Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Prediction"
The meaning of "Prediction" in various phrases and sentences
Что значит predictions
Что значит Your predictions, however, were not even in the ballpark?
This is a phrase to mean, "Your predictions were not close."
Что значит grim predictions?
bad predictions, something bad will happen
Что значит What does “Were their predictions to be realized,” ?
I could also say it as "If there predictions were to come true". So, I know "Were" is usually a question word, but it's not here.
"I dropped some bricks. Were they to hit you, you would be hurt."
"I dropped some bricks. If they were to hit you, you would be hurt."
Both mean the same thing, one just has a few less words.
"I dropped some bricks. Were they to hit you, you would be hurt."
"I dropped some bricks. If they were to hit you, you would be hurt."
Both mean the same thing, one just has a few less words.
Что значит prediction
a "prediction" is a guess about something that might happen in the future.
Synonyms of "Prediction" and their differences
В чем разница между She veered from his prediction. и She deviated from his prediction. ?
Both "veered" and "deviated" indicate a change from a predicted path or course, but there is a subtle difference in their connotations:
"Veered" has a stronger connotation of a sudden change in direction. It implies that the person or thing being described changed course abruptly and perhaps unexpectedly. For example, "She veered from his prediction" suggests that the woman made a sudden turn away from the predicted path, possibly surprising the person who made the prediction.
"Deviated" has a more neutral connotation and implies a gradual or deliberate change in direction. It suggests that the person or thing being described strayed from the predicted path over time or intentionally. For example, "She deviated from his prediction" suggests that the woman gradually moved away from the predicted path or purposefully made decisions that led her in a different direction.
In summary, "veered" implies a sudden change in direction, while "deviated" implies a more gradual or intentional shift away from a predicted path.
"Veered" has a stronger connotation of a sudden change in direction. It implies that the person or thing being described changed course abruptly and perhaps unexpectedly. For example, "She veered from his prediction" suggests that the woman made a sudden turn away from the predicted path, possibly surprising the person who made the prediction.
"Deviated" has a more neutral connotation and implies a gradual or deliberate change in direction. It suggests that the person or thing being described strayed from the predicted path over time or intentionally. For example, "She deviated from his prediction" suggests that the woman gradually moved away from the predicted path or purposefully made decisions that led her in a different direction.
In summary, "veered" implies a sudden change in direction, while "deviated" implies a more gradual or intentional shift away from a predicted path.
В чем разница между prediction и estimation и guess и forecast ?
prediction - opinion about the future, what will happen
estimation - a rough guess of a value
guess - you're not sure, you say something and hope it's right
forecast - youre a professional at something and you use evidence to suggest what will happen.
weather forecast, economic forecast, etc
estimation - a rough guess of a value
guess - you're not sure, you say something and hope it's right
forecast - youre a professional at something and you use evidence to suggest what will happen.
weather forecast, economic forecast, etc
В чем разница между prediction и expectation ?
a prediction is something you *guess* with confidence.
I predict the red team will win.
A prediction can be based on facts, like a weather prediction.
I predict it will warm up tommorow
or it could just be a feeling.
I predict this exam will be hard.
An expectation is something that *always* has proof/ a reason why.
I expect to graduate in 4 years.
(the proof is that they are doing their classes)
I expect that the bank will close early tommorow.
(the proof is that it always closes early on friday)
I predict the red team will win.
A prediction can be based on facts, like a weather prediction.
I predict it will warm up tommorow
or it could just be a feeling.
I predict this exam will be hard.
An expectation is something that *always* has proof/ a reason why.
I expect to graduate in 4 years.
(the proof is that they are doing their classes)
I expect that the bank will close early tommorow.
(the proof is that it always closes early on friday)
В чем разница между prediction и postulate ?
Postulate is typically used in the context of science and mathematics (公里,公设)
There are many postulates in Euclidean geometry.
A prediction (预料,预估)typically means an estimate or forecast based on some experience or knowledge.
The weatherman made a wrong prediction yesterday.
There are many postulates in Euclidean geometry.
A prediction (预料,预估)typically means an estimate or forecast based on some experience or knowledge.
The weatherman made a wrong prediction yesterday.
В чем разница между prediction и preception ?
Prediction is a foretelling of what will happen in the future. Preception is a belief formed before you have enough information to make a correct idea (a preconception).
Translations of "Prediction"
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? Your predictions, however, were not even in the ballpark
Are you asking what it means?
If so it means
What you predicted would happen was not even close to what actually happened.
("in the ballpark" is a baseball reference)
If so it means
What you predicted would happen was not even close to what actually happened.
("in the ballpark" is a baseball reference)
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? Your predictions, however, were not even in the ballpark
Your predictions were not close.
Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? prediction
Check the question to view the answer
Как сказать на Английском (британский вариант)? prediction
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Как сказать на Английском (американский вариант)? what does “Your prediction was on the money “ mean?
On the money = accurate
Other questions about "Prediction"
He made a prediction for me to win the next bout against Alex Rodman. это звучит нормально?
He made a prediction that I would win the next bout against Alex Rodman.
I have no predictions for the future. это звучит нормально?
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To make a prediction, which of these sounds more natural:
(1) The tomorrow's exam must be very hard.
(2) The tomorrow's exam will surely be very hard.
(1) The tomorrow's exam must be very hard.
(2) The tomorrow's exam will surely be very hard.
2 sounds better
There is a prediction by many scientists which says that the greatest earthquake in Tokyo and the eruption of Mt.Fuji will occur in a few years. It is based on a scientific basis.
это звучит нормально?
это звучит нормально?
You should say: based on scientific predictions, many scientists agree that the largest earthquake yet to hit Tokyo, as well as the eruption of Mount Fuji are expected to occur in the next few years.
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