Metroplex (G1)
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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Metroplex (disambiguation), Scramble City (disambiguation). |
- Metroplex is an Autobot Titan from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Metroplex’s poor, slow, and infrequent efforts to support his brave comrades and forward the Autobot cause are never enough. Sure, he's the Autobots' ultimate weapon, their greatest and final defense. Yes, he's a gigantic, towering warrior, capable of channeling awesome energies. Strong beyond belief, versatile, clever, brave and self-sacrificing, Metroplex is willing to give everything he has to the Autobot cause and defend it to his last astroseconds of life. Despite all this he’s wracked to the core of his being with the belief that he could and should be doing more. It’s a self-deprecating attitude that stuns many of his fellow Autobots, most of whom take immeasurable comfort in his very existence and the knowledge that regardless of what evil comes, Metroplex is out there to back them up.
This Titan's great modesty about his power and achievements together with a boundless patience necessitated by his size and alternate mode are apparent to anyone who pierces his normally less than talkative demeanor, and in the optics of many, these traits only raise his already high standing.
Metroplex's long-standing nemesis is the equally-gargantuan Decepticon, Trypticon. He has three "normal"-sized components: Six-Gun, Slammer, and Scamper, to help patrol and defend his territory. The extent of that territory varies; sometimes Metroplex is an independent base, and other times he's part of (or all of) Autobot City, aka Scramble City.
“ | Metroplex is my kind of town! | ” |
—Blaster on Metroplex, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5" |
Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformers cartoon
- Voice actor: Bud Davis (English), Osamu Saka (Japanese), Xia Zhiqing (Chinese), Manfred Schmidt (German, Most of Season 3), Thomas Rau (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5"), Franz Rudnick (German, "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1"), Ulf Jürgen Söhmisch (German, Generation 2 Dub of "Ghost in the Machine" & "The Ultimate Weapon"), Michel Barbey (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5"), Francis Lax (European French, "The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1"), Júlio César (Portuguese), Ayrton Cardoso (Portuguese, "The Ultimate Weapon")
By the year 2005, Metroplex had been installed as a sub-section of the larger Autobot City, now the main base of operations for the Autobots on Earth. During the Decepticons' attack on the city, the transforming cog which allowed Metroplex to transform to robot mode was destroyed, preventing him from participating in the battle, although he was manually converted to battle station mode by the Autobots inhabiting him. The Transformers: The Movie
Following the defeat of Unicron and the Autobots' reclamation of Cybertron, Perceptor built a new transforming cog for Metroplex, and entrusted its delivery to Blurr and Wheelie. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 While they were busy suffering numerous setbacks (including nearly getting killed by Galvatron and being stranded on Jupiter's moon Io), the immobile Metroplex was attacked by the Decepticons' new mobile battle station, Trypticon, who had been created expressly to serve as Metroplex's opposite number. Metroplex was again manually transformed to battle station mode by his inhabitants in hopes of mounting some form of a defence, but things were not looking hopeful. At the height of the battle, Blurr and Wheelie were safely brought to Earth by Sky Lynx, and quickly handed the transforming cog off to Pipes to install. Pipes carried out the task with all due haste, and Metroplex promptly transformed to robot mode, thrashed Trypticon, and hurled him into the ocean. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5
Although the Autobots figured this to be the end of Trypticon, in actuality, the saurian city survived and started stealing national monuments to pay off Octane's debt to Abdul Fakkadi. When dinosaur transform static was found at the crime scene, Metroplex and his subordinates questioned all the Autobots with dinosaur electrons in their circuits, but when Trypticon was finally revealed to be the culprit, Metroplex battled him in Russia over the Kremlin. Unfortunately, Metroplex was then left holding the building, and the Soviets blamed the Autobots for the thefts and expelled them from the country. Fakkadi, however, summoned the Autobots to his country of Carbombya to help oust the Decepticons that had taken over, and Metroplex delivered another sound defeat to Trypticon, tossing him into the ocean yet again and returning the stolen buildings to their rightful place. Thief in the Night
As part of his deal with Unicron to ensure their mutual resurrection, the ghost of Starscream was charged with stealing Metroplex's eyes in order to restore Unicron's sight. Possessing Scourge, Starscream invaded Metroplex and started removing the giant's optics, only to wind up breaking the first one when he was caught off-guard by Spike and Bumblebee. Just as he was successfully removing the second eye, Metroplex detected the presence of intruders within his brain vault and awoke. Scourge came crashing out of Metroplex just as he transformed to robot mode, and beat a hasty retreat as the giant discovered that he was blind and went into a maddened rage, firing upon all the Transformers in the vicinity. Metroplex landed a shot on Powerglide before his rampage was cut short by the detonation of a photon charge Scourge had placed in his head, and he fell unconscious, transforming back into city mode. After the villains' plan was foiled, new eyes were constructed for Metroplex. Ghost in the Machine
After coming under attack from a Eurythman sonic weapon, Carnage in C-Minor, transforming cog troubles returned to plague Metroplex when Swindle stole the component right out from under First Aid's nose. With Metroplex trapped in city mode, the Autobots retaliated by stealing Trypticon's cog and using it as a replacement; the Decepticons proceeded to use Metroplex's cog in place of Trypticon's, but the incompatibility of the cogs in each of the giant robots led to an unsteady battle with both combatants partially transforming back and forth constantly. First Aid proceeded to enter Metroplex's body during the fight and aligned the cog properly, allowing Metroplex to fully transform and, yet again, fling Trypticon into a body of water. The Ultimate Weapon
When the Hate Plague swept the universe, Rodimus Prime realized the danger that an infected Metroplex would pose, and reluctantly decided to deactivate him. Metroplex understood and agreed with his decision. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1
Japanese cartoon continuity
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages
Scramble City
To complete the Scramble City project, the Autobots moved their operation to a secret underground cavern, but the Decepticons' spy cassettes located the subterranean base, and an all-out Decepticon attack was initiated. Menasor and Bruticus had Superion outnumbered, but the heroic combiner was able to hold the line long enough until Metroplex's construction was finally completed.
Emerging fom his underground birthplace, Metroplex transformed from city to battle station mode and took off for the battleground. Crushing all in his path, the titanic Autobot transformed to robot mode and took out the Decepticon combiners with one colossal blast. However, as the Autobots celebrated their victory, the ocean nearby parted and Trypticon emerged for his first battle with Metroplex. Scramble City: Mobilization
Legends comic (1)
During their first battle, Metroplex had his transformation cog ripped out by Trypticon. He fought back with a powerful anti-matter projector beam that destroyed Trypticon and his commander, Galvatron, but the recoil was so great that Metroplex himself was left heavily damaged. LG-43 Trypticon Project Chapter His injuries and loss of his cog rendered him unable to transform into robot mode during the Battle of Autobot City years later. The Mysterious Knowledgeable Grandpa Chapter
The Headmasters cartoon
- Voice actor: Osamu Saka (Japanese), Rik Thomas (English, Omni Productions dub)

In 2011, one year after the curing of the Hate Plague, the Decepticons launched a major offensive to take control of Cybertron. To prevent Autobot reinforcements reaching the planet, a large garrison of Decepticon troops were deployed to keep the Autobots on Earth occupied. As the battle moved to the vicinity of Autobot City, Metroplex flew into action and aided his comrades by blasting the Constructicons out of the sky. He then transformed into battle station mode and transported the Trainbots back to the city itself, where they took the space bridge to aid their allies on Cybertron. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky As the battle to control Cybertron continued to rage, Metroplex was among the Autobots deployed to help search Earth for the missing Matrix of Leadership. Birth of the Fantastic Double Prime
Observing Trypticon making his way towards an oil field, Ultra Magnus ordered Metroplex into action. The two city-bots engaged in another round of their endless dance, but Metroplex soon discovered that he had been lured into a trap when the Decepticons' newest invention, the Madmachine, burrowed its way out of the sand nearby. An electromagnetic blast from the Madmachine sent Metroplex's systems into chaos, and he was forced to retreat. The Great Cassette Operation Soon after, Metroplex joined the Autobot Headmasters in traveling to Britain and New York to investigate attacks by a mysterious blackmailer. Terror! The Six Shadows
A little later, the Technobots launched from Metroplex to back up a contingent of Autobots on Mars, but found their way barred by Trypticon. Metroplex immediately went into action against his perennial foe and kicked him into a mountainside, but then he had to deal with Sixshot. Explosion on Mars!! Maximus Is in Danger
When the Autobots and Decepticons left Earth to go on an interplanetary energy quest, Metroplex (logically enough) did not go with them, and so disappeared off the radar for a while. When they returned to Earth, Sixshot launched an attack on Autobot City, leading to a violent battle between him and Ultra Magnus. Metroplex attempted to aid his commander, but was kept busy by Trypticon, and so, Ultra Magnus died by Sixshot's hand. After the Autobot Headmasters disposed of Sixshot, funeral arrangements were made for Magnus, and Metroplex requested that rather than launch his body into space, the Autobots should bury Ultra Magnus on Earth to symbolize the great love he had for the planet. Ultra Magnus Dies!!
Decepticon attacks only intensified in the wake of Magnus's death, and Metroplex, seeking revenge for the death of his commander, insisted that he be allowed to join in the fight. Fortress and the Autobot Headmasters encouraged him to remain at Autobot City, pointing out that his databanks contained all their collected information and that he was too valuable to lose, but reports began pouring in from different Autobot installations that only seemed to prove how necessary Metroplex entering the fray was. Fortress explained that all available Autobots had come to help, and Metroplex grudgingly agreed to stand down, with one condition: when Sixshot showed his face, he would be Metroplex's to deal with. This time came quite soon, as Metroplex accompanied the Autobot Headmasters to Alaska and engaged Sixshot in an aerial battle while the Headmasters dealt with Galvatron. When the young warriors destroyed the Decepticon leader with the power of their Head Formation, Sixshot retreated, depriving Metroplex of his revenge. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg
It wasn't long before Metroplex got another shot at Sixshot when he and Trypticon attacked Autobot City again. Metroplex dealt with Trypticon quickly and focused his fury on Sixshot, but the revenge-hungry Autobot was mistaken in his belief that Trypticon had been defeated. As the saurian titan leapt at Metroplex from behind, Spike Witwicky moved into the open to shout a warning to the giant Autobot, and was hit by a stray laser blast. Seconds later, the Trainbots arrived to help Metroplex overpower Trypticon and send him packing, but Spike had been grievously wounded by the blast and had to be taken to Athenia for medical attention. I Risk My Life for Earth Metroplex stayed put on Earth. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1)
When the Headmasters departed Earth to follow the Decepticons to planet Master, Metroplex was left in command of the Autobots on Earth. Some time later, just as the Headmasters were returning to Earth, Decepticons began springing up all over Earth, and Metroplex contacted the approaching Headmasters to let them know of the sudden change in the situation. He greeted them when they arrived on the planet, updated them, and was commended for the good job he had done in their absence. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1) Metroplex continued to help gather data on the Decepticons' activities on Earth, which involved raising mysterious "Death Towers" at strategic points around the globe, helping out where he could. After supervising the transportation of humans injured in a Decepticon attack, Metroplex sped to Egypt to aid Fortress Maximus after he was wounded battling Scorponok. Finally, Metroplex participated in the colossal climactic battle between the entire Autobot and Decepticon armies at the North Pole, which culminated in the Decepticons' defeat, and the withdrawal of all Transformers from Earth. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)
Train Wars (1)
15 Go! Go!
After their human groupmates in the Kiss Players disappeared, Rosanna, Glit, and Sundor panicked in Metroplex, but they were soon contacted by Ultra Magnus about another mission. Sparkbots Volume 2
In a cataclysmic battle in the midst of an ongoing energy crisis, Metroplex fell to Metrotitan. After the battle's conclusion, Metroplex was rebuilt into a larger form by the Autobots with the help of Nebulans. When the Decepticons attacked again, the Autobots were reluctant to activate the reborn Metroplex due to energy concerns, but the large robot pressed through and transformed into robot mode, taking Metrotitan by surprise. Metroplex banished the traitorous Metrotitan from the Autobots and attacked with his antimatter projector. Having enough, Metrotitan and the Decepticons retreated; Metroplex was unable to follow, as he was drained of energy. Metrowars
Some time later, Metroplex's alarms went off, indicating that there was a Decepticon intruder within him. With Scamper's help, he discovered that the intruder was Metrobomb, out to steal data from Metroplex in order to upgrade Metrotitan into a form that would rival his. Just as Metrobomb was making his escape, Metroplex managed to capture him, wiping out all of the data he had stolen in the process. Metrowars 2
Train Wars (2)
When the Fallen attempted to consume the power of Vector Sigma for himself, Metroplex gathered the Autobot trains in defense of Cybertron. In the final strike, Goshooter wielded Shouki in his new "train bazooka" mode, and Metroplex provided his energy to supercharge the attack. Train Wars 2
Unite Warriors/Legends
With the discovery of unlimited energy, Metroplex hoped the war over resources would end and peace would reign, but Straxus refused to lay down his arms and sent Metrotitan at him again. After Metroplex defeated his rival once and for all and returned his comatose body to Titan in hopes that he would someday recover, things were peaceful for a while until the Cybertron Alliance collapsed and he was thrown into a new war. During one battle, he was pulled through dimensions to the Legends World by Rattrap, Bonus Edition Vol. EX who'd used the Legends World's innate power to make dreams come true to summon someone who could save his universe from Windblade. Once he had subdued Windblade, he transformed into city mode on top of the Axalon Trading Company office building in Akihabara, destroying it. Bonus Edition Vol. 12 The employees of Axalon made the best of their situation and dubbed Metroplex their new office, albeit they weren't sure who he was. Alpha Trion, disguised as the company's janitor, helpfully filled them in on Metroplex's background. The Mysterious Knowledgeable Grandpa Chapter
When Slipstream entered the Legends World to cause trouble, Metroplex and the other visiting Autobots defeated her with a barrage of missiles and lasers. Bonus Edition Vol. 16 When extradimensional visitor SARA grew to a gigantic size, Metroplex's city mode was one of the buildings she loomed over. Bonus Edition Vol. EX The ghost of Starscream later possessed Waspinator and set out to conquer Metroplex for himself. Bonus Edition Vol. EX Though he felled several of the Autobots and Maximals defending the city, he was himself defeated without realizing his goal. Bonus Edition Vol. EX Metroplex was later tied up in special keep-out tape by Skids, who intended to send him and all other dimension-hoppers back to their home universes, though in the end he changed his mind and let them stay. Bonus Edition Vol. 20 Galvatron later caused chaos just outside of Metroplex. Bonus Edition Vol. 23
The Axalon Trading Company ended up selling Metroplex to Tera-Kura Co. to cover the expenses of rebuilding Fortress's battleship Maximus. Metroplex was fine with this as it meant his friends could return home on the Maximus, but Ultra Magnus, Alpha Trion, and Chromia changed companies so they could remain with him. Using a control device, Tarantulas then took control of Metroplex's body and used him to attack the Maximus, but Fortress transformed the base into Fortress Maximus and pierced the device with the Master Sword, freeing Metroplex from mind control. Bonus Edition Vol. 31 Metroplex remained the Tera-Kura Co. office and Decepticon base, serving as the location for Devil Z's takeover Bonus Edition Vol. 35 and ensuing rage at Soundwave's betrayal, Bonus Edition Vol. 36 and the construction of a Decepticon Godbomber. Bonus Edition Vol. 42 The Decepticons were left to stew in Metroplex when the Dimensional Patrol took their transtectors away. Bonus Edition Vol. EX
A rival Decepticon faction led by Weirdwolf attacked Metroplex for his transformation cog, intending to use it to rebuild Trypticon. Metroplex deployed Scamper to defend him and used a crane arm to attack Full-Tilt, but Full-Tilt was nevertheless able to infiltrate his insides and steal away with the cog. Decepticon Civil War Metroplex was thus stuck in base mode and unable to help when Trypticon came calling, but the Autobots were able to get him a replacement cog taken from Fortress Maximus before Trypticon could reach him. While Trypticon was stunned by an attack from Swerve, Metroplex used an antimatter projector beam to defeat his rival once again. Bonus Edition Vol. 43 His city mode remained part of Akihabara as it was rebuilt as Neo Akihabara City, Targetmaster Chapter Prologue and briefly became the property of the newly rich Misfire. Bonus Edition Vol. 52 When Thrust attempted to conquer the world using Broadside's gigantic transtector, Metroplex took him on but was defeated. Bonus Edition Vol. 53
The Autobot Clones appeared in front of Metroplex when they arrived in the Legends World. Bonus Edition Vol. 58 Metroplex later witnessed God Ginrai wield Shinchōkon and recognized it as the same energy that had brought him across dimensions. Bonus Edition Vol. 60 After serving as Neo Akihabara City's mayor's office for a while, Metroplex requested that the mayor, Megatron, let him go so that he could enjoy being free in this peaceful world. He then traveled to an uninhabited area and enjoyed some time together with Scamper, Slammer, Six-Gun and the Aerialbots, Bonus Edition Vol. EX the latter group even arranging an Energon barbecue party on his city mode. Today Is Energon BBQ! After they'd departed, Metroplex happened upon Pinpointer, Spoilsport and Peacemaker in a nearby crater. Bonus Edition Vol. EX The three Targetmasters were then claimed by Pounce and Wingspan, who used them to defeat Metroplex. Bonus Edition Vol. 61
Remaining near the crater, Metroplex was swarmed and taken down by an army of Kickback clones during Scorponok's plan to destroy the Legends World. Unable to stop him, the Transformers evacuated the world's population and returned to their own dimension. Legends World in Imminent Danger! Part Two In the 2030s, Metroplex was stationed on Earth. The Aerialbots took off from his city mode to deal with the Stunticons, who were causing trouble in a nearby city. Today Is Us Stunticons' Annual Holiday Demolition Race!
Generations Selects Special Comic
In 2050, Metroplex was associated with a larger complex for the Cybertron Alliance known as Neo Scramble City. Volcanicus comic 1
TV Magazine comic continuity
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic
Metroplex was constructed in the late 1980s as part of the Autobots' "Scramble City" initiative to develop a powerful battle station. During the early stages of the project, however, when the Autobots were conducting an outdoor test of the unfinished city's transformation to mobile fortress mode, Astrotrain and Reflector were able to monitor the process. The information they acquired allowed Megatron to decipher whether or not Metroplex would be able to stand up to Trypticon. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #3
Trypticon was ultimately completed before Metroplex, and was successfully activated on a small island. The Autobots went into action to save the island and stop the giant, but without a city-bot of their own, they had to resort to some cunning: Perceptor magnified a hologram of Metroplex projected by Hound, creating a huge image of the giant Autobot that Trypticon charged at and passed through, crashing into the ocean below. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #6
The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers
On a bright and sunny day in the year 2010, the Autobots invited a group of human families to come take a tour of Metroplex. They were all very impressed and everything was going great... until Trypticon attacked. Preoccupied with keeping everyone inside him from dying, Metroplex was left to take all of Trypticon's attacks on the chin, including his Dual Plasma Cannons and Dino-Head Attack. With Scamper quickly taken out by Full-Tilt, it looked as though Metroplex would be felled by a blast from the Brunt tank.
Luckily, Ultra Magnus deployed Six-Gun just in time. Six-Gun took out Full-Tilt and then proceeded to turn the Brunt tank around on Trypticon, blasting the Decepticon with his own drone. The blast destroyed Trypticon's Head Controls, forcing Galvatron to call a retreat. With the day won, Metroplex returned to City mode. The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #3
The Great Transformer War
After rescuing the alien scientist Doctor Dalton from the clutches of the Decepticons, the Autobots brought him to Metroplex for safe-keeping. There, he agreed to help upgrade the Technobots so they could counter the upgrades he was forced to install in the Terrorcons. Little did any of them know, Metroplex had been infiltrated by Ratbat, who observed the entire upgrading process in secret. The Great Transformer War #1
In 2011, as part of his massive assault to retake Cybertron, Galvatron unleashed Trypticon on Metroplex, the battle thoroughly occupying the Earth forces of the Autobots, keeping them from coming to Cybertron's defense. The Great Transformer War #3
Full Throttle Scramble Power!
Crafting a new diabolical scheme, Megatron began to threaten humanity with his latest weapon: the Omega Wave Cannon. After Jenny, Tōru, and Hound located the Decepticon base and disabled the super weapon, Optimus Prime ordered up reinforcements: every single Autobot. Carrying the entire army in his mobile battle station mode, Metroplex, er, hovered onto the scene and transformed to robot mode. Accepting defeat, Megatron and the Decepticons scurried off as fast as they could. Full Throttle Scramble Power!
Toy pack-in material
Metroplex participated in a tumultuous battle on a moon base, wherein he joined forces with Springer and Blurr. Together, they tried to slay Galvatron. Decipher the Decepticon
Marvel The Transformers comics

Marvel UK future timelines
Metroplex was the largest Autobot on record at just under 700 feet in height. Entirely too large to wander Earth freely, Metroplex accepted without complaint the role he was assigned: that of the "living core" of Autobot City. Built into the very fabric of the city upon its creation in 2003, Metroplex lay dormant beneath its surface, endowing it with the ability to transform from city mode into a heavily armed battle station.
In 2008, when the Quintessons invaded and took control of Autobot City as a part of a complex, multi-pronged plan to take over Cybertron, only a few Autobots were able to avoid capture. Rodimus Prime, temporarily reverted to Hot Rod, was one of the lucky few, and managed to activate Metroplex. The towering Autobot tore his way out from beneath the city and, already in a bad mood over being so rudely awakened, immediately began smashing and blasting the Quintessons that started attacking him. The fight was distinctly one-sided, and before long, Metroplex had successfully driven the invading aliens off. Alas, as Autobot City was largely gutted when Metroplex emerged, it was something of a pyrrhic victory for the Autobots. Space Pirates!
Marvel coloring books
Metroplex acted as the Autobots' city and home base on Earth. The Lost Treasure of Cybertron
Big Looker storybooks
Many Autobots were working in Metroplex when Hot Rod and Kup decided to go watch a car show at the Coliseum instead. Car Show Blow Up
Find Your Fate Junior
Autobot Alert!
Metroplex was the Autobots’ metropolis headquarters on Earth, housing Energon Cube production lines and a space shuttle docking bay and take-off station. Autobot Alert!
Project Brain Drain
Metroplex continued his role as the Autobots' central base of operation on the planet Earth. Project Brain Drain
The Invisibility Factor
In one possible scenario, wherein the Decepticons gained control of an Invisibility Device and mastered its controls, they attacked Metroplex, bombarding it and the Autobots stationed within with volley after volley of invisible missiles. Unable to fight back against an opponent they could not see, the Autobots fell in combat, and Metroplex was reduced to a great junkyard.
In another scenario, where the Autobots gave up searching for a ship with invisibility capabilities, Metroplex and all the Autobots inhabiting him were caught by surprise by a fleet of identical ships swooping down upon them. The Autobots were all destroyed as Galvatron gloated of his victory. The Invisibility Factor
Dreamwave Generation One continuity

After deposing Shockwave on Cybertron, and leaving the planet in Ultra Magnus's command, Prowl and a large number of Autobots returned to Earth to begin construction on a vast complex known as Autobot City. Hound was seen projecting a hologram of Metroplex during construction, presumably as a blueprint. The Route of All Evil
2005 IDW continuity
- First appearance: Spotlight: Metroplex
Cybertronian mythology dubbed Metroplex the "First Titan", believed to be the original member of the Titans from the time of the Knights of Cybertron. The Reluctant Specialist Legends claimed that he, Chela and Metrotitan had once fought alongside Primus himself, Origin Myths and he was said to have defeated the monster known as Trypticon and watched as it was sealed away in the depths of Cybertron. The Illusion of Control Salvation After disappearing for some time, the three Titans resurfaced during a battle between the armies of Megatronus and Onyx Prime, rejoining civilization in time for the rise of the Thirteen Primes. Origin Myths Metroplex was approached by Alpha Trion, and together they explored the entire surface of Cybertron. Omega's Conundrum Along with Chela and Caminus, Metroplex presided over the banishment of both Vigilem and his master Liege Maximo during the First Cybertronian Civil War, severing their brother's higher functions and rebranding him as "Carcer" before sending both deceivers adrift in the stars. Metroplex hoped that that would be the end of Vigilem, but wondered if he'd been too merciful. Rubicon The First Who Was Named
Metroplex later witnessed the departure of his brethren: the thirteen "Colony Titans", including Caminus. Windblade vol. 1 #4 As the last functioning Titan on Cybertron, Metroplex disappeared into legend, with some claiming he left the planet while others believed he never existed at all. Megatron, however, believed Metroplex was still on Cybertron, and attempted to use Alpha Trion to find him so that the Decepticons could make use of the space bridge technology possessed by all Titans. Omega's Conundrum
In truth, Metroplex had gone dormant beneath the city of Nyon, and the part of him sticking out of the ground had become known as the Acropolex. The origins of this building were long forgotten, though legends remained claiming that it was once a capital during Cybertron's Golden Age. Ruins When Nyon was destroyed early in the Great War, Acropolex felt the deaths of its inhabitants and mourned them. Drawn to the ruins of Nyon by the Matrix of Leadership, Optimus Prime used the Matrix to call out for Acropolex, causing him to fully awaken and transform to robot mode. Prime announced to his shocked allies that the giant was no longer "Acropolex", ruin of a forgotten age, but "Metroplex", the symbol of a better future. Homecoming Rise Metroplex chose to help the survivors of the attack on Nyon before he could aid the Autobots, but told Optimus Prime that he would answer any call the Autobot leader would make. He claimed to have known someone much like Optimus Prime in the past, as history repeats itself and always someone will be there to fight the chaos. Broadcast Metroplex arrived during the battle of Iacon to take out Megatron's vamparc annihilator which was pinning down the Autobots. He managed to smash the cannon, the Citadel and every Decepticon that went in his path. After the battle, he became Iacon's new capital by transforming into city mode over the ruins of the Citadel. Endgame
As the new capital of Iacon, Metroplex served as the main Autobot headquarters Primacy #1 and meeting place of the Grand Convocation. Derelicts Following the Toraxxis mega-refinery disaster, Optimus Prime held a eulogy for the victims at Metroplex. Fallout When the threat of Trypticon reemerged, Prime asked Metroplex to fight the beast again, but the Titan was regrettably unable to help as the ongoing energon crisis had left him without the energy he needed to transform into robot mode. The Illusion of Control Trypticon was taken out by other means, but was soon revived by the Decepticons and sent to destroy Metroplex by dropping onto him from orbit. This time, Optimus Prime had Iacon's energy rerouted into Metroplex, giving the Titan the strength to transform and fight his nemesis. Primacy #2 A heated battle ensued between the two city-sized warriors, and though he took several injuries, Metroplex endured the pain and defeated Trypticon by grappling him to the ground and curb-stomping his head. However, Trypticon had merely been a distraction: as Metroplex stood victorious, he was impaled and pinned to the ground by Megatron's incoming starship, knocking him offline. Primacy #3
A couple of million years later, the Decepticons launched an all-out assault on Metroplex even as the Autobots defended the massive Transformer with their lives. The battle ended with Metroplex departing for the stars, Optimus Prime convinced by Alpha Trion that this was the best way to end the conflict and keep Metroplex and his secrets out of Megatron's clutches. Alpha Trion left with his old friend, as the two intended to combat Shockwave's mysterious machinations out in the cosmos. Hello Cruel World I Dream of Wires
During his journey, Metroplex had to make several stops to refuel on energon-rich planetoids due to the energy-consumptive nature of his internal space bridge. As he lay dormant on one such planetoid, slowly absorbing the nearby pseudo-energon, he was tracked down by Thundercracker, one of the Decepticons still searching for him on behalf of Megatron. However, Thundercracker realized that letting the Decepticons have Metroplex would only lead to harm and departed without reporting his finding, creating a sonic boom that splashed energon all over the sleeping giant in the process. Thus refueled, Metroplex awoke and teleported away to continue with his mission. The Hunting Party Despite this setback, the Decepticons were eventually able to find Metroplex and copy his space bridge technology, which was later integrated into Megatron himself. Spotlight: Megatron
Some five hundred thousand years after leaving Cybertron, Metroplex had been charged with protecting an unidentified object of great value on the planet Salvvatan VIII. He remained hidden in plain sight in alternate mode, posing as merely another section of a sprawling mechanical complex on the planet's surface. His proximity to Orvus Base, the Autobot research facility orbiting Salvvatan VI, seems to be too convenient to be a coincidence, but any direct connection between Orvus Base and Metroplex or whatever he was guarding was unknown.
Metroplex's cover was compromised when Orvus Base was attacked by the devastatingly powerful Decepticon known as Sixshot. Nearly the entire crew was wiped out, except for six Throttlebots who escaped to Salvvatan VIII, with Sixshot hot on their heels. Their running battle at the complex led the combatants to Metroplex's hiding spot, and a sharp turn sent Rollbar and Sixshot through Metroplex's outermost wall. His defensive perimeter breached, Metroplex transformed to robot mode, taking the opportunity to squash Sixshot under his boot in the process. With his position compromised, Metroplex's first priority was immediate relocation of himself and, presumably, the object he protected. He directed the Throttlebots to where they could find an escape shuttle and medical supplies before transforming into a space-faring mode and rocketing out into the cosmos. Spotlight: Metroplex
Metroplex returned to Cybertron, where he served as a base of operations for Alpha Trion while he began his endeavours to restore the damaged planet to habitability. Despite his prodigious strength and size, Metroplex was of little use in battle against the Insecticon swarm that had overrun Cybertron (the swarm was simply too great in size, and would eat their way inside his systems before he could destroy them all), so instead, Alpha Trion resurrected the deceased Ironhide to carry out the task. Once Ironhide had reduced the swarm's numbers to a mere two hundred, Alpha Trion had Metroplex transform to robot mode and crush the remaining Insecticons beneath his massive palms. Subsequently, Alpha Trion and Metroplex left Cybertron for parts unknown, off to put into motion the next move in the great, enigmatic game Alpha Trion was playing. Any Old Iron
Several years into his journey through space, Metroplex picked up a sample of Ore-7, one of Shockwave's Regenesis ores. When Shockwave sent an army of Ammonites to reclaim the ore, the Titan infused it into part of his thumb which he then jettisoned into space, leaving the Ammonites to try to kill him using Ore-2. The Becoming Having contracted an alchemical virus from exposure to the deadly ore, Metroplex went into hiding beneath the oceans of Hydrophena, where the water would slow the effect of the virus, then detached his vulnerable brain to hide it from further attacks. Being too busy to help, Alpha Trion recruited the aid of cityspeaker Windblade and her comrades Chromia and Nautica, sending them to Hydrophena to protect Metroplex. Though the weakened Titan was unable to speak, Windblade alone had the ability to communicate with him by "reading" patterns of light on his brain. Burning Bright
Metroplex's discarded thumb impacted with the Lost Light, where it was almost stolen by Lockdown's Titan Hunters. The Reluctant Specialist Eventually he began pulling the lost body part back towards him, knowing the Ore-7 within it would cure him of the disease. The Becoming On seeing the thumb push itself toward a homing signal, the crew of the Lost Light chose to follow the signal and traveled to Hydrophena, Winners & Losers where they discovered Metroplex himself. Into the Abyss
Ultra Magnus led a team in the Rodpod past Metroplex's missing eye and down his retinal cavity, looking for signs of life. Upon reaching his brain chamber, however, the Autobots discovered Metroplex's brain module had been surgically removed. Finest Hour Exiting the Rodpod in a drydock, the Autobots attempted to locate where Metroplex's brain module had gone, but were nearly killed in an explosion set off by one of the attacking Ammonites. No Exit Miraculously surviving, the crew realized that Metroplex was still alive, and more, rearranging the internal structure of his corridors and hallways. His last rearrangement was done deliberately to put some bulkheads between them and the explosion. The Dead Are Not Enough The crew met up with Windblade's team, who had hidden Metroplex's brain module in his shoulder. By hooking Metroplex up to the Lost Light's quantum drive, Ultra Magnus and his crew gave the Titan enough juice to reactivate himself and Space Bridge back to Cybertron. Burning Bright
On Cybertron, Metroplex leapt into battle immediately to defend New Iacon from the corrupted Necrotitan that Shockwave had brought back to half-life. As he reached for the Lost Light, Megatron and Bumblebee realized he needed the ore hidden away inside his missing thumb. Entering the storage bay, Megatron used his own integrated Titan tech to teleport Metroplex's thumb back to him. Metroplex then used Ore-7's power of change to restore himself and reduce the Necrotitan's death plague to a benign state, saving the populace of New Iacon. Finis Temporis As the Necrotitan was destroyed, Metroplex settled himself to continue recuperating, but soon an army of 70 billion Ammonites lay siege to Cybertron on Shockwave's command. The Becoming
At Ultra Magnus's urging, Metroplex got back on his feet and helped the Cybertronians fend off the Ammonite invasion. Literally billions of opponents swarmed over the Titan's armor as he fought alongside Autobots, Decepticons, Prowl-Devastator and the Lost Light. Black Planet When a strike team infiltrated Crystal City and destroyed Shockwave's chronal drive, the Ammonites riding the crest to the end of time were destroyed...70 billion attackers dispersed in a single act. Windblade reported that Metroplex's brain module was lighting up as she had never seen it before: the Titan was laughing. ...And the Damage Done
With Iacon in ruins after the attacks by the Necrotitan and Ammonites, Metroplex transformed into city mode and integrated himself with the remains of the city, providing housing and infrastructure for any Cybertronian in need, including Starscream's NAIL government and the Autobots. Hello Cruel World Towards Peace Full Fathom Five Optimus Prime later launched the Ark-7 off of Metroplex. Detonation Boulevard In time, a "ghetto" of Decepticons and Decepticon sympathizers sprung up outside of Metroplex, with the Decepticons tapping some of Metroplex's power. The Transgressors Windblade vol. 2 #4
Though he was cured of the death plague, Metroplex was still badly damaged and only operating at 50% capacity. A Long Way Down His priorities lay with restoring the city, and so his own body recovered slowly and remained incapable of communicating with anyone but Windblade. He was plagued by mysterious blackouts, prompting Windblade to investigate and find that his power was being diverted somewhere. Metroplex's internal problems were compounded by a bomb detonating in the Acrolight District, which had secretly been planted by Chromia. A 'Bot and Her City Windblade vol. 1 #4
While he recuperated, Metroplex was able to locate several of his Titan brethren on their distant colonies, including Navitas on Velocitron, Chela on Eukaris, Devisiun on the eponymous planet. Windblade briefly visited Metroplex's brain again to try and pinpoint some of the Titan's many malfunctions. Windblade met up with Waspinator, and the duo headed toward the Titan's filtration systems. Windblade came to the conclusion that Starscream was trying to recover remnants of Shockwave's Regenesis ores. A Long Way Down A bit of sleuthing revealed that although Starscream had been trying to harvest the ores, he wasn't trying to kill the Titan... but Chromia had been tampering with Metroplex, using the blackouts to divert power to Metroplex's personal space bridge to try to get Windblade safely home. Windblade vol. 1 #3 Windblade vol. 1 #4
Starscream, Chromia, and Windblade all wound up fighting inside Metroplex's brain chamber. Out of desperation, Windblade plugged her mind into Metroplex's brain module to restrain Starscream. Mentally merged, Metroplex revealed the real culprit behind the trouble to Windblade, as well as revealing the existence of many more lost Transformer colonies. Misguidedly trying to reach out to Caminus, Windblade/Metroplex warmed up their space bridge, even though such a jump would destroy the entire city. With a little mental coaching from Metroplex, Windblade managed to disengage the spacebridge and disentangle herself from Metroplex's mind. Windblade vol. 1 #4
Repairs on Metroplex's space bridge continued, with Windblade and a recently revived Wheeljack working together. The World of Tomorrow Eventually, they succeeded in their endeavor and brought the bridge back online, allowing Cybertron to re-contact Caminus and the other lost colony worlds. First Contact Following a disastrous combiner invasion on Caminus, the two planets formed an official alliance. The Sum and Its Parts The fragile peace was interrupted by the arrival of Devastator, who attacked the space bridge in an attempt to cut Cybertron off from the galaxy. After being driven off Caminus and back into Metroplex, Prowl's plan was narrowly foiled by Superion and Defensor. Mistakes and Mayhem
Soon after, Menasor spearheaded a Decepticon riot and sparked another combiner brawl in the process. A stray laser blast from Swindle destabilized the space bridge; Metroplex tried to simultaneously reach out to all of his far-flung kin, sending Devastator, Superion, Defensor, Menasor, and Optimus Maximus bouncing from planet to planet as they battled. The situation was eventually defused, with Devastator and Menasor defeated and the fledgling Council of Worlds still intact. All That Remains
Starscream posted a detachment of Badgeless soldiers to guard Metroplex's space bridge, with traffic between worlds heavily regulated. Tensions grew between a recent wave of Camien colonists and Decepticons from the ghetto; the Camiens accused the Decepticons of sacrilege by siphoning off some of the Titan's energy to power their own homes. When Cybertron made contact with Velocitron, Windblade consulted Metroplex for information about Navitas. Although Windblade found his cryptic comments about Velocitronian society upsetting, she and a small group of Autobots illicitly bridged to Velocitron anyway. By this point, Metroplex had located a total of five Titan colonies. Windblade vol. 2 #4 Starscream and Superion also used Metroplex's space bridge to travel to Devisiun, and then both Starscream and Windblade together used it to travel to Eukaris. Windblade vol. 2 #6
When the two returned from Eukaris, Windblade confessed that their actions had led to the death of Chela, Titan of Eukaris. Metroplex remembered Chela as a stubborn being and assured her that there was little either of them could have done to change his mind. Windblade later consulted Metroplex for information about the final and most recently discovered colony, a deep-space Titan that Metroplex identified as Tempo; once again, Windblade and Starscream used his space bridge to make the trip. When Windblade returned however, she informed Metroplex that the Titan had been renamed Carcer, a name she'd seen inside Metroplex's head and questioned him about it. Realizing that he had been tricked by Vigilem, Metroplex lied and said Carcer and Tempo were separate Titans. The Will of the Few Rubicon
Windblade later told Metroplex about Navitas's repairs, although Metroplex noted that Windblade still seemed troubled. She assured him that the improving political situation among Cybertron and its colonies was the only thing that mattered. 07:00:00
Seeking information to steal power from Starscream, Windblade and Chromia visited Metroplex to ask him for security footage of the Space Bridge riot. Unfortunately that footage had been deleted and Chromia's back up cache of data had been corrupted. After weeks of work, Chromia managed to unscramble the file and find what she wanted. Things We Said We'd Never Do
When Carcer detected a fleet of undead Titans bearing down on Cybertron, Starscream ordered Iacon evacuated so that Metroplex could transform. With a new voicebox and optics, Metroplex transformed and began slaughtering his undead brethren as Windblade rerouted power to his combat systems. While he held his own for a while, his foes' superior numbers eventually overwhelmed him and he was tackled to the ground. Ping Though he managed to break free, his brain module was disconnected by Windblade and Lightbright to save his life in order to trick his undead brethren into thinking he was dead. Desperate Times The plan worked as the reanimated invaders summarily ignored him and proceeded to demolish Iacon instead. Desperate Measures
Metroplex was able to detect Vigilem's reactivation and reflected on their past, deciding that he should have killed his evil brother long ago and questioning why Elita One would keep him online. When Vigilem made planetfall and began attacking the undead horde, Metroplex commented that he hadn't lost any fighting skill but swore to not let Vigilem do any harm to Cybertron or Windblade. Metroplex accessed the prison where Chromia was held and directed her to free Windblade from Vigilem. When the last of the horde fell, Vigilem taunted Metroplex and swore the last thing Metroplex saw would be the Liege Maximo's awakening, before the evil Titan was put down by Elita. Rubicon In the aftermath, Lightbright led a team of cityspeakers to once again repair Metroplex. Heavy
In anticipation for Earth's official induction ceremony into the Council of Worlds, Metroplex erected a forcefield around his city mode and pumped oxygen into it for weeks. First Strike #1 Seeking to destroy Cybertron via the Talisman, Joe Colton's alliance made their way to Metroplex's central vent to access the core. First Strike #2 Colton's insistence on setting traps allowed Metroplex to locate the Iron Ring and the Titan reconfigured his internals in an attempt to crush them, only for Shazraella physically impair the transformation sequence, allowing the villains to make their way to the last point of his city mode. Sunstreaker caught up with the invaders but was unable to stop them from leaving Metroplex. First Strike #4 Unlike Windblade, Metroplex had faith in Optimus Prime's ability to handle the situation. First Strike #5 When the Talisman was detonated in Cybertron's underground, Metroplex isolated his systems from the planet's and tracked Cybertron's "scream", decoding the scream into two words, "Welcome. Death." First Strike #6
When Windblade secured her position as a candidate for rulership of Cybertron, she confessed to Metroplex that while she wanted to rule and help people, she was unsure of whether or not her desire to do so was hers or a lingering remnant of Vigilem. With great effort, Metroplex spoke "normally" to Windblade and told her that Vigilem listened to no one but Liege Maximo. If Windblade were to listen to others and take their needs into account, then she would know herself to be free of his evil brother's impulses. The Chosen One
When Unicron attacked Cybertron, the imprisoned Shockwave revealed his plan to let Unicron consume the planet so that the Talisman-tainted energon would poison the Chaos Bringer. With this information in mind, Starscream proposed that Metroplex space bridge them all to safety, a suggestion that was overruled by bringing up the fact that only 30% of Cybertron's population was within Metroplex's borders. When Soundwave telepathically revealed to the Decepticons that Starscream sought to abandon them, they all forced their way into Metroplex. Our Finest When the Visionaries used the magic of the Talisman to teleport the population to safety, Aileron told Metroplex to follow, the Titan space bridging himself to Victoria Falls on Earth and reuniting with the rest of the populace. Road's End
When the Maximals attempted to retrieve the Talisman, Metroplex simply space bridged away when they came within visual range. Alongside Trypticon, Metroplex rematerialized in high orbit, above the Decepticon Vengeance Division. Assembly Once the Decepticon fleet had been felled, Metroplex, now Titan Mastered by Blackrock, joined in the diversionary attack on Unicron, taking a moment to comment on the surrealness of not being the largest person on the battle field. When the Chaos Bringer began to collapse in on itself, Metroplex space bridged everyone to the safety of Mount Rushmore. After the threat was over, Metroplex was seen standing alongside his fellow Transformers on his new home, Earth. Ceremony
Lil Formers
For a "City-bot Tip of the Month" column, Metroplex suggested to keep an eye out for, and not to step on any humans; they were really difficult to pick out from between one's toes afterwards. Lil Formers
Transformers: All Spark
Kre-O online comic
During construction of the city, then known as Scramble City, four construction vehicles began wrecking the place and revealed themselves to be the Constructicons, but when they combined into Devastator, they were defeated by the Autobots tickling their feet. A New Menace! The Giant Soldier Devastator Appears! The construction site was also vandalized by the Predacons, who knocked down walls and pooped all over the place until they too were defeated. Behemoth Combination! But They're Cute? The Predacon Unit
After the city was completed, the Decepticons repainted it and claimed it as their own, renaming Metroplex as Metrotitan, but when Metrotitan transformed to robot mode, the base fell apart in a shower of blocks, as the Autobots had been snacking on the building blocks. The Autobots then rebuilt the base with a new room just for Megatron. Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight!
Swindle later stole Metroplex's transformation cog, but First Aid got it back. Bad at Fighting? Rescue Team Protectobots, Dispatch!
At one point Metroplex was attacked by Devastator, Bruticus, and Predaking, though the three were driven off by Superion before they could knock off too many of the city's bricks. Kre-O Micro-Changers Combiners comic
Earth's Most Wanted criminals and their army of Nightbirds attempted to steal Metroplex's brain on a floppy disk, but their group was repelled by G.B. Blackrock and Carzap. The Brick List: Earth's Most Wanted
Knights of Unicron
The Autobot City Metroplex, located on Earth, was the second venue for the Knights of Unicron on their 2014 "Till All Are One" tour. Knights of Unicron
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
Defeated during Megatron's conquest of Cybertron, Metroplex suffered trauma and was trapped in city mode, but remained mobile and began acting as the roving city of the subjugated Autobots. A number of Joes captured by Autobot troops were brought there to face the justice of the Autobot king, Grimlock. Funeral for a Friend After a truce was agreed upon, Metroplex opened up so the Autobots and Joes could reunite with their comrades outside. Form Follows Function Unhappy with their alliance, Megatron and his own Cobra allies decided to stomp out the Autobots once and for all and attacked Metroplex, using Cobra spy Zartan to infiltrate his walls and open the gates to allow Cobra troops entry. Metroplex himself was then assaulted by Trypticon, but despite Rodimus Prime's orders and Megatron's annoyance, he still wouldn't transform to robot mode and fight back. Fortunately Fortress Maximus joined the fight and kept Trypticon busy, giving Metroplex the chance to slink away. Everybody Hates Metroplex
The Autobot/G.I. Joe alliance used Metroplex to travel to the face of Primus within the depths of Cybertron. Earth: R.I.P. When the entire planet began to transform into Primus' robot mode, the Autobots and Joes managed to return to Metroplex as the city crawled to safety. Escape from Primus Before the final confrontation with the Decepticon/Cobra alliance, Metroplex was convinced to finally transform to his robot mode and join his fellow city-bots Fortress Maximus and Scorponok in battle. Metroplex went head-to-head with Trypticon and punched a hole in the Decepticon's chest, using his own arm as a breaching tunnel to allow his allies to attack within. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12
Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons
- Voice actor: Michael Green (Combiner Wars, English), Nolan North (Titans Return, English)
As one of the original Titans, Metroplex's purpose was to travel to new planets and help sow Cybertronian life, sleeping in city mode until the time came to move on to the next one. Such is how he eventually worked his way to Cybertron, with Metroplex City being built around him. Our Heroes Respond He would commune with the Cityspeaker Windblade, but when the Combiner Wars began, she abandoned her duties and took up arms against the Combiners. Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars - Windblade
As Windblade was attacked by the automatic defenses during her siege on the Council of Worlds' control tower, she heard Metroplex's voice telling her not to "let this happen." Homecoming After being knocked out by the Enigma-powered Starscream, she began telepathically communicating with Metroplex. Windblade pleaded for help, but Metroplex pointed out her aggressive actions and abandonment of him. As Windblade apologized, she awoke and her Cityspeaker link with Metroplex activated. Using their link, Windblade ordered Metroplex to crush Starscream with his hand, allowing Optimus Prime and Megatron to defeat the rampaging super-Combiner. Destruction's Dawn
In the aftermath of the Combiner Wars, Windblade and Metroplex continued to maintain a strong bond during Cybertron's reconstruction, and were both together to witness the resurrection of Trypticon. Aftermath and Rebirth The two communed as Windblade noted from reading his systems and spark that he had been planning to leave Cybertron. Metroplex explained his origins and announced that he would fight Trypticon himself, as he had promised Optimus Prime that he would keep Cybertron safe. Windblade attempted to stop him, saying he was too injured, but Metroplex ignored her and began approaching Trypticon. Our Heroes Respond The two Titans finally engaged in combat and seemed evenly matched, but Trypticon began to gain the upper hand. The Fight Begins Unexpected aid arrived in the form of the Titan Master Emissary, who granted Metroplex the power to fire concentrated optic blasts, but a moment of weakness allowed Trypticon to rip out the Titan's arm. Overlord and Emissary Eventually, Trypticon overwhelmed Metroplex and knocked him to the ground. Aware that he was out of time, he ordered Emissary to eject from his systems, just before Trypticon jumped up and came crashing down on top of Metroplex, finally killing him. At the Last Second Windblade would continue mourning for Metroplex after Fortress Maximus recalled his name. In Good Hands
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
Slammer's message from the future was that he is part of something larger. Kingdom webpage[1]
Commercial appearances
Metroplex was driving through a ravine when he found his path obstructed by the Combaticons. He briefly assumed his battle station mode before transforming into a robot and trying to blast Bruticus out of the skies. Bruticus and Metroplex commercial
Transformers G1: Awakening
Metroplex was one of the many Autobots aboard the Ark when it left Cybertron and was subsequently shot down over Earth. After spending four million years in stasis, the first few Autobots awoke, including Metroplex. The more damaged members of their group were stored inside Metroplex, while energy was gathered to bring them back online. He was soon able to revive Optimus Prime and joined the Autobot leader in defending a number of human power plants. When the creation of a Decepticon space bridge was revealed, Metroplex was among the Autobots who pursued Megatron and his men back to Cybertron. Unfortunately in their absence, Shockwave had conquered their home world, and Metroplex and the others were promptly captured and imprisoned. After escaping, the Autobots fled back to Earth, where they arrived in time to aid Grimlock in a battle, and later repelled a Decepticon assault against the Ark. When Optimus decided that they needed to return to Cybertron and free the enslaved Autobots there, Metroplex aided in the capture of the Decepticon space bridge, to allow a team to use it to return to their home world. Transformers G1: Awakening
Transformers Legends
In the early days of the war, Megatron attempted to conquer Iacon, believing doing so would secure him a quick victory in the war. However, the battle that ensued awoke Metroplex. Transforming from his city mode and engaging the enemy, the Autobots emerged victorious due to Metroplex's intervention. Assault on Iacon
When Galvatron brought Trypticon in an attempt to turn the tide of battle, Rodimus countered with Metroplex. The titan was unable to withstand the assault. The Colossus War
Later, Trypticon was once again threatening the Autobots, but Metroplex was unable to intervene due to him missing his transformation cog. When Ironhide and Fireflight managed to deliver and instal the component, Metroplex transformed to robot mode and sent Trypticon tumbling into the sea with one mighty punch. Monstrosity
As part of a plan to supply Unicron with new parts, Cyclonus and Scourge attacked Metroplex while under Starscream's control and made off with one of the giant's eyes. Kup and Slingshot happened to be carrying out a routine inspection on Metroplex at the time, and gave chase. Unicron Returns
Transformers: Frontiers
Transformers Operation Omega
In every battle between the Autobots and Decepticons, Autobot forces were deployed from Metroplex's city mode to march towards the Decepticons, who were in turn deployed from Trypticon on the opposite side of the battlefield. Whenever Metroplex sustained too much damage, the Autobots lost the battle. Transformers Operation Omega
Transformers: Earth Wars
The Transformers
- Metroplex (Autobot City, 1986)
- Takara ID number: C-70
- Accessories: "Scamper" partner, left & right Scamper arms/cannons, Scamper pistol, "Slammer" tank, Slammer turret, "Six-Gun" body/tower, Six-Gun chestplate/tower top, 2 red cannons/Six-Gun legs, left & right black cannons/Six-Gun arms, Six-Gun pistol, double-barreled cannon, rear tower, shoulder antenna, left & right fists, 2 kneecaps, 3 missiles
- Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy)
- Released in the third year of the original The Transformers toyline (second in the European and Japanese toylines), Metroplex transforms from a large robot to a multi-leveled "city" mainly for use with the smaller Mini-Vehicle toys. This mode includes a service bay with launching mechanism, a helipad, and "parking" for four vehicles in whatever his legs fold out to be. He also has a third mobile battle station mode; a more compact wheeled form that incorporates his many weapons. Additionally, his weapons are all molded with universal-sized pegs that allow them to attached in several different configurations and locations (for example, in the otherwise-pointless holes in his kneecaps in city mode). Metroplex came with his smaller partners Six-Gun, Slammer, and Scamper; the first two are formed from various parts of Metroplex's alternate modes. Metroplex's kneecaps also connect in various places in slots on his legs, both in mobile mode, and in city mode on the opposite side (near the knee joint).
- Metroplex was apparently designed as part of the aborted Diaclone line, Jizai Gattai (自在合体 "Limitless Combination"), given the high degree of interactivity he has with other toys confirmed as part of it—namely, the Aerialbots, Stunticons, Protectobots and Combaticons. Each of the smaller "limb" robots from these four groups (and those that came after using their basic design, like the Technobots, Terrorcons and Seacons) can plug into ports in Metroplex's shoulders and knees in robot mode, while the base modes of the four leaders—Silverbolt, Hot Spot, Motormaster, and Onslaught—can connect to him in city mode. While the former feature was included in the Hasbro instructions, the latter was omitted (Onslaught and Silverbolt use the slots on his knees, Hot Spot and Motormaster use the protruding slots on the sides of his legs). The peg-size of Metroplex's weapons also allows them to be wielded by the leaders (minus Silverbolt) and super-robots these teams create. This interactivity was played up greatly for his Japanese release, where he was part of the Scramble City sub-line.
- As a third-year piece, Metroplex was one of several items to undergo a change in materials. Initial versions of Metroplex used rubber tires, and the fronts of his upper legs were fully-chromed silver. After a time, though, the tires were replaced with single-piece hard-plastic tires, and later his legs changed to white plastic with a silver factory-applied sticker at the top. However, the plastic tire version also possessed a waist reinforced with two screw points instead of one, in an effort to prevent Metroplex literally snapping in half as so many of the original versions did due to a weak spot on the waist.
- Metroplex suffers from a large number of weak and breakable points. Apart from the aforementioned waist, the launcher inside his chest, the peg on his back, his extendable shoulder antenna, Scamper's shoulder hinges and Scamper's arm pegs are all very fragile and prone to breaking or failing in various ways.
- This mold was redecoed and lightly retooled to make Metrotitan.
Transform Jr
- Metroflex (1987)
- ID number: C-70
- Accessories: Rifle
- The Transform Jr version of Metroplex shrinks and simplifies the original toy, omitting his city mode, all of his partners, his antennae, and his entire armament save for one black rifle. Toy be plaaaaain.
- Metroflex (Autobot City, 2008)
- ID number: 12
- Release date: September ??, 2008
- Accessories: "Scamper" mini-car, left & right Scamper arms/cannons, Scamper pistol, "Slammer" tank, Slammer turret, "Six-Gun" body/tower, Six-Gun chestplate/tower top, 2 red cannons/Six-Gun legs, left & right black cannons/Six-Gun arms, Six-Gun pistol, double-barreled cannon, rear tower, shoulder antenna, left & right fists, 2 kneecaps, 3 missiles
- The twelfth release in Takara's Encore reissue line, this version of the original Metroplex toy has the chromed upper thighs and rubber wheels of the initial 1986 releases.
- New to this version is a minor retool to allow Slammer's gun turret to become the top of a building in city mode.
- Metroplex (Titan Class, 2013)
- Accessories: "Scamper" figure, Scamper blaster, gun & missile, 2 shoulder cannons, repair claw
- Known designers: Hisashi Yuki (TakaraTomy), Yuki Ohshima and Emiliano Santalucia (concept art)
- Holy Frijoles, dudes.
- The centerpiece of Hasbro's Thrilling 30 anniversary campaign, Generations Metroplex stands around 24 inches tall in robot mode, snatching the title of "tallest Transformers toy ever produced" from the original Fortress Maximus toy by a two inch margin. His packaging is a wonderful testament to this fact, sporting numerous "Over 2 ft. tall!" call-outs, a measuring scale down its edge, and the statement of "BIGGEST EVER!" in huge letters. He would maintain the title of largest Transformers toy ever for a mere three years, when he was edged out by a new Fortress Maximus (which was actually a resculpt of this toy).
- His robot mode is highly articulated, even featuring individually-jointed fingers, as well as articulated pupils that can move from side-to-side when a lever behind his head is moved. He also has a cartoon-accurate visor which flips down when his antennae are twisted forward, and can be flipped back up when the antennae are twisted back, or when one pushes the visor up with their fingers.
- He comes with a large, spring-loaded, missile-firing gun that can be held by his hands, or mount onto a 5 mm port on his back to serve as a shoulder-mounted weapon. The gun itself is so large that it's sculpted with a bridge and numerous tiny turrets to resemble a starship, and its barrel tip is cast in orange plastic for safety reasons. He also comes with two smaller cannons which are meant to peg onto the cannons on his shoulders, but can also be hand-held. Metroplex is covered with numerous 5mm peg-holes for weapons mounting, and his weapons also feature 5 mm pegs.
- When the center portion of his chest is pressed down, his eyes and chest light up, and he plays an alternating series of seven voice clips and five sound effects of him eliminating a Decepticon threat, all from the Fall of Cybertron video game. Batteries are not included.
- He can transform into either a multi-wheeled aircraft carrier or a city mode, and both modes are specifically designed and scaled to interact with the Thrilling 30 Legends Class toys. For both modes, Metroplex's head transforms into a turret with 5mm handles, and a ramp extends from the right side of his chest. His aircraft carrier mode is armed with the (now-extended) cannons on his shoulders, has an articulated repair claw arm attached via 5 mm post at the end of the runway, and has both a flip-out double-barreled turret and a mini heli-pad on the left shoulder. Meanwhile, his city mode has numerous roadways, ramps, and compartments, is armed with a flip-out turret on his right forearm, and the left side of his chest opens up, revealing hidden sculpted weaponry at the bottom half, as well as a larger heli-pad and two flip-out pillars of unknown purpose at the top half.
- To complete his deco, Metroplex comes with a sticker sheet composed of over 100 stickers depicting, among other things, computer terminals, readouts, and interfaces, hazard-striped caution signs (for his moving parts), and stickers for the windows on his chest, which depict Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Arcee. Many of these stickers contain Cybertronian text, such as signs that indicate rooms as being used to store ammo and energon cells, an Autobot symbol with Soundwave's name graffitied over, a schematic of Scamper labeled as "Slammer", and even a sign that says "INTERLOCK, DYNOTHERMS, MEGA THRUSTERS" in an apparent reference to Voltron. Unfortunately, the sticker sheet swaps the numbers of stickers 31 and 77, while the sticker instructions list sticker 13 twice, with "13" being located on both a runway panel (which is correct) and on the repair claw (which isn't).
- In order for this version of Metroplex to fit in his packaging, he is packaged with his right arm detached. Some assembly required. The version released in various multilingual packaging variants (notably in Canada and the UK) has a different soundbox, omitting all of Metroplex's voice clips. Oddly, the front and back of the packaging is lacking the Generations moniker, instead being simply branded Transformers. The top and bottom of the packaging do sport the Generations logo, however, as do the instructions.
- Several features included in the original control art were not included, such as a flip out claw and spring-loaded launchers in the feet. However, the feature of flipping down the knees to form seats for other figures to sit in was retained despite its exclusion from the instructions. The tabs on the bottom of the knee covers slot into the runways underneath to hold them in place. The 5 mm post holes in the knees pass through completely, allowing a weapon to be pegged in from the back when positioned this way.
- Like the original toy, Metroplex comes with Scamper (this time in Legends Class size). Unlike the original toy, he does not come with either Slammer or Six-Gun, though the latter was released in the Siege line 6 years later, and the former two years after that in Kingdom.
Generations mold: Metroplex | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
- Metroplex (Titan Class, 2013)
- 01 OF 30
- Accessories: "Scamper" figure, Scamper blaster, 2 guns, 2 missiles, 2 shoulder cannons, repair claw, 12 figurines (Orion Pax, Megatron, Bumblebee, Thundercracker, Trailcutter, Hoist)
- A Hasbro Toy Shop exclusive version of Titan Class Metroplex was made available at San Diego Comic-Con 2013, and later also sold via the Hasbro Toy Shop website. Having a designated number as part of the Thrilling 30 line, this version differs from the Hasbro retail release mainly by having a vacuum metallized face and thighs similar to the first release of his Generation 1 toy, having two guns and missiles, as well as metallic stickers. The second gun can mount onto the underside of his left arm strut in city mode, and can sort-of loosely slide onto the corner at the end of the runway in carrier mode.
- He also comes with 12 small, non-transforming figurines of Orion Pax, Megatron, Bumblebee, Thundercracker, Trailcutter, and Hoist, all in both modes. The figurines are based on their Thrilling 30 Deluxe Class toys, and similarly to Decoys, the Autobot figurines are cast in red plastic, and the Decepticons in purple.
- He comes in a massive box that is held together by Velcro patches, and can split open to free the toy inside. The box itself is covered by a large, handled sleeve depicting, on both sides, package art of Metroplex and some other Autobots. The art was drawn by Phil Jimenez and colored by Romulo Fajardo Jr.
- Metroplex (Titan Class, 2013)
- 05 OF 30
- Accessories: "Scamper" figure, Scamper blaster, 2 guns, 2 missiles, 2 shoulder cannons, repair claw, 12 figurines (Orion Pax, Megatron, Bumblebee, Thundercracker, Trailcutter, Hoist)
- Another exclusive version of Titan Class Metroplex was made available at Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong 2013. The figure itself is identical to the SDCC version, but has normal glossy stickers, and casts the Autobot figurines in gold plastic, and the Decepticons in silver. The packaging has also been altered from the SDCC release, lacking the SDCC stickers in favor of an ACG-HK sticker, (despite retaining the printed SDCC logo on the instructions) and having a different number designating him as part of the Thrilling 30 line. Because hey, why settle for just one?
- At least one specimen of this toy has been observed to include the foil stickers from the SDCC version instead of the normal glossy ones. It is unknown how widespread this is, or if it is simply a one-off packaging error.
Generations (Japan)
- Metroplex (Titan class, 2013)
- ID number: TG23
- Release date: September 28, 2013
- Accessories: Scamper figure, Scamper's blaster, 2 guns & missiles, 2 shoulder cannons, repair claw
- The TakaraTomy version of Thrilling 30 Metroplex was released as part of the ninth wave of Japanese Generations toys. This version of the figure comes with two guns and missiles, and a variety of deco changes. A large portion of his black plastic used for his runways and city compartments, was replaced with white plastic; he features a vacuum-metallized face; the "safety orange" on his guns is instead black; and the entirety of the figure features a slightly different shade of red.
- Also among the deco changes are numerous additional paint operations, mostly for his guns and robot mode, which are either meant to replace stickers on the Hasbro version, or are meant to mirror details on the original Generation 1 toy. As a result, the figure comes with fewer stickers. The stickers included with this version are, however, metallic and he also features some additional sticker details that weren't included with the Hasbro version.
- The instructions for the TakaraTomy Metroplex are also more thorough and complete, telling one about the features of the toy, and how to attach the two guns and shoulder cannons for all three modes. His soundbox is unchanged from the standard Hasbro version; speaking in full English with the exact same voice clips, and he comes with his arm assembled in the box, which is much larger than the Hasbro version. The package art has also been modified, altering Metroplex's deco, and removing the various Autobots moving around on his person.
- If purchased in Asian countries outside Japan, this version also included an exclusive Metroplex-themed cord/cable holder.
Generations mold: Metroplex | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
- Metroflex (Metroplex) (Titan class, 2018)
- ID number: LG-EX
- Release date: January 27, 2018
- Accessories: "Scamper" figure, Scamper blaster, 2 guns & missiles, 2 shoulder cannons, repair claw
- The Takara Generations release of Metroplex was reissued as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive under the Legends line, to commemorate the release of Legends Dinosaurer. For this version, Scamper's thighs and shoulders are black.
- To compensate for the lack of a Slammer and Sixgun in this mold, the accompanying mini-comic designates Metroplex's weapons as new versions of them: Slammer is the flip-out turret in the arm, and Six-Gun is his two detachable shoulder cannons.
Generations mold: Metroplex | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Transformers Gum
- Metroflex (1986)
- Accessories: 2 red cannons, 2 black cannons, double-barreled cannon, rear tower, 2 shoulder antennae, 2 fists, 2 kneecaps
- A snap-together model kit of Metroplex was available as part of the fifth wave of Kabaya's Transformers Gum candy toy series. A much-shrunken version of the original Metroplex toy, the kit can only transform into battle station mode, and does not come with any of Metroplex's partners, but does retain some of the features of the larger figure, such as the opening garage door and flip-down missile rack. Moulded from black, red and grey plastic, Metroplex has stickers for detail rather than paint operations, and came with a stick of gum.
Transformers Ramune
- Metroflex (1986)
- While no figure of Metroplex was released by Hasbro as part of their 1987 Decoy promotion, a soft rubber figure crafted in his image was released as part of the second series of wave of figures released by Kabaya exclusively in Japan as part of the Transformers Ramune line. Like the other figures in this series, Metroplex was sold in a blindpacked box and was available in red, blue and yellow colors. Unusually, the figure was based more upon preproduction artwork for the Metroplex toy than on the character's finalized appearance, lacking the distinctive shoulder and "ear" antennae that give Metroplex his unique silhouette and instead sporting an over-the-shoulder double-barreled cannon.
Forms Robo
- Metroflex (1987)
- Metroplex was also part of the small Forms Robo collection of larger "Decoy"-style figures, with this version of the character standing at around twice the height of a regular Decoy. Like the other figures in this wave, Metroplex was packaged in an individual baggie and was available in red, blue, green and yellow versions.
Soft Robo
- Metroflex (1987)
- This large, vinyl figurine of Metroplex was packaged with an Autobot insignia badge.
- Water Gun Set (1987)
- The large vinyl figure of Metroplex was also available in a "VS" figurine set, along with a Decepticon insignia badge, a water pistol and two randomly-packed peach-colored Autobot Decoys. The text below VS states that it is "Exciting".
Collegeville Costumes
- Metroplex Halloween costume (1986)
- Given the small number of Transformers costumes produced by Collegeville Costumes, it was perhaps an odd choice to base one on a comparatively lesser-known character like Metroplex. Nonetheless, this two-piece costume adhered to the crappy time-worn tradition of consisting of a sculpted thin plastic mask held over the wearer's face with elastic, and a smock with a picture of Metroplex and his name on it.
- Metroplex mask (1986)
- Collegeville evidently liked Metroplex, as they also immortalized him in their line of Transformers masks. Made from flat styrofoam, the mask featured a hinge that allowed the wearer to lift it up and down, transforming from kid to robot in the blink of an eye!
Super Collection Figure
- Arcee (with Daniel) (2001)
- Convoy (B) (2001)
- Megatron (B) (2001)
- Rodimus Convoy (B) (2001)
- Thundercracker (2001)
- Ultra Magnus (Early Colors) (2001)
- Act: 4
- "Metroflex" was the "build-a-figure" in the fourth Act of Takara's Super Collection Figure line of non-transformable PVC figurines. Available in eight out of every ten cases, Metroplex was divided into six parts, each one packaged mostly with one of the silver metallic "pewter" versions of the other six figurines in the line. Metroplex's parts were available in two versions, at an equal ratio: full-color and clear plastic (despite the rest of the Act's non-full-color items moving to pewter deco), making two versions of the figure to collect.
- His head and guns came with Ultra Magnus, his body with Arcee and Daniel, his left arm with Optimus Prime, his right arm with Megatron, his left leg with Thundercracker, and his right leg with Rodimus Prime.
Heroes of Cybertron
- Constructicon Devastator (2003)
- Megatron with Laserbeak (2003)
- Omega Supreme (2003)
- Optimus Prime with Communicator (2003)
- Autobot Ratchet (2003)
- Starscream with Crown (2003)
- Super Collection Figure Metroplex was later made available as part of Heroes of Cybertron line, again packaged as a "build-a-figure" for the line's fifth and final (normal) wave. As the Heroes of Cybertron figures did not feature variants and were not blindpacked, it was a lot easier to assemble him. Like all of the initial releases of the Heroes of Cybertron line, Metroplex's parts were cast in a transparent plastic with the color based upon their faction (blue in Metroplex's case). He was almost completely painted, leaving his eyes and the back of his head unpainted for a light-piping effect.
- Metroplex's head and guns came with Optimus Prime, his body with Omega Supreme, his left arm with Devastator, his right arm with Megatron, his left leg with Starscream, and his right leg with Ratchet.
- Metroplex (2003)
- ID number: MTF015
- Accessories: White display stand
- Known designers: Kazutami Yasuhiko (TakaraTomy)
- Released in the third wave of the MyClone line of Transformers PVC figures, this adorable little Metroplex comes with a hexagonal white display stand, which can link up with the identical stands included with other MyClone figures. His modular design allows his parts to be mixed and matched with those of any other MyClone figure.
Transformers Trading Card Game
- Metroplex, Autobot City (2018)
- Wave 1A: Metroplex Deck
- Rarity: SRT
- Card Number: T01/T04
- Stars: 25
- In order to represent the massive size of the character, Metroplex, Autobot City is an over-sized character card. Like most character cards in the game, Metroplex is double sided, with a foiled Bot mode on one side, and Alt mode on the reverse. The card was made available in the ready to play Metroplex Deck box set, which also contained deployable character cards for Scamper, City Patrol, Six-Gun, Heavy Weapons Expert, and Slammer, Combat Drone, as well as a 40 card battle deck.
- The artwork on the card is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile card game.
Transformers Character Card
- Metroflex & Dinosaurer Set (November 1, 2022)
- ID number: 33 & 34
- Released as part of the fifth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of Metroplex (with Scamper) and Trypticon (with Full-Tilt and Brunt) along with character profiles and tech specs.
- "Fortress Maximus" was one of Metroplex's preliminary names. Evidence of this is supported in the storyboard for the 1986 movie, where it refers to Autobot City as "Fortress Maximus" in its fully weaponized state. This also carried over to the Marvel comic adaptation of the movie in a caption.
- Metroplex's relationship to Autobot City in The Transformers: The Movie and the cartoon series is ill-defined at best. He is not actually mentioned by name in the movie, while Five Faces of Darkness uses the terms "Autobot City" and "Metroplex" interchangeably, suggesting they are the same thing. The confusion seems to originate with the design history behind Autobot City: designer Floro Dery has described how he created his own concept for the city, but was then instructed to redesign it, adding elements of the Metroplex toy (evidenced in the film itself by the city's shift from orange to white as it transforms and the appearance of a turret that is quite blatantly Slammer). The series would very rarely show Metroplex and Autobot City onscreen at the same time, using only one or the other as the episode demanded. The closest it would usually come to unifying the two would be to show the occasional leftover orange building remaining at Metroplex's feet when he transforms to robot mode. The episode "Thief in the Night" offered the best answer to the conundrum, by clearly presenting Metroplex to be a smaller sub-section of the city (see right).
- Scramble City features a different character model for Metroplex compared to the one used for his appearances in the Generation 1 cartoon. The Scramble City model is more toy-accurate, featuring individual eyes, more robo-wrinkles and "stubble." When the model was updated for the cartoon, it went through at least two further design revisions; the earlier of these revisions gave him slender shoulder-antennae that were replaced with more toy-accurate ones for the finished model. The earlier model, with the skinny antennae, was used for Metroplex's appearances in the Marvel comics.
- The Japanese book Transformers Generations contains concept art for an unmade Action Master version of Metroplex.
- In Transformers The Game, the video game tie-in for the 2007 movie, a suburban mall was called the Metroplex Mall as an homage to the character.
- Unusually for the G1 cartoon, Metroplex retains his red optics. This is in contrast to the cartoon's typical practice of colouring Autobot optics blue and Decepticon optics red.
- No instructions show this, but in a bizarre case of convergent engineering, Grandus in transport mode can combine with Metroplex in transport mode via the pegs on the former's shoulders, and the fist holes on the latter. Jizai Gattai indeed.
- The tower formed with Slammer boasts a peak that is very similar to the Scramble City connection pieces sported by all smaller limb pieces, but is too large to be used in the same manner.
- In issue #8 of the Dreamwave Armada comic, there is a statue of what looks like Metroplex carrying Cybertron on his shoulders.
- Metroplex's actual size fluctuates between franchises with confusing variation; however, his probably smallest incarnation is that in the Sunbow cartoon, which stands at about 100 meters (as indicated when he lifted the St. Vasily's cathedral) whereas his largest features in the 2005-2018 IDW comics where he is described as 'several miles tall' by Cityspeaker Windblade (and she should know) while his earthbound fellow Metrotitan was described as 'two miles tall' (~3.2 kilometres) by Marissa Faireborn.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Metroflex (メトロフレックス Metorofurekkusu), Metroplex (メトロプレックス Metoropurekkusu)
- English: Philip (Omni Productions dub)
- French: Métroplex (Canada)
- Italian: Guardian
- Mandarin: Dà Dūhuì (Taiwan, 大都會, "Grand Metropolis"), Mǒng Dà Shùai (China, 猛大帅, "Fierce Grand Marshal")
- Featured articles
- Character stubs missing fiction
- Character stubs missing video games
- Articles in need of images
- Autobot bases
- City Transformers
- Convention exclusives
- Encore
- Generation 1 Autobots
- Generation 1 cartoon Autobots
- Generation 1 cities
- Generation 1 toy Autobots
- Generations
- Generations Selects Autobots
- IDW (2005) Autobots
- IDW (2005) cities
- Kre-O Autobots
- Kre-O Decepticons
- Legends Autobots
- Marvel Generation 1 Autobots
- Multi-component Transformers
- MyClone
- SDCC exclusives
- Second Cybertron Alliance
- TakaraTomy Mall exclusives
- The Headmasters Autobots
- Titans
- Transformers Character Card Autobots
- Transformers with three modes
- Unite Warriors Autobots