Ingles Neto 3 Bimestre 1 Ano

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A lot (of), Many, Much, (A) Little, (A) few, Plenty (of)
1. A lot of / lots of / plenty of são expressões que significam muito / muita / muitos / muitas. Podem ser usadas com
substantivos contáveis e incontáveis.

São normalmente usadas em orações afirmativas.

Observe os exemplos:
She drinks a lot of water. (Ela bebe muita água.)

Sandra has a lot of talent for music.

(Sandra tem muito talento para música.)

There are a lot of fruits in the basket. (Há muitas frutas na cesta.)

I have a lot of things to do. (Tenho um monte de coisas para fazer.)

There are lots of cars here. (Há muitos carros aqui.)

We don't need to hurry. We have a plenty of time.

(Não precisamos nos apressar. Temos bastante tempo.)

He had plenty of opportunities. (Ele teve muitas oportunidades.)

She has lots of friends. (Ela tem muitos amigos.)

There are plenty of time. (Há tempo de sobra.)

2. Much (muito, muita) e little (pouco, pouca) são usados com substantivos incontáveis. Much geralmente não é usado
em frases afirmativas e pouco nas interrogativas, sendo substituído por a lot of, lots of (coloquial), plenty of ou a great
deal of (seguido de um substantivo no singular). Observe:

We don't have much time. Hurry up or we'll miss the show. (negative)
(Nós não temos muito tempo. Apresse-se ou perderemos o "show".)

Sara didn't spend much time cleaning the house. (negative)

(Sara não gastou muito tempo limpando a casa.)

Sara spent a lot of time cleaning the house. (affirmative)

(Sara gastou muito tempo limpando a casa.)

They brought lots of soft drinks and sandwiches with them. (affirmative)
(Eles trouxeram muitos refrigerantes e sanduíches com eles.)

Did Sara spend much / a lot of time cleaning the house? (interrogative)
(A Sara gastou muito tempo limpando a casa?)

Sara says Richard has a great deal of talent for drawing.

(Sara diz que Ricardo tem muito talento para desenho.)

Mary has little patience with her children. (Mary tem pouca paciência com os filhos.)

There is little water in the jug. (Há pouca água na jarra.)

It's the end of the month. He has little money left. (É final de mês. Ele tem pouco dinheiro sobrando.)

3. Many (muitos, muitas) e few (poucos, poucas) são usados com substantivos contáveis no plural:
Does he have many friends? (Ele tem muitos amigos?)

Many animals do not eat meat. (Muitos animais não comem carne.)

There are many students in my class. (Há muitos alunos na minha sala de aula.)

I don't have many problems. I guess I'm a lucky man.

(Não tenho muitos problemas. Acho que sou um homem de sorte.)

They have many children. I think there are 10 in total!

(Eles têm muitos filhos. Acho que são 10 no total!)

My sister has few good grades. (Minha irmã tem poucas notas boas.)

Few people know him. (Poucas pessoas o conhecem.)

There are few parks in my neighborhood. (Há poucos parques no meu bairro.)

I invited few friends to my party because my house is very small.

(Convidei poucos amigos para a minha festa porque minha casa é muito pequena.)

OBSERVAÇÃO: Na linguagem coloquial, em frases afirmativas, many é normalmente substituído por a lot of ou lots
of ou, ainda, por plenty of.

She has many friends. (Ela tem muitos amigos.)

She has a lot of friends. (coloquial)

He had many dictionaries to help him do his homework.

(Ele tinha muitos dicionários [dicionários de sobra] para ajudá-lo a fazer a tarefa escolar.)
He had plenty of dictionaries to help him do his homework. (coloquial)

Many students went to the library. (Muitos alunos foram à biblioteca.)

Lots of students went to the library. (coloquial)

Nada impede que você opte por many, porém soa um pouco mais formal.

4. A little (um pouco) é usado com substantivos incontáveis / a few (alguns) é usado com substantivoscontáveis. Ambos
possuem significado positivo (= some):

My brother has a few CDs.

(Meu irmão tem alguns CDs.)

Judith didn't spend all her money. She has a little money left.
(Judite não gastou todo o dinheiro dela. Ela tem um pouco de dinheiro.)

I have a few friends in São Paulo. (Eu tenho alguns amigos em São Paulo.)

A little patience doesn't hurt anybody. (Um pouco de paciência não faz mal a ninguém.)


1) Atente para a diferença entre few e a few. Observe que a few equivale a some. Tanto um quanto o outro
acompanham substantivos no plural.

Few people visited him in hospital. (Poucas pessoas o visitaram no hospital.)

Could you give me a few more details? (Você poderia me dar mais alguns detalhes?)

Very few students learn Latin nowadays. (Bem poucos alunos aprendem Latim hoje em dia.)

The letter came a few days ago. (A carta chegou há alguns dias.)

2) Atente, agora, para a diferença entre little e a little, que são usados no singular. Aqui, a little, além de
equivaler a some, também significa um pouco de.

We have little time to act. (Tempos pouco tempo para agir.)

I have a little money in my savings account.

(Tenho um pouco de / algum dinheiro em minha poupança.)

Scientists have little hope of finding a complete cure for cancer before 2010.
(Os cientistas têm pouca esperança de encontrar uma cura completa para o câncer antes de 2010.)

I've only read a little of the book so far. (Até agora só li um pouco do livro.)

I understood little of what he said. (Entendi pouco do que ele disse.)

Can we leave a little early? (Podemos sair um pouco mais cedo?)


1-Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche as lacunas da frase apresentada:

"Did you like the film?"

"No, not very __________."

"__________ was wrong with it?"

"The actors were good but the story was too sentimental."

a) much –What

b) many – Why

c) few –When

d) little – How

e) so – Where

2-Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase a seguir:

Do politicians work __________ and earn __________ money?

a) little – many

b) very – much

c) much – few

d) little – much

e) hard – many

3-Assinale a alternativa correta:

It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires __________ years of study.

a) many

b) much

c) little

d) lot of

e) any

4-Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:

Give me __________ tea with __________ sugar.

a) many – much

b) some – a lot of

c) short – many

d) bit – a lot of

e) some – many

5-Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences:

I. Could you give me __________ water? I'm so thirsty.

II. I have very __________ money. I need more.

III. Who has __________ friends than John? Nobody I think.

IV. Only __________ people came to the party yesterday. It was boring!

V. I have __________ time to stay with my family nowadays.

a) I. less; II. little; III. lesser; IV. a few; V. few

b) I. some; II. a little; III. few; IV. little; V. lesser

c) I. a little; II. little; III. fewer; IV. few; V. less

d) I. little; II. a little; III. less; IV. a few; V. least

e) I. few; II. less; III. least; IV. little; V. more

__________ of our history and the lives of __________ of our great men and women are recreated by the movies.

6– Choose the alternative(s) that can complete the sentence above correctly:

01) much – much

02) much – many

04) many – much

08) a lot – a lot

16) a lot – much

32) a lot – many

a) 02 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 58

b) 01 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 45

c) 02 + 04 + 08 + 16 = 30

d) 01 + 02 + 32 = 35

e) 02 + 08 + 32 = 42

7-Assinale a alternativa correta:

How __________ shoes are there in the shop windows?

a) much

b) many

c) few

d) a few

e) a lot of
8-Assinale a opção cuja frase esteja gramaticalmente correta:

a) There is fewer people at the party than Mary expected.

b) There is less people at the party than Mary expected.

c) There are less people at the party than Mary expected.

d) There are fewer people at the party than Mary expected.

e) There was less people at the party than Mary expected.

9-Which of the following sentences can be completed with the word MANY as in "the laser has many applications"?

a) The laser beam is being used by __________ telefone companies.

b) The laser beam has caused __________ advance in various areas.

c) Science has gained __________ from the latest applications of the laser.

d) __________ effort has resulted in significant technological improvement.

e) Scientists have devoted __________ time to research in the field of communication.

10-Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante:

Must you always make so __________ noise?

a) much

b) many

c) most

d) few

e) less

11-The item that presents, respectively, a synonym for BUT and the opposite of MUCH in "but there is much to be
gained" is:

a) nevertheless – anything

b) even though – a few

c) besides – a little

d) however – few

e) yet – little

12-The following sentences should be completed with FEW or LITTLE:

I. Many of us tried but very __________ succeeded.

II. To our surprise, changes in foreign policy were __________.

13-Na sentença “the Tamagotchi is a Keychain-size plastic egg that houses a small LCD in which ‘lives’ a creature that
you nurture by pushing a variety of buttons”, a expressão a variety of buttons significa o mesmo que:
a) little buttons.

b) several buttons.

c) all the buttons.

d) very small buttons.

e) toomany buttons.

14-These pioneers began a revolution that has culminated in a firmly established belief among most American
employers that women can do the job – any job – as well as men. Many thought that day would never come. – Na
frase "Many thought that day would never come", a palavra mais adequada para completar o sentido de many é:

a) beliefs.

b) most.

c) women.

d) standards.

e) discrimination.

15-When the first men arrived in Samoa they found blind men who could see well __________ to describe things in
detail just by holding their hands over objects. In France, just after the First World War, Jules Romain tested hundreds
of blind people, and found a __________ that could tell the difference between light and dark. He narrowed their
photosensitivity down to the nose or in the fingertips. – Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas
do texto:

a) so – some

b) very – any

c) enough – few

d) little – one

e) less – plenty

16-A expressão a few numbers em "the new phones can be programmed to dial only a few numbers" indica:

a) número controlado.

b) grande quantidade.

c) número insuficiente.

d) número ilimitado.

e) número incompleto.

17-Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences:

A: I don't like stroganoff. Would you like (I) pizza instead?

B: Oh no! Let's buy (II) loaves of bread and make sandwiches.

A: But we have (III) time to do that. We're late for school.

B: Alright, but we've got (IV) ham and (V) hot dogs.

a) I. a little; II. a few; III. very little; IV. only a little; V. few

b) I. only a little; II. many; III. very little; IV. a few; V. any

c) I. few; II. very few; III. more; IV. little; V. some

d) I. very little; II. only a few; III. many; IV. a few; V. more

e) I. little; II. much; III. few; IV. a few; V. very little

18-In the sentence "MANY thinkers have tried to give us answers," the capital word has a meaning close to:

a) a few.

b) few.

c) little.

d) several.

e) much.

19-Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso gramatical correto de "there is":

a) There is few teachers and parents talking to the children.

b) There is some children who need help.

c) There is a lot of frightened adults after the attack.

d) There is many events happening at the same time.

e) There is much anger among people in New York.

20-Em "A LOT OF these goods", a expressão em maiúsculo pode ser substituída, sem alteração do sentido, por:

a) a great deal of.

b) a few of

c) more of

d) the majority of.

e) much of.

21-Mark the correct alternative to fill the gaps of the dialogue below:

At the Supermarket...

Wife: Do we need (I) wheat?

Husband: Yes, we do. We haven't got (II) wheat.

Husband: We need (III) apples, don't we?

Wife: No, we don't. We have got (IV) apples. But we have (V)

carrots and (VI) cheese. Let's get some...

a) I. some; II. much; III. any; IV. few; V. many; VI. little

b) I. much; II. any; III. many; IV. too much; V. few; VI. few

c) I. few; II. some; III. little; IV. many; V. little; VI. little

d) I. any; II. much; III. some; IV. many; V. few; VI. little

e) I. few; II. many; III. few; IV. no; V. much; VI. many

22-I have a __________ friends.

a) ten

b) few

c) some

d) many

e) several

23-LAUGHTER is an uncountable noun. Mark the sentence below that shows the correct usage of countable and
uncountable nouns:

a) I'll have just a bread for dinner.

b) John has fewer money than Paul.

c) Can you give me an advice?

d) I need some informations.

e) My mother is in very good health.

24-“Only a relatively small amount of heat is lost through the windows”. The boldfaced expression in the sentence
can only be substituted for:

a) a great deal of.

b) plenty of.

c) a small number of.

d) a little.

25-LITTLE is used in "There is still very little known about compulsive spenders". Check the item in which it must also
be used to complete the sentence meaningfully.

a) __________ people claim they don't like to go shopping.

b) Many adults are compulsive spenders, but very __________ children suffer from this obsession.

c) Researchers are willing to spend __________ Thousand dollars to find out more about compulsive shopping.
d) As the famous psychiatrist was talking about compulsive shoppers, the audience interrupted very __________.

e) Apparently, changes in the treatment recommended to obsessive shoppers were very __________.

26-In the sentence “Two little mice and two little men live in a labyrinth searching for some cheese”, the word little
can only be substituted for __________ and refers to the __________.

a) small – emphatic opinion given by the author to the characters.

b) few – size of the men and mice.

c) brief – height of them

d) short – the lack of importance showed by the author

27-Tom takes __________ luggage in his trips. He usually takes __________ suitcase.

a) a few – no

b) little – one

c) very little – any

d) very few – one

e) a little – no

28-We should use __________ time we have available to discuss John’s proposal.

a) the much

b) the little

c) a few

d) a little

e) the little of

29-I don't like to spend my vacation in the country. There isn't __________ to do.

a) some

b) much

c) many

d) nothing

e) everything

30-Read the following excerpt:

Watched by his wife, Zahra Rahnavard, Mr. Mousavi told na audience of female supporters in Tehran: "We should
reform laws that are unfair to women." As Ms. Rahnavard spoke, many in the crowd shouted protests against the
morality police, who regularly arrest women they deem inappropriately dressed.

– Which of the following is the best option to be used after the word many in the sentence “many in the crowd
shouted protests against the morality police” in order to complete its meaning?
a) women.

b) people.

c) citizens.

d) dwellers.

e) wives.

31-“An elderly German decided to commit suicide. Took a lot of pills, tied a briefcase full of stones around his neck,
rowed out into the middle of the Rhine and was found sound asleep in his boat.”

(Buffalo News)

In the sentence “Took a lot of pills”, which other expression. of quantity couldn’t be used in it?

a) a large number of

b) a couple of

c) a great deal of

d) plenty of

32-Analyse the sentences below. Which alternative is correct?

a) A little people passed the exam because it was too difficult.

b) Few people passed the exam because it was too difficult.

c) Much people passed the exam because it was too difficult.

d) Many people passed the exam because it was too difficult.

e) A lot of people passed the exam because it was too difficult.

33-Choose the option which completes the sentences below correctly:

It is __________ use trying to change her mind.

Slowly, __________ children began coming to school.

Unfortunately, he had __________ friends.

Could you possibly give me __________ help?

a) a little / a few / few / little

b) a little / a few / little / little

c) a little / few / few / a little

d) little / few / little / a little

e) little / a few / few / a little

34- Taking the following sentences mark the option which fills the blanks correctly.
i. A great __________ people who voted for her in the last election will not be doing so this time.

ii. Have you heard __________ of Polly recently?

iii. The repairs to our car cost __________ more than we were expecting.

iv. I know quite __________ people who've had the same problem.

v. With __________ training she could do very well.

a) i. much; ii. much; iii. very; iv. few; v. little

b) i. much; ii. much; iii. very; iv. a few; v. a little

c) i. many; ii. little; iii. much; iv. few; v. little

d) i. many; ii. little; iii. much; iv. a few; v. a little

e) i. many; ii. much; iii. much; iv. a few; v. a little

35- De acordo com a charge acima, o que o Cineplex 47 está sugerindo aos clientes ?

A) Comprem ingresso pela internet.

B) Voltem para casa e jogue cartas.

C) Retornem ao trabalho e pesquisem novas ideias.

D) Escolham novas ideias para os filmes.

E) Fiquem em casa e assistam televisão.

36- A utilização da palavra “GUESS” dita pelo Cebolinha (Jimmy Five) expressa uma ideia de

A) desespero B) ironia C) dúvida D) sugestão E) consideração

37- As técnicas cirúrgicas não-invasivas a que o fragmento se refere foram inicialmente empregadas no tratamento

a) doença de Parkinson.

b) convulsões epilépticas.

c) câncer cerebral.

d) distúrbios respiratórios.

e) câncer de pele

38-As questões seguintes dizem respeito ao dispositivo CyberKnife (linha 6). Há médicos utilizando-o em pacientes
que apresentam

a) lesão cerebral.

b) transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo.

c) tumor bronco-pulmonar.

d) dificuldade de locomoção.

e) incompatibilidade cerebral

39- O dispositivo teve origem

a) num hospital do sistema público de saúde.

b) na Coréia do Sul.

c) nos Estados Unidos.

d) numa universidade da rede privada.

e) região sudeste a Coréia

40- Em relação ao uso do novo método, pode-se afirmar

a) Há objeção na comunidade médica.

b) Impede que ocorram lesões permanentes.

c) Reduz os riscos de efeitos colaterais.

d) É aplicado para tratar quatro patologias.

e) acontecer muitas lesões no paciente

“Wear the old coat and buy the new book.”

Austin Phelps

Os graus de comparação dos adjetivos - The degrees of comparison of adjectives:

Os Adjetivos, além de qualificar substantivos, também fazem comparações. Em inglês, os adjetivos possuem três
graus de comparação: grau normal (beautiful), grau comparativo (as beautiful as, more beautiful than)
e grau superlativo (the most beautiful). No Grau Normal, o adjetivo não sofre comparação; no Grau Comparativo, a
comparação é feita entre dois substantivos e no Grau Superlativo a comparação é feita entre três substantivos ou mais:


1. As ... as (tão ... quanto) é usado em frases afirmativas e not so ... as ou not as ... as (não tão ... quanto), em
frases negativas. Veja os exemplos abaixo:

John is as fat as his wife.

João é tão gordo quanto sua esposa.

She speaks French as well as the rest of us.

Ela fala Francês tão bem quanto nós.

Alexander is not as fat as his father.

Alexandre não é tão gordo quanto seu pai.

Cristina is not so tall as her sister.

Cristina não é tão alta quanto sua irmã.

Traditional Expressions: a estrutura as + adjetivo + as é utilizada em diversas expressões cristalizadas em inglês.

Conheça algumas delas:
as cold as ice (frio como o gelo) - estar com muito frio. Exemplo:

Come in and get warm, your hands are as cold as ice. (Entre e aqueça-se, suas
mãos estão frias como gelo.)

as hard as nails ("duro como pedra" ou "frio e calculista"; ao pé da letra: "duro

como pregos") - uma pessoa que não tem sentimento algum pelos outros, fria,
impassível. É provavelmente uma alusão à rigidez dos pregos. Exemplo:
He'll be good in business: he's as hard as nails. (Ele será bom nos negócios: é frio e

as ugly as sin ("feio como o diabo") - Uma pessoa, animal, objeto que é tão feio
(a) quanto cometer um pecado (sin = pecado) Exemplo:
He was as ugly as sin, that's why we didin't give the role to him.
(Ele era feio como o diabo, essa é a razão pela qual não demos o papel para ele.)

as... as hell ("pra caramba") - De um modo extremo. Exemplo: I'm tired as hell of
listening to your problems*. (Estou cansado "pra caramba" de escutar seus
* OBSERVAÇÃO: O primeiro as dessas expressões pode ser suprimido em um estilo
mais informal.

As good as it gets! (Melhor é impossível!) Exemplo:

I intend to spend my vacation as good as it gets: in a divine brazilian
(Pretendo passar minhas férias de forma melhor impossível: em uma
paradisíaca praia brasileira.)

2. More ... than (mais ... do que) e less ... than (menos ... do que) são usados para fazer o comparativo
de adjetivos com mais de uma sílaba. Observe os exemplos abaixo:

Julia is more beautiful than Roberta.

Julia é mais bonita do que Roberta.

John is more intelligent than Richard.

João é mais inteligente do que Ricardo.

She is less attractive than her friend.

Ela é menos atraente do que sua amiga.

Golf is a sport less popular than soccer.

Golfe é um esporte menos popular do que o futebol.


1. The most... (o/a mais ...) e the least ... (o/a menos ...) também são usados para fazer o superlativo
de adjetivos com mais de uma sílaba. Veja os exemplos abaixo:
Julia is the most intelligent girl of my classroom.
Julia é a menina mais inteligente da minha sala de aula.

This is the most beautiful picture I've ever seen.

Este é o quadro mais bonito que já vi.

This is the place least attractive I've ever been.

Este é lugar menos atraente que já estive.

- Os Adjetivos que possuem uma sílaba e os que são dissílabos terminados em -le, -ow e -er formam o
comparativo com o acréscimo de -er ao grau normal e de -est para formar o superlativo. Veja os exemplos

Comparativo de
Adjetivo Superlativo
tall taller (than) (the) tallest
narrow narrower (than) (the) narrowest
large larger (than) (the) largest
great greater (than) (the) greatest
light lighter (than) (the) lightest
small smaller (than) (the) smallest
long longer (than) (the) longest
old older (than) (the) oldest
easy easier (than) (the) easiest
sunny sunnier (than) (the) sunniest
rainy rainier (than) (the) rainiest
poor poorer (than) (the) poorest
rich richer (than) (the) richest
low lower (than) (the) lowest
high higher (than) (the) highest
funny funnier (than) (the) funniest
busy busier (than) (the) busiest
weak weaker (than) (the) weakest


1. Os Adjetivos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por i ao receber -er e -est, como consta
na tabela já apresentada. Veja outros exemplos abaixo:

- happy:

She is happy.
Ela esta/é feliz.

She is happier than her sister.

Ela é/está mais feliz do que sua irmã.

She is the happiest girl I know.

Ela é a menina mais feliz que eu conheço.

- ugly:

She is ugly.
Ela é feia.
She is uglier than her sister.
Ela é mais feia do que sua irmã.

She is the ugliest girl I know.

Ela é a menina mais feia que eu conheço.

- sunny:

I like sunny days in all seasons.

Gosto de dias ensolarados em todas as estações do ano.

Today is sunnier than yesterday.Hoje o dia está mais ensolarado do que


Tomorrow will be the sunniest day of the year.Amanhã será o dia mais
ensolarado do ano.

- busy:

I am a busy person.
Sou uma pessoa ocupada/atarefada.

She is busier than her workmate.

Ela é/está mais ocupada do que sua colega de trabalho.

She is the busiest person in this company.

Ela é a pessoa mais ocupada nesta empresa.

2. Os Adjetivos terminados em e, perdem o e para receberem -er ou -est:

- large:

This room is larger than the other one. (Grau Comparativo)

Esta sala é maior do que a outra.

This is the largest classroom of the School. (Grau Superlativo)

Esta é a maior sala de aula da Escola.

- late:

Today the flights are later than yesterday. (Grau Comparativo)

Hoje os vôos estão mais atrasados do que ontem.

This is the latest plane I have ever taken. (Grau Superlativo)

Este é o avião mais atrasado que já peguei.

3. Dobra-se a consoante final dos adjetivos quando forem precedidas por uma vogal tônica e acrescentam-se
as terminações -er e -est, respectivamente:

Grau Normal: hot, big, slim, thin, sad.

Grau Comparativo: hotter (than), bigger (than), slimmer (than), thinner (than)

Grau Superlativo: (the) hottest, (the) biggest, (the) slimmest, (the) thinnest.

ATENÇÃO: Nunca forme o comparativo de um adjetivo acrescentando -er + more

ou -est + most a um único adjetivo.
4. Alguns adjetivos, mesmo possuindo uma única sílaba, não seguem a regra apresentada anteriormente
para formar os graus de comparação. Isto ocorre porque o som dos adjetivos ficaria estranho, caso
seguíssemos a regra. Nesses casos, o grau de comparação é feito colocando more e most antes do
adjetivo. Observe os exemplos abaixo:

- just:

He is a just man. (Grau Normal)

Ele é um homem justo.

He is more just than his brother. (Grau Comparativo)

Ele é mais justo do que seu irmão.

He is the most just man I know.(Grau Superlativo)

Ele é o homem mais justo que conheço.
Formas Comparativas e Superlativas Irregulares - Irregular Comparative and Superlative Forms
Alguns adjetivos não seguem as regras apresentadas anteriormente para formar os graus comparativo e
superlativo. As formas que estes adjetivos possuem são chamadas de Formas Comparativas e
Superlativas Irregulares e estão entre as mais usadas na Língua Inglesa. Como não existem regras para
este tipo de formação do Grau Comparativo e Superlativo, é necessário decorá-las. Na tabela abaixo
encontram-se as formas comparativas e superlativas irregulares dos adjetivos:

Grau Normal Grau Comparativo Grau Superlativo

bad worse (than) (the) worst
far farther (than) (the) farthest
far further (than) (the) furthest
good better (than) (the) best
ill worse (than) (the) worst
late later (than) (the) later ou (the) latest
little less (than) (the) least
many more (than) (the) most
much more (than) (the) most
some more (than) (the) most

Observe os exemplos:

My clothes are better than yours.

Minhas roupas são melhores que as suas.

That is the worst movie I have ever seen.

Este é o pior filme que já vi.

Use o Superlativo de Inferioridade dos adjetivo nos parênteses.

a) Sayonara is _________________________________________ (not old) of all.

b) The men are ________________________________________ (busy) at home.

c) You are ___________________________________________ (not sad) person from here.

d) Henry is ___________________________________________ (handsome) on my street,

e) I am ______________________________________________ (not boring) guy of all.

I - Preencha as lacunas com o Comparativo de Inferioridade

a) Allan is _________________________________________ (not tall) I am.

b) We are _________________________________________ (lazy) you are.

c) I am ___________________________________________ (thin) she is.

d) Telma is ________________________________________ (not interesting) Bob is.

e) You are _________________________________________ (not furious) they are.

II – Compare os substantivos abaixo usando o Comparativo de Igualdade,

a) The dos are _________________________________________ (not fast) the cats are.

b) Bruna is ____________________________________________ (crazy) Cères is.

c) The boys are ________________________________________ (not fat) the girls are.

d) Farid is ____________________________________________ (interested) Jhonny is.

e) I am _______________________________________________ (not scared) you are.

V - Preencha as lacunas com o Superlativo de Superioridade dos adjetivos no parênteses.

a) Amanda is _______________________________________________ (chubby) girl from her classroom.

b) The students are ___________________________________________(clever) people at school.

c) I am _____________________________________________ (slim) guy on my family.

d) Isamara is ______________________________________ (wonderful) students from CEI’s.

e) Larissa is ____________________________________________ (good) woman he has ever met.

IV – Complete as seguintes sentenças com Comparativo de Superioridade dos adjetivos nos parênteses.

a) I am ____________________________________________ (young) you are.

b) We aren’t ________________________________________ (dizzy) they are.

c) This story isn’t _______________________________________ (bad) that one is;

d) Danielle is __________________________________________ (beautiful) Pâmela is;

e) They are ___________________________________________ (timid) we are.

Choose the correct alternative.

1. Donna is tall. Karina is _________ Glenda. Luciana is ________________________ of all.

a) as tall / the most tall c) less taller than / the least taller

b) taller than / the tall d) taller than / the tallest

e) tallier / the talliest

2. This is __________ house on my street.

a) best b) better c) the best d) good e) gooder

3. This dog is ___________ dangerous ________ that lion.

a) more – as b) as – as c) as – than d) more – more e) as - more

4. Kim was ___________ Alice when she herd that lie.

a) angrier than b) less angry as c) so angry as d) the angriest e) angryier

5. As you always say: ____________________ .

a) the most, the merrier c) the most, the merriest

b) the more, the merrier d) the more, the more merry

e) the most , the marry

6. Léa is becoming ___________ .

a)more and more prettier

b) prettier and prettier

c) the prettier

d) more pretty

e) more prettier

7. Brazil is ___________ country in South America.

a) the most large

b) the larger

c) the largest

d) the more large

e) the largeist

8. Do you believe our house is ______________ yours?

a) not so comfortable than

b) more comfortable

c) comfortabler than

d) as comfortable as

e) the comfortablest

9. ___________ I examine the purpose, __________ I like it.

a) the most carefully / the more c) the more carefully / the more

b) the more carefully / the most d) the carefully / the more

e) the carefulliest / the more

10. His financial situation was getting _______________ .

a) worse and worst

b) worse and worse

c) more and more worse

d) worser and worser

e) worse and worse more

11. This written exercise seems to be ________ the reading exercise.

a) better than

b) gooder than

c) the better

d) more good than

e) the best

12. Riding a horse isn´t _____________ riding a bike.

a) more easy than

b) so easy as

c) the least easy

d) so easy so

e) more easier

13. Your coat is ______________ my raincoat.

a) as heavy than

b) the heaviest

c) heavier than

d) less heavier than

e) heavier less

14. The Liberal is ______________ newspaper in Belém.

a) the importantest

b) the less important

c) the more important

d) the most important

e) the importanter

15. The weather in Porto Alegre is ____________ in Salvador.

a) coldest b) more cold than c) colder than d) as cold than e) coldiest

16. Even being __________lady in town, Mrs. Lindsay is _______________ my grandfather.

a) older / younger

b) the oldest / younger

c) the oldest / the youngest

d) older / the youngest

e) oldier / more Young


1-A música é um grande instrumento de divulgação cultural, bem como de propagação, disseminação das ideias e
ideais dos seus respectivos autores. Músicas podem assumir funções variadas, como por exemplo, criticar problemas
sociais, cultuar religiões, fazer uma abordagem artística, transpor o mundo criativo de crianças, jovens e adultos,
entre outros. Considerando o tema abordado na letra da música acima, podemos afirmar que o autor:

A) exige providências das famílias quanto ao problema das crianças perdidas.

B) pede ajuda à sociedade para abrigar as crianças abandonadas.

C) convida a todos a orar pelas crianças desaparecidas.

D) apela aos pais a não abandonarem seus filhos.

E) sugere uma canção em prol das crianças desprezadas.

2-"Animal cruelty shows itself in many ways. Nearly 20% of abused children in turn abuse animals. That's why, when
an RSPCA* Inspector discovers a child is responsible for an act of animal cruelty, they know it may not only be the pet
that needs help. Often by alerting welfare organizations, our inspectors have helped prevent not just animal abuse
but child abuse.

A) afirmarem que o desrespeito aos animais é conseqüência do desrespeito ao próprio ser humano.

B) garantirem que os animais não serão mal tratados se o homem valorizar seu próximo.

C) assegurarem o respeito à criança e aos animais através da implementação de leis de proteção.

D) declararem que não é admissível atos de crueldade do ser humano contra os animais.

E) apoiarem a preservação da integridade dos animais através da valorização dos direitos do ser humano.

3- De acordo com o texto acima, dois dos principais problemas enfrentados pelos organizadores da copa do mundo
de 2014 são:

A) A burocracia e o sinal vermelho dado pelos clubes brasileiros.

B) A pobre infraestrutura do país e o sinal vermelho dado pelos investidores britânicos.

C) A falta de investimentos nas obras e a falta de infraestrutura das sedes da copa.

D) A pobre infraestrutura e a burocracia do país.

E) A burocracia e a quantidade de semáforos das grandes cidades brasileiras.

4- The main purpose of this text is to:

a) comment on a huge oil finding that has the potential to transform Brazil into a sizable exporter.

b) prove Tupi field superiority in comparison to the 12 billion-barrel Kazakh production.

c) explain how to turn a barely self-sufficient producer into a major crude oil exporter.

d) discuss the implications of state-run Petrobras new finding for the Brazilian society.

e) inform Tupi real oil production.

5- Which alternative contradicts the ideas in the text?

a) Tupi is the largest oil field discovered in deep waters.

b) Tupi is located at 155 miles from the Brazilian South coast.

c) Tupi could transform Brazil into a major crude oil exporter.

d) Petrobras new oil find will only have implications inside Brazil.

e) Kazakh field oil production is larger than Tupi potential oil production.

6- The sentence, “a ‘higher power’ has taken a shining to Brazil” can be paraphrased as:

a) the oil majors will offer Brazil a sit in their table from now on.

b) an influence which is not human in origin liked Brazil.

c) oil services providers liked Brazil immediately.

d) the world’s oil cartel is considered a higher power.

e) Petrobras’ “monstrous” new oil find is now shinning.

7- According to the text, it is correct to say that:

a) State-run Petrobras’ new oil find has very few implications for the South American country, the oil majors, oil
services providers.

b) the new oil discovery will definitely transform Brazil from a barely self-sufficient producer into a major crude

c) it is expected that Tupi is just the first of many other Brazilian outsize oil fields.

d) Petrobras is the only company which is going to explore the reserve found.

e) Tupi is the world's biggest oil find of all times.

8- The pronoun “That” (line 04) refers to:

a) “Brazil”.

b) “radio broadcast”.

c) colossal new oil discovery.

d) “the providence of state-run oil company Petrobras ”.

e) “a ‘higher power’ has taken a shining to Brazil”.

9-Considering the characteristics of the whole text, it is correct say that it is from

a) a teen fashion magazine. c) a fantastic modern tale. e) a romantic short story.

b) an interactive virtual site. d) a formal business e-mail.

10- It is correct to say that the message in Virgo’s poem is:

a) Fantasy may become reality. d) Fantasies need be perfect.

b) Ideal men have to be real. e) Disappointment might cause fantasy.

c) Dreams must come true.

11-According to the story in the poem, it is correct to say:

a) Virgo gave up dreaming about the perfect man.

b) Virgo disappointed the perfect man.

c) Virgo has already found the perfect man.

d) Virgo stopped to look at the perfect man.

e) Virgo designed a fantasy for the perfect man.

12-The verses 3 and 4 “Countless romance stories and fables / helped make that fantasy a reality in my mind.” mean

a) just a few stories and fables helped with Virgo’s fantasy.

b) only some stories and fables helped with Virgo’s fantasy.

c) hardly any stories and fables helped with Virgo’s fantasy.

d) all of the stories and fables helped with Virgo’s fantasy.

e) too many stories and fables helped with Virgo’s fantasy.

13-Virgo’s poem states that

a) a special man wrote countless stories based on the search.

b) the ideal man became real by the end of the search.

c) romance stories frustrated many women after the search.

d) the perfect man and woman were objects of the search.

e) fantasy became disappointment at the very end of the search.

14- The flu is called “swine flu” because

A) it has common symptoms.

B) people generally feel unwell.

C) it is not certain the flu is originated in pigs.

D) people believe it came from pigs.

E) most people recover within a week.

15- The “swine flu” appeared

A) last year.

B) this year.

C) last century.

D) next year.

E) in 1,700.

16-What is a pandemic?

A) A virus identified in Mexico in April 2009.

B) A virus identified in Mexico.

C) A virus identified by scientists.

D) A new virus.

E) An illness that spreads all over the world.

17- “pregnant women” means

A) mulheres pragmáticas.

B) mulheres preparadas.

C) mulheres grávidas.

D) mulheres com crianças de colo.

E) mulheres imunes ao vírus.

18- One of the best ways of not spreading the virus is

A) having good hand hygiene.

B) avoiding hand hygiene.

C) not washing the hands.

D) sneezing in the hands.

E) passing the hands on the eyes.

19-The sentence “millions of people died across the world” in the interrogative form is

A) Did millions of people died across the world?

B) Did millions of people dye across the world?

C) Did millions of people dying across the world?

D) Did millions of people die across the world?

E) Did millions of people are dying across the world?


Apuri, Brazil - Many Brazilians have regarded the Amazon jungle as a barreir to progress that should be replaced as
quickly as possible with ranches and farms. But in this remote corner of Brazil's most isolated state, people
increasingly see the (ref. 02) rain forest as a solution to the region's chronic poverty. In one sign of change, peasants
are being encouraged to cultivate rubber and Brazil nut trees, the twin pillars of the economy here before major
deforestation began in the 1970's. Seeking to capitalize on (ref. 01) the growing market in Brazil and abroad for
environmentally friendly products, forest dwellers have also formed cooperatives that have begun to produce high-
end furniture, medicines derived from local plants and even condoms.

20-the phrase "rain forest" refers to

a) Amazon jungle.

b) isolated state.

c) barrier.

d) chronic poverty.

e) solution.

21-the phrase "the twin pillars of the economy" refers to

a) peasants.

b) medicines and furniture.

c) rubber and Brazil nut trees.

d) ranches and farms.

e) the major diforestation.


As soon as Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was sworn in Jan.1, the world worried that the leftist
leadership would send Brazil down the path of neighboring Argentina. Foreign investors feared he would focus on
pleasing his support base and fail to execute necessary reforms. Instead, Lula seems to be taking steps to defuse
what some considered Latin America's biggest time bomb. The Brazilian president has wowed financial markets by
introducing a program of severe fiscal austerity. The largely impoverished voters who elected Lula have been
placated – for the time being at least - by the apointment of large numbers of trade unionists (seven), women (four)
blacks (two) and others of the dispossessed who have rarely graced Brazilian cabinets. All along, Lula has said that
the will delay fighting poverty until he could restore Brazil's teetering finances. His program should do just that. He
has proposed no large new taxes. Brazil already collects a hefty 34 percent of all output in taxes, high by regional
standards. For his voter base, Lula offered just one consolation - food stamps for Brazil's poorest under a plan called
"Zero Hunger". It aims to provide each Brazilian enough for three meals a day. And even that iniciative is responsably
financed. Lula is canceling the purchase of new fighter aircraft for the military and proposes a politically courageous
reduction in the lavish pension benefits paid to unionized, upper-middle-class workers in government and state -
owned enterprises.

22-Check the goals of "Zero Hunger" plan.

a) Give food to the poorest people in order to supply them with daily meals.

b) Give money to the poorest people buy houses.

c) Offer jobs to the homeless people.

d) Build restaurants in the poorest regions of Brazil.

e) Ban hunger from the world.

There are two ways of getting those vitamins: making them or eating them. Our microbial ancestors probably made
many of their vitamins, but later much of that ability was lost. Our primate ancestors lost the ability to make their
own vitamin C about 60 million years ago. Those ancestors didn’t need to make vitamin C, however, because they
regularly ate fruit. More recently, our hunter-gatherer ancestors got an abundant supply of vitamins from the game
they killed and the plants they collected. But with the rise of agriculture, people began to eat more vitamin-poor
starches like wheat and corn. And as we’ve transformed our diet even further, we’ve put ourselves at risk of vitamin-
related diseases.

Disponível em: (Adaptado). Acesso em: 01 dez. 2013.

23-No texto, infere-se que

A) os ancestrais primatas produziam vitamina C mais que as gerações atuais.

B) a ingestão de amidos, como o trigo, está relacionada a alta ingestão de vitaminas.

C) há relação entre agricultura e maior taxa de consumo de vitamina C.

D) a dieta atual é mais rica em vitaminas do que as dos caçadores-coletores.

E) há duas maneiras de se obter as vitaminas: produzindo ou ingerindo.

[…] Randy Schekman, a US biologist who won the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine this year and receives his
prize in Stockholm on Tuesday, said his lab would no longer send research papers to the top-tier journals, Nature, Cell
and Science. Schekman said pressure to publish in "luxury" journals encouraged researchers to cut corners and
pursue trendy fields of science instead of doing more important work.[…]

Disponível em: (fragmento). Acesso em 28 nov. 2013.

24-No texto, Randy Schekman, vencedor do prêmio Nobel em medicina,

A) não irá mais enviar artigos de pesquisa para alguns periódicos de excelência.

B) não irá receber o prêmio Nobel que será entregue em Estocolmo.

C) continuará a divulgar suas pesquisas nos periódicos Nature, Cell e Science.

D) continuará desenvolvendo pesquisas em áreas que estão em destaque.

E) continuará desenvolvendo pesquisa apenas nos Estados Unidos.

The most surprising thing in the recent coverage of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada study,
which notes that as many as one in six newly graduated medical specialists can’t find a job, is that anyone finds these
results startling. They’re not if you’ve been paying attention. The die was cast about fifteen years ago, when the
medical schools of the country convinced the provincial Ministers of Health at the time that Canada faced a dramatic
shortage of physicians that could only be addressed by a massive ramp up in domestic medical school capacity. The
result was an almost doubling of first year entry numbers, from about 1,575, to around 3,000 per year. Once you
consider this fact, the arithmetic is breathtakingly easy, and the startle factor disappears.

25-O texto acima trata da

A) grande quantidade de médicos recém-formados no Canadá empregados após o aumento do número de vagas
para estudo na área há quinze anos atrás.

B) dificuldade de um entre seis médicos recém-formados no Canadá acharem um emprego devido ao aumento do
número de vagas para estudo na área há quinze anos atrás.

C) possibilidade de formar apenas um em cada seis estudantes de medicina no Canadá devido à diminuição do
número de vagas na área há quinze anos atrás.

D) possibilidade de convencer o Ministério da Saúde em diminuir o número de vagas nas Universidades de Medicina
do Canadá devido à pouca demanda da população nessa área.

E) possibilidade de negociar a distribuição de vagas nas Faculdades de Medicina do Canadá devido à qualidade de
ensino dessas instituições.

By 2047, Coldest Years May Be Warmer Than Hottest in Past, Scientists Say

A new paper based on top climate models says that by about 2047, average temperatures across the globe will be
higher than any highs recorded previously, with tropics hit earlier.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 out. 2013.

26-Os vocábulos em destaque no texto estão gramaticalmente no

A) superlativo.

B) diminutivo.

C) comparativo.

D) aumentativo.

E) relativo

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