Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Garden"
The meaning of "Garden" in various phrases and sentences
But when you're just a common or garden Smith or Jones or Brown,
at business up in town, you've got to settle down.
You save up all the money you can till summer comes around
Then away you go to a spot you know where the cockleshells are found ne anlama geliyor?
at business up in town, you've got to settle down.
You save up all the money you can till summer comes around
Then away you go to a spot you know where the cockleshells are found ne anlama geliyor?
In her garden,everything was accent ne anlama geliyor?
Example sentences using "Garden"
Synonyms of "Garden" and their differences
Translations of "Garden"
Bunu İngilizce (ABD) da nasıl dersiniz? I dashed into the garden.
I rushed into the garden.
what's the difference?
I rushed into the garden.
what's the difference?
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