Ramapo College of New Jersey
MA in Sustainability Studies Program
Technology is both an obstacle in the path to a sustainable future and the bearer of the promise for a new world. For instance, the report by the UN Secretary-General's Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN, 2013), An Action... more
Invited intervention on behalf of Civil Society, at the UN General Assembly’s Interactive Dialogue on Harmony with Nature
April 22, 2014
Trusteeship Council Chamber, New York
April 22, 2014
Trusteeship Council Chamber, New York
We care about systemic change because truly complex socio-ecological systems are often intractable to the imposition of intentional change. This intractability derives in large part from certain intrinsic properties of complex systems,... more
Cities, as the quintessential socio-technological artifacts of human civilization, are seen to set us apart from nature. But an ecosystem view from nested scale-hierarchical process-function ecology shows us that cities are best seen as... more
Chicago School. In the following extracts, they draw strongly on lessons of plant ecology (including notions of invasion, succession, etc.) to account for the growth of urban communities. In this chapter, Vasishth and Sloane reconsider... more
Complex systems, unlike simple systems, embody multiple realities that cannot be reduced to some comparable set of singularities. Then, decision making protocols under complexity must be crafted to take account of such inherent... more
Chicago School. In the following extracts, they draw strongly on lessons of plant ecology (including notions of invasion, succession, etc.) to account for the growth of urban communities. In this chapter, Vasishth and Sloane reconsider... more
However, the real seeds of progress were sown on the sidelines. A number of events at the People's Summit held the promise of effective citizens' action towards sustainability and equity, building on the past and carrying on into... more