Achine Earning Como Ferramenta Gerencial para Predição de Indicadores E Detecção de Anomalias
Achine Earning Como Ferramenta Gerencial para Predição de Indicadores E Detecção de Anomalias
Achine Earning Como Ferramenta Gerencial para Predição de Indicadores E Detecção de Anomalias
Porto Alegre
Porto Alegre
Esta dissertação foi julgada adequada para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Engenharia de
Produção na modalidade Profissional e aprovada em sua forma final pelo Orientador e pela
Banca Examinadora designada pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação Mestrado Profissional em
Engenharia de Produção da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
Prof. Cláudio José Müller
Orientador PMPEP/UFRGS
Profa. Christine Tessele Nodari
Coordenadora PMPEP/UFRGS
Banca Examinadora:
A todos que, direta ou indiretamente, contribuíram para a realização deste trabalho. Ao
orientador, Prof. Dr. Cláudio José Müller, pelo inestimável apoio na orientação deste trabalho.
Aos professores e colegas, que contribuíram singularmente para a construção deste trabalho
com o compartilhamento de conhecimento e experiências em sala de aula.
Agradeço também a minha Família e ao meu Marido, pelo apoio, paciência e por
sempre estarem à disposição para discutir novas ideias.
A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de identificar as técnicas de Machine Learning
utilizadas nas áreas de Engenharia e Medicina e proporcionar um conhecimento da aplicação
de modelos de Machine Learning e métodos de detecção de anomalias para problemas
gerenciais, pois muitas vezes veem-se estas técnicas sendo incorporadas a problemas
complexos e de larga escala, sem muitos exemplos dentro dos ambientes gerenciais. O
trabalho está dividido em dois artigos: o primeiro artigo é uma revisão de literatura focada em
apresentar os algoritmos de Machine Learning, os tipos de problemas aos quais são aplicados
e métodos de validação utilizados nas áreas de Engenharia e Medicina. O segundo artigo
apresenta o processo de criação de um modelo de Machine Learning capaz de predizer um
indicador gerencial bem como propor uma métrica para detecção de anomalias. Todos os
artigos utilizaram ferramentas open source, como o software estatístico R. As contribuições
dos artigos foram: (1) Identificação dos algoritmos mais utilizados nas áreas de Engenharias e
Medicinas, os métodos de validação mais utilizados e as contribuições dos autores sobre
desempenho dos algoritmos; (2) Demonstração do processo de criação de um modelo de
Machine Learning (coleta e preparação dos dados, seleção das variáveis, escolha do
algoritmo, seleção dos hiperparâmetros, treino do modelo e avaliação dos resultados), além do
método de detecção de anomalia através da análise da distribuição da diferença entre predito e
Palavras-chave: Machine Learning, Predição, Detecção de Anomalias, Revisão de Literatura,
The present dissertation aims to identify the Machine learning techniques used in the
fields of engineering and medicine and provides knowledge of the application of models of
machine learning and anomaly detection methods to management problems, since often these
techniques are incorporated into complex and large-scale problems without many examples
within the management environments. The work is divided into two articles: the first article is
a literature review focused on presenting Machine Learning algorithms, the types of problems
to which they are applied and validation methods used in the areas of Engineering and
Medicine. The second article presents the process of creating a Machine Learning model
capable of predicting a managerial indicator as well as proposing a metric for detecting
anomalies. All articles used open-source tools, such as the statistical software R. The
contributions of the articles were: (1) Identification of the most used algorithms in the areas of
Engineering and Medicine, the most used validation methods and the contributions of the
authors about algorithms performance; (2) Demonstration of the process of creating a
Machine Learning model (collection and preparation of data, variables selection, choice of
algorithm, selection of hyperparameters, training of the model and evaluation of results), in
addition to the method of detection of anomaly by analyzing the distribution of the difference
between predicted and observed.
Key words: Machine Learning, Prediction, Anomaly Detection, Literature Review,
Capítulo 2
Capítulo 3
Capítulo 2
Capítulo 3
1 INTRODUÇÃO ................................................................................................................... 11
1.1 TEMA DO TRABALHO E DELIMITAÇÃO ....................................................... 13
1.1.1 PROBLEMA E QUESTÃO DE PESQUISA ............................................... 14
1.2 OBJETIVOS .............................................................................................................. 14
1.2.1 OBJETIVO GERAL ...................................................................................... 15
1.2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS........................................................................ 15
1.3 JUSTIFCATIVA ....................................................................................................... 15
1.4 MÉTODO .................................................................................................................. 16
1.4.1 MÉTODO DE PESQUISA ............................................................................ 16
1.4.2 MÉTODO DE TRABALHO ......................................................................... 17
1.5 DELIMITAÇÃO DO TRABALHO ........................................................................ 18
1.6 ESTRUTURA DO TRABALHO ............................................................................. 18
2.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 21
2.2 METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES ................................................................ 22
2.3 LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................... 23
2.4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................... 28
2.5 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 34
2.6 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 35
2.7 APPENDIX A – ACRONYMS ..................................................................................... 37
SYSTEM IN BRAZIL ............................................................................................................ 38
3.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 39
3.2 MACHINE LEARNING .......................................................................................... 39
3.3 METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES ................................................................ 42
3.3.1 UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM ........................................................ 43
3.3.2 BASE EXTRACTION AND DIVISION ...................................................... 43
3.4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................... 47
3.5 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 54
3.6 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 55
3.7 APPENDIX A - 'VAR_DATE' FUNCTION (R CODE) .............................................. 56
3.8 APPENDIX B - 'VAR_LAG_DIFF' FUNCTION (CODE IN R) ................................. 57
CONCLUSÃO......................................................................................................................... 59
REFERÊNCIAS ..................................................................................................................... 61
Os algoritmos de Machine Learning podem ser aplicados para resolução de diversos
tipos de problemas, ou seja, são usados tanto para predizer um indicador num setor industrial
quanto dentro da área da saúde, contribuindo assim para a eficácia dos processos,
diagnósticos, tomadas de decisão entre outros. Sob a ótica do uso de algoritmos de Machine
Learning, as áreas do conhecimento Engenharia e Medicina tornam-se similares, pois ambas
podem fazer uso de técnicas semelhantes para a solução de problemas distintos. Por exemplo,
o mesmo algoritmo utilizado para predizer a probabilidade de infecção por uma determinada
doença poderá ser o mesmo utilizado na detecção de defeito de uma peça em uma cadeia de
Para continuar este tema, se faz necessário incluir algumas definições dos termos mais
utilizados nesta área. Segundo Mohri, Rostamizadeh e Talwalkar (2018), Machine Learning
pode ser definida como um método computacional para predição de dados, ou seja, a partir de
uma base de dados, como por exemplo, uma série temporal que apresenta os dados ao longo
do tempo, a “máquina” aprende sobre os padrões de comportamento destes dados através de
algoritmos com o objetivo de predizer um resultado futuro. Um algoritmo, segundo
Moschovakis (2001), é comumente definido como uma máquina abstrata ou modelos
matemáticos computadorizados que através de um input (base de dados) inicial consegue
realizar inúmeras operações a fim de devolver um resultado ou a solução de um problema
Mohri, Rostamizadeh e Talwalkar (2018), definem que os tipos de problemas nos
quais são aplicados algoritmos de Machine Learning estão em constante expansão. Alguns
exemplos de casos nos quais algoritmos de Machine Learning têm sido aplicados amplamente
são: classificação de texto ou documento, processamento de linguagem natural (PLN),
aplicativos de processamento de fala, aplicativos de visão computacional, aplicativos de
biologia computacional, detecção de fraude, diagnóstico médico, sistemas de extração de
informações, pontuação de crédito e muito mais.
Um ponto importante para aplicação de modelos de Machine Learning é qualidade e
tamanho da base de dados que será utilizada, pois as bases de dados precisam contemplar
variáveis que expliquem a variável resposta de maneira adequada. Para evitar alguns
problemas quanto ao tamanho e multi-colinearidade, se faz necessária a aplicação de algumas
técnicas, tais como Feature Engineering e Variable Selection. De acordo com Murdoch
algoritmos através da exploração dos artigos já publicados sobre o tema, além de proporcionar
uma compreensão do processo de criação de um modelo de Machine Learning através do
desenvolvimento e aplicação em um problema real.
O primeiro artigo traz ao conhecimento dois pontos importantes sobre a aplicação dos
algoritmos de Machine Learning, sendo o primeiro, os tipos de algoritmos mais presentes nas
áreas de engenharia e medicina, e o segundo, os métodos de validação mais utilizados. Esses
métodos têm como objetivo identificar a acuracia de um algoritmo ao resolver determinado
problema e assim, realizar a comparação entre modelos a fim de escolher o de melhor
O segundo artigo traz ao foco todas as etapas relacionadas ao processo de criação e
aplicação de um modelo de Machine Learning para a predição de um indicador real na área de
saúde suplementar brasileira. Além disso, o estudo também propõe um método de detecção de
anomalias no indicador de números de consultas médicas realizadas por dia, embasado no
entendimento da distribuição e comportamento dos dados.
Objetiva-se com o primeiro artigo demonstrar todas as similaridades entre os
algoritmos e métodos de validação utilizados nas áreas de Engenharia e Medicina e assim
expor as contribuições de cada autor na aplicação destas técnicas. Assim como, objetiva-se
com o segundo artigo demonstrar como algoritmos de Machine Learning podem unir
conhecimentos de várias áreas e construir um modelo eficiente para predizer e detectar
anomalias em um indicador real, e assim colaborar para a eficácia de processos de uma
Os objetivos deste trabalho estão divididos em geral e específicos.
Tendo em vista que as técnicas de Machine Learning, usualmente, são aplicadas a
problemas complexos e de grande escala, o tema Machine Learning como ferramenta
gerencial para predição de indicadores e detecção de anomalias trás ao foco a necessidade de
difundir estes conhecimentos para áreas gerenciais contribuindo na otimização de processos e
agilidade na tomada de decisão, trazendo como principais benefícios da utilização de
algoritmos de Machine Learning a simplificação dos modelos de previsão e a redução nos
tempos de execução computacional (GEYER et al. 2018).
De acordo com Domingos (2017), Machine Learning está mais presente em nosso dia-
a-dia do que se pode perceber. A quantidade de informações geradas todos os dias trás a
oportunidade de entender melhor os padrões. Assim, para Elangovan et al. (2015) e Puranik et
al. (2016), apesar do avanço tecnológico das máquinas industriais, ainda há como aprimorar a
qualidade da fabricação de produtos através da aplicação de técnicas de Machine Learning
para predição de falhas em produtos, falha de máquinas entre outros. Para Dos Santos (2019),
as aplicações de algoritmos de Machine Learning na área de saúde ainda são poucas se
comparadas a outras áreas do conhecimento, porém Battineni et al. (2019) e Leighton et al.
(2019) demonstram que a aplicação destes algoritmos na área médica está evoluindo
rapidamente, trazendo diversos estudos quanto a diagnóstico de doenças, transmissão de
vírus, resultados de tratamentos entre outros.
Apresentam-se nesta seção os métodos de pesquisa e métodos de trabalho aplicados.
investigação qualitativa. Segundo Yin (2001), este método é utilizado para explicar as ações
tomadas referente ao objeto de estudo, como estas foram implementadas e quais os resultados
Conforme Quadro 1, os procedimentos metodológicos aplicados nos artigos consistem
em Revisão de literatura e estudo de caso aplicado. A revisão de literatura realizada como
procedimento metodológico no primeiro artigo buscou definir e filtrar um grupo de artigos
disponíveis nas bases eletrônicas públicas no período de Janeiro de 2015 e Setembro de 2019,
que possuíam como tema Machine Learning e predição nas áreas de engenharia e medicina. O
estudo de caso aplicado no segundo artigo buscou demonstrar todas as etapas do processo de
criação de um modelo de Machine Learning aplicado a uma base dados e um problema real.
machine learning and anomaly detection: a case study in the supplementary health system in
Brazil” e finalizando com uma conclusão geral sobre as contribuições dos dois artigos.
The research aimed to review the literature on the subject of data prediction through
Machine Learning algorithms and their applications in areas of knowledge such as
engineering and medicine, to identify which Machine Learning algorithms are being used for
data prediction, what kind of problems, and what are the methods of validation for each type
of models. It was used the literature review method to select a group of articles to be
analyzed. The selection was performed in the electronic data source Science Direct and
Scielo, using the keywords Machine Learning and Prediction and filtering just the research
papers published from January 2015 to September 2019 in the English language in the areas
of Engineering and Medicine. It was identified that the most used algorithms to predict results
in both areas were Neural Network, Linear Regression, and Random Forest, followed by
Support Vector Machine in the Medicine area and Extreme Learning Machine in the
Engineering area, and in the side of validation methods were identified as the most used
methods R² (R-squared), MAE (Mean Absolute Error) and MAPE (Mean Absolute
Percentage Error). In addition, this study also provides an overview of the different techniques
used by the authors and the analyzed factors to choose a Machine Learning model, such as the
performance and required computational resources. With the results analyzed, it was possible
to conclude that the Machine Learning algorithms have high applicability in diverse areas,
and it is possible to use the same method to predict behavior data, failures, risks, or group
The term Machine Learning can be defined as a set of mathematical and statistical
techniques, which through computational tools and historical data are able to predict data,
patterns, and behaviors or even classify groups (MARSLAND, 2014 and BISHOP, 2006).
Every day computers from all over the world store data of the most varied types, such as:
from stores, banks, hospitals, scientific laboratories, and even personal data from users of
social networks, it means, there are banks registering spending behavior of clients, hospitals
recorded histories of illnesses and treatments of patients, systems recording the performance
of engines and more. According to Marsland (2014), Machine Learning algorithms are a set
of instructions used to predict data that can be applicable in different areas of knowledge and
for the most diverse types of problems, such as: How to detect bank fraud? How to detect the
best treatments for certain diseases? Among others.
According to Da Silva (2017), in the last twenty years, most of the articles published
about Machine Learning are located in the areas of Engineering and Computer Sciences and
Mitchell (2006) says that the contributions of the Computer Science area linked to Machine
Learning have a strong relationship in computational development. So it’s important to bring
to the discussion other areas that have less articles exploring the Machine Learning theme,
areas like healthcare, that has studies with distinct objectives. Thus, the question becomes
apparent: “What algorithms are most used in predicting data in the field of engineering and
medicine?” Engineering and Medicine are two distinct areas of knowledge, however, when
analyzed from the perspective of Machine Learning with the predictive objective, both
probably use the same techniques and algorithms, making it possible to compare and identify
the most common techniques in each area and complement with others techniques that are
used to solve the same type of problem.
Also according to Marsland (2014), some steps must be followed to use Machine
Learning to predict data: (i) collecting and preparing the database, (ii) selecting the variables,
(iii) choosing the algorithm, (iv) selection of parameters, (v) training of the model and (vi)
evaluation of the results.
Therefore, the objective of this article will focus on the steps (iii) choice of the
algorithm and (vi) evaluation of the results according to steps defined by Marsland (2014),
that means, it proposes to identify which Machine Learning algorithms are being used for
prediction of data and what types of problems are studied in the areas of engineering and
medicine. In addition, the methods used to validate the results obtained by the algorithms in
each application will also be exposed.
The article is divided into five main sections: (i) introduction, (ii) methodology, (iii)
literature review, (iv) results and discussion and (v) conclusions. The methodology, presented
in the second section, defines the search and selection methods of the articles to be analyzed
in the next chapters. Then, in the third section, the literature review aims to identify the
Machine Learning algorithms used by the authors. The fourth section, in which the results are
presented, exposes the phase of analysis of the identified contributions and discussion.
Finally, the last section presents the conclusions obtained from the literature review.
existing algorithms or that contained the comparison between algorithms, resulting in 20 final
articles with greater relevance, as shown in Figure 1.
Also according to James et al. (2013), unsupervised learning algorithms are a little
more challenging because there is no response variable to be predicted, and it is usually used
for models that aim to identify relationships between variables or observations. Some
examples of algorithms in unsupervised learning are: (i) k-means: which consists of a
clustering method that aims to divide the observations into several groups; (ii) hierarchical
cluster analysis: defined as an analysis method that aims to build a hierarchy of clusters; (iii)
main component analysis: a mathematical method that uses an orthogonal transformation, in
other words, it creates linearly independent components, to convert a set of observations of
variables. Machine learning algorithms also can be classified as reinforced learning.
According to Sutton and Barto (2018), reinforced learning is learning by trial and error and
delayed rewards, which means, the algorithm has not a setting path to follow to get the results,
it will learning by trying many actions and discovering which one gives more rewards.
Another point of interest in this research is how the different algorithms are evaluated
and compared, as well as the most used performance metrics to define what technique is
better to achieve the final objectives of each article. Some of the validation methods used in
Machine Learning models are: (i) the AUC index derived from the ROC curve (Receiver
Operating Characteristic), where higher the value of the AUC curve, better will be the
performance; (ii) Confusion Matrix or error matrix, which consists of generating a table
where it is possible to evaluate the numbers of false positives and false negatives (this method
compares the results obtained by a forecast with the actual results observed); (iii) F-measure,
used to measure results of binary classifications; (iv) MAE (Mean Absolute Error), used to
summarize and verify the quality of a model according to the measurement of the difference
between two continuous variables; (v) MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), used to
estimate the loss trend or function in regression problems; (vi) MSE (Mean Squared Error),
used to calculate the mean of the squared error in a regression problem; (vii) R and R², which
are measures that indicate the degree of adjustment of the model, that is, the portion of
variation in the response variable explained by the explanatory variables; (Viii) RMS or
RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error), which is a measure used to verify the difference between
the predicted values and actual values.
Also, it's important to expose some of the main kind of problems that Machine
Learning algorithms are applied, such as: text or document classification, natural language
processing (NLP), speech processing applications, computer vision applications,
turbines. The result proved to be effective, when more meteorological data such as air
humidity and liquid water content were included.
In the paper by Ahmad, Chen and Huang (2019), it was used Neural Network
algorithms to predict the short-term power requirements to the district level and for measure
the accuracy of the models it was performed the CV index (coefficient of variation) and
MAPE. FRENCH et al. (2017) also used Neural Network for short-term predictions of
extreme water levels in estuarine ports, using the city of Immingham as a test for the Neural
Network model, applying information on tide, waves, wind and atmospheric pressure as a
vector input. The model achieved accuracy comparable to the UK's national tidal rise model
with a lower computational cost. According to Geyer and Singaravel (2018), the main benefits
of using Machine Learning algorithms are simplifying predictive modeling and reduction in
computational runtime. In the area of civil construction, there are limitations regarding the use
of Machine Learning models for data prediction and may be more accurate depending on the
range of data that make up the training base.
According to Gouarir et al. (2018), Neural Networks can be used to predict behavior,
such as performing tool wear prediction in process. This production process uses a force
sensor to monitor the progression of tool edge wear. Thus, the Neural Network algorithm was
applied to the data captured by the sensor. In addition to the Machine Learning algorithm, an
adaptive control called self-adaptive was used to calculate the force that should be used and
thus optimize the equipment's life cycle, showing this methodology an estimated accuracy of
90%. Wang and Kim (2018) also used the Neural Network algorithms to predict behavior,
besides to comparing the Gated Recurrent Unit and Random Forest algorithms, to predict the
available short-term number of bicycles in docking stations.
For Elangovan et al. (2015) and Puranik, Deshpande and Chandrasekaran (2016),
despite the technological advancement of industrial machines, there is still a way to improve
the quality of product manufacturing. In their paper, Elangovan et al. (2015) expose the use of
regression for the prediction of failures, that is, perform the forecast of the roughness of a
surface by multiple regression analysis and obtain greater predictability and low
computational effort. Puranik, Deshpande and Chandrasekaran (2016) use the regression
algorithms to predict the occurrence of errors and failures in new software. The techniques
already known were analyzed, such as Linear Regression and the R² metric, as a basis to
propose and compare a new algorithm to predict the propensity index of the occurrence of an
error or failure in new software.
As in engineering, Neural Network algorithms are also commonly applied to the
health care area. In the medical area, besides using Machine Learning methods to predict
events, results, and behaviors, the algorithms are also used to classify groups. For Battineni,
Chintalapudi and Amenta (2019) and Leighton et al. (2019), the use of Machine Learning
algorithms in the medical field is rapidly evolving, carrying out studies on previous disease
diagnosis and disease transmission. Battini et al. (2019) explored the use of the Support
Vector Machine algorithm in classifying patients with dementia and validating their
performance through statistical analysis. Leighton et al. (2019), in turn, used Machine
Learning algorithms to build models for classifying psychosis cases. The Logistic Regression
algorithm was used, as well as the cross-validation technique, to evaluate the model's
performance, and thus classify possible cases of psychosis based on the results of remission
and recovery collected during a year of people with first episode psychosis. It was identified
that the prediction models can reliably and prospectively identify the poor results of remission
and recovery in one year for patients with first episode psychosis, using basic clinical
variables in the first clinical contact.
According to Kourou et al. (2015), Machine Learning algorithms are increasingly used
for disease prediction, making the comparison of several Machine Learning techniques, such
as Neural Network, Bayesian Network, Support Vector Machine and Decision Trees,
important and widely applicable in research of cancer for the development of predictive
models, resulting in effective and accurate decision making.
For data prediction, Campos et al. (2019) compared variable selection techniques in
order to the model obtained better results, although the Machine Learning models trained with
subsets of data performed better than a random selection. Mathur, Glesk and Buis (2016) used
adaptive inference strategy methods in Neural Network to predict the residual temperature of
prosthetic sockets by monitoring the temperature between the socket and the liner, in order to
alleviate complaints about increased temperature and perspiration in prosthetic sockets. The
result of this new model was compared to the previous one, finding efficient performance, but
similar to the model already used.
Funkner, Kovalchuk and Bochenina (2016), Raj and Nandhini (2018) and Birjali,
Beni-Hssane, Erritali (2017) brought an approach by merging the supervised and
unsupervised learning algorithms to achieve a better result in their research. For Funkner,
Kovalchuk and Bochenina (2016), in addition to the definition of the Machine Learning
algorithm to be used, it is necessary to perform the pre-classification of the data using the K-
means method. In this study, the goal was to predict the preoperative time for patients with
acute coronary syndrome and the pre-classification of the data improved the regression result
by up to two times.
Raj and Nandhini (2018) proposed the application of a set of algorithms for data
prediction, a technique known as an ensemble model. The objective of the study was to
predict the patterns of human movement sequences in an internal environment, to improve the
trajectory of nurses in a hospital, to optimize the movements of elderly or disabled people to
minimize their routine efforts, among other patterns or anomalies. For Birjali, Beni-Hssane,
Erritali (2017), the analysis of feelings is a very present theme, and its use is increasingly
widespread given the amount of data generated daily by social networks. The objective of the
study was to create a vocabulary associated with suicide, using a Text Mining tool and
comparing Machine Learning algorithms, such as Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes,
used to classify potential Tweets related to this topic.
It was seen that Machine Learning algorithms can be used to solve several problems in
order to bring operational efficiency, both for complex problems such as those found in the
health area, like as disease diagnoses, and for operational problems, like as the reduction of
waste in engineering.
In the engineering area, there was a greater use of Neural Network algorithms,
followed by Linear Regression and Extreme Learning Machine algorithms. Kreutz et al.
(2019), Ahmad, Chen and Huang (2019), Wang and Kim (2018), Gouarir et al. (2018), French
et al. (2017) and Mozaffari, Mozaffari and Azad (2015) described the use of Neural Network
algorithms to solve a classification problem through a time series, while Geyer and Singaravel
(2018) and Lei, Zhao and Cai (2015) used these same algorithms for regression problems,
bringing contributions such as the importance of Machine Learning to optimize computational
The Extreme Learning Machine algorithms used in the Engineering area by the
authors Cheng and Xiong (2017), Lei, Zhao and Cai (2015) and Mozaffari, Mozaffari and
Azad (2015) also used a time series to predict new data, that is, predicting a future data based
on the past. However, Mozaffari, Mozaffari and Azad (2015) and Cheng and Xiong (2017),
presented a new modeling technique that consists of including the result of Machine Learning
models previously applied as a vector of the new model developed.
In the medicine area, there was no predominance of a single algorithm, with the
Neural Network and Support Vector Machine algorithms being used by more than one author.
Kourou et al. (2015) compared several of these algorithms in order to identify the best model
for predicting health data. The Neural Network algorithm was also used by Kourou et al.
(2015) compared to other models for groups classification assisting decision making.
The Machine Learning algorithms for Sentiment Analysis were exposed by the authors
Birjali, Beni-Hssane, Erritali (2017), in order to classify, through Support Vector Machine,
Naive Bayes and Text Mining algorithms, potential Tweets related to the theme of suicide.
Only the authors Funkner, Kovalchuk and Bochenina (2016), Raj and Nandhini (2018) and
Birjali, Beni-Hssane, Erritali (2017) showed applications of unsupervised learning algorithms,
and Funkner, Kovalchuk and Bochenina (2016) have applied unsupervised learning
algorithms, such as k-means, such as a pre-step for rated supervised learning model, such as
Linear Regression and Random Forest.
The authors Campos et al. (2019), Ding, Lam and Feng (2017), Kourou et al. (2015)
and Funkner, Kovalchuk and Bochenina (2016), conducted studies comparing different
algorithms in order to select the best in performance, even though these authors using similar
algorithms, the choice of the final model was different for each study.
There were different contributions by the authors when comparing the objectives of
each study. According to Table 1, both in the medical and engineering fields, the authors
presented studies demonstrating the comparison of algorithms with inclusion of indicators to
improve the model's performance; the creation of regression or classification models based on
time series, foreseeing a future data based on the past; the creation of models to assist decision
making; some authors have also presented the combination of unsupervised models and
supervised models to achieve a better result; use of social networks and analysis of feelings
for classification problems; simplification of models through Machine Learning algorithms
optimizing computational resources; and the inclusion of results from other models as a vector
for a new model.
Unsupervised models using social media Berjali, Beni-Hssane and Erritali (2017)
The validation methods also proved to be applicable for more than one type of model,
as shown in Table 2.
According to the literature review, it was possible to notice that the authors used the
algorithm comparison technique to define, through validation methods such as R², MSE,
MAE, RMSE, MAPE, among others, the best algorithm to be applied in the prediction. It was
also understood that the Neural Network algorithms have greater applicability in different
areas of knowledge and in different types of data prediction due to their generality, and it was
possible to solve problems of both classification and regression. The Linear Regression
algorithms also proved to be applicable for data prediction in the areas of knowledge
classified in this study, reaching significant results when considering its low complexity and
high interpretability of results.
Table 3 presents an overview of all the information collected by the study, indicating
the algorithms, validation methods, types of problems and contributions made by each author.
Comparison of algorithms.
Kourou et DT
Medicine Classification 2015 Greece AUC Creation of models to assist
al. NN
decision making
Mathur, MAE
United Comparison of algorithms
Medicine Regression Glesk and 2016 NN RMSE
Kingdom with inclusion of indicators.
Buis R²
The study provided a great understanding of the Machine Learning algorithms used to
predict data in the areas of knowledge Engineering and Medicine. It was possible to identify
different techniques used by the authors both in the modeling and comparison of algorithms
and in the validation methods, as well as the creation of regression and classification models
based on historical data, in addition to the combination of unsupervised Machine Learning
and supervised algorithms for achieve a better result in data prediction.
It was possible to identify that the same algorithm can be applied to problems of
different types, such as: prediction of failure or risk, behavior prediction, event prediction and
even for classification of groups, and also these algorithms were compared by the same
validation methods. It was identified that the most used algorithms were Neural Network,
Linear Regression, Random Forest, Extreme Learning Machine and Support Vector Machine
and the most used validation methods were R², MAE and MAPE. There were algorithms that
were applied in both areas, Engineering and Medicine, those were: Neural Network, Linear
Regression, Random Forest and Gradient Boosting, and there were algorithms that were
identified just in one of the studied areas, those were: Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes,
Extreme Learning Machine, K-neighbors, Bayesian Network, Decision Tree, Logistic
Regression, Least Learning Machine, Regression Matrix, Ensemble Model and Gated
Recurrent Unit.
Another important contribution made by authors was about the analyzed factor to
compare and select a model to be applied for a prediction, which was the importance to be
aware of the performance and the computational resource require because it can influence the
decision making.
The methodology applied in this study can be replicated to a new literature review on
the topic as well as to update this review, since this topic is increasingly discussed both in the
professional and academic fields, thus receiving new applications and discoveries to be made
each new study.
AHMAD, Tanveer; CHEN, Huanxin; HUANG, Yao. Short-Term Energy Prediction for
District-Level Load Management Using Machine Learning Based Approaches. Energy
Procedia, v. 158, p. 3331-3338, 2019.
BATTINENI, Gopi; CHINTALAPUDI, Nalini; AMENTA, Francesco. Machine Learning in
medicine: Performance calculation of dementia prediction by support vector machines
(SVM). Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, v. 16, p. 100200, 2019.
BIRJALI, Marouane; BENI-HSSANE, Abderrahim; ERRITALI, Mohammed. Machine
Learning and semantic sentiment analysis based algorithms for suicide sentiment prediction in
social networks. Procedia Computer Science, v. 113, p. 65-72, 2017.
CAMPOS, Tulio L. et al. An Evaluation of Machine Learning Approaches for the Prediction
of Essential Genes in Eukaryotes Using Protein Sequence-Derived Features. Computational
and Structural Biotechnology Journal, v. 17, p. 785-796, 2019.
CHENG, Jiatang; XIONG, Yan. Application of extreme learning machine combination model
for dam displacement prediction. Procedia Computer Science, v. 107, p. 373-378, 2017.
2017). CADERNOS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA, v. 2, n. 1, 2017.
DING, Chao; LAM, Khee Poh; FENG, Wei. An evaluation index for cross ventilation based
on CFD simulations and ventilation prediction model using Machine Learning
algorithms. Procedia engineering, v. 205, p. 2948-2955, 2017.
ELANGOVAN, M. et al. Machine Learning approach to the prediction of surface roughness
using statistical features of vibration signal acquired in turning. Procedia Computer Science,
v. 50, p. 282-288, 2015.
FRENCH, Jon et al. Combining Machine Learning with computational hydrodynamics for
prediction of tidal surge inundation at estuarine ports. Procedia IUTAM, v. 25, p. 28-35,
FUNKNER, Anastasia; KOVALCHUK, Sergey; BOCHENINA, Klavdiya. Preoperational
Time Prediction for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Using Machine Learning
Techniques. Procedia Computer Science, v. 101, p. 172-176, 2016.
GEYER, Philipp; SINGARAVEL, Sundaravelpandian. Component-based Machine Learning
for performance prediction in building design. Applied energy, v. 228, p. 1439-1453, 2018.
GOUARIR, A. et al. In-process tool wear prediction system based on Machine Learning
techniques and force analysis. Procedia CIRP, v. 77, p. 501-504, 2018.
JAMES, G., WITTEN, D., HASTIE, T., & TIBSHIRANI, R. An introduction to statistical
learning. New York, 2013.
KOUROU, Konstantina et al. Machine Learning applications in cancer prognosis and
prediction. Computational and structural biotechnology journal, v. 13, p. 8-17, 2015.
KREUTZ, Markus et al. Machine Learning-based icing prediction on wind turbines. Procedia
CIRP, v. 81, p. 423-428, 2019.
LEI, Yu; ZHAO, Danning; CAI, Hongbing. Prediction of length-of-day using extreme
learning machine. Geodesy and Geodynamics, v. 6, n. 2, p. 151-159, 2015.
LEIGHTON, Samuel P. et al. Development and validation of multivariable prediction models
of remission, recovery, and quality of life outcomes in people with first episode psychosis: a
Machine Learning approach. The Lancet Digital Health, v. 1, n. 6, p. e261-e270, 2019.
MARSLAND, Stephen. Machine Learning: an algorithmic perspective. Chapman and
Hall/CRC, 2014.
MATHUR, Neha; GLESK, Ivan; BUIS, Arjan. Comparison of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
system (ANFIS) and Gaussian processes for Machine Learning (GPML) algorithms for the
prediction of skin temperature in lower limb prostheses. Medical engineering & physics, v.
38, n. 10, p. 1083-1089, 2016.
MITCHELL, Tom Michael. The discipline of machine learning. Pittsburgh: Carnegie
Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Machine Learning Department, 2006.
MOHRI, Mehryar; ROSTAMIZADEH, Afshin; TALWALKAR, Ameet. Foundations of
machine learning. MIT press, 2018.
MOZAFFARI, Ladan; MOZAFFARI, Ahmad; AZAD, Nasser L. Vehicle speed prediction
via a sliding-window time series analysis and an evolutionary least learning machine: A case
study on San Francisco urban roads. Engineering science and technology, an international
journal, v. 18, n. 2, p. 150-162, 2015.
MURDOCH, W. James et al. Definitions, methods, and applications in interpretable machine
learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 116, n. 44, p. 22071 - 22080,
PURANIK, Shruthi; DESHPANDE, Pranav; CHANDRASEKARAN, K. A novel Machine
Learning approach for bug prediction. Procedia Computer Science, v. 93, p. 924-930, 2016.
The research aimed to investigate the stages of a Machine Learning model process
creation in order to predict the indicator over the number of medical appointments per day
done in the area of supplementary health in the region of Porto Alegre / RS - Brazil and to
propose a metric for anomalies detection. Literature review and descriptive case study was
used as a methodology in this paper, besides was used the statistical software called R, in
order to prepare the data and create the model. The stages of the case study were:
understanding the problem to be studied, database extraction, division of the base in training
and testing, creation of functions and feature engineering, variables selection and correlation
analysis, choice of the algorithms with cross-validation and tuning, training of models,
application of the models in the test data, selection of the best model and proposal of the
metric for anomalies detection. At the end of these stages, it was possible to select the best
model in terms of MAE (Mean Absolute Error), the Random Forest, which was the algorithm
with better performance when compared to Extreme Gradient Boosting, Linear Regression
and Neural Network. It also makes possible to identified nine anomaly points and thirty-eight
warning points using the standard deviation metric. It was concluded, through the proposed
methodology and the results obtained, that the steps of feature engineering and variables
selection were essential for the creation and selection of the model, in addition, the proposed
metric achieved the objective of generates alerts in the indicator, showing cases with possible
problems or opportunities.
Every day computers from all over the world are generating and storing data of the
most varied types. According to James et al. (2013), with the emergence of Big Data,
modeling and understanding complex databases through statistical models has become a
subject in evidence in different areas of science. For Burrel (2016) and Lee (2019), Machine
Learning algorithms are good tools when the goals is to make predictions in large databases,
because, by combining statistical techniques and artificial intelligence, Machine Learning
algorithms are able to solve problems, such as: fraud detection, prediction of indicators,
prediction of behaviors and even early diagnosis of diseases.
In the Brazilian health sector, in addition to the public health system, there is also the
private system called supplementary health. According to De Araujo et al. (2015), ANS
(National Supplementary Health Agency) regulates more than 1500 health plan operators
existing in Brazil today. Many of these operators are in an unstable financial situation, due to
the difficulty in forecasting assistance costs. For this reason, these companies have been
implementing technology to detect unnecessary exams, costly procedures without justification
and medical fraud, thus guaranteeing a better service. To predict in advance a cost behavior,
number of medical appointments, number of patients and more, improves the strategic and
financial sector of health plan operators that subsidize the cost of assistance. With an accurate
prediction of the indicators, a fairer value for the population can be guaranteed.
Therefore, this article aims to demonstrate the process of creating a Machine Learning
model to predict the number of medical appointments in the area of supplementary health in
the region of Porto Alegre / RS, in addition to proposing metrics for detecting anomalies for
this indicator. The necessary steps to create a predictive model will be presented, such as:
collecting and preparing the database, selecting the variables, choosing the algorithm,
selecting the parameters, training the model and evaluating the results. All analyzes and codes
presented in this article were developed using the statistical software R, which is an open-
source programming language that makes it possible to share the knowledge developed in this
paper with the whole R community.
better predict patterns, behaviors, or even perform the classification and creation of groups.
The numerous algorithm techniques, according to Marsland (2014) and James et al. (2013)
can be classified as: supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning
algorithms are used for classification or regression problems, when the response variable is
also known a priori. Still according to James et al. (2013), the unsupervised learning
algorithms are a little more challenging because there is no response variable to be predicted,
it is normally used for models that aim to identify relationships between the variables or
According to Marsland (2014), the process of creating a supervised Machine Learning
model for predicting continuous data (regression problem) must follow some steps: (i)
collecting and preparing the data, (ii) selecting the variables, (iii) choice of algorithm, (iv)
selection of hyperparameters, (v) training of the model and (vi) evaluation of results.
The collection and preparation of data can be done by selecting a group of variables
potentially important for the proposed objective. According to Marsland (2014), this set can
be tested in order to choose the best set of variables present in the original base. It is at this
stage that the division of the base in training and testing is also carried out. The training data
used for all the steps related to the discovery of knowledge and the test data having its use
restricted only to the stage of validation of the results.
According to Garcia et al. (2007), it is in the stage of preparing the database that
descriptive analyzes are carried out in order to know, clean, group, transform and enrich the
data, the latter has known technically as Feature Engineering. According to Garla et al.
(2012), Feature Engineering is the process of creating new variables from those already
existing in a database, either by combining two or more variables, or by creating a new
variable extracted from an existing one.
As Marsland (2014), the selection of variables is an important step, at this stage, are
selected the most useful variables to explain the problem. According to James et al. (2013),
there are several types of variable selection a method that allow a better interpretability of the
model and reduce the risk of overfitting, such as: Subset Selection and Stepwise Selection.
The Subset selection method is used for any addition or removal procedure variables in a pre-
existing set, or selects exhaustively the subset of variables which maximize the desired result.
As the number of combinations depends on the number of variables in base, it becomes costly
to obtain metrics for all possible subsets of variables. To solve this problem, it is common to
use the Stepwise Selection Forward or Stepwise Selection Backward Method, which are
Subset Selection techniques that respectively add and remove variables sequentially.
According to Burrel (2016), the choice of the Machine Learning algorithm must
consider the computational capacity available and the type of problem to be solved. In
addition to these items, it is very common to perform a combination of models or to compare
models in order to identify the best result. Also according to Burrel (2016), the most popular
examples of Machine Learning are Neural Network, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, in
addition to Linear Regression and Random Forest.
According to Marsland (2014) and Kraska et al. (2013), many algorithms require
tuning hyperparameters, which can be selected manually or through tests in order to identify
the most appropriate hyperparameter. This selection is commonly made in an exhaustive way,
that is, an interval is tested for each hyperparameter and all possible combinations of these
intervals are performed. In order to guarantee the robustness of the results generated by such
algorithms, the Cross-validation technique can be used.
Refaeilzadeh et al. (2009) defines Cross-validation as a statistical method used to
validate Machine Learning algorithms, by crossing the training base with a validation base, so
that all data sets are validated. The most common method is the k-fold, which divides k sub-
samples of the training base, if the number chosen for k is equal to 10, the training base will
be divided into 10 sub-samples that will be crossed and validated with each other.
According to Marsland (2014) and Vinyals et al. (2019), after the steps of data
preparation, selection of variables, selection of algorithms and selection of parameters, it is
possible to perform the training stage of the models through some computational resource. In
this step, the model will receive inputs and generate outputs, that is, it will receive
explanatory variables and estimate the response variable.
In the results assessment stage, the models are compared with each other to determine
which technique has better performance for solving the target problem (RODRIGUEZ-
GALIANO et al, 2015; SUNDAYS, 2012). Here the performance metrics obtained from the
application of the trained models in the test base are generated. The metrics commonly used
for the evaluation of regression models are: Rsquared, RMSE and MAE. Rsquared indicates
the correlation between observed result values and the values predicted by the model, in this
case, the higher the Rsquared the better the model. The RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and
MAE (Mean Absolute Error) are two metrics used to measure the prediction error of each
model. In this case, the metric is evaluated considering that the lower the RMSE and the
MAE, the better the model.
As shown in Figure 1, this research begins with the understanding the problem to be
studied, described in item 3.3.1, followed by the data extraction, described in item 3.3.2. and
proceeds with the division of the base in training and testing, also detailed in item 3.3.2 .;
continuing with the creation of functions and feature engineering, described in item 3.3.3.;
moving on to the variable selection and analysis of the correlation, also detailed in item 3.3.3
.; after this stage, the algorithms selection, cross-validation and tuning, described in item
3.3.4; and then the models were trained and the models were applied to the test base to select
the best model, also described in item 3.3.4.; and finally, the proposed metric for anomaly
detection was elaborated, according to item 3.3.5.
The software used to prepare the database and create the Machine Learning model
whole process was the software R. The databases were saved in a repository using the
extension .csv.
The Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Linear Regression and Neural
Network algorithms were trained on the training data so that they could later be applied on the
test data to select the best model according to the MAE. In total, 1 Linear Regression model,
10 Random Forest models were trained, one for each hyperparameter combination, and 50
Neural Network models, also considering the hyperparameter combination. At the end of the
training stage, the Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Linear Regression and Neural
Network model was selected, whose hyperparameters represented a better MAE, to be applied
to the test base.
In order to evaluate and select the best algorithm, among Random Forest, Extreme
Gradient Boosting, Linear Regression and Neural Network, the selected models were applied
to the test data. The methodologies were compared according to their MAE values and an
algorithm was chosen that obtained superior performance.
Thus, it was defined that the detection of suspicious behavior will be through two
situations: points above one deviation will be considered "Alerts" and will serve as a warning
about possible irregularities, and points above two deviations will be considered "Anomalies",
and should have immediate attention.
Figure 3: Distribution of the difference between the observed value and the predicted value of
the training data
the “var_date” function was applied to create new variables. Table 1 shows a sample of the
database after the creation of the new variables with the application of the “var_date”
A second function was created in order to further increase the number of explanatory
variables and thereby also generate a greater understanding of the response variable. Table 2
shows a sample of the database after the creation of the new variables with the application of
the “var_lag_diff” function.
diff_lag7lag14 int NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA . . .
diff_lag1lag30 int NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA . . .
With the predictor selection phase completed, training began on the two algorithms
presented in the methodology, which were compared according to the MAE. In the training
phase, the Random Forest algorithm with hyperparameters mtry equal to 6 and ntree equal to
1000 showed a subtle gain in relation to the other models, as can be seen in Table 3. However,
the Neural Network algorithm performed much lower when compared to the Extreme
Gradient Boosting, Linear Regression and Random Forest algorithms, for this reason the
Neural Network algorithm was not applied to the test data.
NA NA 6 0.2 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.17 1819.36 18.98 0.24 34.60
NA NA 6 0.3 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.16 1819.36 18.98 0.09 34.60
NA NA 6 0.4 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.23 1819.36 18.98 0.20 34.60
NA NA 6 0.5 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.18 1819.36 18.98 0.16 34.60
NA NA 7 0.1 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.10 1819.36 18.98 0.08 34.60
NA NA 7 0.2 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.13 1819.36 18.98 0.09 34.60
NA NA 7 0.3 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.11 1819.36 18.98 0.08 34.60
NA NA 7 0.4 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.33 1819.36 18.98 0.26 34.60
NA NA 7 0.5 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.21 1819.36 18.98 0.10 34.60
NA NA 8 0.1 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.25 1819.36 18.98 0.22 34.60
NA NA 8 0.2 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.14 1819.36 18.98 0.07 34.60
NA NA 8 0.3 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.09 1819.36 18.98 0.08 34.60
NA NA 8 0.4 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.26 1819.36 18.98 0.21 34.60
NA NA 8 0.5 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.08 1819.36 18.98 0.06 34.60
NA NA 9 0.1 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.10 1819.36 18.98 0.08 34.60
NA NA 9 0.2 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.12 1819.36 18.98 0.11 34.60
NA NA 9 0.3 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.12 1819.36 18.98 0.11 34.60
NA NA 9 0.4 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.09 1819.36 18.98 0.09 34.60
NA NA 9 0.5 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.29 1819.36 18.98 0.27 34.60
NA NA 10 0.1 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.13 1819.36 18.98 0.07 34.60
NA NA 10 0.2 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.11 1819.36 18.98 0.05 34.60
NA NA 10 0.3 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.20 1819.36 18.98 0.17 34.60
NA NA 10 0.4 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.16 1819.36 18.98 0.17 34.60
NA NA 10 0.5 NA NA NA NA 2219.32 0.08 1819.36 18.98 0.08 34.60
Gradient NA NA NA NA 0.05 5 0.01 50 476.52 0.88 327.63 57.42 0.03 31.75
Gradient NA NA NA NA 0.05 5 0.01 100 424.77 0.89 234.78 55.26 0.03 21.19
Gradient NA NA NA NA 0.05 5 0.01 200 432.30 0.88 232.29 55.22 0.03 19.50
Gradient NA NA NA NA 0.05 5 0.01 300 443.89 0.88 237.94 58.38 0.03 24.20
After defining the best combination of hyperparameters for the Random Forest
algorithm and Extreme Gradient Boosting, these, together with the Linear Regression, were
applied to the test data, in order to identify which algorithm would present a better
performance when simulated real implementation conditions. The Random Forest model
performed better than the Linear Regression and Extreme Gradient Boosting model when
applied to the test base, as shown in Table 4.
It can also be seen from Figures 3 and 4, which compare the real values with the
predicted values, that the selected model was able to predict the number of medical
appointment in a satisfactory way both in the training data and on the test data.
Figure 4: Comparison of the prediction of the selected model with the real value in the
training base
After the prediction of the variable number of medical appointments, the anomalies
and alerts identification metric that is defined by the rule was applied: If the real value is
greater than the predicted value plus a standard deviation, the occurrence will be defined as an
alert, if the real value is greater than the predicted value plus two standard deviations, the
occurrence will be defined as anomalous. According to Figures 5 and 6, nine anomaly
situations can be identified in the test data, on March 25, 2019, March 27, 2019, March 29,
2019, April 26, 2019, May 2, 2019, May 9, 2019, May 24, 2019, June 24, 2019 and July 29,
2019, in addition to thirty-eight alert points during the period from January to July. The prior
identification of these points, as well as the investigation of the reason for such behaviors, can
bring gains both in the identification of frauds, as well as in the opportunity to improve the
provision of the service through a better distribution of resources.
Figure 5: Comparison of the prediction of the selected model with the real value in the test
The study provided a broad theoretical and applied understanding of important steps
for the creation of a Machine Learning model (collecting and preparing the data, selecting the
variables, choice of algorithm, selection of hyperparameters, training of the model and
evaluation of results). The creation of Feature Engineering was an essential step to
understanding the behavior of the data, and combined with the development of auxiliary
functions made it possible to reproduce in a more efficient and fast way this very important
part of this Machine Learning process. Another essential point for the creation of a high-
performance model was the step of selecting the variables, because using the techniques of
analysis of the correlations followed by the Stepwise Backward selection, it was possible to
identify the predictors with the greatest impact on the response variable preventing
With the functions created, the implementation, maintenance, or replication of the
methodology as a whole becomes more simplified, this is easily replicable for other similar
studies whose goals are the prediction of a continuous variable using as features any kind of
time frames (daily, monthly, annually).
The indicator of the number of medical appointments per day is an important indicator
for the area of supplementary health because this kind of KPI is strongly correlated to the
operational costs and to predict it improves the decision making. With the Random Forest
model selected and the proposed metric for detecting anomalies through the standard
deviation, it was possible not only to predict the KPI results with almost 90% of accuracy, but
also to compare the prediction with the real value producing alerts of anomalous occurrences.
This can enable the investigation of possible problems, or new demands, in order to improve
health services.
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db <- db %>%
dt_ok = as.Date(get(col_name_date), format = format_date),
first_day = ymd(format(dt_ok, "%Y-%m-01")),
week = weekdays(dt_ok),
is_bus = case_when(
week == "sábado" | week == "domingo" | dt_ok %in% feriados ~ 0,
TRUE ~ 1
dist_holiday = unlist(purrr::map(.x = dt_ok, .f = dist_holiday)),
week_month = stringi::stri_datetime_fields(get(col_name_date), tz = 'Etc/GMT-
db <- db %>%
left_join(temp, by = c("dt_ok" = "dt_ok")) %>%
mutate(bus_day = if_else(,0,bus_day))
# return 1
# return 2
## data frame with lag or diff variables that were bigger then predetermined amount
list_return[[2]] <- db
db <- db %>%
list_return[[3]] <- db
O segundo artigo, embasado nas contribuições trazidas pelo primeiro artigo, descreveu
todos os passos realizado para a criação de um modelo, desde a coleta dos dados, até a escolha
e aplicação do modelo de melhor performance. O artigo também ressaltou a importância dos
processos de seleção de variáveis evitando assim problemas de multi-colinearidade, além de
demonstrar o processo de Feature Engeneering com a criação das funções
'VAR_LAG_DIFF', 'VAR_DATE', onde foi possível criar através de uma única variável
(Data_register) dezoito novas variáveis utilizadas na construção de um modelo mais
performático. Foi também apresentado um método de detecção de anomalias para o indicador
gerencial “quantidade de consultas médicas por dia” através do estudo da distribuição da
diferença entre predito e observado. Identificar previamente as ocorrências anômalas
proporciona ao setor gerencial analisar e identificar de maneira mais ágil as possíveis causas,
aprimorando o serviço prestado, prevenindo fraude médica ou até mesmo identificando
oportunidades de melhoria.
A metodologia aplicada nos dois artigos pode ser facilmente replicada, e todos os
códigos utilizados na construção deste estudo estão disponíveis no repositório pessoal da
autora no Github (
Em termos de trabalhos futuros, sugere-se a implementação deste modelo para outros
indicadores da área da saúde e assim confrontar os resultados obtidos, além de realizar um
aprofundamento nas demais técnicas de Machine Learning, principalmente um estudo com
foco em Feature Engineering, pois este se mostrou um importante recurso quando se obtém
uma base de dados com poucas variáveis explicativas. Sugere-se também realizar a
comparação de desempenho de outros algoritmos, trazer ao foco a análise da explicabilidade
da predição incluindo um entendimento da matemática e dos recursos computacionais.
Sugere-se ainda, reproduzir a revisão de literatura, incorporando outras áreas do
conhecimento, e assim alcançar um entendimento maior sobre o tema.
AHMAD, Tanveer; CHEN, Huanxin; HUANG, Yao. Short-Term Energy Prediction for
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