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Kickback (G1)

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The name or term "Kickback" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Kickback (disambiguation).
Kickback is a Decepticon Insecticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
So Bombshell controls minds, Shrapnel controls electricity, and... I kick things? I call do-over!

Kickback is one of the most charming, likable beings you're ever likely to meet. He collects friends the way others do energon cubes. Scratch the surface, though, and you find a manipulative blackmailer that loves digging up dirt on his new "pals" to force them to work for him. Humans are particularly likely to fall prey to his honeyed words. In insect mode his super-charged legs allow him to jump great distances and kick through solid steel, though he's vulnerable in that mode when attempting to fly through high winds.

Friend is another word for fool.Kickback's bio quote.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Clive Revill (English), Toshiro Ishii (Japanese), Yū Shimaka (Japanese, "Traitor" & "The Insecticon Syndrome"), Masashi Ebara (Japanese, "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Yoku Shioya (Japanese, "The Movie") , Gu Guoyi (Chinese), Edgar Wald (Latin American), Thomas Albus (German, "The Movie" TV dub), Ulf-Jürgen Wagner (German, Generation 2 dub), Jacques Ferrière (European French), Francis Lax (European French, "Traitor"), François Leccia (European French, "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Unknown (European French, "Quest for Survival"), Carlos Seidl (Portuguese, "A Plague of Insecticons" & "Traitor"), Hélio Ribeiro (Portuguese, "The Insecticon Syndrome"), Márcio Simões (Portuguese, "Quest for Survival"), Roberto Pirillo (Portuguese, "The Revenge of Bruticus"), Dario Lourenço (Portuguese, "The Movie" TV dub), Jorge Pires (Portuguese, "The Movie" Fox Kids dub), Zoltán F. Nagy (Hungarian, "The Movie", 2nd dub), Sin Heung-chul (Korean, "The Movie" , KBS dub)

Kickback, Bombshell, and Shrapnel landed on Earth in an escape pod jettisoned from the Decepticon ship before it crashed on the planet. They pod found themselves in the region of Bali that would become known as "Demon Swamp" and their idento-computers adapted them to transform into giant robot insects and eat organic food to survive.

The existence of the "Insecticons" became known to both the Autobots and Decepticons after they began attacking villagers rowing though, and Megatron formed an alliance with them. The Insecticons’ unique powers proved an asset. Kickback, in particular was able to disable Skyfire's transform circuit with a well-placed blow, and knock both Wheeljack and Brawn back down when they tried aerial assaults (he also made short work of a combine, though that was more about goofing off). Later, the three rejoined Megatron at a nearby refinery, dining on the tasty oil. They aided the Decepticons in trying to drive off the attacking Autobots, but when the tide turned in the Autobot's favor, Kickback and the others decided instead to simply eat all the energon cubes the Decepticons had been harvesting and scram, with Megatron angrily in pursuit. A Plague of Insecticons

Kickback emerges from the Tang.

Megatron didn't hold his grudge against the Insecticons for long. When the Autobots invaded the canyon when Megatron was working with stolen electro-cells, he had the trio summoned to provide additional support in return for a reward. Kickback even scored a successful, though ultimately non-fatal, shot against Optimus Prime. Kickback thought the two energon cubes given as payment was pretty good though his companions disagreed, calling it "measly" when compared to the haul Megatron was pulling in. The trio only grew more agitated when the cubes went missing with a Decepticon insignia in its place. The Insecticons went back to the canyon, confronting the Decepticons, but Megatron was able to calm them when he figured out it was Mirage framing him. The threesome partook in a Decepticon trap using Mirage. However, they retreated once the electro-cells were destroyed in the battle which knocked the Decepticons out. Traitor

"Don't worry, buddy, buddy. If Blackarachnia doesn't want to go out with you, that's her loss, loss."

On one occasion, the Insecticons were chowing down on redwoods in a national forest when Hound, Beachcomber, and Bumblebee arrived on the scene and attempted to stop them. Despite the equal odds, the Insecticons managed to overpower their Autobot opponents and send them into retreat after launching a massive fallen tree trunk at the heroes (naturally, Kickback used his legs to push the tree instead of his arms like the others). Megatron then arrived and offered a deal: if he led the Insecticons to a fresh new source of energy, they would aid him in acquiring some useful data from the heavily guarded Iron Mountain installation. Agreeing, the Insecticons accompanied the Decepticons to the Nova Power Core, an energy source of considerable power. Consuming it, the Insecticons found themselves more than doubling in size and strength.

Naturally, both groups of 'Cons planned to eliminate each other at the most opportune opportunity, but the Insecticons got the upper hand by secretly placing all of Megatron's troops under the control of Bombshell's cerebro-shells. Kickback and the others planned to use Soundwave to acquire Iron Mountain's data for themselves, but little did they know that the Nova Power in their systems was explosively unstable. With the help of the Megatron, the Autobots attempted to forcibly administer an antidote to the Insecticons which would reverse their invincibility and self-destruct cycles. Kickback tried to escape with Soundwave, but was felled with a blast of antidote. With Shrapnel and Bombshell also returned to normal, the three fled to fight another day. The Insecticon Syndrome

Kicking it old school.

Again, the Decepticons and the Insecticons buried the hatchet. The Insecticons built up a massive clone army, and were using them to provide energy to the Decepticons. Again, Megatron was shortchanging them on their reward. Their clone forces allowed them to easily repel Autobot attacks and made them too threatening to the world's food supply. When Cosmos had crashed in a valley, carrying a batch of new robotic insecticide, Thrust was sent to warn the Insecticons to stay clear of that area. Not surprisingly, they didn't believe the sincerity of the warning. And, yes, Kickback gave Thrust a good kick for some laughs. After dodging some missiles from the angry Seeker, they went straight to the crash site to investigate. There, Insecticons found a field of Morphobots, plants that eat robotic matter. Not realizing the danger, they took their clone army right into the field to feed and instead had their entire group devoured with only Kickback, Bombshell, and Shrapnel escaping.Quest for Survival

Eventually, Kickback and company built up another clone army and went back to their usual tricks, now ravaging cities for energy, with the Autobots rushing to drive them out. When there was trouble on Cybertron, Optimus Prime tried to highjack the Decepticon space bridge, but The Insecticons ran off with the bridge's control panel. They apparently couldn't resist nibbling on the thing, because when Megatron later found them in a parking garage they had chewed it up. They dropped the panel and ran before they were chewed out themselves. The Revenge of Bruticus

Well, it was inevitable that he of all people would kick the bucket.

When the Decepticons invaded Autobot City on Earth in 2005, a keen-eyed Hot Rod spotted their hijacked shuttle before they were able to penetrate the city's defenses. As a result, the Autobots had time to activate the base's heavily armored transformation sequence, and the Decepticons were forced to physically breach the defenses. Kickback and Shrapnel attempted to eat their way into the city, but kept their eyes on their stomachs and were caught off guard by the returning Hot Rod and Kup. Kup used Kickback's head as a ramp to jump his way into the closing city, flattening the Insecticon's head in the process.

Heavily damaged, Kickback was carried by Long Haul back to Astrotrain as the Decepticons bolted. He proved too weak to resist when the 'Cons tossed him and several other weakened warriors out of the shuttle to lighten the load. His body was then used by Unicron to create a Sweep drone, to serve under Scourge. The Transformers: The Movie

Kickback’s involvement in these events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the comic mini-series "Transformers: The Animated Movie."
Still kickin'?

Either he got better or that was an identical clone, because when the Decepticons were running extremely low on energon, he and Shrapnel were with the others on Chaar to scrap over what little energon the Decepticons had left. They were shot at by Cyclonus and the Sweeps before flying away. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 Kickback watched as Cyclonus and the Sweeps departed to rescue Galvatron. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2

All three Insecticons, along with the Combaticons and Soundwave, were then seen on Earth trying to stop Wheelie, Blurr, Marissa Faireborn, and Sky Lynx from delivering the Transformation cog to Metroplex. They were trampled by Sky Lynx. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

Punch back, Kickback!

Along with the other Insecticons, Kickback took part in an attack on Kyushu. The Four-Wheel Drive Corps responded, but the attack turned out to be an ambush as the Insecticons trapped the Autobots in a volcanic crater. Luckily, the Four-Wheel Drive Corps was able to "combine" and perform the fearsome "Four-Wheel Drive Combination Scrumbuster" attack. The blast of energy was so powerful that it sent the Insecticons fleeing in terror (also, Kickback got decked in the jaw by Outback). Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #3

Japanese cartoon continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers cartoon

The Insecticons arrived on Earth via their vessel long before the other Decepticons and the Autobots arrived. The Mystery of the Insectrons[1]

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Kickback was a spectator of the second week of the Speedia 500 on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3


In the mid-2030s, Kickback piloted the Thunder Arrow to extract Metrobomb after he'd stolen vital secrets from Metroplex. Before he and Metrobomb could escape, however, a manipulator arm from Metroplex caught the ship and used an energy surge to fry the stolen data. Metrowars 2

Train Wars

On a later attempt, Kickback managed to get a hold of another copy of the data and was about to rendezvous with the Thunder Arrow when it was revealed to be actually Shouki in disguise! With his partner Daniel's electric bow mode, Shouki was able to destroy the data and send Kickback blasting away. Train Wars

Legends comic

At one time the Insecticons attempted to use their clones to eat their way across the universe, but they were foiled by Skids and the clones were destroyed. Kickback later learned that Blowpipe had the ability to mass-produce clones and, deciding to try again, traveled to the Legends World and stole away the Targetmaster. Blowpipe let him create miniature clones of himself as well as convert other people into clones, granting him a clone army that he set loose upon the Legends World to devour materials and convert them into energon for him. He was defeated by Clouder, who froze him with an Immobilizer before taking care of the clones. Bonus Edition Vol. 47

Mars Attacks: The Transformers

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The three Insecticons were among Decepticon forces who formed an alliance with the Autobots during a Martian invasion. They saved Ironhide and Jazz from some of the Martians' giant ants. Mars Attacks: The Transformers

Ask Vector Prime

In an unstable amalgam universe created by the machinations of Sideways and Gong, Kickback was one of the many Decepticons who assaulted Guardian City in the year 2005. He was soon shot down by Leader-1 when the Guardian leader arrived. After history blipped again to include both Decepticons and Renegades, the Kickback and Shrapnel aboard Astrotrain were replaced by Screw Head and Crain Brain as the wounded villains reformatted by Unicron into the Sweeps. Echoes and Fragments


In an alternate timeline where Optimus Prime killed Megatron in the Battle of Autobot City, Kickback was damaged during the conflict and was thrown out of Astrotrain with other weakened Decepticons in the aftermath of the battle. They drifted through space till they were consumed by Unicron.

"Another" Kickback was still around to witness Starscream's coronation and the approach of Unicron. Deviations

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Kickback was one of Lord Straxus's warriors operating out of Polyhex. Along with his fellow Insecticons and the coneheads, he pursued another sextet of Autobots who had just carried out some sort of raid on the smelting pool, only to be forced to retreat by a torrent of liquid metal that had just been siphoned off of it. The Smelting Pool! Later, he was present for the testing of the testing of the new space bridge and when an Autobot resistance cell destroyed Darkmount, he was sent flying in the subsequent explosion. The Bridge to Nowhere!

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Identified as one of the Decepticons' Ten Deadliest Killers, Kickback was targeted by the Wreckers in Operation: Volcano and they trained against a facsimile construct of him. Scouting ahead of the rest of the Decepticons on information acquired by Shrapnel, he was fooled into believing that Emirate Xaaron was meeting with the Autobot resistance chiefs at the Imperial Amphitheatre, though in reality these too were facsimile constructs. Just as Kickback and the other Decepticons were about to walk into the trap, they were inadvertently saved by Megatron, who called them to Earth. Target: 2006

Kickback gets to use his special power!

Upon arriving on Earth, Kickback and his fellow Insecticons infiltrated Hoover Dam alongside Megatron, with Kickback using his special power to kick down a door. They summoned the Coneheads and an enormous drill across the space bridge in an attempt to drain the dam, using the water to drive massive turbines on Cybertron and when the Aerialbots arrived to stop them, Kickback again used his special power to kick Air Raid off the dam. Ultimately their plan was foiled when the human Ricky Vasquez broke Megatron's mental control over him and the Insecticons helped their leader to retreat. Aerialbots over America!

Kickback, Dirge, and Soundwave took control of a NASA space monitoring facility near Mount St. Hilary. Prowl, Jetfire, and Trailbreaker engaged the Decepticons but Jetfire made the mistake of going after Kickback, who promptly transformed, shrinking to insect size and effectively disappearing. This gave Dirge the opportunity to knock Trailbreaker down and escape with Soundwave. The Gift

Under Shockwave's command, Kickback participated in a raid on an oil tanker alongside the coneheads and his fellow Insecticons. Though he was eager to put his "legendary" talent of persuasion to use on the ship's crew, Bombshell instead used one of his cerebro-shells to locate the vessel's control room, as they were pressed for time. Though the Decepticons were successful in securing the ship, they discovered after the fact that it had already dispensed its cargo, leaving them with no fuel for their efforts. Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom When the Autobots launched an attack on the Decepticons' island headquarters to rescue a recently captured Buster Witwicky, Shockwave converted the landmass into its rocket-ship mode and had it blast off into space. Kickback was standing at the ready within the ship's control room as this took place. The Desert Island of Space! After Ratbat took command of Earth's Decepticons, Kickback followed as Onslaught led a massed assault on the Autobots on the Moon. Totaled!

Transformers Annual 1985
Due to being published early in the franchise, these stories are out of continuity with the above.[2]
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Upon learning that the Autobots were secretly planning to open a dialogue with the President of the United States, Megatron awakened the Insecticons to undermine the potential alliance. The trio were too new to be in full control of themselves, and needed to be remote-controlled to be of any use on the battlefield. To this end, Ravage was selected to guide them on their test-run.

The Insecticons interrupted the peace talk, Kickback making his presence known by gunning down a jeep upon arrival. The Insecticons then proclaimed themselves to be Autobots, and began to attack the humans, leading them to believe Optimus had always planned on betraying them. Having put on enough of a show for the President himself, Kickback and his teammates then zoomed off to unleash their firepower on downtown Washington, D.C.. Warpath and Prowl both tried to put an end to the Insecticons' rampage, and the latter managed to bring Kickback down first, temporarily removing him from the conflict. When he came to again, Kickback trained his sights on Optimus's Roller drone and destroyed it... unwittingly bringing about the Decepticons' defeat; Roller's destruction caused Optimus to keel over in pain at the exact right moment, causing a cerebro-shell launched by Bombshell to miss its intended target, and instead lodge itself into Ravage. The cat was left unable to continue issuing orders, leaving the Insecticons directionless. Plague of the Insecticons!

Movie future timeline

When Megatron ordered a massive offensive against Autobot City in the year 2005, Kickback was among the troops who besieged the fortress. Megatron was badly wounded during a showdown with Optimus Prime, forcing the Decepticons to retreat aboard of Astrotrain. Kickback himself had sustained several injuries in battle, and so when Astrotrain called on his passengers to alleviate his load, Kickback was cast out into the void of space. He and the other wounded were then drawn to Unicron, who remade the Decepticons into his heralds. The Planet-Eater!

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
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Kickback and the Insecticons worked under Megatron's command during the Decepticon Civil War. When Megatron and Shockwave called for an Enclave, a traditional Decepticon peace-talk, Kickback was seen talking to Long Haul during the festivities. The Autobots sabotaged the event by faking an assassination attempt on Megatron, and the in-fighting among the Decepticons was renewed with added fervor. The Bad Guy's Ball! Later, he joined his fellow Insecticons in infiltrating Shockwave's base to spy on their activities. They ate their way through the wall next to the war room, and planned to pick a nice, cozy spot for eavesdropping, but Starscream caught the little pests in a rustbug hoop. He then fed them false information to lead Megatron and Shockwave into a confrontation with each other, giving him a chance to consolidate control over the Decepticons. Bugged! After the coup, Kickback was part of the attack on Autobot Earthbase led by Soundwave. Though the base's defenses being offline at the time, the Decepticons were nonetheless driven off in short order. Divide and Conquer!

Transformers '84

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Near the start of the war on Cybertron, Kickback was a member of Straxus's forces that assaulted an Autobot fort in the Border Regions of Iacon. When Autobots led by Ultra Magnus arrived to defend the fort, Straxus ordered his troops to seize as many prisoners as they could and retreat. Secrets & Lies #2 Upon returning to Darkmount, Kickback was allowed to join Straxus in watching those same Autobot prisoners being tortured to death in the smelting pool. Secrets & Lies #3

Kid Stuff Talking Story Books

Kickback and the rest of the Insecticons had enslaved the people of the island of Buru when the Decepticons had discovered that within the island was a plentiful supply of oil. He and the other Insecticons were eventually beaten back by the Dinobots. Slaves of the Insecticons

Marvel coloring books

Under Shockwave's orders, Kickback, Laserbeak, Ravage, and the Constructicons attacked a human village, planning to raze the town and build a new fuel plant in its place. Little did they suspect that Cosmos was spying down on them from orbit, and called the rest of the Autobots to intervene. When the Autobots' attack started, Shockwave sent Kickback and Ravage to sneak up on their opponents and catch them off-guard. Once more, Cosmos spotted them, and warned Grapple and Gears of the Decepticons' intentions. The Autobots beat up the Decepticons, threw them into a pit, and held them there by pouring some quick-drying cement atop of them. The Autobot Spy in the Sky

Big Looker storybooks

Kickback and Bombshell went brainstorming ways to help Megatron seize power and become his right-hand Decepticon when they chanced upon the Autobot architect, Grapple. Kickback told Bombshell Grapple would be a useful tool for Megatron's quest for power. Somehow he talked Bombshell into staying behind to do the work while Kickback flew ahead to take credit for the idea with Megatron. Well done, Kickback. Insecticon Attack!

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Dinobots Strike Back

Kickback accompanied Bombshell on a mission to Hidden Valley, where the Dinobots were lax in their lookout duty, failing to see the two Insecticons approach. After Bombshell knocked out and planted cerebro-shells on four of them, Kickback reported their triumph back to Megatron. Since this occurs before you have to make even the first decision in this multipath adventure, Kickback is the one character whose actions are constant throughout this entire micro-continuity-nexus. Dinobots Strike Back

Attack of the Insecticons


Discovering an underground cave filled with Autobots, Kickback spied on what he discovered to be the testing site for the Sun-Pak, a device invented by the Autobots' human ally Sparkplug. Recognizing how valuable to the Decepticon cause the device would be, Kickback radioed Decepticon headquarters, gleeful at the notion of being rewarded by Megatron for his findings. When answered by Starscream instead of Megatron, Kickback reluctantly informed the Seeker of his discovery nonetheless. Kickback was then lead alongside a number of other Decepticons into the underground cavern by Starscream in order to seize the Sun-Pak by force.

If the Autobots flee the battle and accidentally travel farther underground by confusing their escape route with another tunnel, they become prey to the Electro-Disrupter located at the Insecticons' nest, and must decide whether to secretly send one Autobot away to recharge the Sun-Pak or use the device as a bargaining chip. If Beachcomber is sent away with the Sun-Pak and chooses an underwater route to the surface, he is met with Kickback who easily overpowers the Autobot. But Kickback is in turn defeated by a shot from a blaster courtesy of the humans Sparkplug and Buster, who were unaffected by the Electro-Disrupter, and found a quicker road to the surface than their Autobot comrade. Attack of the Insecticons

Frito-Lay posters

Kickback took part in a battle near a dam using his "mind control abilities". Uh, okay. The Power Struggle

Toy pack-in material

Kickback participated in a tumultuous battle on a moon base, battling alongside the likes of Predaking and Galvatron against the Autobots. Decipher the Decepticon

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Kickback makes a cameo in Transformers: Generation 1 vol. 1: Prime Directive issue #1 as a prisoner aboard the Ark II. His appearance there would be retconned by later stories, though as always with the Insecticons, one could make the case that it is just a clone.
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Sporting a Cybertronian dragster mode, Kickback and the pre-Insecticons joined Soundwave and Ravage in making an assassination attempt on the recently-risen Optimus Prime, hoping to extract the power of the Matrix from the green Autobot leader. The War Within #2 Optimus turned out to be more formidable than any of the Decepticons initially thought, and they quickly lost track of him in Cybertron's labyrinthine underground. Using the environment to his advantage, Optimus took out his pursuers one-by-one. He grappled Kickback, and forced him to blast Ravage before slamming him into a nearby wall, knocking him out. The War Within #3

During the Dark Ages after Megatron's disappearance, Kickback and his fellow Decepticons served in the main Decepticon forces under Shockwave. They assaulted a base in Altihex to stop The Fallen unleashing chaos on the planet. Conflagration

At some point after the disappearance of the Ark and Nemesis, Shockwave managed to track the ships to the planet Earth, and dispatched Kickback, Shrapnel, and Bombshell to the planet as part of some longterm machinations which were never made clear. Shortly after landing, they were confronted by the Dynobots who followed them to the planet, but somehow managed to give them the slip. Rules of Extinction

Kickback and the Insecticons made a brief appearance in the second Transformers Trilogy novel, Annihilation, as troops under Starscream's command on Earth. This appearance is contradicted by later Dreamwave stories. Also, in the novel the Insecticons shrink down to insect-size as they did in Marvel Comics, whereas later Dreamwave issues showed them retaining their full size, like their cartoon versions.
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The Insecticons were supposed to remain in hiding on Earth until an unknown time, and managed to keep their presence on the planet secret even after the Autobot and Decepticon spaceship crews awoke and began regularly battling it out on Earth. However, Bombshell began instituting plans of his own, mutilating cattle, kidnapping fleshlings, and growing techno-organic "Insecticlones", among other things. Kickback noticed a minor power struggle between Shrapnel and Bombshell, and enjoyed stirring things up between his partners. Bombshell's antics drew the attention of the Autobots and Earth Defense Command, and the Insecticons were forced into the spotlight to do battle. Kickback was personally taken down in combat with Sunstreaker. Extermination

The Insecticons were taken into custody by Jazz and his Autobots after the encounter. The Route of All Evil

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Bad Future Insecticons GIJoevsTFsII3.jpg

Kickback was part of Shockwave's army as it waited for Ultra Magnus's force field around Teletran 3 to expire so that they could run in and capture the Autobots. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2

In a dark alternate future in which the Decepticons had conquered Earth, Kickback-type Insecticons were a common sight as part of Insecticon swarms. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #3

The Beast Within

During an all-out Decepticon offensive against the Autobots, Kickback was one of the first victims to fall to The Beast, the Dinobots’ monstrous combined form. The Beast Within His corpse would later be one of many that littered the battlefield as Autobot survivors tried to escape the Beast. The Beast Within Part 2, Consequences

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Megatron Origin #4

Kickback was among the newly formed Decepticons as they left Kaon's jail and began laying waste to the city-state. Megatron Origin #4

Millions of years later, Kickback was newly created by Deluge alongside Shrapnel, Bombshell and three thousand mindless monsters. He soon joined Megatron's forces on Earth, and helped defeat the local Autobots after they were led into a trap. All Hail Megatron #7 As the Decepticons started conquering the mostly defenseless planet, Kickback listened to Megatron hold a speech in the ruins of New York City. All Hail Megatron #4 The Insecticons later traveled to China and wrecked Beijing, where Skywarp started picking a fight with Bombshell. Kickback and Shrapnel came to his aid, but found themselves outclassed by Skywarp's teleportation skills and fled the scene. All Hail Megatron #6


After returning to New York, the Insecticons were approached by Starscream, who apologized for Skywarp's behavior and told them about his ambitions for the future. All Hail Megatron #8 When Starscream rebelled against Megatron shortly afterwards, the Insecticons joined him in attacking their former leader. Kickback attempted to jump-kick Megatron, who simply grabbed him out of mid-air and tossed him at Bombshell. All Hail Megatron #10 The revolt was cut short by the arrival of European jets and the return of the exiled Autobots. All Hail Megatron #11 In the ensuing battle, Kickback was swatted aside by Sideswipe wielding a broken streetlight, and the Decepticons were eventually defeated. All Hail Megatron #12 Kickback and the others fled Earth aboard Astrotrain. Uneasy Lies the Head

Several years later, the Decepticons found themselves living on a resourceless asteroid under their great leader, Starscream. The troops were restless, and Kickback was seen picking fights with Rumble before learning that Dreadwind had been taking more fuel rations than he was entitled to. Alongside Shrapnel and Needlenose, Kickback hunted the criminal down, executed him on the spot, and scavenged his body for parts. All His Engines Shockwave observed their killing of Dreadwind from a nearby building. Shockpoint Unsurprisingly, the run-down Decepticons were quick to abandon Starscream when Megatron returned to lead them. Spotlight: Megatron

Megatron would later use space bridge technology built into in his new body to summon Kickback and the rest of the Decepticons to him on Cybertron. At first they did battle with the Autobots, but were soon mind-controlled by D-Void into combining with Galvatron's Sweep army and forming a huge monster. Kings

Hearts of Steel

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Along with many other Decepticons, Kickback awoke in the late 19th century when a sunken human submarine crashed onto their submerged ship. Hearts of Steel #1 After Starscream allied himself with Tobias Muldoon, he learned that the humans required money to work, and sent Kickback, Bombshell and Shrapnel to retrieve some. The trio took on the form of an "Insectrain", with Kickback forming the piledriver-equipped front of the train. Using these piledrivers, the Insecticons attacked and robbed a train carrying cash and bullion from the Denver Mint, although Kickback sneered at the concept of "sheets of inert plant matter" being valuable. The following morning, the Insecticons delivered the stolen property to Starscream and Tobias Muldoon. Hearts of Steel #2 Kickback was later present when Starscream announced to his troops that the Autobots had awakened as well. Hearts of Steel #3

"Strange Visitors" establishes that events identical to those of Hearts of Steel and Infestation 2 occur in the 2005 IDW continuity; however, they happened to Maximal explorers brainwashed by Shockwave into believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe


Kickback, Shrapnel, and Bombshell acted as bounty hunters for Megatron. The Insecticon trio brought their king four of the human invaders that had recently been pestering him, after picking them up in the middle of a firefight between G.I. Joe and the Decepticons. The fleshlings escaped, along with a couple of Autobot captives, when Mirage tricked Megatron with a holographic projection of Optimus Prime. Targetmasters The Insecticons were among the Decepticons who gathered under Trypticon for the final battle with the Autobots and G.I. Joe. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12

2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Galaxies #2

Kickback emerged from the Forge Pyramid as part of a trio of new sparks, alongside Skrapnel and Bombshell. These three were born with a unique appetite, and eventually discovered a gift for material hyper-metabolization. Kickback and his comrades could consume raw materials and refine it to produce an ultra-powerful energon as waste product of their actions. They became a living waste recycling station, producing a viable power source from nothing but scrap, and were highly sought after and praised by the people of Cybertron.

When the War of the Threefold Spark began, battlefields were filled with fallen soldiers. Kickback and the others began to devour the bodies of the dead, and they developed a taste for it. Constructicons Rising, Part 2 Eventually, the trio cut a deal with Shockwave, who had begun researching cloning technology: in exchange for supplies of ultra-energon, Shockwave would create a clone army for them, as well. Escape Part Three While the Insecticons upheld their end of the bargain, Shockwave deliberately withheld the results of his preliminary investigations into their physiology: while they were suitable for the cloning process, he privately feared what would happen if they ever learned the full capacity of their destructive powers. Escape Part Two After the end of the war, Bombshell and his compatriots were banished from Cybertron; according to him, the Cybertronian government had grown wary of what would happen if they ever began hungering for living beings and rebranded the three as "Insecticons". After the end of the war, the Insecticons were exiled from Cybertron along with many other Transformers who'd collaborated with the Threefold Spark. Constructicons Rising, Part 2

Around two kilocycles after the war, they were contacted by Shockwave, who was running a terrorist cell known as The Rise. Shockwave made a deal with the Insecticons to prime a group known as the Constructicons for eventual recruitment into The Rise. The Constructicons had the unique ability to combine into a massive, singular form. Fear of their power led them to be unofficially exiled from Cybertron after the war as well. On the colony Mayalx, Bombshell worked his magic convincing them to rebel against the government's control. Constructicons Rising, Part 2 Kickback and the Insecticons consumed several colonists to produce enough energon to fully recharge the Constructicons. After that, they went wild as their Combiner form, Devastator, destroying the colony and leaving plenty of scraps for the Insecticons. Shockwave sent his Combaticons to Mayalx and—in exchange for the energon they metabolized from consuming the colony—the Insecticons secured a ride home to Cybertron. Constructicons Rising, Part 4


On Cybertron, Shockwave's patron Megatron soon led the Ascenticon faction in overthrowing the seated government, claiming the world for his Decepticon army. One of the casualties of the fighting was the A'ovan biosphere, a sanctuary for the alien people who had nearly been wiped out ninety kilocycles ago. The Insecticons saw weakened prey and tried to feed off of the organics, but were driven back by Hound, Nautica, and Road Rage. They developed a taste for organic life, though, and they vowed to taste it again. Escape Part One

They tried to barter with Shockwave, offering him the chance to finally make the clone army he once intended to forge from them during the war. Shockwave rejected them, as the Insecticons were unaware he already had what he needed to produce his clones without them. Left to their own devices, the Insecticons injected Skystalker with a cerebro-shell, turning him into their spy. Skystalker was left at the Rise with instructions to gather Shockwave's cloning machines for them, while Kickback and the Insecticons left to gather raw materials for the energon they would need. They attack Hound's convoy of organic refugees being led out of Iacon towards Darkmount. Escape Part Two

Hound's security forces managed to drive them off again. The Insecticons only managed to capture two organic and an Autobot to devour. Still, Skystalker did his work, and soon they had a lair inside an immersant Titan with fully functional cloning equipment. Escape Part Three Their efforts were successful, and soon an entire swarm of Insecticons rose to hunt and devour for them. Escape Part Four Kickback and the Insecticons now had a cycle at work, sending out clones to consume raw materials for them, then consuming the clones themselves to make their ultra-energon and power the machines to make more clones, ad infinitum. Escape Part Five

"Agh, my one weakness- frontpunching!"

Shockwave initially tried taking his equipment back by force, but soon realized the Insecticons had become formidable in their own right. Instead, he negotiated neutrality in exchange for occasionally asking for their services. When Termagax was detected with the Enigma of Combination near the Sea of Rust, Shockwave asked the Insecticons to dispatch their clone swarm on his behalf. Sea of Rust I

In time, the Insecticons gave in to their appetites like never before, experiencing exponential predatory growth. The Insecticlones became an existential threat to the very fabric of Cybertron. The Landscape of Fear Bombshell even began to turn on Kickback and Skrapnel, badgering them to eat even more to feed his cloning machines. A plan was concocted by Termagax to remove the Insecticons as a threat. A strike team of Autobots infiltrated the Insecticons' hive, and planted a receiver on Bombshell. A complex data-bomb was implanted in a captive Insecticlone at Darkmount, fed back to the receiver on Bombshell and, through him, transmitted to the entire swarm. The Insecticlones were reprogrammed to eat only the rust worms, two major threats to Cybertron repurposed to eliminate each other. End of Time

My Little Pony/Transformers

Kickback was among the many Transformers transported to Equestria through a malfunctioning spacebridge. Transformation Is Magic The Insecticons set about cloning themselves, and the combined swarm attacked the Sweet Apple Acres farm and began devouring everything in sight. A horrified Applejack managed to oust the invaders from her farm with the assistance of Discord and her extended family. Strength in Numbers Kickback joined the attack on the Crystal Empire but was eventually banished back to Cybertron with the other Decepticons. Finale

Velocitron Speedia 500

Kickback was one of many spectators for the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2

Commercial appearances

Kickback, Bombshell, and Shrapnel led an enormous swarm of Insecticons to attack a farm. Insecticons commercial


The Transformers (PS2)

Kickback is a non-playable character. He appears among the legion of Decepticon duplicates in the Autobot campaign.

The Transformers (PS2)

Sector Seven alternate reality game

NBE 125

Video footage was taken of a small mechanical grasshopper on a tree branch. The grasshopper then flew towards the camera changing into a robot and proceeded to attack the camera, breaking the lens. It was sightings like this and others that prompted the secret government organization known as Sector Seven to launch a disinformation campaign called Hungry Dragon. A key part of this was the Takara Agreement, a collaboration with a Japanese toy manufacturer Takara. The goal of the agreement was to portray non-biological extraterrestrials as kids' toys, cartoons, and fiction. Any claims of actual sightings of giant robots would be seen as fanciful nonsense.

It was a great success. You don't believe alien robots actually visited the Earth, do you?

The original footage of the grasshopper was eventually leaked to the public through the internet. Sector Seven (game)

Transformers Legends

Kickback and Sharpshot helped Megatron defeat Sentinel Prime. The War Within

Chafing under Megatron's rule, Kickback and his fellow Insecticons began raiding energy storage and high-energy research facilities worldwide. The energy gave them increased size and power, and it was only when the Autobots and Decepticons formed an alliance that they were able to be stopped. Harvest of the Insecticons When Ultra Magnus returned to Earth with new troops in the form of Wreck-Gar and Wheelie, the Insecticons managed to ambush them. Junkion Reunion After Dirge crashed into a movie set, Kickback, Ramjet, and Astrotrain were sent to retrieve him and the weapon he was transporting. Unfortunately they got into an altercation with the Autobots and failed to destroy the film evidence of the crash, which subsequently made it into a blockbuster film. Hoist Goes Hollywood

Kickback took part in the battle of Autobot City, but was forced to retreat after Megatron's defeat at the hands of Optimus Prime. The Battle for Autobot City At some point he was reformatted into a Sweep. The Coronation of Starscream

Transformers: Battle Tactics

Delicious, eh?

Kickback participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 160 units of Cybermetal, 95 units of Transmetal, and 20 event cores. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Devastation

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Earth Wars

Now not only do I kick, I kick with PUNCH!!!

Kickback wants to be your friend. Not that he covets social interaction, it's purely to dig up your most embarrassing and exploitable secrets, so that he can make his new 'friend' do his bidding. The only thing Kickback enjoys more than the recruiting process is destroying his reluctant double agents after they've exhausted their usefulness. A small kick from Kickback's powerful feet can punch a hole in plate steel. Kickback bio

Kickback was summoned to Earth along with the other Insecticons, and at the same time with Cliffjumper. He didn't really do much in the final battle for the Codex Key, but he did get to witness the almighty power of Devastator. Combiner Wars Campaign

  • Class: Gunner
  • Lowest star rating: 2 star
  • Weapons: He uses a standard issue grenade launcher.
  • Ability: Glass Gas Rockets: Shoot 4 rockets at the designated area dealing damage and layering Glass gas around the area. All buildings affected take 40% more damage for 6 seconds.
    • Cost: 4 ability points + 3 for reuses.

Kickback at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

Transformers: Forged to Fight


Kickback was one of many bots pulled from his universe to fight for or against the Quintessons. There are at least a few of him running around-round! As a power-hungry Scout, he inflicts Power Leaks on every critical hit, and in locust mode he consumes Power debuffs on him and Power buffs on enemies, sometimes clogging their T-Cog.

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Forged to Fight

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Kickback was one of the original Insecticons, an “alpha copy” capable of controlling his clones. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook


The Transformers

I'll transform into a giant mechanical grasshopper and no one will notice me.
  • Kickback (Insecticon, 1985)
Released early in the second year of Hasbro's The Transformers toyline (first year in the European line), Kickback is a redeco and slight retooling of the Diaclone Waruder "Insecter Robo Battas" toy, transforming into a robotic grasshopper. As a Diaclone mold he has a "pilot compartment" revealed by opening his clear-yellow chest, but on its own there's not much you can do with it. His wings were given rounded-off tips for safety reasons, plus has a new indent for a rubsign.
The mold has a couple of variations in the chromed-silver wings. Original versions only had a single rubsign indent, on the outer right-robot mode wing. Later versions not only added indents to all four faces of the wings (for symmetry, apparently, but still only one rubsign), but shortened the wings as well, for reasons unknown, possibly to minimize breakage issues.
In Japan, Kickback and the other "Insectrons" were part of the first year of Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers series, using the original one-indent Hasbro-retooled wings. The trio were subsequently "re-released" as mail-order items from 1987 through 1990, a the cost of 880 yen (their normal retail price) and two Robot Points; it seems (but has not been confirmed) that the Insecticons offered through mail-away offers were Hasbro-packaged releases, thus it's possible the later four-indent-shorter-wings version might have been made available in Japan that way.
This mold was used to make the Shothole drones.

The Transformers Collection

  • Insectrons (multi-pack, 2004)
    • ID number: 16
    • Accessories: "Electrothermic Blast Tube"
  • Known designers: Pat Lee (packaging artist)
Kickback was re-released as part of the Japanese Transformers Collection series in a set with Bombshell and Shrapnel. This set also included three energon cube accessories that fit inside their chest compartments.
The Kickback in this set has another change to the wings; this time, the "safety circles" at the wing-tips added by Hasbro back in the day are no longer present, giving them pointed tips. The wings also go back to having a single rubsign indent.

Universe (2008)

  • Insecticons (Toys"R"Us exclusive multi-pack, 2009)
    • Accessories: "Electrothermic Blast Tube"
Kickback was released as part of the Universe line, as a Toys"R"Us exclusive, in a set with his Insecticon pals. Unlike his teammates, Kickback keeps his original name, although Shrapnel is mistakenly identified as "Kickback" on the instruction manual.
Amazingly enough, Kickback keeps the pointy wings of the Transformers Collection reissue.


(Hasbro version pictured)
  • Kickback (Deluxe Class, 2012)
    • Series / number: 01 / #009
    • Accessories: "Disc launcher", disc projectile, insect wings/twin battle blades
Fall of Cybertron Kickback was repurposed as Generation 1 Kickback by Transformers Legends.
Part of the third wave of 2012 Generations Deluxe Class toys, Fall of Cybertron Kickback transforms into a Cybertronian insect. His wings are attached in insect mode via C joint, and can be removed and used as "battle blades" that are held by his hands via 5mm post. He also comes with a disc launcher that fires its disc via pressure-launch, and is based on the Gear Shredder from Fall of Cybertron. The wing-blades can peg into any of the launcher's four 5mm ports, although the instructions nominally peg them on the front sides, making the launcher look a bit like a crossbow. Aside from his hands, Kickback features additional 5mm ports for mounting, such as on his thighs, legs, and clawed appendages.
In an undocumented feature, the launcher can mount/store on his back in either mode by sliding it into grooves found on top of each of the clawed appendages that hold his wing-blades, and pegging the wing-blades in this configuration while in robot mode will give him a spiffy winged backpack. His instructions also forget to mention that his gold-and-purple chest panels have to be angled up for robot mode.


KreO-Toy KickbackKreon.jpg
  • Kickback (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2013)
    • Collection: Collection 3
    • Bag number: ***** 55
    • Accessories: Logo brick, buildable rifle
As part of the third wave of blindpacked Kre-O Micro-Changers, Kickback is a Kreon that can be "rebuilt" into a grasshopper... though really all you're doing is laying him face-down and attaching the bits that build up his gun to his legs. He reuses Megatron's helmet.
This Micro-Changer assortment was the last one to appear at Target, with later waves showing up only at Toys"R"Us or drug/discount stores.

  • Kreon Class of 1985 (Kreon figure set, 2015)
    • Set number: B5152
    • Voted: Best Break Dancer
    • Accessories: Small pistol
Kreon Class of '85 Kickback's deco is more detailed than the Micro-Changer, plus he uses the Sideswipe helmet to give him head-antennae. Like the rest of the set, he uses the almost-totally-retooled 2015 style of Kreon body (making most parts incompatible with older Kreons).
This box set of thirty Kreons was a San Diego Comic-Con 2015 exclusive, with leftovers being sold on Hasbro Toy Shop online after the show.

  • Kickback (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2017)
    • Collection: Collection 3
    • Accessories: Logo plate, buildable rifle
In 2017, the Collection 3 Micro-Changers were re-released in a whole new production run, first appearing at Walgreens stores in the US. These releases use the almost-entirely-retooled 2015 Kreon, with slightly-differently-hued plastics than the originals. Kickback's tampographs are slightly altered, changing the lower part of his leg tampos to red, and adding a white highlight to his chest.
Sadly, this release has no individual-identification code on the bag, requiring you to use the feel-through-the-bag method or just buy blind and hope.

Platinum Edition

  • Insecticons (Platinum Edition 3-pack, 2015)
    • Accessories: "Electrothermic Blast Tube", Energon cube
Part of the Platinum Edition Insecticon 3-pack along with Shrapnel and Bombshell, this Kickback figure is yet another reissue of the Generation 1 toy, once again retaining the pointy wings. He also includes an Energon cube accessory from The Transformers Collection release.
This set was releaed as a Kmart exclusive in the United States. However, it was also stocked by US-based online retailers BigBadToyStore and TFSource, who supposedly obtained it as an import from Asia. It was available in several of Hasbro's Asian markets (namely Singapore, the Philippines, and China; it's currently unknown whether it was exclusive to any particular stores there or not). In Canada and Australia, it was sold at Toys"R"Us stores, whereas in the United Kingdom, it was officially available via the UK division of Amazon and A1Toys. In Germany, it was originally available via Bankroft, an online retailer that otherwise specializes in Nerf blasters and accessories, as part of a special "Fan Edition" arrangement through Hasbro Germany, with the help of several German fan sites. Due to low sales, the unsold stock was later sold to Actionfiguren24, a German online retailer that specializes in imported toys, who was able to lower its price for its existing stock of imported Insecticon sets as a result.

Titans Return

  • Kickback (Legends Class, 2016)
Titans Return Kickback is a Legends Class mold based on the G1 toy that transforms from robot to mechanical grasshopper. Titan Masters can ride in a seat on his back in grasshopper mode, emulating his Diaclone origins. He features 5 mm hand holes, allowing him to wield compatible accessories such as the vehicle weapons used by the single-pack Titan Master figures. The antennas on his head are molded with softer plastic for safety reasons. Due to the small printing size of the images used for his instructions, combined with the dark background, the steps for transforming his arms end up rather unclear, making the tab-to-body procedure difficult to figure out.
Like most figures in the Titans Return toyline, Kickback has a peg hole on the back of his pelvis that is compatible with a number of generic action figure stands.


Over time, the wings will yellow and become the Titans Return version.
  • Kickback & Clouder (Kickback & Double-Dealer) (October 28, 2017)
    • ID number: LG47
Legends Kickback is a redeco of Titans Return Legends Class Kickback with black upper arms and clear plastic wings and chest piece (with the latter being smoked yellow), as well as some new paint details such as toy-inspired red stripes on his feet and a cartoon-inspired red visor. His Decepticon insignia has been moved to the center of his chest, and he has an additional one on his grasshopper head. Kickback was sold in a two-pack with Clouder, and comes with the pack-in mini-comic Legends Bonus Edition Vol. 47.
The toy's instruction manual, despite using the same line-art or renders as the Hasbro version's, is printed in a considerably larger format and uses a white rather than dark gray background, resulting in a much clearer depiction of the transformation steps for his robot arms. (Then again, Legends Kickback is packaged in insect rather than robot mode, which means the owner starts out with a properly transformed insect mode to begin with. As a result, the instructions only depict the transformation into robot mode.)


A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick... back.
  • Kickback (Deluxe Class, 2022)
Part of the first wave of Legacy Deluxe Class toys, Kickback is a cartoon-accurate version of the character which transforms into a robotic grasshopper in 14 steps, in a nearly identical fashion to his Generation 1 toy. His accessories include an "Electrothermic Blast Tube" gun, compatible with Fire Blast effect pieces, which can mount under his beast mode, and two Energon blades that resemble those included with the toy of another Kickback. The blades can either mount on the wings or, in an undocumented feature, combine together and peg into a normally unused 5 mm hole between the insect mode's rear legs, forming an approximation of a real-life grasshopper's abdomen. Designer Mark Maher later revealed that this "secret feature" was included for Kickback's future retool Ransack (see below).
His instructions omit bending his legs forward at the knees for insect mode.
Similar to Kingdom's more realistic beast modes, the inner surfaces of Kickback's wings have an organic texture.
While his transparent yellow chest panel may look like it can open to reveal a compartment like his Generation 1 and Titans Return predecessors, and has a hinge, the panel is sealed shut by tabs that are permanently locked in place due to how the torso is assembled. If one does break it open, however, it reveals a whole lot of Generation 1 toy-accurate... nothing.
This figure was retooled into Buzzworthy Bumblebee Ransack.

Buzzworthy Bumblebee

(Sold separately.)
Buzzworthy Bumblebee Ransack includes a copy of Legacy Kickback's head painted to resemble the original 1985 Kickback toy. This head is not actually mentioned in Ransack's instructions, implying the intent is that it can be swapped onto Legacy Kickback to give him a more toy-accurate look.

Transformers Retro

Happy day ume tsukushite
Rest in peace made ikou ze
  • Kickback (2023)
  • Accessories: "Electrothermic Blast Tube", 6 Energon cubes
The original Kickback toy was reissued by once again in 2023, this time in the third wave of the Walmart exclusive Transformers Retro reissue line. This time around the deco is extremely based on his original cartoon character model, with metallic wings instead of silver chrome, an opaque yellow chest, red robot eyes, and minimal color detailing. He has two tampographed Decepticon insignias, to match the placement on both his robot and insect mode character models: this means that they end up right next to each other in grasshopper mode, which looks a bit silly. As usual with reissues, the mold retains the pointy wing variant, with the rubsign square left empty.
Like the Transformers Retro reissue of Sharpnel, he also comes with six energon cubes this time around—guess he's been busy!



  • Kickback (Decoy, 1987)
Kickback was one of the Decepticon Decoys packed in with smaller carded Transformers toys. While the normal purple version could come on any Decepticon toy, the rarer red version was available only on Throttlebot cards and only for a short while before the switch to purple.
  • Destron Hero Collection-22 Set (Decoy multi-pack, 1987)
The entire run of twenty-two Decepticon Decoys were sold as a single boxed set in Japan, only in purple.

Hard Hero

You have learned well, young grasshopper.
  • Kickback (2003)
The first of Hard Hero's "Insecticon Series", Kickback is a 9-inch cold-cast porcelain statue sculpted by Jason Ray. Only 1000 pieces of the statue were produced.

Sota Toys

  • Transformers Chess Set (2007)
Eight identical Kickback pieces were to be the Decepticon-side Pawns on a chess set based on Generation 1, but the set apparently never saw release.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Robot Heroes

They're taking this show on the road!
  • Ironhide & Kickback (Two-pack, 2008)
Part of the "Generation 1 Series" of the Universe-branded Robot Heroes, Kickback is a small super deformed figurine with swivel joints in his neck and shoulders. His colors are based on those of his toy rather than his less detailed cartoon character model. Kickback was only available in a two-pack with Ironhide.

Tiny Titans

Close, but not quite....
  • Kickback (Tiny Titans, 2015)
    • Series: 4
    • Number: 12/12
Part of the fourth assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Kickback is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode.
He includes a collectible card that renders him in the 2015 Robots in Disguise styling. The card includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
This wave saw fairly minimal release at "big box" retailers, but unlike other waves, was not picked up by drug stores and the like later, making them particularly hard to find.

Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Kickback, Cunning Insecticon (2018)
    • Wave 1
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T25/T40
    • Stars: 5
Kickback, Cunning Insecticon is one of forty double-sided character cards available in Wave 1 of the Transformers Trading Card Game.
The artwork on the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile card game.

  • Raider Kickback, Infantry-Soldier (2019)
    • Wave 4: War for Cybertron: Siege II
    • Rarity: UT
    • Card Number: T33/T52
    • Stars: 6
Raider Kickback, Infantry-Soldier is one of 52 character cards released in Wave 4 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege II.
The card features original artwork for both modes, with line-art drawn by Sara Pitre-Durocher and colors by Alex Tarca.


  • Kickback + Cliffjumper (Alpha Action Elite, 2024)
  • Series: Defend Iacon!
  • ID Number: AAE-006
  • Accessories: 2 pairs of hands (1 pair for each), Kickback's blaster, Cliffjumper's Bazooka, Laserbeak, accessories Energon Cube
Sold as part of Auldey's "Alpha Action Elite (AAE)" series of blindboxes, this Kickback is a roughly 2-inch non-transforming but highly articulated action figure. Aside from the extra pairs of open-palm hands, Kickback comes with his signature pistol and a back piece that must be assembled by the buyer.
Kickback is released as a 2-pack with Cliffjumper while coming with his trading card. As advertised in the box, the lineup had a 12/72 probability of getting the 2-pack.


  • During Hasbro PulseCon 2021, Legacy Kickback was described as the leader of the Insecticons. Shrapnel is often portrayed as the leader of the Insecticons, but because of Kickback's higher Tech Spec number for "rank" than his teammates, it's more fitting in a technical sense for him to lead.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Kickback (キックバック Kikkubakku)
  • French: La Ruade (Canada, "The Kick")
  • Italian: Atrox
  • Mandarin: Fǎnchōng (反冲, "Kickback")
  • Portuguese: Maquia (Portugal comic), Pula-Pula (Brazil comic)
  • Russian: Prygun (Прыгун, "Jumper")
  • Ukrainian: Stusan (ICTV, Стусан, "Punch")


  1. The Japanese dub confuses Megatron's poorly phrased line of "This is a Decepticon escape module launched before our own starship crashed on Earth four million years ago" as meaning that the Insecticons took off and arrived on Earth long before the other Decepticons crashed on Earth.
  2. "Plague of the Insecticons!" was later designated as universal stream Primax 1285.0 Gamma by Vector Prime.
  3. Transformers Panel at Hasbro Pulse Con 2021
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