Atividade 14 - Quantifiers

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• Much x many

• Little x few
 John has many friends.

 There are many books on the shelf.

 There are many people in the mall.

 Many indica grande quantidade (muitos,

muitas) e é utilizado antes de palavras
PLURAL (countable nouns).
 I don’t have much money.

 There are much milk in the refrigerator.

 There isn’t much rice in the pot.

 Much também indica grande quantidade

(muito, muita), mas é utilizado antes de
substantivos incontáveis, ou seja, que NÃO
possuem PLURAL (uncountable nouns).
PLURAL (countable nouns).
 John has few friends.

 There are few books on the shelf.

 There are few people in the mall.

 Few indica pouca quantidade (poucos,

poucas) e é utilizado antes de palavras

PLURAL (countable nouns).

 I can’t buy a house. I have little money.

 There is little milk in the refrigerator.

 There is little rice in the pot. I have to buy more.

 Much também indica pouca quantidade (pouco,

pouca), mas é utilizado antes de substantivos
incontáveis, ou seja, que NÃO possuem
PLURAL (uncountable nouns).


Apostila – caderno p. 274

ex. 2 e 3
 I have a few
(Entende-se que o sujeito tem poucos amigos, mas que a
quantidade é suficiente para ele.)

 I have few friends.

(Possui um sentido mais negativo. O sujeito

provavelmente lamenta-se do fato de ter poucos amigos.)
 There is a little milk in the fridge.

(Entende-se que a quantidade de leite é pequena, mas

pode ser suficiente para o que o sujeito precisa.)

 There is little milk in the fridge.

(Sentido mais negativo. A quantidade não deve ser

suficiente para o que se necessita fazer.)
 Esses quantifiers são utilizados tanto
para substantivos contáveis quanto para
incontáveis. Observe os exemplos:

 I have a lot of things to do.

plenty of
lots of

 Juliet eats a lot of chocolate every day.

1. Empregue corretamente os quantitativos many ou much e em seguida marque a alternativa com a sequência correta.
_____________ things.
_____________ people.
_____________ advice.
_____________ time.

a) many – much – many – much.

b) many – many – much – much.
c) much – many – much – many.
d) much – much – many – many.

2. Complete as frases abaixo com little ou few e, em seguida, marque a alternativa com a sequência correta.

There are ____________ chairs in the classroom.

There was _____________ milk in the glass.
I don’t like _____________ sugar in my coffee.
There were _____________ trees in this Forest.

a) few – few – little – little.

b) little – few – few – little.
c) few – little – little – few.
d) little – little – few – few.

3. Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja correta de acordo com o uso dos quantifiers.

a) They need much water.

b) She has many money.
c) I have few time.
d) We have little cookies.

4. Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente as frases abaixo, usando os quantifiers.

I – How __________ girls are there in the classroom?

II – Fernando had ___________ food to eat.
III – We need __________ information.
IV – _____________ children were swimming in the pool.

a) many – little – much – few.

b) many – few – much – little.
c) much – few – many – little.
d) much – little – many – few.

5.Marque a afirmação incorreta, de acordo com o uso dos quantitativos.

a) Many é o oposto de few

b) Much é o oposto de little.
c) Os quantitatives são sempre usados antes dos substantivos nas frases .
d) A expressão a lot of pode substituir few e little.

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