Curso de Exegese Biblica
Curso de Exegese Biblica
Curso de Exegese Biblica
Informaes Gerais
Ttulo: Exegese Bblica com nfase na pregao e ensino
N. de Crditos: Extra-Curricular
Durao: 2 semestres
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2. Hebraico Bblico
2.6 Outras Bibliografias, ferramentas de apoio, softwares, fontes para computador e como
3 / 17
3. Aramaico Bblico
3.6 Outras Bibliografias, ferramentas de apoio, softwares, fontes para computador e como
4 / 17
4. Grego Bblico
5 / 17
4.6 Outras Bibliografias, ferramentas de apoio, softwares, fontes para computador e como
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7 / 17
8. Consideraes Finais
Bibliografia Utilizada
AMORA, Antnio Soares. Introduo Teoria da Literatura. 5. ed. So Paulo: Cultrix, 1970(?)
ARCHER, Jr. Gleason L. Archer. Merece Confiana o Antigo Testamento? 3. Ed. So Paulo:
Edies Vida Nova, 2005
AUVRAY, Paul. Iniciao ao Hebraico Bblico. 2 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes, 1997
BARRERA, Julio Trebolle. A Bblia judaica e Bblia Crist. Vozes. RJ. 1995
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BERKHOF, Louis. Princpios de Interpretao Bblica. 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Juerp, 1988
BBLIA HEBRAICA. Editada por Rud. KITTEL & P. KAHLE. New York/Stuttgart: The American
Biblie Society & Wrttembergische Bibelanstalt, s/d.
BOLOZKY, Shmuel. 501 Hebrews Verbs. Nova Yorque/Canad: Barron's Educational Series
Inc, 1996
9 / 17
BOMAN, Thorleif. Hebrew Thought Compared with Greeek. New York: W.W. Norton &
Company, Inc., 1970
BRANHAM, R. Bracht (editor). The Bakhtin Circle and Ancient Narrative. Groningen: Groningen
University Library, 2005
CUNHA, Celso Ferreira da; CINTRA, Luis Filipe Lindley. Nova Gramtica do portugus
Contemporneo. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Nova Fronteira, 1985
DANIELLOU, Madre Maria da Eucaristia. Curso de Grego. Vol. I, II, III. So Paulo: Editora
Herder, 1960
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DAVIDSON, Benjamin. The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. USA: Zordevan Publishing
House, 1993
DAVIDSON, Rev. A. B. Introductory Hebrew Grammar, Hebrew Syntax. 3. Ed. Endinburg: T &
T Clark; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924
DE SOUZA, Roberto Aczelo. Srie Princpios. 2. Ed. Teoria da Literatura. So Paulo: tica,
DOUGLAS, J. D. (ORG.). O Novo Dicionrio da Bblia. 2. ed. So Paulo: Vida Nova, 2001
FVERO, Leonor Lopes. Coeso e Coerncia Textuais. 10. ed. So Paulo: tica, 2004
11 / 17
FINKELSTEIN, Israel & SILBERMAN, Neil Asher. The Bible Unearthed: Archeology's new
vision of ancient Israel and the origin of its sacred texts. New York: A Touchstone Book, 2002.
Traduzido no Brasil como: E a Bblia no tinha razo.
FRANCISCO, Edson de Faria. Manual da Bblia Hebraica. 2. Ed. So Paulo:Vida Nova, 2005
FREIRE, Antnio. Selecta Grega. 5. ed. Porto: Livraria Apostolado da Imprensa, 1961
GANCHO, Cndida Vilares. Como Analisar Narrativas. 7. ed. So Paulo: tica, 2004
GESENIUS' HEBREW GRAMMAR As Edited And Enlarged By The Late E. Kautzsch Professor
Of Theology In The University Of Halle Second English Edition Revised In Accordance With The
Twenty-Eighth German Edition (1909) ByA. E. Cowley With A Facsimile Of The Siloam
Inscription By J. Euting, And A Table Of Alphabets By M. Lidzbarski Clarendon Press. Oxford
GINTZBURG, David. Hebrew Old Testament. Londres: Trinitarian Bible Society, 1894, 1998
GOLDBERG, David J. e RAYNER. John D. Os judeus e o judasmo. Xenon Ed.. RJ. 1989
GREEN, Samuel G. A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek. 6. Ed. Londres: The
Religious Tract Society, 1911
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HARPER, William Rainey. Elements of Hebrew Syntax. 6. ed. New York: Charles Scribner's
sons, 1901
HEARTLEY, H. R. The Gospel According to S.T. Luke. London: Rivington, Percival and Co.,
JASTROW, Marcus. A dictionary of targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the
Midrashic Literature
JON, Paul. Gramaire de L'Hebreu Biblique. Roma: Institut Biblique Pontifical, 1947
KERR, Guilherme. Gramtica Elementar da Lngua Hebraica. Rio de Janeiro: JUERP, 1979
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LASOR, William Sanford. Gramtica Sinttica do Novo Testamento. So Paulo: Vida Nova,
MEYER, Rudolf. Gramtica del Hebreo Bblico. Traduccion del alemn por el Profesor ngel
Senz-Badillos. Terrassa: CLIE, 1989
14 / 17
SAMUEL, Mar Athanasius Yeshue. Syriac new method readers. Holand: St. Ephrem the Syrian
Monastery, 1984
SCHNEUWLY, Bernard et alli. Gneros Orais e Escritos na Escola. s/l : Mercado das Letras,
SHARON, Diane M. Some Results of a Structural Semiotic Analysis of Story of Judah and
SIDGWICK, A. A First Greek Writer with execicses and vocabularies. 3rd ed. London:
Rivingtons, 1883
SOUTER, Alexander. A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament. Oxford: The Clarendon
Press, 1917
SOUZA, Roberto Aczelo de. Teoria da Literatura. 2. ed. So Paulo: tica, 1987
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STERN, David H.. Manifesto judeu messinico. Edies Comunidade Emanuel. RJ. 1989
STEVENSON, William B. Grammar of Palestinian Jewish Aramaic. s/l: Wipf and Stock
Publishers, 1999
STRONG, James. Greek in a Nutshell, an aoutiline of Greek Grammar with brief reading l
essons. New York Cincinnati: Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati: Jennings & Graham, 1876 (?)
THAYER, Joseph Henry. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Complete and
unabridged. Being C. G. Grimm (1861-1868; 1879) and C. L. W. Wilke (1851) Clavis Novi
Testamenti Translated, Revised, and Enlarged, by Joseph Henry Thayer, D.D., Hon. Litt.D.,
Professor of New Testament, Divinity School of Harvard University, 1889.
TOFFLER, Alvin. A terceira onda. 16. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1980
VELOSO, Cludio William Veloso. Aristteles Mimtico. So Paulo: Discurso Editorial, 2004
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WALTKE, Bruce K.; O'CONNOR, M. An Introduction to Bliblical Hebrew Syntax. Winona Lake,
Indiana, USA: Eisebrauns, 1990. Traduzido em Portugus como Introduo ao Hebraico
Bblico. So Paulo: Cultura Crist, 2006
WHITE, John Williams. The First Greek Book. Boston/New York/Chigago/London: Ginn &
Company, 1896
ZUCK, Roy B. A Interpretao Bblica: meios de descobrir a verdade bblica. Vida Nova. SP.
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