Aula - 6 e 13 NOV

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Análise de Água e Alimentos

Microbiologia dos Alimentos: da Preservação à Segurança

Impacto mundial da influência dos alimentos na
vida do ser Humano

lQualidade de vida
lHigiene de alimentos que se ingerem
lEstética: bem-estar psicossocial
Microrganismos e alimentos

Microrganismos & Alimentos

Microrganismos e alimentos

- deterioração
- doenças de origem alimentar
- produção de alimentos
- conservação de alimentos
Segurança Alimentar

“...access to nutritionally adequate and SAFE food is a right of each

recognized by the FAO/WHO International Conference on Nutrition (ICN), Rome, 1992

Food Safety
“all conditions necessary during the production, processing, storage,
distribution, and preparation of food to ensure that it is safe, sound,
wholesome, and fit for human consumption”

The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Safety

Segurança Alimentar

Velásquez painted An Old

Woman Cooking Eggs
when he was 19 years

The safety of food, a more

modern concern, was
probably not on the mind
of Velásquez' food

Diego Velázquez (1599–1660). An Old

Woman Cooking Eggs (1618)
Oil on canvas (100.5 cm x 119.5 cm). The
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
Grandes mudanças nos actuais hábitos

Satisfação dos gostos do consumidor

(novos paladares e novas experiências)

A preocupação do consumidor:

• Composição em nutrientes?
• Novos ingredientes e aditivos?
• Novas tecnologias?
• Novas embalagens?
Na UE e outros países a indústria alimentar é legalmente obrigada a
identificar todas as fases do processo que são críticas.
•- garantir a segurança alimentar
•- garantir que são implementados e mantidos todos os procedimentos
de segurança
@ Directiva 93/43/EEC

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (análise de riscos e pontos
críticos de controlo)

Sistema, que permite, num processo:

- analisar os potenciais perigos, identificando os pontos no processo
onde os perigos podem ocorrer

- e determinar onde e como conseguir o controlo sobre esses perigos

(que podem ser importantes para a segurança do consumidor)

SO 22000:2005 – Síntese dos requisitos

NP EN ISO 22000:2005 – Síntese dos requisitos

1º Identificação e análise de perigos

2º Determinação dos pontos críticos de controlo

3º Estabelecimento dos limites críticos de controlo

Os sete
Princípios do HACCP 4º Estabelecimento do sistema de monitorização

5º Estabelecimento de acções correctivas

6º Estabelecimento de procedimentos de verificação
7º Estabelecimento de documentação

NP EN ISO 22000:2005
Objectivos da análise microbiológica

• Assegurar que o que o consumidor ingere é seguro

• A indústria precisa de saber que o produto é seguro até
ao final de validade
• Análise do produto final
• Actualmente aplicação da análise de riscos e aplicação
do sistema HACCP – controlo do processo em pontos críticos
específicos durante o processamento
Amostras para análise microbiológica


• Avaliar as condições de higiene na produção e


• Controlo da qualidade e prazo de validade

• Por suspeita de ter causado “toxi-infecção alimentar”

• Por queixa do consumidor

• Avaliação da qualidade de alimentos importados

World Health Organization

doença de natureza infecciosa ou tóxica

causada pela
ingestão de alimentos ou água contaminados

Problema grave e crescente

nos países industrializados e
nos países em desenvolvimento


Alimentos como veículos de doenças infecciosas
Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos (DTA)
(elevado impacto na Saúde Pública)


Mortalidade Impacto económico

Indivíduo Comunidade

USA / ano
76 milhões de casos – 325 000 hospitalizações --- 5000 mortes
1995 – 3,3-12 milhões casos --- $ 6.5-35 biliões

Mead et al, 1999

Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos (DTA)
Inadequação nutricional

Alergias e Segurança Perigos químicos

alimentares Alimentar Perigos físicos

Perigos biológicos

Bactérias Fungos Parasitas Vírus

Doenças de origem alimentar - causas

Perigos: substâncias perigosas que quando

presentes nos alimentos podem causar
Perigos químicos



Químicos Pesticidas
Toxinas naturais de
plantas ou peixes
Perigos físicos

Unhas postiças
Perigos biológicos



Perigos biológicos


Virus Doença de
Patogénicos origem
Parasitas alimentar



De Deterioração Cheiro e sabor

Microbiologia Alimentar

Alimentos Microrganismos

• propriedades dos alimentos

• ambiente de armazenamento
• características dos microrganismos
• efeitos do processamento
Microbiologia dos Alimentos


Deterioração dos

Doenças transmitidas
Por alimentos

Produção de
Preservação dos alimentos
alimentos biopreservação
Microrganismos / Alimentos

1. Produção de alimentos

• Aproveitar as actividades metabólicas dos microrganismos

• Transformar produtos em alimentos com características desejáveis

• Produzir alimentos benéficos para a saúde do consumidor

• Adicionar microrganismos específicos durante o processo de produção

Microrganismos / Alimentos

1. Produção de alimentos

• Produtos lácteos queijos, iogurtes

• Bebidas alcoólicas vinhos, cervejas, cidras
• Carnes fermentadas salames
• Vegetais fermentados pickles
• Amidos pão
Microrganismos / Alimentos

1. Produção de alimentos

Penicillium roqueforti
Streptococcus thermophilus e Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Bactérias ácido-lácticas
Bactérias ácido-lácticas
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Microrganismos / Alimentos

Alimentos preparados com o uso de microrganismos

Alimento Matéria prima Principal Microrganismo Grupo

Picles Pepinos Lactobacillus spp. Bacilos, Gram +
Pediococcus spp. Cococ, Gram +
Leite fermentado Leite L. acidophilus Bacilos, Gram +
Pão Farinha Saccharomyces cerevisiae Levedura
Ricota Leite pasteurizado L. bulgaricus Bacilos, Gram +
Koumiss Leite de égua L. bulgaricus Bacilos, Gram +
Torula, Mycoderma Leveduras
Kefir Leite fresco, Streptococcus spp. Cocos, Gram +
Lactobacillus spp. Bacilos, Gram +
Leuconostoc Cocos, Gram +
Acetobacter Bacilos, Gram -
Ioogurte Leite pasteurizado L. bulgaricus Bacilos, Gram +
S. thermophilus Cocos, Gram +
Shoyu Arroz, Soja L. delbrueckii Bacilos, Gram +
Aspergillus oryzae Fungo filamentoso
Sacharomyces rouxii Levedura
Queijos Leite S. lactis Cocos, Gram +
S. cremoris Cocos, Gram +
L. citrovorum Bacilos, Gram +
L. dextranicum Bacilos, Gram +
Outros microrganismos Fungos
Cerveja Grãos de cereais Saccharomyces spp. Leveduras
Vinho Suco de uva Saccharomyces cerevisiae Leveduras
Sacch. champagnii
Presunto e salsichas curados Porco/Gado Pediococcus cerevisiae Cocos, Gram +
Presunto curado Porco Aspergillus, Penicillium Fungos
Microrganismos / Alimentos

2. Deterioração dos alimentos

Alteração das características organolépticas dos alimentos

Aparência Textura Sabor Odor

Alimentos inaceitáveis para o consumidor

Microrganismos / Alimentos

2. Deterioração dos alimentos

Proteínas microrganismos proteolíticos aminoácidos, aminas,

amónia, gás sulfídrico

de carbono microrganismos fermentadores álcoois, ácidos, gases

Gordura microrganismos lipolíticos ácidos gordos, glicerol

Produtos de síntese microbiana (ex. pigmentos)

Degradação de componentes estruturais (ex. amolecimento)
Microrganismos / Alimentos

3. Doenças transmitidas por alimentos

A percepção de que os alimentos podem ser uma fonte de doenças já é muito antiga. No ano 900 dC, Leo VI, imperador
bizantino, publicou um edital onde se proibia o consumo de enchidos de sangue fumados e se apresentavam as
penalizações para o seu incumprimento; os que fossem apanhados a preparar estes alimentos perderiam todas as suas
propriedades e seriam exilados. Este edital teve como base a associação entre o consumo de enchidos com sangue e casos
de botulismo.

Associação entre alimentos e doenças

(ex. botulismo associado com enchidos desde séc. X)

Isolamento dos agentes microbianos responsáveis pelas doenças

(ex. isolamento de Clostridium botulinum em 1896 por Van Ermengem)

Infecções alimentares Intoxicações alimentares

Microrganismos / Alimentos

Desenvolvimento das técnicas de preservação de


Ä Armazenar os alimentos para consumo posterior

(ex. salga, secagem ao sol, fumagem)

Ä Controlar os microrganismos através de métodos físicos,

químicos e biológicos

Nicholas Appert (1810): preparação de conservas (enlatamento)

Louis Pasteur (1860): utilização do calor (pasteurização)

Microrganismos / Alimentos

Nicholas Appert (1810): preparação de conservas (enlatamento)

Louis Pasteur (1860): utilização do calor (pasteurização)

Microrganismos / Alimentos

Agentes etiológicos

Microrganismos Produtos tóxicos de

patogénicos origem microbiana

Infecções alimentares Intoxicações alimentares

Os agentes patogénicos de origem alimentar raramente produzem

alterações organolépticas nos alimentos!
Patogéneos de origem alimentar

Aspecto Cheiro Sabor

3 Deaths, 5 Illnesses: Listeria Outbreak Linked to
Single-Serving Blue Bell Ice Cream
By News Desk | March 13, 2015

State and federal health officials are investigating five cases of Listeriosis which have been linked to single-
serving ice cream from Blue Bell Creameries. The five, all adult Kansas residents, were hospitalized at the tim

3 Deaths, 5 Illnesses: Listeria Outbreak Linked to

other reasons and reportedly became ill after a majority of them consumed Blue Bell Creameries single-serv
ice cream at the hospital.

According to an advisory posted Friday

Single-Serving Blue Bell Ice Cream from the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), “All five case
patients are adults. Three deaths have been
reported.” Illness onset dates range from
By News Desk | March 13, 2015 January 2014 to January 2015, the agency

The advisory noted that an investigation

State and federal health officials are investigating five cases of Listeriosis which into thehave been
situation linkedinvolving
was underway to single-
FDA officials, those from the U.S. Centers
serving ice cream from Blue Bell Creameries. The five, all adult Kansas residents, were hospitalized at the time for
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
other reasons and reportedly became ill after a majority of them consumed Blue and fromBell Creameries
the Kansas Department ofsingle-serving
and Environment and the Texas
CA creamOutbreak
at the Now
at 190 Illnesses; Seafood Restaurant Remains Closed | Food Safety NewsDepartment of State Health Services. 17/11/15 15:45

The five patients were infected with one of

According to an advisory posted Friday four rare strains of Listeria monocytogenes, FDA stated. Three of the strains have also been found in Blue B
Creameries products made at the company’s production facility in Brenham, TX. No enforcement action has
from the U.S. Food and Drug taken against the facility, according to TX news reports.
Administration (FDA), “All five case
Those three strains and four others were found in single-serving Blue Bell Creameries products during routi
patients are adults. Three deaths have been sampling Feb. 12 at a South Carolina distribution center. FDA stated that the products — Chocolate Chip Co
reported.” Illness onset dates range from Cookie Sandwich and Great Divide Bar — were manufactured at the Brenham facility.

January 2014 to January 2015, the agency The agency’s advisory further stated, “The Texas Department of State Health Services, subsequently, collect
CA Shigella Outbreak Now at 190 Illnesses; Seafood Restaurant Remains Closed | Food Safety News 17/11/15 15
product samples from the Blue Bell Creameries Brenham facility. These samples yielded Listeria monocytog
CA Shigella Outbreak Now at 190 Illnesses; Seafood from the same products tested by South Carolina and a third single-serving ice cream product, Scoops, whic
The restaurant remains closed, and
also made Santa
on the same production line.
Clara health officials say 11 of the Shigella
The advisory noted that an investigation
Restaurant Remains Closed victims have been treated “According to thecare
in intensive Kansas Department of Health and Environment, hospital records available for four patien
into the situation was underway involving units at area hospitals.…break-linked-to-single-serving-blue-bell-ice-cream/#.VktF5YRra8E P
FDA officials, those from the U.S. Centers
News Desk | October 28, 2015 (CDC), All of those stricken with the intestinal
for Control and Prevention
infection that causes fever, abdominal pain
and from the Kansas Department of Health and diarrhea report dining at the San Jose
and Environment and the Texas restaurant on either the previous Friday or
Oct. 28 update: As of Tuesday night, Oct. 27, the number of outbreak-associated cases of Shigella reported to
Department of State Health Services.
the Santa Clara County Public Health Department stands at 190. There are 151 Santa Clara County residents
Shigella is a pathogen that usually can be
and 39 people who live in other counties among those sickened.
The five patients were infected with one of treated successfully with antibiotics. Local
CDC Update: 4 Deaths, 767 Salmonella Cases in 36 States Linked to Cucumbers | Food Safety News 17/11/15 15:35

Sept. 29 update: The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) again updated this outbreak on Tuesday,
Sept. 29. There are currently three deaths, 131 hospitalizations and 671 confirmed cases being reported in 34
states. The deaths being reported are in Arizona, California and Texas (one each).

Since the previous update a week ago, there have been 113 more Salmonella infections reported to CDC from 19
states, and Alabama was added to the list of states reporting cases.

CDC Update: 4 Deaths, 767 Salmonella Cases in 36 “Given the 14-day shelf life of cucumbers, it
is not unexpected to continue to see
illnesses reported after the recalls,” CDC

States Linked to Cucumbers noted.

Previous coverage follows:

By Cathy Siegner | October 14, 2015
Sept. 22 update: The Centers for Disease
Control & Prevention (CDC) again updated
this outbreak on Tuesday, Sept. 22. There
Oct. 14 update: CDC has again updated the Salmonella Poona outbreak are currentlylinked
CDC Update: 7 Deaths Among Listeriosis Victims Linked to Caramel Apples | Food Safety News
to 112
three deaths, imported Mexican cucumbers. 17/11/15 15:20
CDC hospitalizations
Update: 7 Deaths Among Listeriosis Victims Linked to Caramel Apples | Food Safety News and 558 confirmed cases 17/11/15 15:20
The latest case count is 767 people infected from 36 states (the state addedin to
being reported the list
33 states. is Florida). There have been
The deaths
being reported are in Arizona, California
157 hospitalizations so far, the agency stated.
and Texas (one each).
Since the previous CDC update a week ago,
this latest report reflects an increase of 140
The Oct. 14 CDC update continues: Since the last update on October 6, 2015, 35 more ill people have been
confirmed cases, 21 additional hospitalizations, and confirmed cases in residents of two additional states (Iowa
reported from 14 states. Illnesses that occurred after Septemberand 15,South
2015 might
Dakota, noteach).
with one be reported yet. A series of
events occurs between the time a person is infected and the timePrevious
public health
coverage officials can determine that the

CDC Update: 7 Deaths Among Listeriosis Victims

person is part of an outbreak. This means that there will be a delay between when a person gets sick and
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) updated this outbreak on Tuesday, Sept. 15. There are
confirmation that he or she is part of an outbreak. This takes ancurrently
average two of 2 to 91 4 weeks. Please and 418 see the cases
CDC to
Update: 7 Deaths Among Listeriosis Victims
deaths, hospitalizations confirmed being reported in 31 states. The deaths being
Linked Caramel Apples
for Reporting Cases of Salmonella Infection for more details. Also, cucumbers
reported have
are in California a shelf
and Texas life of up to 14 days.
(one each).

By News people
Desk may not
| January 11,have
2015known about the recall and eaten theThecontaminated cucumbers
total number of confirmed afterthan
cases is 77 more the recall.
CDC’s most recent Sept. 9 update, and Indiana, with two

Linked to Caramel
On Saturday, the U.S. Centers for Disease
Apples Previous coverage follows:
cases, was added to the total list of states reporting confirmed cases of Salmonella linked to Mexican cucumbers.

As of October 13, 2015, 767 people infected with the outbreak strains of Salmonella Poona have been reported
Control and36 states.
By News Desk |The number
January 11, of ill people
2015 a reported from each state is as follows: Alabama (1), Alaska (16), Arizona
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) updated this outbreak on Wednesday, Sept. 9. There are
seventh death among the 32 illnesses
(118), Arkansas (11), California (205), Colorado (18), Florida (1),now
reported in the multi-state Listeria
Hawaii (1),
two deaths, 70 Idaho (24),and
hospitalizations Illinois (9), cases
341 confirmed Indiana (4), in 30 states. The deaths being
being reported
reported are in California and Texas (one each). That is 56 more confirmed cases since CDC’s Sept. 4 update.
Iowa (6), Kansas
monocytogenes outbreak (2),linked
Kentucky (1), Louisiana (5), Maryland (1), Minnesota (38), Missouri (12), Montana (15),
to caramel
apples. Saturday,
Nebraska (7), the U.S. Centers
Nevada (14), New forMexico
Disease(31), New York (6), North
The Dakota
Sept. 9 CDC(6),
this Oklahoma
information: (12), Oregon
(21), and Prevention
Pennsylvania (2), (CDC)Carolina
South reported(9),a South Dakota (3), Texas (38), Utah (53), Virginia (1), Washington
According to CDC, Listeriosis contributed 53 percent those sickened are children younger than 18 years.
Wisconsin among the 32 illnesses
to at least of the (42), and
deaths Wyoming
reported to (7). Epidemiologic, laboratory, and traceback investigations have identified imported cucumbers from Mexico
date. Since the in
lastthe multi-state
case Listeriaone
count update,
and distributed by Andrew & Williamson Fresh Produce as a likely source of the infections in this outbreak.
91 (68 percent) of 134 people interviewed reported eating cucumbers in the week before their illness
additional outbreak linked
death was reported. to caramel
It is unclear began.
whether Among people
Listeria for whom
infection information
contributed to is available, illnesses started on dates ranging from July 3, 2015 to
September 29, 2015. Ill people range in age from less than 1 year
this death. to 99, with a median age of 17. Fifty percent of ill…-cases-in-27-states-linked-to-mexican-cucumbers/#.VktJLYRra8E Page 2 of 5

people are children younger than 18 years. Fifty-five percent of ill people are female. Among 561 people with
On Jan. According
6, BidarttoBros.
CDC,ofListeriosis contributed
Bakersfield, CA,
England, has reportedly been arrested in connection with the death of an Austrian man.

Five patients died at Heartlands Hospital in the Bordesley Green area of Birmingham, and the bacteria were
traced back to eggs from the Bayern Ei (Bavarian Egg) factory in Germany. The same source of Salmonella was
blamed for the death of a Salmonella
75-year-old man.
Typhimurium Sickens At Least 50 Oregon Conference Attendees | Food Safety News 17/11/15 15:16

German Egg Farmer Arrested in Fatal UK

Bayern Ei owner Stefan Pohlmann is in custody, according to
Salmonella Outbreak
a German lawyer. Prosecutor Theo Ziegler said Pohlmann
was being held on “suspicion of grievous bodily harm
By News Desk | September 24, 2015
causing death due to harmful substances.”

A German egg
Thefarmer whose contaminated
Salmonella Salmonella Typhimurium Sickens At Least 50
outbreak at eggs caused aHospital
Heartlands Salmonella
in outbreak at a hospital in Birmingham,
England, has reportedly been
Birmingham arrested
between in connection
May with18,
25 and June the2014,
death of an Austrian man.
sickened 32 staff people and patients. A Conference Attendees
report found that the
Salmonella Typhimurium Sickens At Least 50 Oregon Conference Attendees | Food Safety News 17/11/15 15:16
Five patients died at Heartlands Hospital in the Bordesley Green area of Birmingham, and the bacteria were
infection directly caused the By death of one
News Desk Julypatient.
traced back to eggs from the Bayern Ei (Bavarian Egg)|factory
17, in
Germany. The same source of Salmonella was
blamed for the death of a 75-year-old man.
The report also stated thatPublic
the Salmonella
health officialsplayed a part
in Oregon in into what caused 50-some people to become sickened by
are looking
Bayern Ei owner deaths becauseisinadequately
Pohlmann Salmonella
in custody, equipped to wards,
according after a conference in late June.
a German lawyer. food
Prosecutor preparation,
Theo Ziegler said and poor cleaning helped it spread.
A spokeswoman for Multnomah County said several illnesses were confirmed after an Open Source Bridge
was being held on “suspicion of grievous bodily harm
Conference held June 23-26 at the Eliot Center in downtown Portland, and that there were reports of
causing death due to harmful substances.”
An estimated 60,000 contaminated eggs
gastrointestinal from Bayern
problems Ei of
from dozens were reportedly sent to England last month but were
Salmonella Typhimurium
destroyed before they entered the food chain.
The Salmonella outbreak at Heartlands Hospital
Sickens At Least 50
Accordinginto a statement posted Friday by

Oregon Conference
Birmingham between May 25 and June 18,
sickened 32 staff people and patients. A report
Source Bridge, lab tests helped
Earlier this year, a Germanidentify
animal rights
group released
that the in sixvideo it stated was taken at the Bayern Ei facility in May
infection 2015 showing
directly caused thedead
deathand diseased
of one people chickens
patient. attendedand generally filthy conditions.
the conference.
By News Desk | July 17, 2015
“In addition to these six cases, 45 other
(To stated
The report also sign up forthe
that a free subscription
Salmonella played atopart
in Safety News, click here.)
people reported having symptoms
Public healthbecause
other deaths officialsinadequately
in Oregon areequipped
looking into what caused 50-some people to become sickened by
consistent with Salmonellosis. They were
unmonitored typhimurium after a conference in late June. it spread.
Food preparation,
Safety News and poor among
than 220 conference attendees
who»responded to a Health Department
More Headlines from Food Policy & Law
Anspokeswoman for Multnomah
estimated 60,000 County
contaminated eggssaid
survey illnesses
that conference
Bayern were confirmed
Ei wereorganizers
reportedly sent after
shared an Open
to England lastSource
but were
Conference held June
destroyed before 23-26 atthe
they entered thefood
Center in downtown
last week,” Portland,
the statement read. and that there were reports of
gastrointestinal problems from dozens of others.
Several catering firms reportedly supplied

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