Conference Presentations by Ehsan Aslani
National Conference of Contextual Architecture and Urbanism
The international conference on Advanced Method of Design & Construction in Context-oriented Architecture
Contextualism is one of the most common approaches in architecture and urban planning that is cla... more Contextualism is one of the most common approaches in architecture and urban planning that is classified under post-modern style and according to the style, the designer should be able to comprehend the characteristics of a place and uses that understanding in the process of design. Theories of contextualism first reached physical, social and historicalcultural realms and then they expanded to the human dimensions. The purpose of this study is to introduce the fundamentals of contextualism, regulations and improvements of the quality of Sirjan's entrance through design with an emphasis on all aspects of contextualism approach. Not having a proper hierarchy in the physical system of Sirjan city leaded to an entrance which cannot play its role efficiently and it cannot join the built environment of inner city to the natural spaces surrounding the city therefore it seems the entrance does not deliver the right image of the city. Paying attention to the qualitative factors which gives a city's entrance, as the first visible places of a city by observers, an identity is crucial. This study is descriptive and analytical research methods and documentation techniques have been used. Tools of collecting data include texts from books, journals and relevant internet sources. A pilot interview has been carried out and additionally default variables measure the public opinion.
Papers by Ehsan Aslani
Ksenofobia i negatywne nastawienie mieszkańców do turystów pod koniec globalnego kryzysu zdrowotn... more Ksenofobia i negatywne nastawienie mieszkańców do turystów pod koniec globalnego kryzysu zdrowotnegoprzypadek pandemii COVID-19
Tourism Recreation Research
Resilience to severe crises like COVID-19 is critical for small businesses. However, little empir... more Resilience to severe crises like COVID-19 is critical for small businesses. However, little empirical research has been conducted to examine the crisis resilience of small businesses to the pandemic from the perspective of business operators. This research note aims at exploring the resilience of small tourism businesses to the COVID-19 crisis in a world heritage city. In-depth interviews with 25 operators were conducted and the results showed that the operators considered the pandemic crisis as a flame to the previous political and economic crises. Different resilience strategies such as business closure, survival, adaption and innovation were applied by different business operators. The results also confirmed that integration and togetherness helped businesses find better resilience when they share pains. The study further found that despite negative impacts, the pandemic created positive social impacts such as cohesion and solidarity among small businesses. In addition, the government supportive policies were not healing, and their plans in dealing with the crisis was not transparent and professional.
Ara: Revista de Investigación en Turismo, Oct 29, 2020
Ara: Revista de Investigación en Turismo, Oct 29, 2020
The purpose of this study is to estimate the physical, real, and effective tourism carrying capac... more The purpose of this study is to estimate the physical, real, and effective tourism carrying capacity of one of the three pathways defined for walking tourists based on the Historic City of Yazd document in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In recent years, this pathway has been renovated. Mass arrival of tourists select it because of its older and larger number of historical buildings, boutique hotels and handicraft stores. In this research, a librarydocumentary approach, together with an analytical method, has been implemented. The data was collected from official sources and field studies as well as the data was consolidated by convening a panel of professionals. The total area of the main tourism pathway was first calculated using AutoCAD software based on urban map and, along with other information required in carrying capacity formulas, was embedded.
Konwersatorium Wiedzy o Mieście
After the inscription of the Historic City of Yazd on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2017, the n... more After the inscription of the Historic City of Yazd on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2017, the number of tourists visiting increased. The area is formed of several neighborhoods. This study aims to propose a conservation plan for the oldest, the Shah Abul-Ghasem Neighborhood, using the urban design qualities suggested by Golkar. The study based on a field survey in the neighborhood was carried out in such a way that items related to urban design qualities were photographed and categorized into environmental, functional and aesthetic-experimental components. Proposed measures and recommendations for the development of tourism in the area are presented based on the field survey results.
Turyzm, Dec 31, 2021
After the inscription of the Historic City of Yazd on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2017, the n... more After the inscription of the Historic City of Yazd on UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2017, the number of visiting tourists increased. This area is a set of neighborhoods with unique characteristics. This study is aimed at assessing both the host community's attitudes towards tourism and the destination image in tourists' perception, as elements of potential tourism resources in the Fahadan neighborhood in Yazd. The present research is descriptive-analytical and a survey was used for data collection with different questionnaires distributed among 170 individuals of the host community and the same number of tourists. For each, three components were considered to assess potential tourism resources. The data extracted from the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS software. The findings revealed that "impacts of the inscription on the neighborhood" was the most important component for the host community, and "local capacities" for the tourists. In sum, "local capacities" was also ranked higher than the other five components. According to the results, the inefficiency of tourism organizations and authorities in managing and monitoring the processes was responsible for their inability to attract tourists despite the cultural and architectural richness of the studied area and the positive perception of the host community toward tourism.
Almatourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 2018
This paper aims to propose a strategic plan for cultural tourism development in Fahadan neighbour... more This paper aims to propose a strategic plan for cultural tourism development in Fahadan neighbourhood, located in the historic city of Yazd. In this regard, the SWOT matrix was used to analyse the current situation. Based on the elicitation of 12 experts' opinions, the IFE and EFE matrices were calculated, and then initial strategies were presented. Analysis of the findings in the IE matrix revealed that the offensive strategies have priority for implementation. According to the results, establishing eco hotels, holding walking tours, extensive national and international advertising, strengthening social capital and supporting NGOs, setting up handicraft fairs, providing financial facilities and enacting tax laws, and preparing a comprehensive plan for rehabilitation and renovation, should be considered.
Extended Abstract Introduction Yazd city, with its various tourism attractions, each year hosts a... more Extended Abstract Introduction Yazd city, with its various tourism attractions, each year hosts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists. The long-term tourism planning requires a feasibility analysis of development of the attractions. The aim of this research is prioritizing the tourism attractions of Yazd city as one of the classical tourism destinations in Iran based on the Inskeep`s quantitative matrix evaluation technique containing factors of accessibility, economic development feasibility, environmental impact of development, socio-cultural impacts of development, national/regional importance and international importance.
Bi-annual Journal of Restoration Science and Cultural Heritage, 2016
Preventive conservation is an approach which has been devised to support the cultural heritage an... more Preventive conservation is an approach which has been devised to support the cultural heritage and it is laid upon the foundations of principle of minimal intervention; moreover, it dates back to the ancient Romans and Greeks. The theory was firstly focused on the preservation of the historical buildings and monuments but later on, this theory was expanded to the conservation of the historical objects and collections and then it was broadened to embrace the museums and archeology. According to its increasing application and also based on its comprehensive and thorough nature, it seems necessary to get acquainted with the methodologies and objectives of the preventive conservation. The objective of the present study is to familiarize the reader with the aforementioned concept, its place of origin, and the different and relevant aspects in respect to the architectural heritage; furthermore, the current study presents the experiences gained by the other countries in this area. The study methodology is a descriptive-analytical one and the information provided here have been collected based on the related study backgrounds and through references to the library documents and data. Knowing that prevention is definitely better than treatment, preventive conservation can be adopted as an appropriate solution to the prevention of the architectural heritage damages and in the meantime its Authenticity and integrity can be preserved and also a harmony can be created with the peripheral context.
International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation
PurposeIn the early 2000s, a wave of new practices concerning the adaptive reuse (AR) of historic... more PurposeIn the early 2000s, a wave of new practices concerning the adaptive reuse (AR) of historic buildings into boutique hotels began in Yazd, Iran. This study presents the findings of a postoccupancy evaluation (POE) of adaptively reused historic buildings into boutique hotels. It aims to explore and prioritize the main factors of architecture's physical aspects in the adapted buildings.Design/methodology/approachIn order to carry out a POE, hotel guests' written reviews from online international and national travel platforms were analyzed. According to this preliminary analysis, a questionnaire was designed and randomly distributed among 300 hotel guests. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS software. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce a set of indicators into the main components.FindingsThe findings revealed that “preliminary physical feasibility study and evaluation of building's functional potential” is the most impor...
Journal of Heritage Tourism
Due to the paucity of empirical research in the field of boutique hotels, sometimes also known as... more Due to the paucity of empirical research in the field of boutique hotels, sometimes also known as heritage hotels, this study investigates the impressions of boutique hotel operators regarding the adaptive reuse of historical and old buildings into tourist accommodations. Data were collected through semi-structured face-to-face interviews with 22 boutique hotel operators in Yazd, Iran, in 2019. The results showed that, unlike the investigations of previous studies, the business of boutique hotels is not economical in Iran. The results also show the deficiencies in knowledge and experience of operators and limited ties to the local community despite the recommendations of previous research. The paper also suggests that though the concept of boutique hotels has emerged since the 1980s, uncertainties remain about what defines a boutique hotel and what industry practitioners understand about them owing to the lack of standardized criteria.
از ﯾﮑﯽ ﮔﺮاﯾﯽ زﻣﯿﻨﻪ د ﯾ ﺪﮔﺎه ﻫﺎ ﺳﺒﮏ ذﯾﻞ در ﮐﻪ اﺳﺖ ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺎزي و ﻣﻌﻤﺎري... more از ﯾﮑﯽ ﮔﺮاﯾﯽ زﻣﯿﻨﻪ د ﯾ ﺪﮔﺎه ﻫﺎ ﺳﺒﮏ ذﯾﻞ در ﮐﻪ اﺳﺖ ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺎزي و ﻣﻌﻤﺎري در راﯾﺞ ي ﭘﺴﺖ ﻣﺪرن ﻃﺒﻘﻪ ﺑﻨﺪ ي ﻣ ﯽ ﺷﻮد ﺑﺎﺷﺪ ﻗﺎدر ﺑﺎﯾﺪ ﻃﺮاح آن ﻃﺒﻖ ﺑﺮ و
Conference Presentations by Ehsan Aslani
Papers by Ehsan Aslani