Despite the agreement on a ceasefire, the Israeli occupation has targeted 3 citizens in Rafah now, and a number of targets are being targeted daily.
ib: crepuscularqueens
I've been dreading making this post but here it goes
I am a 33 year old trans woman currently in a very tight financial situation
at the end of December, I broke 3 of my ribs in an accident as had to stay home from work to recover and just barely recently returned to work
however, due to a lack of sick leave to cover 2 months (time spent recovering and dealing with work not wanting me back until I was at 100% capability), my next paycheck will be lower than average, and since I've been living paycheck to paycheck, this is really bad news
especially since the bill for both my hospital visit and an increase of my car insurance payment decided to happen all at once
my savings are dreadfully low and this isn't even taking the regular bills for this month into mind
I know it's a very hard time for a lot of people, which is why I feel guilty writing this, but if any help at all can be spared I will DEEPLY appreciate it so much; PLEASE ONLY HELP IF YOU ARE ALRIGHT FINANCIALLY
Venmo - @ alaudelo
I would very much appreciate it if you could REBLOG this 💜
thank you all so much 💜
I've already gotten far more than I ever expected and wish I knew you all so I could thank you all specifically <3
as per a suggestion from an Anon, I'm combining my car insurance and hospital bills together as a total to add to this post
again, just reblogging this is more than enough and PLEASE don't feel pressured to give if you can't afford it yourself!!
UPDATE 3/23/2025
that already gives me so much more peace of mind and I'm even closer to paying off that hospital bill debt!!
thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has donated!!
and again, just reblogging is such a huge help too and I appreciate it!! <3
Update since the last post. These pictures speak for themselves! Mona's work is a testament to her generosity and her dedication to her community. And you can help her keep this going! Please consider donating to help the people of Khan Younis!!! Remember, every dollar counts! P*ypal.
(If you live in India or Pakistan and want to donate, contact her through the means listed on her account).
None of this is possible without Mona and her family's diligence and work. If you would like to send her a thank you note or well wishes, please include it in the replies to this post, in your tags, or in the comments! She always appreciates them ♡
“ラギアクルスおめでとう!” (Congratulations Lagiacrus!)
idk sometimes i kinda wonder if such a thing as a unified "trans community" even exists. and i *definitely* wonder if such a thing as a unified "queer community" is real.
saying this with the usual caveat of I'm Not Personally Responsible For "Dividing" the Supposed Community," i'm just describing division that already exists. but
idk with how often trans women are scapegoated and personally discriminated against by other queer people, with how clearly other queer people benefit from and exploit transmisogyny.
it'sss getting harder and harder for me to see a truly unified struggle here. "they treat us all like faggots" being a sort of abusive mantra, "no one will ever treat you better than we do, we're all you're getting so you should be grateful for what you have"
sometimes it really does feel like a massive hoodwink, like the surface level similarities of our oppression are being used to draw false equivalence. to keep a convenient underclass around.
it just really seems like a whole lot of people's idea of queer liberation doesn't include trans liberation. (and that a lot of people's idea of trans liberation doesn't include transfem liberation)
no one is free until we're all free of course (it'd just be nice if that was being told to others for a change, rather than used to scold transfems for talking up about their mistreatment)
When turning to trans communities, I should first clarify that what I have in mind is not any one entity called ‘the transgender community’. The notion of a unified community is one mostly appealing to career politicians, who are fond of imagining they might be able to interact with an entire tier of potential voters, through taking a single ‘representative’ out for lunch. In reality, trans people are prised apart and mutually alienated in much the same way as any other group: differences in class, race or ethnicity, and gender position still ensure that even a pair of trans people in the same city might be unlikely on various grounds to even meet.
—Jules Joanne Gleeson, How Do Gender Transitions Happen?
poking around a bit in the turnabout succession transcripts today for Reasons and finding more evidence for my incredibly unpopular but extremely substantiated reading of kristoph and phoenix's relationship. i always win baby i always win!
This dialogue is from phoenix's conversation with at the crime scene after drew's murder
Phoenix: Drew Misham felt like he was being "watched"... ...and you along with him. You sure it wasn't just nerves? Brushel: Nerves? No, it's nothing so mundane... ...I stopped paying attention to my nerves a long time ago! But I felt it, too! "Journalist Sure He Is Being Watched", end quote. Don't you wonder why Zak Gramarye got rubbed out after seven years... ...right after coming into contact with me!? Phoenix: ...! Brushel: He completely vanishes from that courtroom... ...Then, for seven years, he talks to no one. Not a soul! Then, just as the "remaining time" was almost up... ...he contacts me in order to have this made. Phoenix: And then... he dies. Brushel: Starting to put the pieces together, are we!? Phoenix: And... you were being "watched" this whole time? Brushel: Maybe not just me. Maybe you were, too! Phoenix: (M-Me...?)
straight up even now after kristoph is in prison for murdering zak gramarye phoenix does not know that kristoph has been keeping obsessive tabs on everyone involved in the case, including him. he didnt knowwwww he straight up had noooo idea how much of a real dyed in the wool freak kristoph was until the dust had settled he was absolutely not doing any 4d chess shit here he was just bullshitting alllll of it
@myceliacrochet3 @biconicfinn @feluka @7bittersweet @milfstalin @mossdeep @bahrmp3 @butchniqabi @kamek @riotbard @vilecrocodile @bakugames-fr @cagandante-communistoide @ohemaa-warrior @postanagramgenerator @toiletpotato @handweavers @bedufairy @hiveswap @jewishdainix @mdqqqt036ur21-blog @lab-practicum
I got sick of not having a good reference guide updated to current. All the chairs are Modern, but some are identified with related/sub-movements. this will be very embarassing when door inevitably corrects me
Volume 1: Le Corbusier, LCF Grand Confort LC-2 (Cushion Baskets, 1928) wikipedia
ok i just got the ui changes here on desktop and im not gonna lie i kinda like the big icons. now i get to see everyones beautiful faces* more clearly than ever before
*pngs of cartoon characters
surely there had to be a better way than this though like theres so much dead headerspace now. whatever. another day another completely pointless tumblr ui change. im still mad at opentable for what they did to me so i cant bear any real ill will to tumblr for this one in comparison
were I to create an original piece of media I would create bait so queer in order to create a fanfic environment I like. I find you guys do your best work under duress.
I’d say “jeez can two people not be friends anymore?” and then I’d give one of them amnesia in which they only recognize the other above anyone else