Netherlands Institute for Social Research
Care, Emancipation and Time Use
Differences in time use between Internet users and nonusers in the Netherlands are found mainly in the productive activities of paid work, childcare and household chores. Internet users spend two hours less per week on paid work and... more
This article describes Dutch adolescents' media time use -reading, radio, TV and computer/ Internet --and how this media/IT use is related to their maturation. Four domains of development are distinguished: 1) cognitive, focusing on... more
- by Jos De Haan
Using an online questionnaire among 785 parents (children 0-7 years) in the Netherlands we investigated a) whether parents experience problems when guiding children’s digital media usage, b) whether they feel competent in dealing with... more
+ Summary in english in the pdf + Nederlanders hebben weinig historische kennis en historisch besef. Tenminste, als je recente discussies over de Nederlandse identiteit mag geloven. Om het vermeende tij te keren werd de 'Canon van... more
- by Jos De Haan
Teenagers' interest in highbrow culture like classical music, museums and plays is somewhat low, but this group's extensive Internet use may heighten this interest and increase their cultural participation online. In contrast to previous... more
Highlights We set out to develop measures for assessing 21 st-century digital skills We took a threefold approach: cognitive interviews, a survey pilot and a full survey The final sample included 907 professionals working within the... more
In Europe, the creative industries (CIs) are experiencing growth rates well above the average of the EU’s total economic growth. However, a lack of consensus regarding how these industries work impedes the development of effective policy.... more
This study brings attention to the determinants of 21st-century skills and 21st-century digital skills. The following skills are investigated: technical, information, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and... more
- by Jos De Haan
The main aim of this study was to measure the actual levels of digital skills among professionals in the creative industries. Therefore, the levels of the following four types of digital skills were examined by means of a performance... more
The importance of 21st-century digital skills has been well established. However, research often fails to examine how various skills relate to each other. Through a survey of a sample of 1,222 professionals working in the creative... more
Van oude en nieuwe iconen Herkent u dit beeld? Het is afkomstig uit de film 'Les invasions barbares'. Die film vertelt het verhaal van een vader, Rémy, en zijn zoon, Sebastién. De zoon werkt in de city van Londen en is zeer gehecht aan... more