Gotta say, “what is that” is a new response to my dick
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so funny to get passionate about your job when you work a really boring job. i saw an unusual kind of lease payment for the first time today and i got so excited i grabbed all my coworkers to tell them. i’ve wanted to see a lease payment like that for months
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- sent by Anonymous
hello!! i love your works so much. you manage to be so intimately detailed within a single sentence. it’s really incredible how you are able to craft so much with so few words. anyway, i have a couple questions for you:
- what got you started writing? how long have you been writing?
- i noticed in particular your openings are always visceral and full of character. how do you usually approach your openings when you’re working on a draft?
- and finally, which work of yours is your favorite?
- answered by goshen-applecrumbledore
that’s so so kind, thank you, I don’t know what to say, haha. I love to pack a sentence. below is an article on Big Sentences from the magazine I worked at in my 20s that was hugely influential to me.
writing talk and some examples below, using a cut because it’s a long (ironic!)
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- sent by Anonymous
hi! i wanted to ask: how do you come up with your dialogue?? i've been reading no good days (plus i've read all of your spn works - you're one of my all-time favorite writers) and one of the things i can't get over is how GOOD the character voices are. SO authentic and believable, like you're watching the characters themselves and simply transcribing their interactions and conversations. howwww do you do it?
- answered by goshen-applecrumbledore
that is so kind, thank you. I fucking LOVE writing dialogue and I think that’s a big part of it? if I had to give advice—for making characters’ voices in fic feel authentic, but also just for writing believable human dialogue for anyone—it would be to really listen to the way people speak. the words they use, the cadence and the pauses and the frustrated huffs and the expletives. no two people speak the same way. I think it’s easy when we write to just think of what’s being said and not HOW they’re saying it, so you get dialogue that pulls a reader out because He Would Not Fucking Say that. and you only learn how people talk by listening (and for fic, obviously, watch or read the source material and really pay attention to speech)
you can also just listen to yourself as a first step, honestly. I tend to write dialogue the way I personally speak, as default. there are a lot of “like” and “just” and it may not fit with a specific character, but it does sound human.
I also watch a lot of movies, and I like movies that have naturalistic dialogue. stuff with a lot of talking. film isn’t always great because actors are of course acting, but a good movie does a great job of sounding real in a very interesting way. if you don’t know where to start with movies, I keep an all-purpose letterboxd list of movies I like to share with friends.
hope some of that was helpful! Great Q
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First, an Icebreaker. Giving them a present fresh from Brixton Market - Your All Plastic Friend: Sir Mixalot Prime - hastily re-christened toy Robot of Asian origin, is about as good as ice breaking gets. The mood of the interview is set… they like us, we admire and respect their ability to make Sir Mixalot simulate sexual intercourse with Nicolai Fraiture. “You bought us a present? That’s so cool!” they chime satisfyingly. All except Julian who looks mortified, “I had a dream last night and that Robot… a Robot just like that destroyed the world…”
— the strokes for rip it up - new zealand, october/november 2001 / no. 283 — web version (x)
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This was in another goodwill bin and I'm gonna put the back cover under a cut just so you can experience the same sensation of flipping it over to see this:
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I genuinely feel ashamed that all I can do is write words while more and more Arab people die - but momentum for fundraisers is one of very few things any of us can do at the moment
Please donate to the Sameer Project. They are doing amazing work on the ground. Try to do while you can. Sharing and donating as little as 5 dollars can culminate into a big difference. I have enough of a following to know that we can make a truly big difference if this didn’t simply go ignored bc people decided they’re bored now
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top five songs on repeat
i was tagged by the lovely @uhbasicallyjustmilex 🖤
- Générique - Miles Davis
- When I Get My Hands On You - The New Basement Tapes
- Sculptures of Anything Goes - Arctic Monkeys
- debris - Puma Blue
- Nuit sur les Champs-Élysées - Miles Davis
this is hornydepressed as hell. to be expected lmao.
tagging: @drinkingbitterboy, @sophaeros, @lovemkx, @bennygesserit, @joshus-lobster, @mrschwartz, @astrecora
thanku for the tag sweetiee 😁 unfortunately this list is. exponentially less diverse than yours. you always have such a cool taste in music 😭 i’ve just been on an is this it kick i finally get it my god i get why people were so captivated by it in 2001. fuck me. funnily enough those top two are the iti songs that i normally say arent my faves..but i get it now.
- hard to explain - the strokes
- the modern age - the strokes
- square wave - the voidz
- all the same - the voidz
- prophecy of the dragon - the voidz
umm tagging @chemicalarospec @fishnoodles @cluedoenthusiast @googoogaga4
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