hey—I'm fundraising on behalf of a friend ("N") who's in a sticky situation and prefers to stay anonymous
What’s the situation?
N is a young disabled trans woman living in the north of England, whose relationship with her long term partner has broken down, leaving her in an unsafe living situation which needs to change as soon as possible. N, who has lived with her partner for a number of years, recently decided to end the relationship in part due to her attempts to adjust to her disability as it continues to encroach on more of her life, but also due to the long term effects of transmisogyny and sexual violence which have occurred and continued to preside within the relationship, becoming increasingly impossible to live alongside.
N currently works part time and due to her disability is working as many hours already as she is capable of. This provides a fixed limited income which isn't currently enough to support herself on her own. Whilst N is in middle of a number of processes of applying for benefits (PIP and Universal Credit), these take time and labour to pursue, could take weeks to finalise, and would still be unlikely to provide the kind of resources for N to set herself up in a sustainable and safe living situation without the support of a number of upfront costs outside even these means. Until this situation changes, N remains economically dependent on her ex-partner, with no alternative means of support, living in an increasingly unsafe, stressful and emotionally difficult environment for everyone in which N is finding it difficult to survive.
What does she need?
N desperately needs the financial support of this fundraiser to get safely housed and settled into a new flat on her own in the private rental sector. Because of her problems with income, we are aiming to raise enough money to pay for a portion of the tenancy in advance, which would allow N to circumvent proof of income checks (which often facilitate ableist discrimination from landlords) and to give her a few months to sort out her benefits applications so she can provide for herself long-term.
We all know It’s a difficult time of year to find spare cash, but N is a valued and loved member of her community and we really need your help. Any support is really appreciated.
Hi all! Thank you for everyone's generosity in supporting N in this huge life transition. She is currently nicely settling in at her new flat, and has both PIP and UC applications pending. However, she is still in need of funds both to keep her securely in groceries while she is waiting to hear back from the DWP, and also to help her afford various aids and appliances that will help her to support herself as a disabled person. Regular cleaning, cooking, and laundry, for example, are very difficult for her to keep on top of along by herself side her paid employment. With a little extra support, there are appliances that can help her with these tasks. N is really grateful for the assistance she's already received from many friends and strangers, but there is still some way to go before she is really secure in her new life independently, so please keep sharing! Thank you all again for your help.