A foreign collision, my senses going wild, my chin tilting up, his mouth lowering to mine.
A foreign collision??是什麼意思
A foreign collision??是什麼意思
It's a metaphor for a first kiss. "Foreign" meaning different and unknown. "Collision" meaning two things smashing against each other.
collision? where this word is used?是什麼意思
Example. "The collision of the two cars sent many people to the hospital."
The root word of collision is collide.
The root word of collision is collide.
anti- collision是什麼意思
used or designed to help prevent collisions between aircraft and ships
"Collision" 的用法和例句
請提供關於 collision 的例句給我。
#1 - The car exploded a few moments after the collision.
#2 - We may be on a collision course.
#3 - It was a chain-reaction collision.
I hope it helps!
#1 - The car exploded a few moments after the collision.
#2 - We may be on a collision course.
#3 - It was a chain-reaction collision.
I hope it helps!
請提供關於 collision (can I use this between people?) 的例句給我。
thank you very much ;)
請提供關於 collision 的例句給我。
The car was destroyed in the collision.
請提供關於 collision 的例句給我。
Earlier today, there was a collision in the freeway.
請提供關於 Be on a collision course 的例句給我。
She is really in a collision course.She is on heroin, lost her job, and the State will be taking custody if her kids.
collision detection 和 hit box 的差別在哪裡?
Collision detection refers to a system that identifies when multiple objects collide
A hit box is a region/area (box) that is used for the purpose of collision detection. Objects that enter another object's hitbox are considered to be a collision
A hit box is a region/area (box) that is used for the purpose of collision detection. Objects that enter another object's hitbox are considered to be a collision
collision 和 conflict 的差別在哪裡?
I would say a collision is what happens when there is car crash or two people come around a corner in opposite directions and crash (collide) with each other.
A conflict is when you have a confirmed appointment and another activity is scheduled at the same time. You can only go to one event but you have two events happening at the same time.
You have a work dinner to go to but you get invited to a party that same night. This is a conflict.
A conflict is when you have a confirmed appointment and another activity is scheduled at the same time. You can only go to one event but you have two events happening at the same time.
You have a work dinner to go to but you get invited to a party that same night. This is a conflict.
collision 和 clash 的差別在哪裡?
There basically the same thing except when you refer to clash, your mostly referring to a clash or fight between two people when in a collision its when two people or two objects collide
"Collision" 的翻譯
collision用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
collision用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
collision 用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說?
1. Be cautious of strangers who offer you a ride.
2. Be cautious of collision against pillar.
3. Be careful of bumping your head on the wall.
2. Be cautious of collision against pillar.
3. Be careful of bumping your head on the wall.
× 2. Be cautious of collision against pillar.
✓ 2. Be careful not to crash into the pillar.
× 3. Be careful of bumping your head on the wall.
✓ 3. Be careful not to bump your head on the wall.
✓ 2. Be careful not to crash into the pillar.
× 3. Be careful of bumping your head on the wall.
✓ 3. Be careful not to bump your head on the wall.
What does be on a collision course mean? Could you provide some example sentences?
If two cars are on a collision course, it means that they are going to collide unless one of the drivers changes direction.
"The comet was on a collision course with the planet." This means the comet is going to collide with the planet.
This phrase is often used figuratively. "The government's policies are putting us on a collision course with disaster." This means that the policies are going to cause a disaster in the future unless we change the policies.
"The comet was on a collision course with the planet." This means the comet is going to collide with the planet.
This phrase is often used figuratively. "The government's policies are putting us on a collision course with disaster." This means that the policies are going to cause a disaster in the future unless we change the policies.
Two-car collision and two-car crash, do they mean the same thing? What's the difference between " collision " and " crash"?
They're the same thing.You can use both
A collision between two motorcycles occurred on Wednesday night (the 8th) in front of the former barrack headquarters in Alto neighborhood. A salesman was returning home and when making the turn to enter the side street to the building, was caught by surprise by another motorcycle which was traveling on the wrong side of the road. In the crash he fell and suffered a broken foot. He also complained of severe back pain. He was rescued by SAMU and taken to PAM. The other driver was not injured. Residents complain about signpostings in the area. 聼起來自然嗎?
× A collision between two motorcycles occurred on Wednesday night (the 8th) in front of the former barrack headquarters in Alto neighborhood.
✓ A collision between two motorcycles occurred on Wednesday night (the 8th) in front of the former barrack headquarters in the Alto neighborhood.
× Residents complain about signpostings in the area.
✓ Residents have regularly complained about lack of sign posts in the area.
It’s really well written! Good job!
✓ A collision between two motorcycles occurred on Wednesday night (the 8th) in front of the former barrack headquarters in the Alto neighborhood.
× Residents complain about signpostings in the area.
✓ Residents have regularly complained about lack of sign posts in the area.
It’s really well written! Good job!
cultural collision 聼起來自然嗎?
Cultural difference or clash of cultures may be better, depending on what you mean.
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- do you use 24-clock or AM/PM?