Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Nuance"
The meaning of "Nuance" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит nuance (n)
nuanced (adj)
ex: nuanced understanding of something
I've looked up in the dictionaries but its definition is so vague ?
nuanced (adj)
ex: nuanced understanding of something
I've looked up in the dictionaries but its definition is so vague ?
Что значит The nuance of the sentence "I cherish you"?
Example sentences using "Nuance"
Synonyms of "Nuance" and their differences
В чем разница между nuance и sentiment ?
В чем разница между 1. I would like to know what nuances are considered to be conveyed through my writing. и 2. I would like to know what my writing sounds like to English native speakers. и 3. I would like to know which nuances English native speaker might see in my writing. и (which one is the most natural?) ?
В чем разница между nuance и connotation ?
Translations of "Nuance"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? 치즈의 종류는 크게 세가지가 있다.
If you understand the nuance of 크게 here, it would be really helpful if you could share your opinion how it can be translated into English. Thanks for your time :)
If you understand the nuance of 크게 here, it would be really helpful if you could share your opinion how it can be translated into English. Thanks for your time :)
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? 치즈의 종류는 크게 세가지가 있다.
If you understand the nuance of 크게 here, it would be really helpful if you could share your opinion how it can be translated into English. Thanks for your time :)
If you understand the nuance of 크게 here, it would be really helpful if you could share your opinion how it can be translated into English. Thanks for your time :)
Other questions about "Nuance"
could you tell me the subtle nuances of " be to do something."
for example, what is the difference between "You are to stay here until I send for you." and "Stay here until I send for you." ,or "The ceremony is to take place on the U.S.S. Missouri." and "The ceremony is going to take place on the U.S.S. Missouri."
for example, what is the difference between "You are to stay here until I send for you." and "Stay here until I send for you." ,or "The ceremony is to take place on the U.S.S. Missouri." and "The ceremony is going to take place on the U.S.S. Missouri."
1. How is the nuance of To be very shocked and Freak out different?
2. If you possible, please explain it with example.
3. Do you happen to know another similar expressions?
2. If you possible, please explain it with example.
3. Do you happen to know another similar expressions?
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