency = deliberate action done by a person (and not something that just happened by chance)
causality = the idea that everything that happens is caused by something else; everything happens for a reason
to see agency and causality = to believe that the world is not just a series of coincidences and random events; to believe that someone is in control of everything that happens
causality = the idea that everything that happens is caused by something else; everything happens for a reason
to see agency and causality = to believe that the world is not just a series of coincidences and random events; to believe that someone is in control of everything that happens
O que significa religion?
A person or persons spiritual beliefs
catholic, buddist, hindu, muslim.
catholic, buddist, hindu, muslim.
O que significa religion ?
Religion is what you believe in like God and stuff.
O que significa religion ?
What faith/god you believe in.
O que significa losing my religion?
No way. I just learned that it's a phrase that means "lose your temper or civility"
Sorry, my mistake
Sorry, my mistake
Example sentences using "Religion"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com religion.
My religion is an important part of my life.
What is your religion?
What is your religion?
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com religion.
I don’t know how much religion has helped the humanity, but it has certainly hurt it as well, being used as an instrument in the hands of those thirsty of power. Animals don’t have any religion and they manage just fine.
I wouldn’t mind religion if it didn’t promote the “We are better than them” concept or “if you don’t become like us, we’ll come and get you” or “only those like us know the true happiness” or “we are chosen, the rest of you are scum” and so forth. But maybe that’s what groups of people needed to comfort them in the face of the many fears that they faced during their evolution. I wish religion took a leap similar to the leap humans took when they stopped seeing each other as source of food. Many millennia ago, humans stopped killing other humans for food. It’s time humans stop seeing other people as inferior if they don’t have the same religion.
I wouldn’t mind religion if it didn’t promote the “We are better than them” concept or “if you don’t become like us, we’ll come and get you” or “only those like us know the true happiness” or “we are chosen, the rest of you are scum” and so forth. But maybe that’s what groups of people needed to comfort them in the face of the many fears that they faced during their evolution. I wish religion took a leap similar to the leap humans took when they stopped seeing each other as source of food. Many millennia ago, humans stopped killing other humans for food. It’s time humans stop seeing other people as inferior if they don’t have the same religion.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com religion.
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Synonyms of "Religion" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre religion e territory ?
Religion is a set of spiritual, divine-related beliefs followed by a certain group.
E.g. : Christianity is the largest religion in the world
Territory: a portion of land belonging to a certain country or people.
E.g: The march to the West of the U.S expanded the American territory
E.g. : Christianity is the largest religion in the world
Territory: a portion of land belonging to a certain country or people.
E.g: The march to the West of the U.S expanded the American territory
Qual é a diferença entre Your religion does not match your wife`s e Each of you believes in different God e You`re Muslim , your wife is not. ?
Same thought. The first sentence is more appropriate.
Qual é a diferença entre one true religion e religion ?
One true religion: Religions in which only one God exists (Christianity, Islam etc...). No other god can exist.
Some religions allow for the existence of multiple gods (Shinto, Hinduism etc...) and also the possibility of the existence of other gods.
Some religions allow for the existence of multiple gods (Shinto, Hinduism etc...) and also the possibility of the existence of other gods.
Qual é a diferença entre religion e spiritualism ?
religion means that a group of people worship, believe, and honor one or several gods, and believe in a form of heaven and hell or afterlife, of course depending on religion. Spiritualism is a belief amongst people called spiritualists that life goes on after death just in another form, their beliefs are based on solely spirituality (hence the name of this group) and cleansing their mind, body and soul for the 'next stage' as they call it, theyre not affiliated with any religion, altho they are sometimes mistaken to be some form of christian, but this is not the case.
briefly said:
Religion: Beliefs and worshipping of gods/figures, afterlife/heaven or hell.
(also important holy books/texts like the quran, bible etc)
spiritualism: belief that life goes on after death and that we are just spirits in a human body.
briefly said:
Religion: Beliefs and worshipping of gods/figures, afterlife/heaven or hell.
(also important holy books/texts like the quran, bible etc)
spiritualism: belief that life goes on after death and that we are just spirits in a human body.
Qual é a diferença entre religion e belief ?
religion refers to spiritual beliefs (usually organized and structured)
belief can be any belief, not just limited to spiritual matters
religion =宗教
belief =信じること
belief can be any belief, not just limited to spiritual matters
religion =宗教
belief =信じること
Translations of "Religion"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? This is natural?
To talk about religion and politics are controversial.
To talk about religion and politics are controversial.
"to talk about religion and politics, that is controversial"
"talking about religion and politics is controversial."
"talking about religion and politics is controversial."
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? What do you know about religion?
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? religion y catolico
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? religion
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? how do you say religion in English?
Other questions about "Religion"
I don't have any religion but I respect every religion. soa natural?
It sounds natural. I would just add a comma before the “but.”
I don’t have a religion, but I respect every religion.
Here is another option that I might use:
I don’t have a religion, but I respect all religions.
Hope this helps!
Bless you!
I don’t have a religion, but I respect every religion.
Here is another option that I might use:
I don’t have a religion, but I respect all religions.
Hope this helps!
Bless you!
Japanese traditional religions are Buddhism or Shinto.
But not so many Japanese believes in these. soa natural?
But not so many Japanese believes in these. soa natural?
"Japanese traditional religions" -> "Traditional Japanese religions". A possible alternative is to reorder this sentence: "Buddhism and Shinto are two traditional Japanese religions."
"believes" -> "believe" as "Japanese" [people] is acting as a plural here.
"believe" could also be replaced by "follow" or "adhere to".
"believes" -> "believe" as "Japanese" [people] is acting as a plural here.
"believe" could also be replaced by "follow" or "adhere to".
After all, all religion are the artificial and dangerous brainwashing, so we do not need to believe them. soa natural?
After all, religion is just artificial and dangerous brainwashing, so we do not need to believe it.
What religion Americans believe.
The most popular religion here is Christianity, followed by Judaism I believe. However, in my city I would say Hinduism and Islam are the biggest ones. I’m pretty sure you can find someone of nearly any faith here depending where you look. Freedom of religion is vital to making America, America and the whole reason it was founded supposedly
Anyway human created religion. If we keep war by it, religion is the only tool for make bad emotion and break peaceful. soa natural?
The grammar is a little off. So the best way would be, " Anyway, humans created religions. If we keep war by it, religion is the only tool for making bad emotions and destroying peace."
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