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Transformers: Devastation

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The name or term "Devastation" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Devastation (disambiguation).
Transformers: Devastation
Transformers Devastation cover.jpg
Like I said, kids are cruel, Jack. And I'm very in touch with my inner child.
Developer PlatinumGames
Publisher Activision
Writer Andy Schmidt[1]
Platform PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC
Release date NA: October 6, 2015
EU/AU: October 9, 2015
Ratings ESRB: T
PEGI: 7+

Transformers: Devastation is a video game by PlatinumGames, announced at E3 2015 and released in October of the same year. Billed as a tie-in to Combiner Wars,[2] Devastation is based in the Generation 1 continuity family and tells an original story, in which the Autobots unite to prevent the Decepticons from turning the Earth to metal. The game primarily draws inspiration from the original cartoon, the IDW comics, and the Combiner Wars toyline, among other sources, and features the return of some of the surviving voice actors from the original cartoon. The game was directed by Kenji Saito, and the soundtrack was composed by Satoshi Igarashi, Tetsuya Shibata, and Jun Okubo, with contributions by Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth.[3]

Devastation was the final Transformers game published by Activision; following the expiration of their licensing agreement with Hasbro, the game and its downloadable content were delisted from multiple digital storefronts on December 21, 2017.[4]



Chapter 1: City of Steel

Avengers, Assemble!

In New York City, a large explosion heralds the appearance of several giant mechanical claws emerging from the ground, causing mass destruction. Megatron and his Decepticons land downtown and observe the swarm of Insecticons that has filled the air, with Soundwave also detecting traces of plasma energy. Starscream is hesitant, as no one has been able to control plasma energy since the Golden Age, but Megatron rebukes him, intent on using the gift that they have been given. With the humans successfully evacuated from the city, Optimus Prime and his team of Autobots arrive to assess the threat and stop the Decepticons. After a brief run-in with Devastator, Optimus and Bumblebee come face to face with Megatron himself. Optimus demands Megatron cease his attack on the city, but Megatron only laughs, saying that Optimus doesn't even realize the truth of who is really behind the attack, and declaring he only wants to make "improvements" to the city. Optimus and Bumblebee defeat Megatron, but he slips away as the two are distracted by the sudden appearance of a giant Steel Tower.

Yes, it's coming to me..."Be sure to drink your Ovaltine?!"

The Autobots pursue Megatron to the tower, where he deduces that it is somehow directing the Insecticons before receiving a stream of data encoded from the tower. He rides away on Long Haul, with the Autobots giving chase, and after Sideswipe briefly battles Megatron, a hatch emerges from the ground leading below. Megatron enters, activating the security system to ensure the Autobots cannot follow. Teletraan-1 reveals that the hatch leads to the interior of an unknown ship buried below the city, requiring the shutdown of three sub-generators and a primary generator to gain access. With no other choice, the Autobots reach the sub-generators, each guarded by two of the Constructicons, and shut them down. They return to the primary generator, but the Constructicons have beaten them there and reform Devastator. The team defeat the Combiner, but a hologram of Megatron appears to reveal his plan: he now controls the Cybertronian ship known as the Proudstar, and is using it to control the Insecticons, allowing him to cyberform the Earth into a new Cybertron within mere days at the cost of all native life.

Chapter 2: The Proudstar


After chasing down a Sentry-Bot containing the key-code to enter, the Autobots enter the Proudstar. Optimus explains that the ship is of Autobot origin, and was once captained by Nova Prime as part of the Mission of Cybertronian Expansion. Its goal was to make uninhabited planets suitable for Cybertronian life and preserve a record of their race's culture via the Colonnade of Cybertron placed aboard the ship's supercomputer, the Ferrotaxis, which controls both the Plasma Core and the Insecticons. With so much of Cybertron's culture having been lost over the course of the Great War, the Autobots make it their mission to retrieve the Ferrotaxis intact and shut down the Plasma Core, stopping the cyberforming. As they split up to explore, Optimus notes a feeling of darkness permeating the ship. The group briefly gets locked into a battle with Soundwave, but he is called away by Megatron for other matters, leaving them to be swarmed by Insecticons bursting from the many stasis pods housed within the ship. The Autobots battle through the swarms, including several giant-sized Ancient Insecticons, as the voice of Teletraan Alpha cryptically hints at the dark future events each Autobot will face, including prophesying that the Great War will come to an end without Optimus Prime there to see it. They reach the Plasma Core, but due to plasma energy's unpredictability, Wheeljack predicts blowing up the Core will cause an explosion that will take half the Earth with it. Defeating the Insecticon guards, they break the shielding protecting the Core, but the security system envelops the core in a protective casing and fires it away from the ship.

Chapter 3: The Core

That electrical storm is dangerous. Everyone grab your yellow boots!

With the ship and Insecticons rendered inactive due to the loss of their power source, the Autobots seek to retrieve the Plasma Core before Megatron, as well as shut it down due to the potentially dangerous leak sprung in the previous encounter. Knowing Megatron will need someone to retrieve the core, they encounter and defeat Thundercracker, who believes plasma energy is too dangerous to be controlled by anyone and tells them the Core's location on the promise that they get rid of it. Making their way to the island where the Core landed, the Autobots encounter Decepticon defenses at Liberty Bridge, stalling for time so that the leak may be patched before they move it. The team uses an explosive cube of Red Energon to clear the forces at the bridge's entrance, but Starscream arrives to replace them. The Autobots defeat him and begin to cross the bridge, only to come under fire by Blitzwing as they do so. They manage to hold him off until reaching the other side of the bridge, where they defeat him. Optimus approaches the badly-damaged Plasma Core container, but Starscream appears and carries it away before they have a chance to shut it down.

Chapter 4: Possession

Great... AETHER!

Back at the tower, Soundwave reveals to Megatron that they were unable to patch the leak before Starscream took the Plasma Core, meaning its detonation is imminent. Only able to be repaired at a Plasma Energy Interface on Cybertron, Megatron orders Starscream to bring the unstable Core to the tower. The Autobots pursue him across the bridge, but the onset of a storm makes it difficult for Starscream to fly, causing him to lose his grip on the Core and drop it into the city. Optimus tracks Starscream's landing location, but Megatron sends Motormaster to the coordinates as well. The team race him to the crash site, barely beating him there, and fight him off. The Autobots follow the trail to the Plasma Core, and Wheeljack prepares to patch the leak while the others cover him. Just as he gets the case open, Motormaster and the rest of the Stunticons arrive and form Menasor. The Autobots defeat the Combiner and, in a fit of rage, he throws the Plasma Core case all the way to the tower. Megatron activates the space bridge to Cybertron and takes the Core and his troops through, ordering Starscream to hold off the Autobots.

Chapter 5: To Cybertron

Well, there's your problem: you put the batteries in backwards!
Optimus and his team follow the Decepticons through the space bridge, battling Starscream while in transit. They emerge on Cybertron just as Megatron leaves with the Plasma Core and Blitzwing appears for a rematch. The group defeat him and approach the Plasma Energy Interface, but before they can stop it, they are ambushed by Shockwave. While ultimately defeated, Shockwave manages to hold the Autobots off long enough for Scrapper to finish repairing the Plasma Core and escape with Megatron. Bumblebee points out the insanity of their plan, but Shockwave argues that Nova Prime was the one who saw the need to cyberform populated planets, though Optimus refuses to believe it. Now back at the tower, Megatron orders the Plasma Core and the Ferrotaxis brought online, declaring the cyberforming process will be complete in less than one Earth day.

Chapter 6: Ferrotaxis

He took the cancellation of Animated's fourth season pretty hard.

Now patched and restored to the Proudstar, the Plasma Core is put into overdrive, causing the Insecticons to restart the cyberforming process at a rapid rate, and the Autobots return to stop it. However, due to the poor repair job by the Constructicons, the Core ruptures and produces a gravitational anomaly that begins sucking the Autobots in. Retreating to a safe distance, Wheeljack deduces that if the core goes critical, it will lead to planetary extinction. Optimus decides that the only way to shut down both the Plasma Core and the Insecticons is by using the Ferrotaxis, which Grimlock points out is in Megatron's possession. However, Soundwave takes control of the ship's security systems, sabotaging their escape route. Barely evading his traps, the Autobots once again become aware of the darkness permeating the Proudstar. Prime posits that while Nova Prime's mission may have initially been noble, cyberforming uninhabited planets to bring life to the galaxy, he and his crew were corrupted by some unknown entity along the way, seeding darkness within his spark and driving him to insanity. The entity sought the destruction of Cybertron and its people, and still searches for the planet to this day, destroying all it encounters along the way. The Autobots head to the control room, but are blocked by Soundwave. Defeating him, the team prepares to storm the control room and take Megatron down once and for all.

Chapter 7: Legacy

"You only want the Ferrotaxis because I'm using it."
"Oh, yeah? Prove it."
"Hey, man, I don't want your stupid Ferrotaxis."

As they approach the Proudstar's control room, the Autobots are beset by a legion of Decepticons seeking to defend it, including Motormaster, Thundercracker and Skywarp. The Autobots enter the control room, where Megatron mocks them before leaving with the Ferrotaxis, ordering the Constructicons to finish them off. After battling all six individually, the Constructicons merge into Devastator, prompting another battle. However, it isn't long before Menasor shows up as well, forcing them to fight both Combiners at once. Eventually, both are knocked off the platform to their destruction, and the Autobots head for the surface. Emerging from below, the Autobots find Megatron watching in delight as the planet is ripped apart by the cyberforming, declaring their home will live once more and noting how much he and Optimus could have accomplished together as allies. Optimus demands that Megatron hand over the Ferrotaxis so that their culture might continue to be preserved and shared, but Megatron throws it away, declaring that they will have to defeat him to get it. The Autobots engage in battle in battle with Megatron and emerge victorious, with Optimus once again demanding the Ferrotaxis. Megatron declares that if he can't have it, no one can, launching it high into the sky with his fusion cannon. A swarm of Insecticons follows the Ferrotaxis into the air, and Optimus grabs hold of one of them to catch up, with Megatron in hot pursuit.

Space...the final boss battle frontier...

Now in Earth's orbit as the Insecticons surround the Ferrotaxis, Optimus prepares to fire at the computer, only to be knocked from his perch by Megatron, forcing the two into a zero-gravity final battle. Megatron argues that he fights to restore Cybertron, the home that Optimus abandoned, and that life comes from servos, gyros, and fuel, not flesh. Optimus rejects this, however, believing that destroying other worlds to keep Cybertron on life-support can't be the only way. With one final blow, Optimus manages to knock Megatron out long enough to retrieve the Ferrotaxis, but cannot shut down the Insecticons due to a failsafe activated by Megatron. Megatron declares the only way to stop the Ferrotaxis is to destroy it at the cost of Cybertron's culture and history, and that Cybertron's fate is now in Optimus's hands. Optimus replies that he has the courage to make the right decision and fires upon the Ferrotaxis, destroying it. As a result, the Plasma Core shuts down and the Insecticons all fall lifelessly back to Earth. Megatron is mortified, but Prime is resolute in his decision, believing humanity should decide its own fate. As he falls back to Earth, he tells the other Autobots that while they have lived on Earth for years, they have never truly accepted it as their home, holding out hope of returning to a re-forged Cybertron. While that may someday occur, Prime declares that as of that day, the Earth is their true home, and they are to protect it no matter the cost.

Oy! Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck.

Later, back at the Ark, a recovered Optimus discusses with Wheeljack if he has found a way to strengthen their forces, with Wheeljack deeming the process risky. As he reflects on what Teletraan Alpha told him aboard the Proudstar, Teletraan-1 receives a transmission from Defensor and Superion, who throw their full support behind Optimus's plan. Deciding that this is the price he must pay to rid the world of the Decepticons, Optimus and Wheeljack examine schematics for the project. Unbeknownst to them, one of the pods on the Proudstar has broken open. Nova Prime awakens...

Featured Characters

Autobots Decepticons Others
*Indicates character available only as downloadable content skin.
**Indicates character who only appears in vehicle mode.
† Indicates character who only appears in text-based log entries.


"But...but PLASMA energy is unstable! No one has been able to tame it since...since...the GOLDEN AGE!"
"Then stand back Starscream, and watch me tame it, as I have tamed you."

Megatron made Starscream his patsy.

"Optimus... come to save the day, I presume?"

— Just like old times for Megatron and Optimus Prime.

"Less talk, Autobot. More dying."

Megatron plays for keeps.

"They call me 'Goldfire'! ...Ridiculous, I know."

Bumblebee is less than impressed by his DLC costume.

"Scanning... Identified. Cybertronian Bumblebee. Beware the coming tide of chaos... You will evolve known by another name. In time, your spirit will be that of legend. Your monikers will be many: The World's Bridge. Goldbug. Race-Welder. And finally... Goldfire."
"Well, that makes me feel special..."

Teletraan Alpha foresees Bumblebee's future.

"My loyalty only goes so far. Tampering with Plasma Energy? That's madness."
"Wow, that took, like, no convincing at all. No wonder they call you ThunderCRACKER."
"Very funny, pipsqueak."

— Much to Thundercracker's dismay, Bumblebee learns the true meaning of his name.

"Last one there's the corroded diode, Autobots!"

Motormaster tells the Autobots to eat his dust.

"Starscream failed. Guess that makes me the new leader of the Decepticons! ...Anybody else want this job?"

— All hail Skywarp!

"We should have been allies, you know. Imagine what we could have accomplished... But you never had the manifolds to do what needed to be done."
"I have the manifolds to stand up for those who cannot stand for themselves."

Megatron and Optimus Prime talk motivation.

"Why must you always interfere?"
"You would place Cybertron at the center of the universe."
"Cybertron is the center of my universe. How is it not at the heart of yours?"
"Cybertron is about all life. Destruction to keep Cybertron on life support--there must be another way."
"Flesh isn't life. Servos, gyros and fuel--this is where life comes from! You're defending--bi-product--at best! I will restore Cybertron and retake the galaxy!"
"That ambition will be your end."

Megatron and Optimus wax poetic as they battle in space.

"Behold, Optimus. A new Cybertron is being born..."
"No, you are only destroying the Earth, not creating."
"You don't really believe that, do you?"
"It is the only thing I am sure I believe. You must be stopped."
"You're welcome to try."
"It will be my pleasure."
"I'm not done yet!!"

— The final battle between Megatron and Optimus comes to a head.

"Autobots. We have lived on Earth for decades. But I see now that we have not truly accepted Earth as our home, holding out some distant hope that we would return to a newly re-forged Cybertron. And maybe one day, that will happen, but we cannot continue to live in between worlds. From this day forward, we are no longer Cybertronians who are stranded on another world. Now we are a part of Earth. And we must treat Earth as though we were forged here. And we must protect our matter the cost."

Optimus monologues as he falls back to Earth.


Devastation is a fast-paced hack-and-slash brawler, similar to many of Platinum's other titles like Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Players choose from five Autobots (Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Wheeljack, and Grimlock) and battle Decepticons using a combination of light and heavy physical attacks, with players generally having to defeat an entire wave of enemies in order to proceed. Players can chain these attacks into a combo, as well as extend their combos and utilize new moves by strategically transforming back and forth between vehicle and robot modes during strings of attacks. Each of the Autobots is also equipped with a projectile-based weapon, allowing them to attack enemies they cannot normally reach, such as airborne Seekers. Players have multiple defensive options, being able to block, dodge, parry, and counterattack against enemy blows; similar to the "Witch Time" mechanic from Bayonetta, dodging at just the right moment will induce "Focus" and cause time to slow down for the surrounding environment, giving players a chance to move in close and counterattack. Certain gameplay segments will encourage the use of vehicle mode over robot mode, such as chasing down escaping Decepticons on a highway or transforming back to robot mode at maximum speed to break an enemy shield.

Each of the five Autobots has a different set of moves and properties; Optimus is the most equally-balanced, Bumblebee focuses on quickness over attack strength, Sideswipe uses a hit-and-run attack style, Wheeljack is largely based around ranged combat and defense, and Grimlock deals in slow but powerful close-range strikes. Each character also possesses a unique ability that they can trigger in battle, such as Wheeljack's shield or Grimlock's grapple; this depletes energy from their Ability Gauge, which automatically refills over time. Attacking enemies will also fill the Ultimate Gauge; when full, this will allow players to use their character-specific Ultimate Attack, doing heavy damage to multiple foes.

The game also includes a player-customization system. Several different weapon types can be potentially dropped by enemies or found in weapons caches and vaults. Each type of weapon, such as axes, swords, or hammers, can only be used by certain characters, and new weapons can be synthesized by using the old ones as materials, allowing players to create stronger weapons of different types. Players can also spend in-game credits to develop T.E.C.H. that grants passive boosts to their characters, giving them bonuses such as auto-recovery or an increased credit drop rate; the strength of the T.E.C.H. developed varies depending on the amount of credits spent, as well as the player's success at a quicktime event during the synthesis process. Characters' individual stats can also be improved either through combat or by purchasing upgrades with credits. The Lab acts as the in-game store, allowing players to purchase additional weapons, temporary power-ups, and new moves for all five Autobots. Players can access all of these options by returning to the Ark, either between story chapters or by using one of several Teletraan uplinks in each stage, which also function as checkpoints.

The game features seven Story chapters. At the beginning, three difficulty levels are accessible ("Scout", "Warrior", and "Commander"), while two higher difficulties ("Magnus" and "Prime") are unlocked after completing the lower ones. Players who go off the beaten path in the story chapters may find side missions and Transpacial Converters scattered about; completing these will reward players with additional weapons. In addition to the primary Story Mode, the game also includes a Challenge Mode with 50 stand-alone missions.

A Gallery mode allows players to view assorted art pieces, such as stage concept art and Generations character art. New art can be unlocked by finding bouncing Kremzeeks and Mystery Objects in each stage, or shooting down Decepticon Flags and Spy Ops hovering in the sky. Collectible info logs explaining various concepts and backstory elements can be found throughout the game as well. Completing the game will add the credits sequence to the gallery, viewable with or without the credits themselves, as well as a model viewer that allows players to view all of the 3D character models, accompanied by their respective themes. The model viewer includes a "Transform" command that lets you view both of their modes, and a "Try Me" button that plays some of their voice samples.

Players who pre-ordered the game received a downloadable content bundle that included character skins for Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Sideswipe based on Nemesis Prime, Goldfire, and Red Alert respectively, as well as three new weapons: the Dark Star Saber, the Photon Disruptor, and the twin Golden Hunters. This bundle was later made available for general purchase roughly a month following the game's release.

Trophy/Achievement list

When completing various goals and tasks during the game, the player will be rewarded as part of their console of choice's meta-goal system. Players can earn up to 31 Trophies on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, and 30 Achievements on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The PlayStation versions' trophies come in four types: Bronze, which represent easier tasks and are worth the least experience; Silver, which are awarded for challenges of mid-level difficulty; Gold, which are given for harder tasks and worth more experience; and Platinum, the highest-level trophy unlocked only after earning all of a game's other trophies. On the Xbox versions, each achievement has a Gamerscore value that adds to the player's total Gamerscore across all games played; up to 1000 Gamerscore can be earned in Devastation. These achievements can also be earned in the PC version as part of the Steam interface, but lack the individual values and weights from the console versions.

Icon Achievement/Trophy name Achievement/Trophy description Gamerscore PS Trophy
Devastation Till All Are One.jpg Till All Are One Complete all chapters on any difficulty. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Supreme Commander.jpg Supreme Commander Complete all chapters on any difficulty using Optimus Prime. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Sting Like A Bee.jpg Sting Like a Bee Complete all chapters on any difficulty using Bumblebee. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation The Wizard Of Iacon.jpg The Wizard of Iacon Complete all chapters on any difficulty using Wheeljack. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Raging Bull.jpg Raging Bull Complete all chapters on any difficulty using Sideswipe. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation The King.jpg The King Complete all chapters on any difficulty using Grimlock. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation All Clear.jpg All Clear Complete all Challenge Mode missions on any difficulty. 85 Gamerscore Gold PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Halfway There.jpg Halfway There Complete half of all Challenge Mode missions on any difficulty. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation No Stone Unturned.jpg No Stone Unturned Collect all collectible items. 90 Gamerscore Gold PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Avid Collector.jpg Avid Collector Complete half of all collectible items. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Synthesis 101.jpg Synthesis 101 Synthesize 10 weapons. 15 Gamerscore Bronze PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Full Throttle.jpg Full Throttle Defeat 100 enemies with Vehicle/Dino Attacks. 15 Gamerscore Bronze PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Dont Hit The Brakes.jpg (Don't) Hit the Brakes! Defeat 100 enemies with Rush Attacks. 15 Gamerscore Bronze PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Platinum.jpg Platinum Complete all chapters, earning the highest rank, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater. 90 Gamerscore Gold PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Catch This.jpg Catch this! Use parrying to catch the following from an enemy: a boulder, a missile, and both drill types. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Pedal To The Metal.jpg Pedal to the Metal Use Focus 100 times. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Quick Reflexes.jpg Quick Reflexes After dodging, quickly counter with a melee attack 100 times. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Bullet Storm.jpg Bullet Storm After dodging, quickly counter with a ranged attack 100 times. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Hawkeyed.jpg Hawkeyed Perform 100 successful head shots. 15 Gamerscore Bronze PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Flyswatter.jpg Flyswatter Finish the lift battle in Chapter 2 without taking damage from Insecticons. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Urban Landscaping.jpg Urban Landscaping In chapter 1, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, knock Devastator into a building 3 times. 15 Gamerscore Bronze PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Roadblock.jpg Roadblock In chapter 4, defeat Motormaster while racing him. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Surround Sound.jpg Surround Sound In chapter 6, on diff. COMMANDER or greater, defeat Soundwave without defeating any cassettes. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Wrecking Crew.jpg Wrecking Crew In chapter 1, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeat Devastator without taking damage. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Hard-Core.jpg HARD-Core In chapter 2, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, destroy the shielding without taking damage. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Triple Changer.jpg Triple Changer In chapter 3, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeat Blitzwing without taking damage. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Destruction Derby.jpg Destruction Derby In chapter 4, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeat Menasor without taking damage. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Dont Look Him In The Eye.jpg Don't Look Him in the Eye In chapter 5, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeat Shockwave without taking damage. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Broken Radio.jpg Broken Radio In chapter 6, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeat Soundwave without taking damage. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation Emperor of Destruction.jpg Emperor of Destruction In chapter 7, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater, defeat Megatron without taking damage. 30 Gamerscore Silver PlayStation Trophy
Devastation All Trophies.jpg All Trophies Earned all other trophies. Platinum PlayStation Trophy



  • At the beginning of the game, Soundwave is not shown flying in the sky despite landing alongside Starscream, Blitzwing, and Megatron a moment later.
  • In that same cutscene, the Decepticon flying next to Blitzwing is not Starscream, but one of the Warrior Seekers.
  • In Chapter 1, after the first Devastator battle, Sideswipe's torso is seen twisted.
  • In Chapter 1, Teletraan 1 pronounces "Kaon" as "Kai-on" when it should be "Kay-on".
  • In Chapter 1, when the Constructicons form Devastator, you can see straight through Devastator's shoulder joint in the brief moment before Bonecrusher attaches. This is due to the model's arm joint not being capped off at the end as it is usually obscured by Devastator's arm, thus allowing the camera to see within the model where the polygon backfaces are not rendered.
  • In Chapter 1, when Megatron enters the hatch leading underground, Optimus mispronounces Teletraan-1 as "Teltraan-1", omitting the second syllable.
  • In Chapter 2, a second "the" is included in the subtitles when Optimus says "Autobots, welcome to the Proudstar."
  • In Chapter 3, when Optimus throws the Red Energon cube, it is inexplicably colored pink.
  • In Chapter 4, when the Autobots find the location of the Plasma Core, Bumblebee is seen opening and closing his mouth repeatedly despite not having any dialogue.
  • In Chapter 4, as Motormaster and his Stunticons intervene, a very scaled down model of his alternate mode can briefly be seen between his legs as Breakdown and Offroad attach onto them.
  • In Chapter 4, after Starscream crashes in the Decepticon hangar, the faction symbols on all the other Decepticons suddenly pulse as one.
  • Throughout the campaign, many shots in the cutscenes show some characters such as Starscream and Soundwave having their hand textures being swapped with Wheeljack's.
  • The description for Sideswipe's "Launcher Barrage" ability states that the player needs to press the fire button repeatedly, while in actuality the attack will fire on its own.
  • When using the single sword weapon type, the attack sequence, "light, pause, light (hold)" can give the player an extra jump.

Transformers references

  • All of the player weapons are derived from those used in past Transformers series:
  • The eight upgradeable stats for each Autobot (Strength, Courage, Speed, Fireblast, Skill, Endurance, Intelligence, and Rank) are based directly on the classic G1 Tech Specs.
  • While Optimus Prime and Grimlock's alternate modes are based off of their animation models from The Transformers, the other playable characters' alternate modes are based off of pre-existing toys. Bumblebee's alternate mode is based off of his Classics toy, Sideswipe's is based on his 2008 Universe toy and Wheeljack's is from his 2010 Generations toy.
  • Wheeljack's Ultimate attack involves building an Immobilizer from "The Immobilizer".
  • The Repair Kits bear a fair resemblance to Diagnostic Drones.
  • The weapon crates scattered throughout each level bear a resemblance to the AllSpark's container from Transformers Animated.
  • The attempted cyberforming of Earth by the Decepticons has been used as a plot point in several past Transformers stories.
  • The hurricane wind generators may be a reference to the Devastator Winds that have inspired Devastator's name in a few continuities.
  • Concept art in the game shows that the cyberforming claws found throughout New York City and the Proudstar are based on Scorponok's claws/hands, though the final design has slightly different details.
  • Sideswipe declares he's ready to bust some Deceptichops.
  • Megatron's appearance mixes his general G1 design with his Combiner Wars figure (tank tread shins, pointed shoulders, tank alt. mode).
  • Megatron generates an energy-based shield from his fusion cannon arm, an ability he previously exhibited in "More than Meets the Eye, Part 3".
  • Several billboards advertise S. Witwicky's Auto Shop and Prim Cola. Also visible is the "Creamy Cream" billboard from "Prime Target", renamed to the less-snigger-inducing "Bluebird Lotion". An IDW-inspired billboard easter egg is a sign advertising, "Maccadam's Motor Oil."
  • Shops found around the city include Becky's Coffee Shop from "I, Robot-Master!"; Lander's Beverages, named in homage to Lander's love of wines; and a jewelry store named Bahoudin's, referencing the Pearl of Bahoudin from "Trans-Europe Express". Burger House was also planned to appear, but PlatinumGames had to change the sign for legal reasons, instead advertising a "Mega Burger Combo".[5]
  • The message Megatron receives from the tower uses "Ancient Autobot" characters, first seen in "Cosmic Rust".
  • Bumblebee comments on the unlikely odds that another Cybertronian ship besides the Ark and the Nemesis would have crash-landed on Earth millions of years ago... unaware that the Axalon and Darksyde did exactly that in Beast Wars.
  • The Insecticons are treated as a swarm similar to the clones from the G1 cartoon and the Infestation from the IDW comics, with infologs stating that these Insecticons were bred specifically for use on the Proudstar without the faction alignment, speech or distinct personalities of the primary Insecticons.
  • Like his IDW self, Nova Prime traveled through the Benzuli Expanse.
  • One of Kranix's logs makes mention of Ore-13.
  • Teletraan Alpha alludes to Wheeljack and Optimus's unfortunate demises in The Transformers: The Movie.
  • Teletraan Alpha also tells Bumblebee that he will eventually be known as "The World's Bridge", "Goldbug", "Race-Welder", and "Goldfire".
  • Sideswipe asks Teletraan Alpha if he's been talking to his brother.
  • Teletraan Alpha cannot read Grimlock's aura due to the Dinobot not being completely Cybertronian.
  • Red Energon appears, only here it's a volatile explosive, not a speed enhancer.
  • Blitzwing uses ice in his jet mode and fire in his tank mode, in the vein of his Animated counterpart.
  • The Stunticons appear in their Combiner Wars designs, with Offroad replacing Wildrider, while Menasor's appearance is a combination of his G1 and CW designs. Notably, Blackjack forms on Menasor's chest, though he does not appear among the separated Stunticons. Also, the Stunticons actually fuse with Motormaster's limbs like in the original cartoon.
  • Shockwave has the ability to generate duplicates of himself, in an insanely specific reference to a power mentioned in the original animated series production bible, which was never used in the cartoon itself (except maybe once). The duplicates have the grey color scheme of the original "Astro Magnum" toy Shockwave was based on.
  • Megatron states that he thought Optimus was made of sterner stuff.
  • In one of his voice lines, Thundercracker claims to be "The Scourge of the Mithric Sea"
  • In unused dialogue of Sideswipe's encounter with Megatron, he says that he could've waited an eternity for this.
  • Optimus defeats Megatron with the same haymaker he used in their final battle in the Battle of Autobot City.
  • Defensor, Superion, and Optimus Maximus's appearances at the end of the game are taken directly from their Combiner Wars designs, although their limb configurations do not match their standard setups.
  • The end credits theme, "Face the Devastation", features a sequence of chords borrowed from The Transformers: The Movie's musical score, also composed by Vince DiCola.

Real-world references

  • Devastator's first appearance as he looks over the building is an identical shot to the Colossal Titan's first appearance in Attack on Titan.


Who dares disturb my beauty sleep? Have you not heard? This movie's already over! Captain Blue is defeated, and we are victorious!
  • Frenzy is blue, Rumble is red.
  • According to an interview at E3 2015, Kenji Saito stated his favorite character to design was Grimlock, as he found him the most unique and interesting from both a character and gameplay perspective.[6]
  • Although Frank Welker reprised his roles as both Megatron and Soundwave from the original cartoon, he did not voice Superion, Mixmaster, Skywarp, Rumble, or Frenzy, despite having originated all of those roles. The same can be said of Michael Bell, who did not voice Bombshell and Bonecrusher as in the original cartoon (albeit, the latter was for only one episode). Additionally, of the other characters in the game whose voice actors were still alive, Corey Burton, Arthur Burghardt, Neil Ross, Clive Revill, and Hal Rayle did not return to voice Shockwave, Devastator, Hook, Bonecrusher, Kickback, or Skrapnel.
  • Originally, the second phases of each boss battle were intended to feature vocals in their backing music tracks, as Platinum had previously done for the boss fights in Metal Gear Rising. However, due to time constraints and other commitments, the decision was made to add in secondary guitar leads for the second phases instead.[7]
  • Ratbat was planned to appear as part of the boss fights with Soundwave, but was removed during development. However, his unused character model and textures can still be found within the game's files.
  • The 2015 San Diego Comic-Con poster for Devastation features Menasor in his original "Generation 1" design rather than his Combiner Wars design, suggesting the game design changed at some point during development.[8]
  • Megatron's Energon Mace, Sideswipe's Pile Drivers, and Blitzwing's Electron Scimitar were all featured in early concept art as potential unlockable weapons. However, none of these made it into the final game.[9]
  • During the final battle in space, the player always fights as Optimus Prime even if another playable character was in use, but Prime will fight using the previous character's gear. For example, if Wheeljack was using his wrenches to fight Megatron on the ground, Prime will somehow have those wrenches with him in space. This also applies to the "Nemesis Prime" DLC skin, which will revert to the standard Optimus, despite being the same character.
  • A slightly different version of the ending cutscene can be found hidden within the game's files. While mostly identical, this early version ends before it can display the full schematics for Optimus Maximus, making the reveal much more vague.[10]
  • At the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con, Microsoft held a sweepstakes to win one of 20 custom-painted Xbox One consoles with designs based on several upcoming games, including one based on Devastation.[11]
  • A Devastation-branded faceplate for PlayStation 4 was designed with the intention of being sold as part of a console bundle in China. However, by all accounts, no evidence exists that they were ever sold. An extremely limited number of the faceplates ended up in the hands of a few PlatinumGames' staff members, including former creative producer JP Kellams, who revealed the faceplate's existence before later auctioning his off for charity.[12]
  • A selection of the game's soundtrack, comprising 11 tracks composed by Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth, was announced at Hasbro Pulse Con 2021 and released via digital streaming services on November 5, 2021.[13] To date, they remain the only music tracks from the game ever to receive an official release.


  1. Andy Schmidt Confirmed As The Storyteller For Transformers: Devastation - TFW2005
  2. 'Transformers' Forming Epic Storyline with Toys, Comics and Video Games (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter
  3. Watch the first Transformers Devastation gameplay! - TFW2005
  4. Platinum’s Transformers and Korra games disappear from digital stores - Polygon
  5. Matt Miller, Game Informer, "The Abundant Easter Eggs Of Transformers Devastation", 2015/12/20 (archive link)
  6. "Stage Demo: Transformers: Devastation - E3 2015"—GameSpot, 2015/06/18
  7. "ほんとはボーカルも入れたかったんだけど 開発期間とほかイロイロあって難しい状態だったので かわりにギターに歌ってもらってます。 ボスが本気状態になるとギターがのってくる演出になっとります。 かっこいいですよー。"—Kenji Saito, Twitter, 2018/03/04
  8. "Unused G1 accurate Menasor from the SDCC "Transformers: Devastation" game poster (final version featured Combiner Wars inspired design)"—Guido Guidi, Twitter, 2017/01/25
  9. "Transformers: Devastation is packed full of all kinds of weapons. Here are some concepts for just a few."—PlatinumGames, Twitter, 2015/11/20
  10. "Transformers Devastation secrets"—Running Sky, 2020/11/30
  11. Win one of 20 Custom Painted Xbox Ones at SDCC 2015 - Xbox
  12. "Next up is the #Transformers Devastation PS4 faceplate. This one is officially licensed by Sony and super rare. I think it never came out, so this is likely one of only a few in existence."—JP Kellams, Twitter, 2023/05/03
    "Created for a potential Transformers PS4 bundle in China, but I've never seen proof that this was actually released. A few got dispersed to the PG team which is how I got mine. I've NEVER seen another one of these in the wild and my suspicion is that there are very few of these."—JP Kellams, Twitter, 2023/05/03
  13. Hasbro Pulse Con 2021

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