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Sea Mini-Con Team

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Hit the decks a-runnin' boys, an' turn those guns around!

The Sea Mini-Con Team are ruthless raiders of the sea, experts in naval combat, and—unfortunately for the Autobots—allied with the Decepticons, and the mammoth Tidal Wave in particular. No ocean is safe from them!

The Sea Mini-Con Team is composed of…



Armada cartoon

In the Navy... yes, you can sail the seven seas!

The Sea Mini-Con Team was captured at an unknown point by the Decepticons on Earth. They briefly accompanied Tidal Wave into battle with the Autobots as part of Thrust's plot to lure the heroes into using the Requiem Blaster. After the Decepticons determined the Blaster wasn't present, however, Tidal Wave and the Sea Team quickly pulled out from the battlefield. Sacrifice

On the moon, the Sea Team members, alongside the other Decepticon Mini-Cons, were put to work by Megatron constructing a new space cruiser. When the Autobots lay siege to the Decepticon base, Perceptor sought out the Mini-Cons and tried to get them to accompany him to freedom. Their Servility Programming was too strong to overcome at first. After they saw Perceptor valiantly risking his life against Megatron, however, the Mini-Cons shrugged off the chains of their oppression, and fled to the warp gate chamber where the Autobots transported them to safety on Earth. Rescue

The members of the Sea Mini-Con Team all chose to willingly follow the Autobots into space aboard the Axalon, fighting alongside them against the Decepticons. Depart

Completely 'armless
Not all present and correct

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(Hasbro deco shown)
  • Sea Mini-Con Team (Mini-Con 3-pack, 2003)
  • Takara ID number: MM-15
  • Takara release date: August 14, 2003
  • Accessories: 3 missiles
  • Known designers: Takashi Kunihiro (Takara)
The Sea Mini-Con Team (Oceanglide, Stormcloud, and Waterlog) are a trio of tiny robots who turn into tiny watercraft. As Mini-Cons, they each have a Powerlinx port that allows them to connect to toys with compatible Powerlinx plugs, activating gimmicks on the larger toys when attached to a "live" plug. Each toy also has a pressure-launch missile, functional in both modes. (The team's instructions disagree with the stock photography, the character art, and the way the toys are packed as to who gets which; the instructions depict the long missile as belonging to Oceanglide, the angled-fin missile with Waterlog, and the square-fin missile with Stormcloud, while everything else gives them to Stormcloud, Oceanglide and Waterlog respectively; as pictured to the right.)
All three members also feature knees that bend in exactly the right places needed to make them the right height for sitting in the fold-down seats in Tidal Wave's hover carrier portion. Their "butts" are the perfect size for fitting into the designated square channel molded in the seats. Given the team is marketed as being linked with Tidal Wave in most media, this was likely intended.
The Team was only available in a complete three-pack. The Hasbro Armada version was released in the fourth wave of "Basic" Mini-Con sets. The Team was also re-released in Unicron Battles packaging; this release was also included in a "Bonus Pack" clamshelled together with the Air Assault Team for a currently-unknown retailer (or retailers).
The Takara Legend of the Microns version of the Sea Team, released in the sixth wave of product, has a significantly different color scheme, cast in vibrant red and yellow plastics, as opposed to the Hasbro version's maroon and lavender, thought the paint applications are unchanged. This only Mini-Con Team to have such a radical color change between the two companies.
The Sea Mini-Con Team molds were also used to make the Aqua Raider Team and Littoral Reconnaissance Mini-Con Team.

  • Sea Micron Exdimensions (Mini-Con 3-pack, 2003)
  • ID number: MM-18
  • Release date: September 11, 2003
  • Accessories: 3 missiles
A somewhat more limited-edition—but still regular retail—redeco of the Sea Team was released by Takara in the eighth wave of Legend of the Microns, as part of the "Exdimensions" series. This set uses primarily purple and gray with orange highlights, to complement the Takara coloration of the Decepticon aircraft carrier Tidal Wave.
This release of the Sea Mini-Con Team was repurposed as the Coastal Defense Team.

  • Sea Mini-Con Team (Mini-Con 3-pack, 2003)
  • Accessories: 3 missiles
A redeco of the Team was released as part of the seventh and final Armada Mini-Con assortment in the U.S. This version is largely blue, tan-gray, and white.


  • Adventure Mini-Con Team / Sea Mini-Con Team
  • Accessories: 3 missiles
An unaltered version of the original Sea Team was released as part of an Energon-series "Mini-Con 6-pack" with the Adventure Mini-Con Team.
This set was one of three 6-packs available at US Toys"R"Us stores, and the only one of the three that was not a "shared exclusive" with Walmart.


  • In the Dreamwave More than Meets the Eye profile books, the trio are characterized as pirates. While the other two are outright stated to be pirates, Oceanglide's bio only features subtle hints, calling him a poet, and describing his syntax as "garbled", speaking in "nonsensical limericks", presumably in reference to the popularized "pirate dialect" used in film and television (which often depicts them singing limerick-like sea shanties), and the crude imitation of a West Country English accent that had also been popularized by Robert Newton's performance as Long John Silver in the 1950 film adaptation of Treasure Island, which is often mistaken for an Irish accent; Ireland being the place where the term "limerick" is believed to have originated.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Sea Micron (シーマイクロン Shī Maikuron)
  • French: Équipe de Mer des Minimodus ("Sea Mini-Con Team")
  • Spanish: Los Minimodus - Equipo Marítimo ("The Mini-Cons - Maritime Team")
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